Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1521: doubt

Chapter 1521

After the upgrade mission of the Law of Limits was completed, it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng's ‘Unlimited Kill’ quest to reach its deadline and then completely ended.

Qin Shaofeng no longer paid attention to the mission of "Unlimited Kills".

Because after the twelve-star level, Qin Shaofeng's mission of "Unlimited Kills" was completely over.

But Qin Shaofeng's attention quickly focused on his immortal incarnation.

The world avatar has left, and that is the opportunity for the world avatar to arrive.

Qin Shaofeng's demon incarnation was cold and ruthless, and he was not by Qin Shaofeng's side, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng paid much attention to the demon incarnation during this period.

Not long after entering the savage beast world, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that his demon king incarnation had also entered the savage beast world.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what his Demon King incarnation had experienced on the side of the Ancient Demon Race.

But the demon king's incarnation of cold and ruthless attributes, when updated again, has reached the realm of supreme dominance, and still possesses a realm of more than fifty avenues.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng's realm was equivalent to the realm of possessing several lines of avenues.

Then after so long, on Qin Shaofeng's attribute interface, the demon king's incarnation of cold and merciless attributes has been refreshed once again.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know when this refresh was, but from the attribute point of view, his demon incarnation had entered the realm of the title of emperor coldly and had more than a hundred patterns.

Now the Brutal Beast World group has also come to an end, and the Almighty Competition has also come to an end. As for the real state of the Demon King's incarnation cold and ruthless at this moment, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know now.

But in any case, Qin Shaofeng now feels that the fourth immortal incarnation he newly refined has a low realm.

It's less than the level of sixty avenues, which is much weaker than the second indestructible incarnation, Yan Yang.

Family members: Yan Yang (the second immortal incarnation)

Level: Supreme dominates the pinnacle

Occupation: Soldier

The pattern of the avenue: one hundred

Talented Spiritual Root: Spirit of Yin-Yang Holy Fire

Talent skills: yin and yang sacred fire, nirvana

Skill 1: God and Demon Body Refining Method

Familiar: None


After the second indestructible incarnation, Yan Yang, was promoted to the state of possessing the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao, Qin Shaofeng shared his skill one.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, it seems that because the Eye of the Gods and Demons has been upgraded to full level, he can actually share the very specific skills of the Eye of Gods and Demons to the immediate family members.

However, it seems that this kind of treatment, that is, his own indestructible incarnation family members, can only enjoy it.

Qin Shaofeng's second indestructible incarnation of Yanyang, he himself attacked well because of his natural spiritual root and the spirit of Yin and Yang Holy Fire.

But when he was promoted to the realm of the Hundred Dao Dao Dadao, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to discover that the reason is that the Yan Yang incarnation with the spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire would also have the shortcomings of insufficient law.

It is no wonder that he is already an indestructible incarnation of himself, with many skills, Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to share at all, he can use his own incarnation of the sun to display it.

For example, using the gods and demons to copy this ability, some of the skills copied, including the sky-shielding hand, the black magic slash, and even the holy hand of the Buddha can be displayed.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation's power of law was naturally somewhat insufficient.

Under such circumstances, sharing the body refining Dafa of the gods and demons is definitely the best choice.

However, Qin Shaofeng's focus now is on his fourth immortal incarnation.

Because this immortal incarnation was based on Xuan Changfeng and the three-pupil divine eyes, it was a special immortal incarnation refined, so Qin Shaofeng named it Qin San.

Family members: Qin San (the fourth immortal incarnation)

Level: Supreme dominates the pinnacle

Occupation: Soldier

The pattern of the avenue: fifty-eight

Innate Spirit Root: Lingtong God Eye

Talent skills: Lingtong Shenguang

Skill 1: God and Demon Body Refining Method

Familiar: None


The spiritual root of the fourth immortal incarnation was the same as Qin Shaofeng thought, after the three pupils were transformed by the super demon chess piece, it changed again.

This Lingtong God Eye has evolved on the basis of the original three pupil God Eye. After the evolution, the Lingtong God Eye has been optimized and upgraded in addition to the skills Xuan Changfeng had before, and many others have appeared. New capabilities.

Among them, Qin Shaofeng cared most about Lingtong Divine Light, the talented skill of Qin San, the fourth immortal incarnation.

The ability of this thing is actually very simple. Like Qin Shaofeng's magic, it has the ability to pull away the soul of others and enter the space of his own skills.

But the problem is that once the target irradiated by this spiritual pupil divine light is hit, not only will the soul be drawn away from itself and enter the spiritual pupil space of the fourth immortal incarnation.

Even as long as Qin Shaofeng thought, he could completely refine the target's soul with the help of the first indestructible incarnation into a pure soul power, allowing his own soul to absorb and improve the soul realm.

Such a move is really too powerful, and too terrifying and terrifying.

If it wasn't for special circumstances, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to use this spiritual pupil divine light.

In addition, this fourth immortal incarnation, Qin San, is also able to display many martial skills that Qin Shaofeng has successfully replicated with gods and demons, such as the saint hand of the Buddha.

