Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1511: what is happening

Chapter 1511

This is Rebirth?

Feeling his state at the moment, Jiang Qiankun's eyes widened fiercely, because his state at the moment reminded him of a very special ability of their demonic clan-Spirit Return!

Obviously, in the face of Qin Shaofeng's ability to recover from the gods, Jiang Qiankun, like the Emperor Jiang Hengtian, considered the spirit return of the Clan of Demon.

Jiang Qiankun knew the power of spiritual return, and he had also personally experienced it.

But that is experiencing the power of rebirth that other people possess, but in his own words, he has not experienced rebirth.


Although the situation in his body made Jiang Qiankun believe that this was the power of spiritual return, he still had some unbelief in his heart.

What is the ability of the spirit back?

The supreme power against the sky is their most powerful ability of the Momo Clan, which has only appeared twice since its existence.

How could Qin Shaofeng have it?

But the next moment, after Jiang Qiankun subconsciously injected the power of the law in his body into the Qiankun sword in his hand, he discovered an amazing fact.

With his own realm and the power of the law, it is impossible to fill the Universe Sword with the power of the law, even if the Universe Sword is his natal master.

But now!

He found that the Universe Sword in his hand was actually filled with the power of this large amount of law, and even the power of the law was overflowing.


This was the first time Jiang Qiankun felt that his own destiny master, the Universe Sword, could possess so many laws and powers.

But what shocked him the most was that the power of the law in his body was still in a perfect state, not diminished in the slightest.

This means that these are true, and the power of the law in his body is really inexhaustible.

"Jiang Qiankun, Brother Jiang, what are you doing in a daze? Little Senior Sister can't stand it anymore!"

Seeing Jiang Qiankun was so stunned, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but urged.

Although the power of the law in the body can not be used up, Bai Nishang can burst out a powerful move.

But the problem is that compared with that jawman, whether it is Bai Nishang or Jiang Qiankun, their realm is still lower.

Because of the sudden outbreak of Bai Nishang, it was a bit unexpected, which made the battle against Bai Nishang all the time.

But now Jawman has adapted to Bai Nishang's attack, so Jawman has gradually gained the upper hand in the battle between Jawman and Bai Nishang.

If it goes on for a long time, Bai Nishang is still no match for Jawman, and even if it is serious, it is very likely to be killed by Jawman in a short time.

Qin Shaofeng noticed this, and then saw that Jiang Qiankun hadn't taken any action, and then he reminded the other party.


Jiang Qiankun was so reminded by Qin Shaofeng that he was shocked and remembered the current situation.

Then, he didn't think much about his own state at the moment, whether it was spiritual return, and rushed up for the first time.

"Devil Slash--!"

With a violent shout, Jiang Qiankun suddenly appeared in front of Jaman, severely cutting out a sword gas.

Jabman was shocked, because compared with before, he found that Jiang Qiankun's sword energy was also at least ten times higher than before!

This is natural, Jiang Qiankun did exhaust all his strength before, but he was unable to use his natal master, the Universe Sword, to give full play to its power.

Now in the state of God's recovery, although Jiang Qiankun could not activate the full power of the Universe Sword, the power of his burst of Demon Slash was naturally increased because of the sufficient power of the law.

Damn it, this kid is the same?

Feeling this scene, Jaman's face was very ugly.

Because he was clearly aware that Jiang Qiankun not long ago was still in a state of exhaustion of law and aura, but now the opponent is even more powerful, bursting out with even more powerful power.

And different from Bai Nishang, Jiang Qiankun itself is higher than Bai Nishang's realm, and the natal master Qiankun sword in his hand is also a nine-star master.

As a result, Jiang Qiankun, who was super-normally erupting at this moment, had several levels of combat power compared to Bai Nishang.

Especially after Bai Nishang added a nine-color feather suit to him, Jiang Qiankun completely let go of his defense and attacked Jawman with all his strength.

This made Jawman somehow he was beaten up for a while.

This is not to say that Jiang Qiankun’s strength at the moment has surpassed Jaw Man, but because Jiang Qiankun’s current state is in a state where the power of the law is inexhaustible, and the move is a move to exhaust all the power of the law in the body. , To attack.

Such a crazy attack, even Jawman couldn't adapt for a while.

The only nondescript thing is that the Jiucai Yuyi on Jiang Qiankun's body does not match his whole person, both in appearance and temperament.

But this is the time to fight for life, how can Jiang Qiankun care about this!

For a while, Jawman was beaten up by Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang's team together, and it seemed to be suppressed.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this was only a temporary situation. Even Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang both had the state of God's recovery, but in realm, whether it was Bai Nishang or Jiang Qiankun, they were far inferior to this jaw barbarian.

Now playing right is somewhat suppressed, it is only because of a burst of madness.

