Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1506: Caught up

Chapter 1506

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes had completely revealed the Yin Yang Tai Chi pattern of the Eye of God and Demon.

Because he is now constantly showing backtracking, and then using the god-written magic seal to seal the backtracking in his eyes.

Because Qin Shaofeng was afraid that being bombarded by Jawman so much, there would be situations where he would not be able to react, which would not be wonderful.

If there is a **** who writes the magic seal to seal the retrospective in his eyes, then he said that he has set it in advance.

As long as he has suffered a certain amount of trauma, such as fatal trauma and attack, the retrospective sealed in his eyes will be triggered instantly.

However, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng started to set one of the only two items in his inventory to trigger at any time.

This item is naturally the infinite resurrection card.

Infinite resurrection (card): Ultra-rare cards, special items, after use, can obtain infinite resurrection status.

Infinite resurrection: a special state that can be resurrected countless times!

Effect: After use, no matter the user is in any state within three days, as long as he suffers a certain amount of trauma, or directly dies, he can be resurrected. After resurrection, he will restore the user's full body peak state. There is no limit on the number of times and no conditions.

This infinite resurrection card was also one of the rewards Qin Shaofeng received during the system update mission last time.

Moreover, this thing is very sky-defying, once used, Qin Shaofeng will not be killed within three days.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that the three-day state of immortality could not get rid of this jaw-handed man.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that if he didn't need to hesitate for three days, and he could completely let go of the attack, he might not be able to take the jaw.

The resurrection of the infinite resurrection card, but the resurrection full of blood in the same place, he didn't believe that this would consume a jaw barbarian in the undead zone.

However, this is only the last hole card.

Qin Shaofeng always felt that this infinite resurrection card could play a big role. If it were used on Jawman, it would be a waste.

Even Qin Shaofeng had a plan in his heart. After these ten retrospectives were used up, he raised the 7-star Eye of the Gods and Demons by another level.

Because after the seven-star Eye of God and Demon was upgraded to eight-star, the cooling time after ten retrospective casts could be directly cleaned once, which allowed him to obtain ten retrospectives again.

Anyway, his remaining skill points, but there are 573 points, enough for the Eye of God and Demon to upgrade to eight stars.

It can be said that what he thought about, it seemed to be completely angry.

"Damn little thief Qin Shaofeng, you have completely angered this king!"

With a roar of anger, Jawman stopped his figure unexpectedly.

But the more so, the more uneasy Qin Shaofeng felt.

Sure enough, the next jaw-man's actions confirmed Qin Shaofeng's anxiety.

"Qin Shaofeng, you can let this king use this trick. It is an honor for you to be a weak person!"

Jaw Man roared, and the whole person's breath became stronger and more terrifying.

"It's over, the weak, the weak, you can't reach the realm in this life, you will be completely wiped out!"

"Barbarian King Skill——Thunderbolt!"


It is also the thunderbolt of Barbarian King skill, but whether it is the previous jaw-kuan or Najakui, compared with their Laozi Jabman at this moment, the thunderbolt they used is completely drizzle!

Hearing the earth-shattering explosion of the sky, the sky seemed to crack completely, and then countless purple light thunder dragons came to the world.

The number of these purple light thunder dragons is probably tens of thousands, and the most terrible thing is that the power of this purple light thunder dragon is no worse than the purple light thunder and lightning that'smashed' Qin Shaofeng several times before.

At this moment, in the face of such a powerful move, Qin Shaofeng was sure in his heart that even hundreds of thousands of barbarians who killed himself would be completely destroyed by these purple light thunder dragons. .

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng calmed down in the face of such terrifying moves.


Run away!

Although Jawman's move is extremely powerful, the area covered is only a hundred miles of space.

But Qin Shaofeng felt it. It seemed that because the power of thunder and lightning was too strong, the space of this area of ​​hundreds of miles had been completely distorted.

Under such circumstances, his Shenyin and even Shenshan could not be used.

After all, the realm was too far apart, even the skills Qin Shaofeng possessed were very powerful.

But under the circumstance that he is so far from the jaw barbarian in the realm of strength, his skills have also failed.

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng calmed down instead.

With a glance, Qin Shaofeng found the best escape route.

Although the space was distorted by the powerful force, even flying, Qin Shaofeng couldn't do it now.

But if there is backtracking, he can still escape.

As for the situation after escaping from this trick, Qin Shaofeng didn't think so much.

First escape this time, and then talk about the others.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng was like a bolt of lightning and began to run under countless terrifying purple light thunder dragons.

However, before Qin Shaofeng ran far, he was hit by a purple light thunder dragon.


At that moment, Qin Shaofeng's body was exploded under the dazzling purple thunder and lightning.

But the next moment, with a halt in space, Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly condensed from the countless fragments that exploded, and then recovered his entire body.

