Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1459: Fierce Battle (Part 1)

Chapter 1459 Fierce Battle (1)

Seeing Qin Shaofeng in the distance holding a broadsword in his hand, Jakui had nothing but disdain in his heart.

He was not like Jaida and others, who had fear of the big sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand.

The next moment, Jakuang's whole body shook, his eyes flashed, and a terrifying aura suddenly emerged from his body, surging!

The aura that belonged to the high-ranking fighter in the fifty barbaric pattern realm completely broke out.

Powerful and violent!

this is?

Qin Shaofeng's heart tightened when he felt the breath on Jakuang's body, and he was very surprised.

Because he felt a distinctive breath from this jaw.

That is the barbaric pattern possessed by the opponent, which can actually be promoted to burst out the power of the law, and even the power of the law that each barbaric pattern can burst out is far more than that of the Jadah and others.

Even if it is the supreme ruler of the ancient sanctuary in the same realm, the power of the law possessed by the pattern of a great avenue is not as powerful as the power of the law possessed by a savage pattern of the jaw.

Such a situation is very inconsistent with other barbarian fighters!

As if seeing the surprise on Qin Shaofeng's face, Chikui smiled.

"Ha, Qin Shaofeng was shocked, right! Don't you think it's surprising that I can explode all the power of the law of wild patterns?"

"Tell you the truth, this is the real strength of my jaw!" There was a complacency and arrogance on Chikui's face, "The savage fighting skills that my jaws have cultivated can make me burst out all the savage patterns. The power of the law, and it has exploded several times!"

That's it!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he finally understood the reason why he could explode so many laws at this moment.

This turned out to be because of the opponent's savage war skills!

But this made Qin Shaofeng more interested in this savage combat technique.

This savage war skill can actually reverse the innate deficiencies of the savages, not only can burst out the power of all the savage patterns on the body, but can even burst out several times.

This savage combat skill is really interesting!

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng also understood in his heart that this jaw-kuan might be far stronger than he had previously expected, and it was even more difficult to deal with.

But for this, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, with the Xuanwu Armored Sword in his hand, turning slightly, the blade was straight to the jaw, and he chuckled slightly.

"Oh, is it? Then let me see it!"

Damn it!

Qin Shaofeng's attitude at the moment angered Jakuang instantly, making him angry.

"Ignorance! Qin Shaofeng, wait for me, and I will let you know how arrogant and stupid your thoughts are!" Chikui roared.

"With one hand, I can pinch you to death with just one hand!"

Jawkuan roared, and even slightly raised his right hand, and gave Qin Shaofeng a light grip from the air, as if such a grip could catch Qin Shaofeng to death, his tone was extremely contemptuous and sneered at Qin Shaofeng.

"You have too much nonsense!"

If Qin Shaofeng coldly interrupted the jaw, he couldn't stand it anymore. The strength of the jaw was indeed good, but his arrogance was even more powerful.

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to continue to listen to the yelling of the other party, he directly chose to do it.


With a light sway, Qin Shaofeng's whole body instantly turned into a gloomy light, and he hurriedly rushed towards that jaw!

Chikuang's self-righteousness and arrogance made Qin Shaofeng very upset.

The other party really thought that with all the wild patterns bursting out of several times the power of the law, he could really win himself?

This is ridiculous!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything, because he wanted to use practical actions to let this jaw know who was arrogant and stupid.

Although the strength of this jaw is really strong, not only can it explode the power of all the barbaric patterns on the body, and even the power of the law that bursts out, it is many times better than other barbarian warriors!

This is indeed a strong opponent!

But Qin Shaofeng was not afraid, because facing this jaw, he didn't really have the slightest chance of winning.

It really doesn't work, the big deal is to just run away?

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that what had previously locked his qi machine had completely disappeared.

Qin Shaofeng felt right. When he killed the subordinates of Jawkuang, the golden ladybugs that locked his aura were naturally killed by him.

Now only Jikuang was left, but the golden ladybug on his hand had been handed over to Jiuda, and he was already dead in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

Moreover, the golden ladybug parasitic on Jawkuang himself did not lock Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Therefore, if Qin Shaofeng flees now, Jakuang might be helpless.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to run away just like that, even though he had gained a lot when he met Jakuang this time.

But when encountering the jaws in front of him, Qin Shaofeng wanted to borrow the strength of the opponent to try the strength of the truly powerful characters among the barbarians.

Can the power of all the rules of wild patterns burst out?

With this precedent for Jakuang, Qin Shaofeng believes that there are probably other barbarian warriors who have done this, so let's fight Jakuang first to sense the strength of this type of barbarian warrior.

This also means that when you encounter an opponent like Jaikuang again, you have a strategy to deal with it.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that if his opponent was this jaw-kuang, then he couldn't keep the slightest.


The Xuanwu Battle Armor sword in his hand flashed fiercely, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng's body of law surged.

"Seven Stars!"

With a violent shout, Qin Shaofeng raised the Xuanwu War Armor Broadsword in his hand, and cut a shot at the jaw.


