Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1498: Venting jaw

Chapter 1498

The further the ‘unlimited kill’ mission, the higher the star level, the more powerful this reward will be.

The 350 skill points of the ten-star award are already a lot of exchange points with the 50 million system.

But the 11-star rewards are even more numerous.

With a total of four hundred skill points and a system exchange point of 100 million points, Qin Shaofeng couldn't say that he was tempted by such a reward, it was absolutely false.

"Kill the best soldier among a hundred barbarians?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and his heart was cruel, sister, **** it!

After doing this ticket, let alone the skill points more than 1,000 points, then the system exchange points will be doubled and more than 170 million points!

Aside from anything else, Qin Shaofeng rushed to the next moment, and the next area where the barbarian superb warrior appeared.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng still directly used the state of God's recovery, and then he did not need to worry about the consumption of the power of the gods and demons at all, and used the gods to display the gods madly, and drive with the gods.

Qin Shaofeng's speed was naturally incredibly fast at this rush.

In the end, he was stunned, spanning the battlefield of tens of thousands of miles in ten seconds, reaching the other side, and also caught up with the top soldiers.

Then, without unnecessary nonsense, Qin Shaofeng broke out directly, holding the Flying Feather Knife in his hand, and using the Flying Feather Knife to attach the top-level God's Pill Fire, killing the four superb warriors in just a few seconds.

"Very well, killed four outstanding soldiers, and now there are ninety-six left!"

After succeeding, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he went to the next destination non-stop.

Finally, after Qin Shaofeng's resurrection of the gods this time was over, he actually killed nine superb warriors.

This means that in just five minutes, Qin Shaofeng has almost completed one-tenth of the eleven-star target of the ‘unlimited kill’ mission.

Of course, this is only at this time, because these top soldiers that Qin Shaofeng killed were the second batch of teams sent out.

And this second batch of superb warriors was just so many, they were almost completely killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Now, Qin Shaofeng can only wait for the third batch.

However, in fact, there are still some superb fighters on this battlefield, and that is the battlefield where the two main armies are fighting.

On that battlefield, even with Qin Shaofeng's strength, entering alone is definitely very dangerous.

Before this, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​entering the battlefield of the main force alone, but now for the eleventh-star target of the "Unlimited Kill" mission, Qin Shaofeng finally plans to act.

Go to the fierce battlefield where the two main armies of the song are fighting!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know it, it was because of his decision that he accidentally escaped.

Because at this time, the jawman was about to arrive, and Qin Shaofeng had killed the area where the jawkui had been.

If he was driven to that place by Jabman, even if it was some distance away, as long as he was not far away, with Jabman's strength, he could still find Qin Shaofeng.

But now because Qin Shaofeng intends to go to the main battlefield, this place is very far away from where he killed Jakui, no matter how strong the jaw barbarian is, he can't find Qin Shaofeng's whereabouts.

Sure enough, after half a day, when Jaman came to the place where Jakui had fallen, he was very angry after he couldn't find Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Then, under his anger, other people suffered.

Because the enemy of Qin Shaofeng could not be found, other ancient sanctuary players became the targets of Jawman's anger.

This is not the main battlefield, there are not so many strong people, the ancient sanctuary strong ones that can appear, at most, are the supreme masters with the pattern of eighty or ninety roads.

But let alone the supreme ruler of the pattern of the eighty or ninety roads, even the powerhouses with the title of emperor, I am afraid that most of them cannot be the opponents of the jaws.

Suddenly, the disaster-like fate for many ancient sanctuary players came.

But all barbarians, as long as they have good strength, have the power to use the laws of the barbaric beast realm. Although such use cannot be used as an attack method, it can hinder those players in the ancient sanctuary and stimulate the transmission power of the jade talisman.

In this respect, Jawman is even more powerful. A thought came to him. In an instant, all the jade charms of the ancient sanctuary players in the area of ​​10,000 miles lost their teleportation ability and could not be teleported back to the nirvana world of the ancient sanctuary. .

Then, in this area of ​​10,000 miles, there were pieces of ancient sanctuary players who fell.

Countless geniuses died under the anger-venting Jawman, even among them, even the first genius of the ancients, Gu Bo, was not spared!

This is also the first extremely arrogant heavenly arrogant to fall since entering the brutal beast world.

When Gu Bo fell, the Nirvana Realm caused a sensation, and countless people were shocked.

With Gu Bo's talent, the other party has the potential to become the supreme master, and it is also the existence of the next generation of the ancient people.

But now he is dead?

The ancient race is not a spirit race. The soul is very special and possesses strong spirituality. It can be resurrected with the help of the spiritual altar in the spirit race.

Once Gu Bo died, it was a complete fall.

This made the senior officials of the ancient tribe completely angry, and immediately sent the strong among the ancient tribe, and it was bound to bring the murderer who killed Gu Bo to justice.

At this time, no one knew that the murderer who killed Gu Bo was the absolute king of the brutal beasts.

