Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1470: Jaw Kuan will die

Chapter 1470


There was a shock, and some golden flames appeared again on Jakuang's body.

After that, those golden colors rose sharply, and rose up in an instant, and the breath suddenly became stronger again.

At the same time, Chikuang's entire body unexpectedly began to faintly swell, and all the brutal lines on his body glowed at this moment.

This guy, in the hopeless situation of surviving, intends to detonate his own wild patterns, and wants to die with Qin Shaofeng.

Detonating the wild pattern is equivalent to self-destruction!

"perish together?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in vain in his eyes.

"Then you have to have that qualification too!"


A silver blade light flashed, and Qin Shaofeng moved again.

Flying feather knife!

Qin Shaofeng's right hand shook slightly, and he threw the summoned Feiyu Knife at Chikuang.


Seeing the flash of silver blades in front of him, Jakuang was shocked, and his whole body's chills exploded instantly.


Extremely dangerous!

At this moment, Jakuang felt the extreme danger, and even he smelled the breath of death one after another, which made his determination to die with Qin Shaofeng disappear in an instant.

He is scared!

I'm afraid too!

Also more desperate!

At this moment, Jakuang felt a breath of death.

He wants to escape, he wants to survive.

But this is too late!


Amidst the loud shouts of Jakuang, the silver light flashed!



With a soft uh, Jakuang's eyes widened in an instant, but his life aura was taken away by the flying feather knife that passed through his brow.

Jaws die!



In the depths of the brutal beast world, a palace in the core area of ​​the Najaw tribe.

Suddenly, in the palace deep in this tribe, a surging and powerful aura burst forth.

As soon as this breath appeared, the warriors of countless Jaw Tribes around them all bent over because they couldn't bear the strength of this breath.

Even the absolute majority of Barbarian Warriors knelt on the ground.

Even a high-ranking warrior in the realm with sixty or seventy savage patterns, at this moment, under the pressure of this huge aura, has to kneel on the ground.

However, they did not complain.

Because this is from their leader, the future barbarian king's jaw barbarian breath.

It is not shameful to be pressed to kneel under the breath of this adult!

However, the only thing that puzzled them was why their leader, the lord, suddenly burst into such a powerful aura?

Did something happen?

Soon, a roar of grief spread throughout the Jaw tribe, let them know why their leader is so angry!

"Zhikuang, my son, who actually killed you?"


Suddenly, all Jaw tribe warriors were shocked.

Was Jikuang actually killed?

Who on earth did it?

Is it the invaders of the ancient sanctuary?

However, at this moment, everyone finally learned the reason for Jawman's anger.

At the same time, many Jaw tribe warriors are also cautious in their hearts, for fear that the angry Jaw barbarian will cause innocent killings.

Since the birth of Chikui, they have been loved by their chief adults, and Chikui himself is also up for strength. Not only has he been promoted to a high-ranking warrior at a young age, his realm has reached the realm of fifty barbaric patterns.

All the barbarians of the Jaw tribe know that Jaw Kuan has long been cultivated by their leader as the first heir.

But now Chikuang was actually killed?

This is a big deal.

The fact is exactly the same. Soon after, the Jaw tribe sent out a lot of warriors again after a large number of Jaw tribe warriors had been sent.

And this time, although the number of battles dispatched by the Jaw tribe was not large, they were all high-ranking fighters whose realm was above the realm of fifty savage patterns, and this time their purpose was only one.

That is to capture an intruder named Qin Shaofeng, and it must be captured alive.

Obviously, at the same time that Jawkuan died, the golden ladybug parasitized in his body gave the last message to the female worm in the Jaw tribe.

Therefore, Chiman knew immediately that the murderer who killed his youngest son Chikui was the person he had sent to send his youngest son, the ancient sanctuary cultivator named Qin Shaofeng.

Jawman didn't expect that he had paid enough attention to Qin Shaofeng and sent his youngest son.

But the end result was that his youngest son, Jakuang, was killed because of his order.

But it is precisely because of this that this makes Jaw very angry.

Finally, a very powerful team was sent to capture Qin Shaofeng back alive.

He won't let the other party die so easily, he must let the other party endure incomparable pain and make the other party feel regret about coming to this world.

To dare to kill his young son is absolutely inexcusable and absolutely unforgivable!


At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that a large force was approaching him.

Looking at the corpse of Jakuang lying under his feet, Qin Shaofeng let out a soft breath.

"Huh, I finally killed this jaw! It's not easy!"

It's really not easy!

Qin Shaofeng had fought with Jakuang for a long time before and after, and he was still fighting while improving his realm.

Even for this, he consumed 60 skill points to upgrade his **** and demon body refining method to a 6-star level.