The blade light exploded, and a green gold blade light was chopped out by Qin Shaofeng.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

What's incredible is that after this sword light was cut out, it shook slightly, and then instantly turned into seven identical sword lights.

Seven-star martial arts-Seven Star Slash!

In terms of power, this seven-star slash can be regarded as the lowest martial skill among the seven-star martial arts, but this seven-star slash can turn from one attack into seven attacks after it is displayed.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng chopped a jade golden sword light, but in the end it turned into seven sword light.

And these seven emerald golden blade lights not only look exactly the same, but even their power is the same.

But the power of the law consumed by Qin Shaofeng was only the power of the law needed by a blade of light.

Consuming the power of the law of a sword light, in the end, it can burst out seven sword lights.

This is the characteristic of Seven Star Slash, and it is precisely because of this that Seven Star Slash can become a seven-star martial skill.

But facing these seven emerald golden sword lights, Jakuang in the distance smiled coldly.

"The pearl of rice, dare to shine?"

Facing the seven extraordinary sword auras from the slashing, his jaw was full of confidence, even a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and the whole person did not dodge, just slapped a palm casually.


A fist wind broke out, and just...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

After a series of explosions, Qin Shaofeng's seven-star sword-cutting energy was actually wiped out by this jawkuan's fist.

Seeing this, the disdain in that jawkuan's eyes became more obvious.

This was not the Seven-Star Slash that Qin Shaofeng broke out. The power was very poor. On the contrary, if Qin Shaofeng's Seven-Star Slash were replaced by the two former Jawkuang men, I am afraid that once Qin Shaofeng performed it, the two high-ranking fighters would be bombarded and killed.

The worst, but also a serious injury.

At this moment, the reason why he was easily wiped out with a fist wind is because the strength of the jaw is too strong.

But at this moment, Jakuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


As expected, Qin Shaofeng's strength could not be compared with himself, although he was extremely powerful, there was always a certain gap between him.

Jaw Kuan had always been afraid of Qin Shaofeng's endless strength, but now after personally experiencing it, he felt that Qin Shaofeng was nothing more than that, which made him feel at ease.

He is dead!

A trace of hostility flashed in his eyes, and his murderous aura suddenly grew.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also very emotional.

The strength of this jaw is really extraordinary!

Facing the Seven Star Slash that he had exploded, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it with a punch by Jakuang. After all, it was just a tentative attack.

However, it now appears that the strength of this jaw is really strong.

In that case, then...

Go all out!

A bright light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and there was no more hesitation in his heart, and he was ready to fight with all his strength.

In an instant, all the Thousand-Star Dao Formations in the world within his body were running wildly.

At this moment, the inner world in Qin Shaofeng's body, the thousand-star Dao formations all gleamed slightly.

Then, a surging force of the law burst out from the thousand-star Dao formations, one after another in Qin Shaofeng's body, and then gathered together like a torrent, rushing to Qin Shaofeng's right hand.

The power of these surging laws surged out and poured into Qin Shao's right hand Xuanwu battle armor broadsword.

For a moment, Qin Shaofeng's Xuanwu Battle Armor Broadsword in his right hand trembled slightly, the golden light continued, and his breath was surging and surging!

When the power of the injected law reaches a certain level, it seems that they have reached some limit. Qin Shaofeng's Xuanwu battle armor broadsword suddenly became a masterpiece.


Under the golden light, golden arcs suddenly flashed, and a terrifying aura appeared on Qin Shaofeng's right hand Xuanwu battle armor broadsword.

The golden light continues, the power of the law surges, and the breath is surging!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already turned on the Xuanwu armor he was wearing directly to a state where his strength was increased by a hundred times.

Naturally, in other words, the Xuanwu War Armor Broadsword in his hand has also reached the best condition.

Qin Shaofeng's self-refining basalt battle armor, after all opened, can increase its strength by a hundred times, and the defense power of the battle armor can also reach the realm of a six-star master, but it does not depict the gods.

Similarly, the power of the Xuanwu Battle Armor Broadsword in this state is also very amazing.

Although it cannot be said to be exactly the same as the six-star master, the sharpness is definitely comparable to the six-star master.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng exploded with enough law to make the sharpness of the Xuanwu Battle Armor broadsword fully exploded.

The edge of the six-star master!

This is powerful enough!

"Rain Covering Mad Knife——!"

With a violent shout, Qin Shaofeng's right hand was joined together, and the Xuanwu armor in his hand was slashed towards the jaw.


The golden light bursts out, and there are countless blades!

With this cut, Qin Shaofeng split out countless starlight blades like raindrops.

The three-star martial skill of the Rain Covering Mad Saber is also one of Qin Shaofeng's reproduced by the gods and demons in the almighty competition.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to use a more powerful sword technique, but because of the Xuanwu battle armor sword in his hand, Qin Shaofeng couldn't control it after the full power was released.

The explosion of a three-star martial arts sword technique was almost his control limit.

No matter how high it is, Qin Shaofeng can't control it freely.

But even the three-star martial arts sword technique, it is also extremely powerful.

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