Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1490: The first batch of fusion fighters are dispatched

Chapter 1490 the first batch of fusion fighters dispatched

Since knowing that Qin Shaofeng has such a brutal beast army, other players have understood why Qin Shaofeng's points have increased so quickly.

From the perspective of escape, Qin Shaofeng's points are basically the credit of those wild beasts.

Although this is not the case, Qin Shaofeng did not explain anything.

Misunderstanding is fine, anyway, there is no big deal.

Because of keeping in touch with other players, this gave a lot of information about the current situation.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also knew one thing, that was, except that he blasted and killed a superb warrior among the barbarians, none of the other players encountered the superb warrior among the barbarians.

On the contrary, the millions of legions composed of the supreme rulers encountered the best fighters among the barbarians, but only two or three appeared.

Therefore, this made Qin Shaofeng understand in his heart that there are not many outstanding fighters among the barbarians, and it is difficult to meet them.

The ten-star target of this ‘unlimited kill’ mission now requires the killing of the top soldiers among ten barbarians.

And the one that Qin Shaofeng killed before is not counted, which means that Qin Shaofeng still needs to find ten more barbarian warriors, and then kill them one after another to complete the task.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng felt that it was difficult to complete this indicator.

Killing is not difficult, the difficulty is where to find so many targets!

"Oh, forget it, the boat will go straight to the end of the bridge. If it can't be done, it won't be done!"

In the end, Qin Shaofeng sighed lightly, not entangled with these things, but instead focused on his attribute interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Peak

Experience value: 100%

Occupation: Devil

Pill of Law: 91220/1000 (transformed into the power of gods and demons)

Innate Spirit Root: Body of Gods and Demons

Skills: Blessing of the King, Eyes of Gods and Demons, Pills of Gods and Demons, Great Law of Gods and Demons Refining Body, Copy of Gods and Demons

Special skills: Implantation

Envoy: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Knife, Demon Cloud

Tasks: upgrade tasks of the limit law, unlimited kills

Skill points: 773

System exchange point: 43956600

Props: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Family members: Meng Xiner, Qin Yueer, Zhao Yuner, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, World Incarnation, Yan Yang (Indestructible Incarnation), Leng Ruqing (Indestructible Incarnation)


After completing the nine-star indicator of "Unlimited Kills" this time, Qin Shaofeng received a full 300 skill points as a reward and 20 million system exchange points.

This brought Qin Shaofeng's skill points to as many as 773 points, and the system exchange points reached nearly 44 million points.

With so many skill points, Qin Shaofeng temporarily felt like a local tyrant.

However, when I thought of the amount of skill points needed to upgrade the next few stars, whether it was the eyes of the gods or the gods and the magic pill, the thoughts of the local tyrants in my heart were completely dissipated.

"Sister, these 700-plus skill points seem to be a lot, but I really want to use their skills, I am afraid they will be gone in a few clicks! Alas!~"

Thinking of the points needed to upgrade those skills, Qin Shaofeng felt helpless.

However, facing the 700-plus skill points, Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

Because there are so many skill points, he is a bit like raising the God and Demon Pill Sutra by one star again, which is to raise the Demon Pill Sutra to nine stars.

Qin Shaofeng’s current magical pill is only eight-star. If he is upgraded to a nine-star level, then once Qin Shaofeng’s ultimate upgrade task is completed, the magical pill can be directly upgraded to the full ten-star level. .

And now the God and Demon Pill is upgraded to nine-star, which means that it needs to consume two hundred skill points. In this respect, Qin Shaofeng now only needs two hundred skill points to upgrade the God and Demon Pill to full Grade ten stars.

Of course, it still needs to wait twenty days.

"Does this improve or not?"

Qin Shaofeng hesitated, but after not hesitating for long, Qin Shaofeng had a decision in his heart.

"Okay, no need to think about it. There is no harm in upgrading the God and Demon Pill Sutra, and the higher the level of the God and Demon Pill Sutra, the stronger the power of the God Pill Fire. This has the effect of tempering the impurities in my soul. Absolutely good! And..."

"Furthermore, now I have upgraded the Magic Pill Sutra to nine-star, so only after this time the ultimate upgrade mission is over, the Magic Pill Sutra can be upgraded to ten stars!"

No matter what he thinks, Qin Shaofeng feels that this is not good. On the contrary, if he upgrades the magic pill to nine-star, it can be said to be more beneficial.

Then Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate anymore.

With a move in his heart and with his thoughts, Qin Shaofeng heard a system inquiring sound from the system.

"System prompt: Does Qin Shaofeng, the player, consume 200 skill points to upgrade the special skill Shenmo Pill to nine-star?"


Ding Dong——!

A system prompt sounded and Qin Shaofeng's magic pill was upgraded.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for using 200 skill points to successfully upgrade the special skill Shenmo Danjing to nine-star!"

Gods and Demons Pill: Special skills, skills strengthened by the eyes of Gods and Demons by the special technique "Pills".

The current level is 9 stars, the law is demonized, and the power of the law that can be cultivated is the power of the gods and demons. And awakened the fire of the top **** pill (upgrading to the next star level requires 500 skill points)

"I rub--!"