But if after waiting for a while, after Jawman adapts, then the situation might be something wrong.

Qin Shaofeng knew this in his heart.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's plan to kill the jaw barbarian was only at this level, but it was far from enough.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's God's recovery state had also disappeared in time.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not immediately enter the state of God's recovery.

After reaching the seven-star level, Qin Shaofeng can perform seven times a day with the god-devil body-refining method that has just been upgraded.

And just now Qin Shaofeng wrote the magic seal with the gods, sealing Bai Nishang and Jiang Qiankun's resurrection state twice, which means that there are only two resurrection states left now.

Only two times were left, and Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to waste it at will.

Although the eleventh-star mission of "Unlimited Kills" was completed before, Qin Shaofeng's skill points once again possessed 673 points, but Qin Shaofeng no longer wanted to continue to upgrade the God and Demon Body Refining Dafa.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that with his current realm, no matter how much God's recovery state he possessed, it was impossible to harm the jaw barbarian, let alone kill the opponent.

Therefore, he must improve his realm now.

How to improve?

This is of course very simple.

That is to continue to absorb the savage patterns of the barbarians to improve his own realm.

Qin Shaofeng had been in the frantic hunting and killing of the top warriors among the barbarians because he wanted to complete the eleventh star of the ‘Unlimited Kill’ mission as soon as possible, so he was very eager to absorb the barbarian patterns.

This is the reason that Qin Shaofeng's storage ring has a large number of corpses of barbarians.

Each of these superb warriors of the barbarians has more than a hundred wild patterns, and it seems that it is also because of the fusion of the pattern of the avenue. This is the brutal pattern of these superb warriors, which contains more law power.

Qin Shaofeng now has nearly 98,000 law powers, but because of this, without adding a law pill now, at least the law power of a barbaric superb warrior is needed.

In other words, the top warrior among the barbarians now gives Qin Shaofeng the power of a hundred pill of law at best.

Of course, if they are some powerful fighters, or special fighters, they can be improved a little bit more.

For example, a physique like Jakui that has also been tempered by the force of the savage law of the jaws, then the savage pattern on his body contains the power of the law, and it has more power of the law.

Moreover, at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about wasting. Not only did he use the Flying Feather Knife to bring the power of the brutal patterns on the top soldiers directly into his inner world.

Even Qin Shaofeng himself began to madly absorb the power of the rules of the brutal patterns on the best soldiers among these barbarians.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's pill of law quickly broke through to 98,000!

Ninety-eight million pill of laws, but 98 thousand-star Dao formations, which is equivalent to the pattern of 98 Dao Dao.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still felt it was not enough.

"Not enough, it's just that the power of the gods and demons possessed by the ninety-eight thousand star formations is far from enough!"

Without paying attention to the battlefield above, Qin Shaofeng was still absorbed in the wild patterns.

Ninety-eight thousand one hundred pill of law!

Ninety-eight thousand two...

Ninety-eight thousand three hundred...


Ninety-nine thousand...


Ninety-nine thousand five hundred...


Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred...

It's still a hundred!

When Qin Shaofeng's body of the Pill of Law had reached 99,900, Qin Shaofeng felt that the power of the gods and demons in his body had become stronger and stronger.

Even Qin Shaofeng had a hunch in his heart that when he had a hundred thousand pill of law in his body, and then arranged a hundred thousand-star Dao formations in his inner world, his strength would definitely appear a new ascent.

Now it is only a hundred pieces away from that step!

Soon! ~

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed with a loud bang, and then he looked up.

From this look, Qin Shaofeng saw that his little senior sister was bombarded with a punch in midair.

In fact, Bai Nishang couldn't hold on anymore, because by this time, Bai Nishang's five-minute state of God's recovery had already passed.

Had it not been for Jiang Qiankun who had been protecting her, she would have been killed by Jaw Man.

Until now, even after Jiang Qiankun's five-minute divine recovery state has reached the time, Jiang Qiankun can no longer explode the power of the Universe Sword. Finally, Jabman has found the opportunity and killed Bai Nishang.

"Neon clothes——!"

Seeing that Bai Nishang was bombarded with a punch by Jaman, this scene almost made Jiang Qiankun's eyes split, and he almost went crazy directly.

The reason why he almost went into trouble, that was the next moment, Jiang Qiankun was shocked to find that Bai Nishang, who had been completely bombarded by Jawman, was restored to his integrity again.

And it's not just that. After the white neon clothes was restored to completeness, the aura not only recovered to the peak state, but also appeared that kind of continuous feeling.

This feeling is extremely familiar in Jiang Qiankun's heart. It is precisely the inexhaustible power of the law he also possessed before, which is similar to the ability state of the spirit return of their Clan Demon Clan.

And the jaw man who also witnessed all this happened, his face was very ugly, and his eyes were even more unbelievable.

what is happening?

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