This process seems to be regressing.

After the recovery, time began to flow normally again.

However, Qin Shaofeng took this opportunity to escape.

But this was just the beginning, because soon Qin Shaofeng was hit again.

Was ‘killed’ again!

And soon, Qin Shaofeng was ‘boom-killed’ by these purple light thunder dragons four times in succession, which means that Qin Shaofeng had used backtracking four times again.

And these four retrospectives were all directly displayed by Qin Shaofeng with the eyes of the gods and demons. The six retrospectives that his eyes once again wrote the magic seal and sealed, but still did not touch.

However, according to this situation, that is to say, the six times backtracking with the seal of the eyes, I am afraid that at most, it will barely escape the attack of the thunderbolt this time.

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly chose to consume 300 skill points to upgrade the Eye of God and Demon.

Ding Dong——!

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for consuming 300 skill points..."

Ignoring the sound of the upgrade coming from the system, Qin Shaofeng didn't care. This time the Eye of the Gods and Demons would awaken some skills after it was upgraded to eight-star.

Because there is not so much time now!


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng was ‘killed’ again.


Finally, after being ‘bombeded’ for the ninth time, it all ended.

It wasn't that Qin Shaofeng had escaped, and the jawman's range of Thunder Wanjun's attack this time.

Under the influence of the powerful force of Thunder and Thunderbolt, this space of hundreds of miles was very distorted, even if Qin Shaofeng fled with all his strength, he couldn't have much speed.

However, after being ‘bombeded’ nine times, Jawman’s attack finally ceased.

Therefore, it was not that Qin Shaofeng escaped, but that he persisted with the ability to look back.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's face was ugly.

Nine backtracking, actually in order to resist an attack by Jawbarb?

If this jaw man comes again one or two times, then...

That would be terrible!

Now Qin Shaofeng's remaining skill points, but only 273 points are left. It is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to raise the Eye of the Gods and Demons by one star again, to the nine-star level, and once again get back ten times.

He now has only eleven opportunities to look back.

If the Jaw Man broke out twice again with such an attack, Qin Shaofeng had only one choice, and that was to use the Infinite Resurrection Card.

However, compared with Qin Shaofeng's mood, Jaman's mood at this moment is the most angry, angry and unwilling.

Not dead yet!

Still unscathed as always!

How did Qin Shaofeng do this?

Jawman couldn't understand it anymore, and in the end he could only determine that Qin Shaofeng possessed some kind of treasure that could replace him with a fatal attack.

However, Jawman did not believe that the endurance of this kind of treasure was unlimited.

Therefore, in the next moment, he intends to come again with the last Thunderbolt attack.

Although such an eruption of the thunderbolt was a considerable expense to him, it was nothing compared to the ability to completely kill Qin Shaofeng.

However, just when Jawman was about to make another move, he frowned, then stopped and looked around.

This attracted Qin Shaofeng's attention, and also caused Qin Shaofeng's involuntary spirit to radiate, and he felt it there.

this is……

With this induction, Qin Shaofeng sensed two auras, and he was very familiar with one of the two auras.

"Little Sister?"

Feeling this familiar breath, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but blurt out.


At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s conscious figure flashed, and there were two more figures in front of him, one of them was Bai Nishang, and the other person, Qin Shaofeng didn’t know him, but the other person’s aura was so powerful that Qin Shaofeng Feel scared.

After sensing Qin Shaofeng's breath, Bai Nishang rushed here at full speed.

However, because they are far away from Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng still flees lifelessly.

Therefore, it took Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun some time.

For this reason, Bai Nishang was extremely worried about Qin Shaofeng's safety, especially when she used the thunderbolt before the jaw man, she once thought that her little junior brother could not hold it.

However, after feeling Qin Shaofeng's breath still existed, Bai Nishang was relieved and rushed over immediately.

"Huh, finally caught up!"

After a glance at Qin Shaofeng, Bai Nishang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief without feeling Qin Shaofeng's injury.

As for Jiang Qiankun's words, he was staring at the jaw man in the midair opposite.

Before that, Jiang Qiankun had already been mentally prepared, and the enemy he faced this time must be very difficult.

But after the real face-to-face, Jiang Qiankun discovered that the strength of this barbarian was probably better than he had previously expected.

Such a breath is terrifying!

But at the same time, after Jiang Qiankun noticed Qin Shaofeng's breath, he was extremely surprised.

Not injured?

This Qin Shaofeng actually faced such a strong person, after being chased and killed for such a long time, it would be fine if he was not killed by the opponent.

But can he still remain unscathed?

It seems that Qin Shaofeng is not easy!

Although Jiang Qiankun had sensed it, Qin Shaofeng's breath was at most the realm of more than ninety avenues, and he had not entered the realm of the title of emperor.

But because of this, he had to look at Qin Shaofeng with admiration.

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