When people knew the news, it was time for the second arrogant arrogant to fall.

The second infinite arrogant to fall is the Demon Prince!

No one thought of this!

Because the demon prince has a lot of methods, and he has countless life-saving cards, it should be absolutely safe in the brutal beast world.

In fact, this is almost the same.

Because when killing the demon prince, even Jawbarb almost let the opponent escape.

Because at the moment of the fatal blow, the demon prince took the blow with his own body by degenerating his body, allowing his soul to be preserved.

According to this situation, as long as the jawman leaves, the soul of the demon prince can be rescued, and then with the help of the smile of the ancient demon clan, it can rebuild its birth.

But what the Demon Prince never expected was that he had hidden his soul with the Supreme Secret Art of the Ancient Demon Race, and was finally discovered by Jawman.

In fact, Jawman almost didn't find it, but because he seemed to be aware that the identity of the Demon Prince was not simple, he subconsciously probed with his own spiritual knowledge, wanting to feel the Demon Prince is of the ancient sanctuary race.

But this check was to detect the hidden soul of the demon prince.

In the end, naturally, not long after discovering the soul of the demon prince, Jaw Man became even more angry, and finally he tortured the demon prince for a long time, which completely exploded the soul of the demon prince.

However, the demon prince, as the next generation heir of the ancient demon clan, is naturally protected by the ancient demon clan.

Although the demon family does not have a spiritual altar like the spirit race, there are some special methods that preserve the soul of the demon prince in advance.

In the end, after the demon prince fell, the senior members of the ancient demon clan resurrected the demon prince with the help of the soul of the demon prince.

After the demon prince was resurrected again, although his talent did not cause much damage, his realm had fallen a lot, and it was even said that he had fallen out of the realm of supreme dominance.

However, compared with the complete fall of Gu Bo, the Demon Prince was much luckier.

Then, the information about the murderer Jawman was also spoken from the Demon Prince.

This let the ancient sanctuary finally know, what is the sacred murderer who madly killed their supreme arrogance in the ancient sanctuary.

But similarly, this situation is also very puzzled to the high-levels of the ancient sanctuary.

Because at this time, the ancient sanctuary also because of its march into the barbarian world, knowing some of the current basic situation of the barbarian world, and all know that the barbarians in the barbarian world have been completely unified, and the barbarian king has appeared!

And this barbarian king is the jaw barbarian!

But why did this jawbear suddenly appear?

Isn't the opponent in the depths of the barbarian tribe, dominating the barbarian army, hasn't shown up?

And what puzzled everyone the most was that the place where the jaws appeared was actually the main battlefield where the two armies fought, but a marginal area.

This jaw barbarian suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield and killed the two supreme arrogances of the ancient sanctuary. What happened?

Although the talents of Gu Bo and the demon prince are very powerful and have unlimited potential, the future achievements are completely limitless.

But for now, even if a hundred demon princes and Gu Bo are tied together, to a barbarian king like Jawman, it is probably not as threatening as the two emperors of the realm of power!

What was the move of that jaw man?

However, it doesn't matter what the Chinman's behavior is because of.

The important thing is that those high-level officials in the ancient sanctuary saw an opportunity to kill Jaw Man!

According to the demon prince's information, the senior officials of the ancient sanctuary knew that Jaw Man was single.

You must know that Jawman is now the king of the barbarian. If he can kill the opponent or catch him alive, it will definitely be a morale blow to the barbarian.

Jawman had been at the headquarters of the barbarian tribe before, trying to capture each other alive, and completely annihilated the barbarian.

Therefore, those high-level members of the ancient sanctuary have never had such thoughts.

But it was different now, and now I don't know why, that Jawman came out on his own initiative, and he was still alone.

This is definitely a rare opportunity!

For a time, the ancient sanctuary began to discuss, organizing a large number of masters to go to the place where Jawman was infested, and capture Jawman alive!

In this case, I am afraid that this battle can be ended early.

However, when the senior officials of the ancient sanctuary were discussing, the ancient tribe took action.

After learning that the murderer of Gu Bo was the Jawman, the Ancients immediately made a player.

Find Jawman, and kill the opponent!

Even for this reason, the ancient clan not only dispatched the old antique-level powerhouses of the clan, but also used some ancient clan masters in the main battlefield legion, and then organized a twelve-member team to kill the Jawman.

Although there are only twelve people, these twelve are powerhouses in the realm of the title of each emperor, and even among the strongest two of them, they all have practiced beyond the realm of five hundred avenues.

The realm of the pattern of the five hundred avenues, that is also an absolute master in the title of emperor.

And this time, two were directly dispatched, plus the remaining ten masters of the title of emperor who had at least two hundred avenue patterns. This lineup was already amazing.

Knowing that the ancient tribe organized such a strong lineup, many people knew in their hearts that the ancient tribe was really angry this time.

At the same time, many people also think that the jaw is pretty dead.

But what makes people never think is that after this team met the Jawman, it was killed by Jawman!

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