Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1523: Jiang Qiankun's injury

Chapter 1523 Jiang Qiankun's Injury


Facing the question of the five clansmen, Jiang Qiankun's father did not reply, but sighed gently.

"Still not working?" The old brows of the five races frowned slightly, "With the power of the third brother's demon-killing and pure blood, can't he cure Kun'er?"

The third brother of the five tribesmen is Jiang Qiankun's grandfather, the tribe elder of the Famo clan.

After becoming a clan elder, unless he is a direct blood relative, otherwise, he is commensurate with his brotherhood.

"No!" Jiang Qiankun's father shook his head, "Kun'er has only cultivated more than five hundred avenues after all. There is still some distance from the realm of Devil Slash, and this sequelae is too big!"

In fact, whether it was Jiang Qiankun's father, the five-tribe elders, and other senior officials in the Jiang family, they were all shocked when they learned that Jiang Qiankun was so badly injured when he used the Demon Slash and suffered a backlash.

What they were shocked was not that Jiang Qiankun had suffered such a big sequelae by forcibly using Demon Slash, but they were shocked that Jiang Qiankun could survive.

Although Jiang Qiankun's talent and bloodline will be excellent, the problem is that their Jiang family's Demon Slash is one of the three most profound meanings of "The Book of Demon".

Not only are they powerful, but the most important thing is that these three profound meanings are more overbearing than one.

Even if he has the ability to cast Demon Slash, he still suffers some backlash.

However, if the realm is sufficient, these backlashes will not cause much harm.

But Jiang Qiankun's words, there is no such state!

In the Jiang family, even a genius who is outstanding and has a strong bloodline can only perform Devil Slash without suffering a serious backlash after possessing the realm of seven hundred avenues.

But Jiang Qiankun is now only the realm of five hundred and twenty avenues, and there is still a distance from seven hundred!

Normally, even if it was Jiang Qiankun's evil spirits, but his realm was there, he might not even be able to use the power of the law required to perform the premise of Devil Slash.

If it is forced, it is basically a mortal end.

In fact, this is true.

That was the state of God's recovery, and Jiang Qiankun couldn't bear the sequelae of forcibly using Demon Slash.

Jiang Qiankun was not immediately backlashed to death after cutting out the Mozhan, but that was almost the same.

Had it not been for the appearance of Tantai Kuangyun, he would have burped long ago.

Of course, in that case, there won't be so many things behind.

Therefore, knowing that Jiang Qiankun used the Demon Slash without losing his life, which made the Jiang family executives angry, but also surprised and unexpected in his heart.

But it is precisely because of this that the senior management of the Jiang family believes that Jiang Qiankun's blood and talent are absolutely extremely powerful.

This is naturally to cure Jiang Qiankun with all his strength.

Jiang Qiankun's father's words made the faces of the five tribe old men more ugly.

Although the five-ethnic elders and the three-ethnic elders are not directly related by blood, the five-ethnic elders received a lot of attention from Grandpa Jiang Qiankun before they became the elders of the tribe.

Coupled with the fact that the five tribesmen did not marry a wife and have children, this is what made the five tribesmen pay great attention to Jiang Qiankun.

Therefore, after discovering Jiang Qiankun's serious injury, the five clans were very angry.

At this time, suddenly a guard came in to report.

"Five clansmen, the little princesses of the Two Halls and Three Sects are here!"

Is that girl here again?

The five tribesmen raised their brows and his expression suddenly became unhappy.

Jiang Qiankun's thoughts, why Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone, his thoughts about Bai Nishang, almost everyone who knows them already knows.

But for Bai Nishang, the five clans do not like it much.

Because of the birth of the other party, although he possessed a nine-color divine body and was the adopted daughter of Baidi, the five clans always felt that Bai Nishang's blood was just a very ordinary blood, and it could even be said to be ordinary to moderate.

How can such a woman be worthy of Jiang Qiankun?

There is another reason why the elders of the five clans do not like white neon clothes so much, that is, a woman from the demonic clan of them is the most suitable match for Jiang Qiankun.

The other party is the descendant of Jiang Hengtian, the emperor of the demon clan, and they have awakened with a superior bloodline than Jiang Qiankun.

If Jiang Qiankun can unite with the opponent, then the children born will definitely be even better.

The clan elders in the Famo clan have a high status, but compared with the clan elders, the emperor Jiang Hengtian is a more advanced existence.

It can be said that Jiang Hengtian, the emperor of heaven, is the existence of the demonic clan higher than the clan elder.

Even the direct line of the Famo clan is the line of Jiang Hengtian.

But Jiang Qiankun's thoughts are all on the white neon clothes, which makes the five clansmen look down.

And most importantly, it seems that Jiang Qiankun suffered such a heavy injury this time, and there is something to do with Bai Nishang, which makes the five clans not happy.

"Let her go back, just say that her clan is always healing Kun'er and it is not convenient to see outsiders!"

The five tribe boss waved his hand and said directly to the guard.

Because of the identity of Bai Nishang, he was not good to drive away the other party like this. After all, no matter what the other party said, she was also the adopted daughter of Emperor Bai, the little princess of Two Halls and Three Sects.

But the next moment, the guard looked a little embarrassed and said: "Five clansmen, this is not good, the little princess of the two halls and three sects is here with Princess Mengfei!"


The five-ethnic old face twitched slightly, and he just remembered that the relationship between that Bai Nishang and Mengfei's girl was very good.

