Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1492: Fierce battle

Chapter 1492


With a loud bang, a powerful high-ranking barbarian warrior with ninety-three savage patterns was blown into the head by Qin Shaofeng with a punch.

It can be seen that Qin Shaofeng's strength is already quite strong now.

Before thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng exhausted all means to deal with a jaw with five savage patterns.

But now facing a high-ranking warrior with the realm of ninety-three savage patterns, Qin Shaofeng could kill him with a wave of his hand.

The contrast between this one and the other, but the difference is very big.

"Ah, bastard--!"

With an angry roar, and a sound of breaking through the space, Na Jakui finally felt Qin Shaofeng in front of him.

But seeing the corpse that had lost his head, Chikui's face was extremely ugly and gloomy, and his eyes were suppressed with irresistible anger.

This high-ranking warrior with the realm of ninety-three savage patterns is not only a member of the Jaw tribe, but also a warrior of the mother's line of Jakui, and is a high-ranking warrior who is completely loyal to him.

Although there is no more threat of Chikui now, this does not mean that Chikui can sit firmly on his father's heir.

A leader of the Jaw tribe is not so easy to sit on.

If you have a large number of supporters, it is naturally a good thing. The high-ranking warrior in front of him with the realm of ninety-three savage patterns can be regarded as the most powerful supporter under Jakui.

This is definitely a big help from him!

I don't want to, but now he was killed by Qin Shaofeng, and he was blown into the head with a punch in front of him, and ended up with a dead body!

It is conceivable that Jakui was so angry at the moment.

"Very well, Qin Shaofeng, you are really nice and bold!"

After the death of such a supporter, Chikui was very angry. Looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, he was not only extremely angry, but also raged in his heart, and even his tone was extremely gloomy.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are really courageous, and you are really reckless!~"

"I live and die?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sneered: "Zhen Kui, right? I heard your brother Chikui once say this before, but now your brother is dead. So the big talk will be said first. I don’t know who this is?"

"Arrogant!" Qin Shaofeng's words and his attitude caused Jaw to shout angrily, then smiled coldly, and the gaze that looked at Qin Shaofeng began to become disdainful.

"Qin Shaofeng, your tone is really arrogant! I can tell you that I am not the same as the waste of Chikui. When you meet my Chikui, you Qin Shaofeng is doomed."

Although the aura erupting from Qin Shaofeng's body at this moment is very powerful, it seems not far from the top warriors among the barbarians.

What's more, Qin Shaofeng was so easy to kill a high-ranking fighter with the realm of ninety-three savage patterns.

All this shows how powerful Qin Shaofeng is, but in the eyes of Chikui, Qin Shaofeng is nothing more than that.

If it had been the case before, it would take him a lot of effort to make him an upper-level warrior with ninety-three savage patterns realm.

But now he has reached the realm of the Hundred Dao Savage Patterns, and even integrated some of the power of the Dao Dao pattern of the supreme ruler of the ancient sanctuary, but he is completely different.

If he were to make a move, he could blow a high-ranking fighter with the realm of ninety-three savage patterns with one punch, directly blasting into a cloud of blood mist.

Therefore, he did not put Qin Shaofeng in his eyes at all, and even thinking of Qin Shaofeng's arrogant words, Jikui sneered even more.

Actually compare me with that waste in Jakuang?

This is simply a big joke!

In the eyes of Chikui, his little brother Chikuang was indeed talented and transcendent, but it was a pity that he was too young, and his realm had just reached the realm of fifty wild patterns.

And most importantly, he is dead.

No matter how talented people are, people are already dead. This is not waste, what is it?

Seeing Jikui's attitude, Qin Shaofeng knew the other party's mentality to some extent, but for Qin Shaofeng now, this Jikui's strength was really not weak, and there was a trace of weirdness.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng said so much to this Chikui without directly starting a fight was because Chikui's breath made him feel a strange touch.

That's right, the breath of this jaw is indeed powerful.

It is not that Qin Shaofeng has never encountered a barbarian superb warrior with the realm of hundreds of barbaric patterns. He has killed one before!

But compared with the jaw Kui in front of him, Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart, that the barbarian superb warrior who was beheaded by him, compared with the jaw Kui in front of him, the difference was not one and a half, but very much.

Because in this jaw Kui, Qin Shaofeng felt the breath of the Supreme Lord among the ancient sanctuary cultivators.

To be precise, it is the breath of the avenue pattern!

And more importantly, in the face of this jaw Kui, Qin Shaofeng had a feeling of facing far superior sovereignty.

This kind of feeling Qin Shaofeng only felt in his little senior sister Bai Nishang, it was the breath of reaching the realm of the title of emperor.

This jaw Kui is the high-ranking warrior of the barbarian, and at the same time has the realm of the title of emperor among the ancient sanctuary cultivators?

In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng came to such an amazing conclusion in his heart.

Then the strength of this jaw Kui is definitely not simple!

Qin Shaofeng was startled, and at the same time he became even more puzzled, because he was very puzzled as to why this situation appeared.

The Great Beast Realm and the Ancient Continent’s laws of great power conflicted with each other, but why did the two powers merge in this jaw?