When the attributes of the nine-star God and Demon Pills appeared, Qin Shaofeng immediately exploded with a foul language.

No swearing!

500 points!

Seeing that a full 500 skill points were needed to upgrade the 9-star Divine Demon Pill, Qin Shaofeng was not calm.

"Nima, this eight-star upgrade to nine-star only requires 200 skill points. Now the nine-star upgrade to ten-star has more than doubled. How about 500 points?"

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly. Facing such a situation, he didn't know what to say.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I don't need to spend 500 skill points to upgrade the magic pill to ten-star. As long as I wait for the ultimate upgrade task to be completed this time, I will wait for the reward."

Qin Shaofeng's ultimate upgrade mission this time, but also reached the ten-star completion degree, and finally he was able to reward him with all his skills, and he was able to raise one star.

Calculating this way, at the very least, Qin Shaofeng can save 500 skill points in this magic pill scripture!

And this is not the point. The point is that Qin Shaofeng has discovered that the nine-star God and Demon Pill Sutra can already allow the power of the law he came down to directly become the power of God and Demon.

Before the Magic Pill Sutra was upgraded to a nine-star level, Qin Shaofeng's power of law was still the power of law.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng could feel that the power of the law he had cultivated would undergo a transformation through the power of the Divine and Demon Pill Sutra. After the transformation was completed, his law power would become the power of the God and Demon.

Despite this conversion, the time required is completely negligible.

But Qin Shaofeng could still feel it, but now, this feeling is gone, completely disappeared.

Qin Shaofeng knew that from now on, what he cultivated was no longer the power of law, but the power of real gods and demons.

In addition to this, the God Pill Fire derived from the God Demon Pill Sutra also brought Qin Shaofeng a big surprise.

Because now Qin Shaofeng's God Pill Fire has actually been promoted to the top.

This means that his God Pill Fire has reached its full level, and it is also the most perfect state.

"The nine-star God and Demon Pill Sutra makes the fire of the God Pill reach the top level, so what if the God Demon Pill Sutra is upgraded to ten stars?"

A light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and his heart throbbed.

It is almost certain that when the God and Demon Pill Sutra is upgraded to ten-star, his God Pill Fire will definitely produce an evolution, evolving to a higher level.

Qin Shaofeng is looking forward to this.

Even he couldn't help it anymore. He wanted to directly consume 500 skill points, and the skill **** and magic pill was upgraded to ten stars.

After all, his current skill points still have 573 points!

However, Qin Shaofeng still suppressed the eager thought in his heart.

"Not in a hurry, it means waiting for twenty days at most. Qin Shaofeng can still afford it."

After murmured a word, Qin Shaofeng immediately turned the pill fire of the gods to temper his soul.

Qin Shaofeng did not intend to improve other skills, because he felt that he would wait until the task was about to be completed, to see how many skill points he could get, and then to look at other situations before deciding which skills to improve.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng soon put away the attribute interface of the system and began to temper his soul with the fire of the gods.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng just wanted to use this to divert his attention, so as not to burn his brain, he upgraded the magic pill.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have forgotten that his current God Pill Fire had reached the top state because of the upgrade of the God and Demon Pill Sutra.

and so……


A scream came from far away, and the tiger who was not far away heard it, and instantly looked over here.

When looking here, the tiger's face was full of gloat.

In fact, seeing Qin Shaofeng deflated is also one of Tiger's great pleasures.

Of course, the premise is that if he hides, don't be discovered by Qin Shaofeng, otherwise, he will suffer.


When Qin Shaofeng raised the star of the Divine Demon Pill Sutra, far in the depths of the barbarian beast world, the Shun tribe, Jawman finally started his actions.

It has to be said that the barbarians merged with the pattern of the avenue more and more smoothly when the laws of the barbarian beast realm were eroded.

In just three short days, under the unremitting efforts of Jawbarb, he has created a large number of barbarian warriors who have integrated the power of the pattern of the road.

Although among these barbarian fighters, the lower fighters occupy the vast majority of places.

But there are a lot of upper-level fighters, and even the upper-level fighters have hundreds of people fused with the pattern of the avenue.

There are even three superb warriors who have successfully integrated into the pattern of the avenue.

Although these three supreme warriors all just reached the realm of a hundred barbaric patterns, they can integrate into the power of the avenue pattern, and now their strength is almost the same as those of the strong people in the ancient sanctuary.

And this is just the beginning. Jawman believes that if it continues, there will be more and more barbarian warriors who can blend into the pattern of the avenue.

By then, he can definitely lead the barbarian warriors to drive out all the cultivators of the ancient sanctuary.

However, that was afterwards. After creating the first batch of barbarian warriors that merged with the pattern of the avenue, Jawman sent them out.

"Invaders of the ancient sanctuary, now is the time for you to see, I don't have time for the power of the barbarian!"

Looking at the space far away in the brutal beast world, Jaw Man's gaze seemed to pass through the barriers of layers of space, as if he had begun to shout to the entire ancient sanctuary.

The voice is very confident and proud!

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