Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1508: Bai Nichang seriously injured

Chapter 1508

The eleventh-star reward for this ‘unlimited kill’ mission is a system exchange point of 400 skill points and 100 million points.

But compared with the 11-star award, the 12-star award is what Qin Shaofeng looks forward to most.

I won't say the whole 500 skill points, and the system exchange points have 300 million points. This kind of reward is really awesome!

However, Qin Shaofeng was struggling with the twelve-star indicator of the ‘unlimited kill’ mission.

Well, there is only one indicator, just kill a barbarian.

But the problem is that the barbarians killed were not ordinary barbarians!

"I circled a cross. The twelve-star indicator of the'Unlimited Kill' mission is actually to kill the barbarian king of Jawman?"

Looking at the sky, Qin Shaofeng's expression hurts.

Kill Jaw Man?

What a joke, even if you have your own little senior sister and a master here, this is an impossible task for yourself!

Almost immediately after seeing the content of the twelve-star indicator, Qin Shaofeng gave up the idea of ​​completion.

It seems that his ‘unlimited kill’ mission can only stop at the eleven-star level, because the twelve-star level that has just been unlocked, Qin Shaofengyi’s current strength is probably impossible to complete.


Just as Qin Shaofeng's heart was hurting these things, there was a sudden explosion in the air.

Qin Shaofeng looked up subconsciously, and then he discovered that his little senior sister was actually hit by Jabman.

Although Bai Nishang persevered with the powerful physique of the Nine-Colored Divine Body, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the breath of this little senior sister had begun to become a little confused.

Oops, the little sister is injured!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was impatient.

But in the face of such a situation, he can't make a move, this is what makes him most anxious.

and many more!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng thought of something, I seem to have a way to help the little sisters!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, the next moment his body flickered, and Qin Shaofeng was surrounded by a large number of fuzzy figures.

Magical Shadow!

These figures are all shadow clones projected by Qin Shaofeng's divine power and magic shadow theory, no more than one hundred.

After splitting and projecting these hundred shadow clones, Qin Shaofeng solidified these shadow clones with divine power, and with the help of the state of divine recovery, input a large amount of the power of gods and demons into these shadow sub-body.

After waiting for these shadow clones to continue to inject the power of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng stopped his actions.

And the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and these hundred shadow clones swarmed toward the battlefield in the air.

"Little Sister, get out of here!" Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted loudly, reminding the two of Bai Nishang.

Bai Nishang didn't hesitate, just stepped away and walked away.

Jiang Qiankun hesitated a bit, but the next moment, he noticed the hundred figures flying over, with a violent aura exuding his body. He seemed to think of something suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly flashed. Up.


Seeing this scene, Jaman frowned and wanted to pursue Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang, but Qin Shaofeng's one hundred shadow clones rushed towards him frantically, and couldn't help but stop.

However, after feeling the aura of those shadow clones, not so strong, not even as strong as Qin Shaofeng himself, a sneer appeared at the corner of Jaman's mouth.

Humph, do you want to rely on these things to linger?

With a sneer, he stretched out his right hand, intending to explode a lightning strike, sweeping these shadow clones.

But in the next moment, something happened that caught Jaman by surprise.

Because just when these shadow clones were about to get close to him, Jawman felt something was wrong.

Because at this time, the shadow clones that were closer to him were a little weird.

Some unusual hypertrophy, as if infused with water, became bloated.

No, this is?

Seeing this scene, Jaman finally remembered something in his heart.


When these two words appeared in Jaman's heart, with a boom, a shadow clone exploded fiercely.

This explosion seemed to have caused a chain reaction, a series of explosions sounded instantly, and the rest of the shadow clones blew themselves at this moment.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's one hundred shadow clones exploded in an instant.

That's right, exploding the shadow clone, this is the only way Qin Shaofeng feels that he can attack the jaw man.

With divine power solidified, Qin Shaofeng was able to differentiate a hundred shadow clones and store the power of gods and demons equal to ten times his own.

In Qin Shaofeng's current realm, the power of the gods and demons possessed in his body was already equivalent to the power of the laws possessed by many powerful men with more than one hundred avenue patterns.

Moreover, in terms of power, I am afraid that even many powerful men with two hundred great avenues, the power of the law, is not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng's current power of the gods and demons.

Despite the storage capacity of ten times the power of the gods and demons, it is not possible for Qin Shaofeng's shadow clones to have the strength of the realm of two hundred dao lines.

But if it only blew itself, the power generated by that shadow clone's self-detonation in an instant would be equivalent to the full blow of some powerful person with three hundred avenues.

Of course, even an attack of this level is not enough for a strong man like Jawman.

If he is defensive, this kind of attack will not hurt him at all.

But the problem is that now a hundred shadow clones have blew themselves up.

This is equivalent to one hundred with three hundred avenues, attacking the jaw barbarian with all its strength, and it is a combined attack.

