Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1514: Is he dead?

Chapter 1514 He Is Dead?

Because of the improvement of realm and strength, the self-detonating power of the shadow clone's attack this time has far exceeded Jaiman's expectations.

Therefore, Jawman was tragedy in an instant.

At this moment, because of the powerful self-detonation force, the three-meter black lightning area around the jaw man was abruptly destroyed.

The power that the ten shadow clones exploded spontaneously, forcibly tore apart the three-meter black lightning area, and directly wiped out all the black lightning inside.

Even if it weren't for Jabman's body that there was still a man possessed by a god, and the armor that was condensed, he would suffer a fatal attack.

But even so, after this terrifying self-detonation attack, the armor on Jawman’s body, although still intact,

But in fact, Jawman himself suffered a certain amount of trauma.

However, he successfully resisted it after all.

"Damn it, why? How could it have such a power, how could such a power be erupted by a small Qin Shaofeng?"

At this moment, Jaman was very shocked.

But the next moment, without waiting for him to think, he felt it again, the top of his head went black, and when he looked up, the jaws of his eyes shrank sharply.

Countless figures appeared again in the air, blasting down at him.

It's the shadow clone again!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't give Jaman a chance to react at all, and he once again differentiated and projected a thousand shadow clones.

Damn it!

Faced with such an encounter at this moment, Jaman finally abandoned the arrogance in his heart, no longer caring about the majesty of the king, his figure flashed, and he chose to dodge for the first time.


Jabman's hiding was not an ordinary one, he turned into a thunder and lightning, and he came to Qin Shaofeng in an instant.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have been guarding against this jaw-handed man a long time ago, so when the opponent appeared, Qin Shaofeng's prepared magic flash was also released instantly.

But at the next moment, that jawman also seemed to know that Qin Shaofeng would use his magic flash, roared, and a burst of black lightning burst out of his body.

"Want to escape? It's impossible!"


Under this burst of black lightning, the space of a kilometer around the jaw barbarian was instantly distorted by the powerful power of those black lightning.

When the space was completely distorted, Qin Shaofeng's magic flashes were naturally invalidated instantly.

not good!

Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked and his face changed abruptly when he sensed the instant failure of the flash.

It’s not that Qin Shaofeng didn’t calculate this point, but in his opinion, he has already been promoted to the realm of the title of emperor, which is equivalent to possessing the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao. Both the strength and the power of the gods and demons have been greatly improved. .

Therefore, in such a situation, even if the space is distorted, his magic flash can still play a role, allowing himself to teleport.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng still underestimated the black lightning that burst out of Jaman at this moment.

This level of black lightning has surpassed the general power of the law of thunder.

Just like the power of gods and demons possessed by Qin Shaofeng, it is a power that exists above the power of law.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know how this jaw man possessed such terrifying thunder power, and even in a sense, the black lightning power erupted from jaw man was no less inferior to the **** punishment master inherited by the tiger. The power of God's punishment.

In other words, this black lightning should be called the power of thunder punishment!

And under this power, the space was forcibly distorted, but it was extremely terrifying, and the magical flash that Qin Shaofeng displayed in his current realm could not offset this distorted power.

And the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng couldn't dodge such a blow at this moment.

Because the speed is too fast!


Just as Jabman's attack was about to hit Qin Shaofeng's body, a petite figure suddenly flashed past, taking the Jabman's attack instead of Qin Shaofeng.

White clothes!

It's white neon clothes!

At this critical moment, Bai Nishang came to Qin Shaofeng and blocked the blow from the jaw.

But obviously, this attack of Jaw Barbarian was extremely powerful, even a master at the level of Bai Nishang could not stop it.


With a simple explosion, under the attack of this black lightning, Bai Nishang's entire body was instantly exploded.

However, this also blocked the jaw barbarian attack.

"Little Sister!"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed, subconsciously preparing to step forward.

However, before Qin Shaofeng was about to leave, he suddenly heard a sound transmission.

"Qin Shaofeng stay still, prepare for a self-detonation attack of ten clones like the one before, and then wait for the opportunity to shoot!"

this is?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, because he heard that this was Jiang Qiankun's figure.

Randomly, Qin Shaofeng also understood something, and immediately began to prepare to cast the magic shadow of supernatural power.

In fact, he didn't need to do anything more, because at this moment, the retrospective that he sealed in Bai Nishang's eyes with the god-written magic seal had already triggered.

Gaining the power of retrospect, Bai Nishang has appeared in front of him again intact.

Damn, this kind of power again!

Faced with such a situation, Na Jaman suddenly became angry.

"Damn trash fish, are you still finished!"

With a roar, Jawman broke out again.

"Black Thunder Spear!"


A surging force of thunder burst out from Jabman, and in the next moment countless black lightnings condensed into a black lightning on Jabman's right hand, condensed into a three-meter black spear.