This, coupled with the use of the spirit pupil divine light, will consume a huge amount of law power.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng also chose the **** and demon body refining method and shared it with this immortal incarnation.

However, the realm of Qin San, the fourth immortal incarnation, was relatively lower.

But it doesn't matter, because Qin Shaofeng has a lot of top experience fruits left when his world incarnation leaves!

These top experience fruits are composed of very large experience points, which are condensed in the experience tree, so they have a very powerful upgrade effect.

Even with the current realm of Qin San, the fourth immortal incarnation, a top-level experience fruit can actually raise the realm of several avenues.

Because the improvement brought by the fruits of experience is absolute, without any side effects.

Therefore, in just two or three hours, the realm of Qin Shaofeng's fourth immortal incarnation, Qin San, has undergone new changes.

Family members: Qin San (the fourth immortal incarnation)

Level: Supreme dominates the pinnacle

Occupation: Soldier

The pattern of the avenue: one hundred

Innate Spirit Root: Lingtong God Eye

Talent skills: Lingtong Shenguang

Skill 1: God and Demon Body Refining Method

Familiar: None


After using one-fifth of the top-level experience fruits, Qin Shaofeng finally raised his fourth indestructible incarnation to the realm of the 100 Dao Dao Dadao, the first to enter the title of emperor.

Of course, after possessing these top experience fruits, Qin Shaofeng has not forgotten Tiger Lord, Tang Qijian and Du Meng.

Because the Almighty Tournament is over and the Beast World has been taken by the Ancient Sanctuary, Qin Shaofeng and other players have used those legions that entered the Beast World. Except for a few people who need to stay, very few people have already withdrawn to the ancient times. Sanctuary.

Now Du Meng and the others, like Qin Shaofeng, are staying in the two halls and three halls.

Although I have experienced a lot in the savage beast world, because he knows the drawbacks of absorbing the savage patterns and does not have a lot of points to buy soul washing liquid, now neither Tang Qijian nor Du Meng's realm is very high.

Of course, this is not very high, and it is only relatively speaking, because after the two experienced the brutal beast world, their realm has been improved quite well, and both have forty or fifty avenue patterns.

However, for such a realm, after meeting Tiger Lord, the two of them felt painful and began to feel depressed.

Lord Tiger, the two of them couldn't be more familiar with each other, but now Lord Tiger has more than 90 Dao pattern realms, they are only half of Lord Tiger!

However, now that they have the fruits of top experience, they can solve their problem of low realm.

After handing over the top-level experience fruits to them, Qin Shaofeng knew that whether it was Lord Tiger or Du Meng and Tang Qijian, it probably wouldn't take long to rise to the realm of the Hundred Dao Dao Dao.

As for Tantaiyi's words, Qin Shaofeng had a good impression of him, and after this time of getting along, Qin Shaofeng felt that his nephew was very good, so Qin Shaofeng was generous.

That is to give Tantaiyi all the points he got in the brutal beast world this time.

This is what makes Tantai Yi extremely overjoyed, because with so many points, he can unscrupulously absorb the barbarian warrior's brutal patterns.

At some point, a special tool appeared in the ancient sanctuary, which could store the brutal patterns of barbarian warriors, and then placed it.

Although the storage time was not long, it still gave birth to a batch of vigorous sales of wild patterns.

It's just a pity that after the barbarians completely surrendered to the ancient sanctuary, those who ruled the supreme powerhouse used the towers of the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Arrays to completely refine the laws of the great beasts.

And after the Great Beast Realm's Dao Law was thoroughly refined, the current Brutal Beast Realm is no different from the ancient continent.

And it was from that moment that the savage patterns on the barbarians could no longer be absorbed by others.

In fact, during the time when the laws of the Great Beast Realm were being refined, the barbaric warriors in the Beast Realm began to gradually disappear.

Of course, this didn't really disappear, but these savage patterns began to merge into the body of the barbarian warriors, and gradually formed a series of patterns.

After learning of this situation, Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought of it.

Today's savage beast world seems to have become, an ordinary secret world in the ancient continent.

Can that explain that the countless secret realms, planes, and small world spaces on the ancient continent are all likely to have their own Dao laws.

But in the end they were all swallowed by the refining and chemical principles of the ancient continent?

This is as if the two sides have fought, and the loser will eventually become a subsidiary of the winner.

Although such an idea is a bit weird.

But Qin Shaofeng always felt that it seemed possible that this was the case.

This time the situation in the brutal world is an example.

The Brutal Beast Realm has its own Dao Law, but after being swallowed by the Dao Law of the Ancient Continent, the Brutal Beast Realm has completely become a part of the Ancient Continent.

Then, the savage beast world is no longer suppressing outside practitioners.

Even the cultivation system possessed by the native barbarians has begun to transform into the mainstream of the ancient continent.

Although this transition will take time, Qin Shaofeng is sure that in the end the brutal beast world will definitely become the ancient continent, an ordinary secret world.

So, what is the purpose of doing this?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, because he couldn't think of the reason why the Supreme Master did this.

The area of ​​the savage beast world is not large, so it takes so much time to conquer such a territory?

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand that he was never the supreme master of the ancient sanctuary, and he still didn't know some things.

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