Because they were all shadow clones, and because they exploded at the same time, even Jiang Qiankun was shocked by the power that these hundred shadow clones exploded.

At this moment, Jiang Qiankun was grateful that he had an inspiration in his heart, thinking of self-destruction, otherwise, I am afraid he is not good at this moment.

Because these hundred shadow clones blew themselves together, the power that burst out was already equivalent to the power burst out by a strong man with five hundred avenues.

this is too scary!


Looking at the Jawman figure surrounded by a bunch of explosions, even completely swallowed up, Jiang Qiankun didn't think that Jawman would be solved by Qin Shaofeng's moves.


Sure enough, in the next moment, among those explosions, a purple light exploded, and then there was an explosion, and the figure of Jawman appeared again.

No injuries!

Even after suffering the self-destruction of a hundred shadow clones, Jawman still did not suffer any injuries.

However, Qin Shaofeng had discovered that the jaw man's breath had weakened a bit.

Although some of the weakening is very subtle, at most it can be regarded as the weakening of the breath due to the consumption of a lot of the power of the law. It does not mean that the jaw man feels weak in his own strength.

But just like this, Qin Shaofeng was also excited.

Because this can at least show that the ideas and strategies in his heart are correct. Using the shadow clone to explode as an attack method, he can have some influence on a strong man like Jawman.

"Qin Shaofeng, you **** little trash fish, I think you are really impatient!"

Although he was not injured, this time in order to resist the explosion of the one hundred shadow clones, Jawman also consumed a lot of law.

But because of this, it made him feel a little humiliated.

He actually spent so much power under the attack of a little ant that hadn't even reached the title of emperor.

And most importantly, it made him look a little embarrassed.

This was something he could not tolerate. After a roar, Jawman turned his attention to Qin Shaofeng again. He planned to stop taking care of other people and kill Qin Shaofeng first.

But the next moment, two black shadows appeared and stopped him instantly.

Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang were not stupid. Knowing that this was an opportunity, they blocked the jaw man and prevented the other party from approaching Qin Shaofeng.

"You give me a break!"

Suddenly being stopped, this made Jaman even more angry and violent.

But no matter how angry he was, Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang still entangled him.


Jaw Man got angry and yelled: "Give me all to die!"

In the next moment, Jawman intends to explode a powerful attack, but at this moment, Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun seem to have received some orders, and they flashed back and retreated.

At first, Jawman thought that the two of them were shocked by the breath of his impending attack, and then they suddenly withdrew.

But soon, Jawman realized that he was thinking too much.

Because after Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun retreated violently, Jaman once again saw a hundred figures, rushing around like a swarm.

Shadow clone!

Another hundred shadow clones!

And this time, just like the previous one, at the moment Jabman noticed it, the hundred shadow clones exploded instantly.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qiankun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation after the fight with Jawman made Jiang Qiankun very unoptimistic.

Although he already knew, Bai Nishang notified the lunatic Sword Emperor.

But Jiang Qiankun didn't think that they could persist until the time when the lunatic Sword Emperor rushed over.

But now after Qin Shaofeng's performance, Jiang Qiankun saw hope after such a move.

Of course Jiang Qiankun knew that just by relying on these methods, the three of them were still unable to deal with the jaw barbarians in front of them, because the opponent was too powerful.

But this can buy them some time to wait for reinforcements.

"Very well, just stick to it like this!"

Jiang Qiankun took a sigh of relief, and after the shadow clones blew up, he stepped forward with Bai Nishang again and fought with Jawman.

As for Qin Shaofeng, he started to make a self-destructive shadow clone again.

Such a back-and-forth exchange made Qin Shaofeng and the three of them insist on another two or three minutes.

After three minutes passed, Jawman finally broke out.

Being continuously bombarded by those shadow clones exploding, the anger in Jaman's heart became more and more raging.

Finally, when he was about to endure such an encounter again, Jawman couldn't help it.


A hundred shadow clones blew themselves again, but at the moment when these shadow clones blew themselves up, a dazzling purple light burst out of Jaman's body.

Then, with a squeak, a huge breaking through the air, before the self-detonation of the one hundred shadow clones was over, a burly figure rushed out from the center of the explosion.

This figure carried a strong purple light, and these purple light came from a layer of thunder and lightning armor on the Jawman.

Under the protection of this thunder and lightning armor, Jawman seemed to have no need to worry about the self-destruction of those shadow clones, and rushed out alone.

Then, he came directly, in front of Bai Nishang, who had not reacted much to this situation.

Because the incident happened suddenly and because he did not expect such a situation, Bai Nishang faced the jawman who suddenly rushed up for a while, and he had no time to dodge.


The next moment, with a splash of blood, Bai Nishang was hit hard in an instant, and his whole body was blown out with a punch by Jabman.

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