At this moment, Jaw Man looked like the Thunder God of Nine Heavens, holding the spear of thunder, and facing Qin Shaofeng, he threw the black spear fiercely.

"Qin Shaofeng do it!"

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng instantly heard Jiang Qiankun's transmission.

Subconsciously Qin Shaofeng released the ten shadow clones that had been split and projected instantly, and greeted the terrifying black long spear.

At the same time, the white neon clothes that stood in front of Qin Shaofeng immediately burst out of the power of the twelve laws in his body, forming a nine-color barrier to protect himself and Qin Shaofeng.


With a loud bang, the ten shadow clones finally collided with the terrifying black spear in an instant.

To be precise, at the moment when they were about to collide with that black spear, the ten shadow clones blew themselves together.

And the self-detonation of these ten shadow clones finally stopped the terrifying black long spear completely.

"Damn trash!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng actually resisted his Black Thunder Spear in such a way, Jawman cursed in a low voice, his face turned a little sullen.

"Is it blocked? The king wants to see how many black thunder guns Qin Shaofeng can block this king at once!"

The next moment, the power of the law in Jawman's body was surging again, and countless black lightning burst out from his body.

Then, in the midair behind him, a full ten black thunder guns began to condense.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly burst out.


Seeing from a distance, Jiang Qiankun held the Universe Sword in both hands and held it high above his head, as if exhausted all his strength, severely cutting out a dazzling sword of light!

Demon Slash, one of the three highest secrets of the Jiang Family's "Devil's Treasure", is regarded as a super powerful move with absolute ten-star power!

Originally, with Jiang Qiankun's realm, it was impossible to use this trick at all, because as one of the three secret moves of "The Treasure of Devil", not everyone can perform it.

Even a genius like Jiang Qiankun can't perform this trick if he doesn't reach enough level.

If it weren't for this, this Demon Slash would not be called a super powerful move with absolute ten-star power.

But this time, it was an opportunity for Jiang Qiankun to use Demon Slash.

That is, in the state of God's recovery, he possesses infinite power of the gods and demons. Although he is still a little reluctant, with the power of the sword of the universe, he still uses the power of the sword.

However, Jiang Qiankun still paid a great price for this.

The price is that one's own blood and the origin of the fundamental laws have been severely traumatized.

Even if he recovers, Jiang Qiankun's realm, talent and bloodline will suffer to a certain extent.

But then again, even if this happens, Jiang Qiankun is not afraid.

Because in his eyes there is a trace of Qin Shaofeng's seal, as long as he relies on the ability to trace back, he can completely restore his body to a complete peak state.

After experiencing a retrospective, Jiang Qiankun was absolutely certain that even if he suffered a major backlash, he could recover with the secret technique Qin Shaofeng had sealed on him.

Therefore, Jiang Qiankun planned with Bai Nishang from the beginning.

At the most appropriate time, the Demon Slash was cut out.

not good!

Seeing the sword light like the dazzling holy light, Jaman immediately felt a great crisis in his heart.


Without the slightest hesitation, Jaman instantly blasted the ten black thunder guns that were condensed at that sword light.

But as if encountering the snowflakes of the scorching sun, the ten black thunder guns with savage jaws melted instantly when they encountered the sword light of the dazzling holy light.


The next moment, Jawman was instantly swallowed by the endless sword light like the holy light, but it was just too late to erupt with a scream.

As for Jiang Qiankun who used Demon Slash, he was already exhausted at this moment, and at exactly this time, it was time for the recovery of the gods on his body.

In the end, Jiang Qiankun did not resist the weakness in his body and fell directly from midair.

Upon seeing this, even if he knew it, Jiang Qiankun could recover instantly even if he fell to death at this moment, but Bai Nishang still shot out a nine-color light, protecting Jiang Qiankun.

However, at this time Jiang Qiankun was the Demon Slash that he had already cut out, and finally bombarded Ja Man, and the powerful explosive energy that burst out in that instant shocked far away.

If Jiang Qiankun had no white neon clothes on his body at the moment, he would be dead if protected by the nine-color light.

But it was precisely because of the protection of these nine-color rays that Jiang Qiankun did not die, and then did not trigger Qin Shaofeng's seal in his eyes.

Whether it was Qin Shaofeng or Bai Nishang, these issues did not care about them at the moment.

Because now the two of them are most concerned about whether the jaw is dead this time.

The power of Jiang Qiankun's slashing of demons and swordslight is absolutely comparable to the blows of some powerful men who have captured the pattern of nine hundred avenues.

In the face of such an attack, even the Jawbarb will probably not survive, right?

At this moment, whether it was Qin Shaofeng or Bai Nishang, such a conjecture appeared in his heart.

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