However, Qin Shaofeng soon thought of Xuan Changfeng, and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

I'm afraid this Chikui is also in a similar situation to Na Xuan Changfeng. What method was used to integrate the power of the two Dao laws.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have any fear in his heart, because even though the jaw Kui in front of him was strong, he was not afraid, and in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the jaw Kui was a very good touchstone.

Can try his current strength, which step has been reached in the end.

This is not Qin Shaofeng's arrogance, but that he really has such strength now.


With a trembling in his heart, Qin Shaofeng's right hand waved lightly, and a big knife appeared in his hand instantly.

At the same time the Xuanwu Battle Armor was also activated.

In fact, in Qin Shaofeng's realm now, the Xuanwu Battle Armor has rarely improved him, and even if the Xuanwu Battle Armor is fully launched, the power of the law consumed is very small for the current Qin Shaofeng.

However, the defensive power of the Xuanwu Battle Armor is, because the current Xuanwu Battle Armor has been painted with some gods by Qin Shaofeng, and its defensive force is already comparable to some seven- or eight-star masters.

Similarly, the power of the Xuanwu War Armor Broadsword in his hand is also very astonishing, but in terms of sharpness, it is absolutely far superior to most seven-star masters.

This also made Qin Shaofeng's opposite jaw Kui aware of this.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shaofeng summon a big sword and a set of battle armor, Jakui was slightly surprised, because he felt a very dangerous aura from the big sword and battle armor.

Just a glance, Jakui knew that Qin Shaofeng's Xuanwu Battle Armor and Xuanwu Battle Armor Broadsword were extraordinary, and he also saw that the two were a set of suits.

What a powerful set of armor and swords!

Jakui's eyes flashed slightly, and there was more greed in his heart.

This suit is good, it suits me!

In just a moment, Chikui decided that after Qin Shaofeng was captured, he would use this suit of armor for his own use.

However, soon the greed in Jakui's heart was closed, his face returned to normal, and he became serious.

Although he said that he looked down on Qin Shaofeng and thought that Qin Shaofeng was not his opponent, he was still very careful in his heart.

And Jikui has always been very cautious, even if the opponent is far inferior to him, once he fights hard, he will use his best to fight to kill the opponent in the fastest time.

and so……


With a roar, before Qin Shaofeng swung the sword of the Xuanwu War Armor, Chikui decided to make his move first. He gave a violent shout and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng's reaction was quicker.

Qin Shaofeng moved when he saw Chikui's sudden violent burst.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

With his right hand lightly together, Qin Shaofeng waved the Xuanwu Battle Armor broadsword in his hand, cutting out a few in an instant, and several bright lights flew up.

The moment these bright sword auras flashed and appeared, there was an extremely fierce aura, and there was still a surge of violent aura.

The power is so great that it seems to be able to cut through the sky.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, even the sword aura and sword aura that he slashed at will, they are all very powerful moves.

At this moment, facing the opponent of Jakui, even if he didn't use his full strength, Qin Shaofeng still used a lot of strength when he cut out these sword auras.

At the very least, if it were replaced by the previous high-ranking warrior of the Jaw tribe with ninety-three savage patterns, I am afraid that it only needs one of the sword energy to split the opponent in half.

Such a powerful sword energy has exceeded Jakui's expectation and surprised him a little.

What a strong sword spirit!

Jakui's eyes were surprised, and he immediately understood that Qin Shaofeng in front of him was probably stronger than he had expected.

This made Jakui dare not neglect, the power of the law in his body surged, and the whole body was shocked, and the surging power of the law burst out from him.

"Barbarian King Skill-Ben Lei Fist!"

With a roar, Chikui performed the Barbarian King skill!

As the eldest son, Chikui naturally also practiced the Barbarian King skills, and compared with the Chikui, it took more time to cultivate the Barbarian King skills.

In terms of the training progress and proficient use of the Barbarian King technique, Shi Chikui is not an opponent of Chikui.


It was just a violent drink, and the next moment, Chikui blasted out a flash of fist with a lot of lightning.


The thunder light flashed and the fist burst out, and the few sword qi that Qin Shaofeng had cut out were directly shredded.

And looking at Jakui's breath, it seemed that he didn't have much effort at all, and he looked relaxed.

Qin Shaofeng was not disappointed when he saw that a single blow could not be achieved, nor did he think that he would be able to solve Jakui with just one blow.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng waved his right hand, and then he chopped it out with several sword qi.


Upon seeing this, Chikui smiled coldly, and Ben Lei fist broke out again.

Bang bang bang!

Another fist swept across, and Qin Shaofeng's sword energy was crushed again.

However, after this time, it seemed that a tug-of-war had begun, and Qin Shaofeng's right hand began to continuously swing the Xuanwu armor broadsword.

Then, one after another, the sword lights burst out.

In the face of this situation, Chikui frowned slightly, but did not make a sound, his fists slammed and slammed, and the fists blasted out again and again.

Huh huh!

Boom boom boom!

For a time, countless sword spirits were rising everywhere on the scene, countless thunder lights, booming and descending!

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