Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1500: Nine left

Chapter 1500 Nine Left

But now there is only a savage beast world with its own laws of the great road.

This is a very strange thing.

However, for many masters, this is an opportunity, an unparalleled opportunity.

In a complete world, there will be a special place in the center of the Dao Law, which is the Dao Ladder.

The Dadao Ladder can be said to be the core of a complete world, but it will take on a special form, that is, it exists as a ladder.

This kind of ladder is completely condensed by the power of the Dao Law, a kind of existence of the Dao Law from nothing to concrete.

Therefore, this ladder has the purest power of the law of the avenue.

It seems that the avenue ladder has countless steps, and every time you climb a ladder, you can gain a layer of perception and strength of the law of the avenue.

It is said that if you can climb to the apex of the avenue ladder, then it can become a general existence of the avenue law, and even replace the avenue law.

To know a complete world, it works because of the law of the Great Dao, and even exists.

Becoming the existence of Dao Law, it is naturally the supreme existence.

As a big world like the Ancient Continent, naturally there is a corresponding Dao Ladder. Even according to Tiger's information, Qin Shaofeng knows that the Dao Ladder of the Ancient Continent is actually very powerful.

But I don't know when it started, the Great Dao and Ladder of the ancient continent disappeared.

No, to be precise, it didn't really disappear.

This situation, at best, was the Great Dao and Ladder of the Ancient Continent, no longer showing up.

If it really disappears, then the great laws of the ancient continent should also disappear. In this case, the ancient continent probably does not exist.

But now in this savage beast world, it is the masters of the ancient sanctuary that have revealed the great road and ladder of the savage beast world with some power.

As a powerful person who dominates a realm like the Supreme, naturally there are few things that can arouse their interest and make their hearts move.

It is naturally not simple to allow so many things to dominate the supreme planning for many years.

It is now obvious what the real purpose of these masters is.

Take down all the barbarians?

Conquer the entire world of brutal beasts?

What's the joke, how can the projectile place in the wild beast world arouse the conquering heart of these masters?

Their real goal, in fact, is the great road and ladder in the brutal beast world.

Although the Great Beast World's Great Dao laws appear to conflict with the Great Great Laws of the Ancient Continent, it doesn't matter because the Great Great Dao Laws of the Brutal Beast Realm can be completely corroded by the Great Great Laws of the Ancient Continent.

In this way, it can also be explained that the avenues and ladders of the savage beast world can also play a role for the cultivators of the ancient continent.

Dadao Ladder is a good thing, just need to climb up, you don't need to practice at all, it can get the corresponding law power and realm.

Even if it reaches the realm of Domination Supreme, it can also be promoted.

You must know that if a supreme master wants to improve, the difficulty is extremely difficult.

If there is no sudden epiphany, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands or even millions of years will not be able to achieve a slight improvement.

This is why, this time invading the savage beast world, no matter which big power it is, even the sovereign supreme among the ancient holy race and the ancient demon race, they temporarily put aside their grudges and all joined hands.

Now that the results are finally seen, these masters are naturally a little excited.

As for the kings of the barbarian clan, these masters didn't care at all.

In fact, whether it is the current king of the barbarians, the old leaders of the Shun clan, or even the integration of a barbaric clan, they never thought that they suffered an invasion of the ancient continent this time, in the final analysis, not because of them, but because of their savage beasts. The world itself!


Brutal Beast World, a dilapidated battlefield.

"Hmph, these ancient sanctuary cultivators are really not so good!"

Looking at the twelve corpses in front of him, his jaw was disdainful.

The twelve corpses at his feet were the powerful team sent by the ancients, all with the title of emperor.

This team is really strong, and even Jawbarb has used their real power for this reason, the special power that merges the two main principles.

After Jawman's real power broke out, the entire battle didn't last long, and it was completely over.

In the end, the Jawman smashed the powerful lineup of the ancient clan with his own powerful strength.

That's right, it was a violent killing, and the strength of the jaw barbarian really broke out.

Jawman naturally had some general knowledge of the situation of the ancient sanctuary, and also knew some of the situation of the ancient sanctuary. He knew that the team he killed was a powerful person with the title of emperor.

This made the anger in his heart finally poured out a lot.

Although he couldn't find Qin Shaofeng to avenge his eldest son and younger son, it was not bad to kill a large number of geniuses in the ancient sanctuary, as well as some real powerhouses.

But just as Jaman was in a mood for such a short while, suddenly his face turned gloomy again.

Because at that moment, the female ladybug of the golden beetle who contacted him gave him a very angry message.