Now that the jaw was finally killed, this was a relief to Qin Shaofeng.

Because if he couldn't hold this jaw, Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to leave.

Don't look at Qin Shaofeng's way of treating his jaws as a ball, with punches and kicks.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng really couldn't do anything about the golden and mighty battle armor on Jakuang.

Qin Shaofeng had already tried, even if the Saint Hand of the Buddha burst out with all his strength, there was nothing to do with the golden and mighty armor.

After all, in the final analysis, this battle armor is the power of the Great Dao Law of the Brutal Beast Realm, and the defensive power is absolutely abnormal!

If it hadn't been for that thing that needed the power of Chikuang's own laws to maintain, Qin Shaofeng would never fight Chikuang like that.

The other party is wearing a Wannian King~Eight Shell, which can't be broken or injured at all, it is completely in vain.

However, in the end Qin Shaofeng stood firm.

After the last times of the resurrection of the gods, it didn't take long for the jaw to withstand, and the power of the law was insufficient.

Qin Shaofeng finally succeeded.

However, now Qin Shaofeng's state of God's recovery was only the last three minutes left, and he did not continue to use this number of times of God's recovery.

If you want to continue to perform the revival of the gods, unless it is Qin Shaofeng who uses the skill points again to continue to raise the star level of the **** and demon body refining method.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to be like this, but fortunately Chikuang was also killed.

Now Qin Shaofeng just wants to work with the last tails, and if they get rid of them, then everything will be fine.

As for the tail jobs, it is naturally the one hundred high-ranking warriors of the Jaw tribe who are fleeing everywhere.

At this moment, the warriors of more than one hundred Jaw tribes were completely panicked.

Their Young Master Jawkuang was all killed by that Qin Shaofeng, this is terrible!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was completely a murderous demon in the eyes of the upper warriors of these Jaw tribes.

so horrible!

But unfortunately, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape.

Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed fiercely as soon as he put away the corpse of Jakuang.


As soon as the **** flashed out, Qin Shaofeng's figure jumped instantly again.

Every time he beats, Qin Shaofeng will appear in front of a high-ranking warrior of the Jaw tribe.

Each of the high-ranking warriors of these Jaw Tribes possessed at least thirty savage patterns. For Qin Shaofeng, these were all items to enhance his realm.

How could he miss it!

And Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest pressure in his heart. After all, these Jaw tribe warriors had shouted at him before, and there were countless insults.

Besides, the two of them have always been in a hostile relationship. Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng killed these Jaw tribe warriors without any mercy.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng would no longer be the boy he used to be.

When Qin Shaofeng faced the enemy, these emotions were no longer there.

In the end, in less than a minute, Qin Shaofeng had killed all the high-ranking fighters of the Jaw Tribe.

At this time, Qin Shaofengshen's recovery state had more than one minute left.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness violent, searched around, found a direction, and quickly left with divine flash.

A minute later, Qin Shaofeng was already two to three million miles away from the previous battlefield.

Then Qin Shaofeng found a quiet grove and went straight into it.

Finally, after finding a small cave, Qin Shaofeng took advantage of the recovery of the gods, with the last thirty seconds left, bursting out a powerful force of gods and demons, and placed a racial restriction around him.

Although Qin Shaofengha couldn't portray formations and **** patterns in this brutal beast world, but some restrictions made up of the power of gods and demons could still be done.

After doing all this, Qin Shaofeng entered the small cave, then fell one by one, and began to sleep with his head covered.

He is really tired!

Under the suppression of the barbarian world, he fought with a large number of barbarian warriors, and finally fought Najakuang in the state of God's recovery for so long.

Although Qin Shaofeng's power of the gods and demons had been in a state of complete victory because of the recovery of the gods.

But mentally, Qin Shaofeng was completely exhausted.

At this moment, after finding a place to rest, he finally couldn't help it.

However, before falling asleep, Qin Shaofeng still summoned the pikachu.

This pity beast is really peculiar, even if it is the breath of some powerful emperor, it can smell it.

With this little guy being vigilant and the surrounding restrictions, Qin Shaofeng felt a little relieved.

If something is really going to happen, the squirrel will notify it as soon as possible, and Qin Shaofeng will be able to detect it immediately.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, this sleep was a rare and peaceful rest.


Qin Shaofeng was sleeping peacefully here, but at this moment, somewhere in the brutal beast world, someone was extremely miserable.

Xuan Changfeng was very sad and angry at the moment. He never expected that he would suffer like this.

What kind of suffering?

Uh, that's how it was suffered.

It's nothing more than an injury, messy hair, and messy whole body.

Well, Xuan Changfeng at this moment is exactly like a beggar.

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