And this Jiang Mengfei is the woman who can be combined with Jiang Qiankun in the five clans.

Although the opponent was young, he was born noble. He was the direct bloodline of the heavenly emperor Jiang Hengtian, and even the bloodline of the awakened Demon clan was no lower than Jiang Qiankun.

Because of her birth, she is the only princess who is the princess of the demons clan.

Even in a sense, the identity of the opponent is status, which is equivalent to the clan elders of the Famo clan, and the five clan elders are also very fond of him.

Hearing that Bai Nishang had come with their little princess at the moment, the five clansmen snorted, waved their sleeves, and left without saying a word.

At the same time, the five tribesmen also have grievances in their hearts. Why do their little princesses have such a good relationship with Bai Nishang?

Then the guard saw that the five clans left, and he was immediately embarrassed.

Because the five clansmen didn’t say anything, that Bai Nishang couldn’t make it through!

It was Jiang Qiankun's father who saw this and said to him: "Okay, you can tell Princess Mengfei that Kun'er's treatment is over and they can come over!"


Then the guard responded and went down.

Jiang Qiankun’s father talked to Bai Nishang and didn’t have any dislikes. On the contrary, he was his own son, and he and Jiang Qiankun’s mother felt that as long as their son liked it, no matter what was born, they could become them. Daughter-in-law.

It's just that they are different. Those high-level Jiang family hope that Jiang Qiankun can combine with Jiang Mengfei.

But helplessly, they cannot force such things.

After all, neither Jiang Qiankun nor Jiang Mengfei mean to be together, especially Jiang Qiankun still treats Jiang Mengfei as a sister.

If the two are forced to unite, then they will probably resist.

Jiang Qiankun is fine, but Jiang Mengfei's identity is too special, even if it is the identity of the five clans, he can't force the other party.

However, for such a situation, the Jiang family's senior management is not very anxious.

After all, Jiang Mengfei is now only fifteen or sixteen years old, still very young, such a thing is not in a hurry, it is too early!

But now, the situation seems a little different.

After the five clans left, Bai Nishang and a little girl appeared in front of Jiang Qiankun, and the three chatted happily.

At this time, the five clansmen had already arrived in a secret room.

"Is it the fifth child?"

As soon as the five clansmen arrived, an old man's voice came from the secret room.

This old man is Jiang Qiankun's grandfather, the tribal elder of the Famo clan.

"The third brother is me!"

The five clans veteran spoke, but he did not go in, because he knew that the three clans were retreating in this closed room and could not be disturbed. The most important thing was to talk to him at the door.

"How is Kun'er's injury?" the old tribe asked.

"Recovered a lot, but..."

The Five Clan elders hesitated, and finally said, "But I am afraid that even if it is restored, Kun'er's blood and talent will be weakened a lot!"

There was a moment of silence in the secret room, and it was obvious that such a result was not easy to accept.

There was a moment of silence, and the three clans sighed in the secret room.

"Oh, forget it! This may be Kun'er's life!"

Upon seeing this, the five clansmen hurriedly said: "Brother, there is no need to make a final conclusion soon!"

"Fifth, you are no better than comforting me. You are all people who have practiced Fa Mo Zhan. Knowing Fa Mo Zhan's dominance, in fact, this time Kun'er can guarantee his life, it is a great blessing!"

"Now, I don’t have much hope, so I can count on Kun'er to recover a little bit! And now speaking, if Kun'er and Bai Nishang are together, they can use Bai Nishang’s nine-color divine body to recover. There is less backlash injury!"

The voice of the old tribe came from the secret room.

But what he said made the old brows of the five tribes slightly frowned.

There is another reason why these five elders do not like Bai Nishang, that is, there are some festivals between him and Bai Di, so naturally he does not want Jiang Qiankun and Bai Nishang to be together.

After pondering for a moment, the five-clan elder suddenly said: "Brother Brother, there are other ways to do this, don't forget, we cut the devil cave of the demon clan!"

"What? Do you want Kun'er to cut the magic hole?"

The tribal elders in the secret room seemed to hear something that made him excited, and his tone suddenly became excited.

"No, cutting the magic cave is too dangerous. With Kun'er's current state, entering the magic cave is no different than seeking death!"

"Third brother, don't worry, I am not letting Kun'er go to the magic cave."

Seeing that the tribe elder seemed to have misunderstood him, the fifth tribe elder hurriedly said: "I mean, with the help of the demon-cutting power of the Demon Cave, he can cure Kun'er!"

"Nor!" The tribe elder immediately denied, "Even so, Kun'er must be accompanied by a sovereign supreme to enter, so that Kun'er can be safe. But don't forget the old five, dominate the supreme into the magic cave , But it will suffer the backlash of Fa Modong, that is not a trivial matter!"

"Third brother, don't worry, I will go in with Kun'er this time, and I will protect him!" The five clans said.

"You accompany Kun'er into the Demon Cavern?" The tribe elder seemed to be surprised, "In this way, you will probably suffer the backlash from the Demon Cavern, which will hurt the foundation of your cultivation!"

"No problem!"

The boss of the five tribes waved his hand and said confidently: "Third brother, you can rest assured. I have a sense of measure. I just heal Kun'er's injuries. I don't do much. The backlash from cutting the magic hole will not be too big. Resistant past."

"That's it, I will prepare now!"

After finishing speaking, the five clans always left.

The tribal elders in the secret room opened their mouths, but in the end they just sighed.

"Oh, you have worked hard for you, the fifth!"

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