He has another son killed!

This time it was his third son, Sanzi Jaw, who was also a barbarian warrior with good talent. Although the eldest son Jakui and the youngest son Jakui are slightly inferior, compared to other barbarian geniuses. , That's definitely a genius.

And just yesterday, Jawman learned that his three sons had also merged with many Dao patterns, and his realm was raised to a realm with a hundred savage patterns, and he became the best warrior among the barbarians.

But it is precisely because of this that his third son, Jaw Man, rushed to the battlefield immediately to kill the army of the ancient sanctuary.

But I don't want the other party to have not done any meritorious service, and kill a cultivator who merged with an ancient sanctuary.

With this information, Jawman's heart was extremely angry.

Although he has many sons, there are only a few people who can be seen by him and regarded as his own son.

But now, first the most talented jaw, and then the strongest eldest son, jaw Kui, now it is his turn to have three sons, and they were all killed.

Forget it, what made Jaiba very furious is that this time, like Jakui and Jakuku, the murderer who killed his three sons, Qin Shaofeng!

Knowing this result, one can imagine how angry Jaman was in his heart.

He had only a few sons who made him proud, and now the three most outstanding of them all died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

"Damn Qin Shaofeng, I won't kill you, I promise not to be a man!"

Jaw Man roared constantly, and an extremely surging breath erupted from his body.

Under the eruption of this surging aura, the corpses of the twelve ancient powerful men under his feet were instantly shocked and turned into powder.

The ancient sanctuary powerhouse who can possess the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao has already been regularized by the powerful Da Dao law, and possesses incomparably hard defense power, and ordinary power can hardly hurt it at all.

But now it is the breath of Jaw Man, giving Zhen a fan!

This shows how terrifying the jaw barbarian's strength is.

Not only that, at the moment when Jaw Man's rage broke out, the ground centered on him was cracked with cracks, and these cracks extended hundreds of miles away.

If someone looked at it from a high altitude at this moment, they could see that the earth seemed to have been slammed by an astronomical giant, smashing the ground to pieces.


After the roar erupted, Jawman turned into a black light, and flew away like lightning in the distance.

This time, Jaman finally knew Qin Shaofeng's traces from the death of his three sons.

He had thought about where Qin Shaofeng was, and he even had some guesses in his heart that Qin Shaofeng had already withdrawn from their brutal beast world.

But he never expected that Qin Shaofeng not only did not hide at this moment, nor did he withdraw from the brutal beast realm, but appeared on the main battlefield where the brutal beast realm and the ancient sanctuary armies fought.

However, now that it is known, it will be over soon.

In the eyes of Jaman, as long as he gets there, Qin Shaofeng will undoubtedly die.


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that the supreme warrior among the barbarians he had just killed was actually the third son of the jaws.

Even Qin Shaofeng didn't even know the other party's name. After he noticed the breath of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked, and he was very happy.

"Hahaha, it's another quota, and this strength seems to have become a super fighter, it's easy to get it!"

It was indeed easy to succeed, because the moment Qin Shaofengshen flashed to the opponent's side, he directly killed the opponent completely.


An absolute spike!

With Qin Shaofeng's current strength, killing a barbarian who has just entered the realm of the top warrior in seconds is simply not necessary.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know what the name of the supreme fighter he killed was called and what status he had among the barbarians.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the jaws that had just been killed were only an indicator of the eleventh-star rating for his ‘unlimited kill’ mission, adding a progress.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng has completed more than half of the target kill amount.

Unlimited Kills: Special missions, special missions that are only triggered in certain places after the player completes some special missions and obtains special rewards.


Current progress: Unlock eleven stars!

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three Star:……


Eleven-star: (72/100): Kill the superb warrior among a hundred barbarians in the barbaric world! 400 skill points will be rewarded and 100 million points will be exchanged by the system!

It happened that the jaw was the seventy-second, and like the jaw Kui before, the appearance of the jaw led a group of great warriors among the barbarians.

Of course, these superb warriors are also superb warriors ‘spawned’ with Jakui.

However, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care about these. He cares about the number of himself, because countless barbarian warriors who have cultivated to the realm of the top warrior on their own, or the top warriors who have been'spawned', can enable Qin Shaofeng to complete the eleventh task of the'infinite kill'. Star indicator.


Eleven-star (73/100):......

Eleven-star (74/100):......


Eleven-star (91/100):......

Finally, at a certain moment, after killing a supreme soldier again, Qin Shaofeng's kill target finally entered the countdown.

There are nine left!

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