Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1526: Are you sure it's not cheating me?

Chapter 1526 Isn't It?

This is the place of the Jiang family of the Clan Demon?

Looking at the huge giant city in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because the huge city in front of me was very huge, and it occupies a large area, let alone the height of the entire huge city, it shocked Qin Shaofeng.

Because this height alone has exceeded tens of millions of miles.

A city with a height of tens of millions of miles, what a giant city this is!

This is the land of Jiang Family!

In fact, this is also the only city in the Jiang family. All the disciples of the Jiang family of the Clan Demon Clan live in this demon city.

Of course, in this magic city, there are also planes with countless secret realm spaces.

In general, the only feeling Qin Shaofeng had in his heart was shock when he first saw the Devil City.

But it’s a pity that the elders of the Jiang family did not introduce anything to Qin Shaofeng. Even after returning to the Magic City, the elders of the Jiang family instructed several Jiang family disciples to arrange for Qin Shaofeng’s residence. He left directly.

The masculine master, Hong Lao's natal master is that bracelet, now the bracelet is on Qin Shaofeng, and it is also set by Hong Lao in a state that can only be used by Qin Shaofeng.

Faced with such a situation, the five elders of the Jiang family didn't have much to say.

After all, that is the destiny of others. It is already very good to be able to borrow it, and naturally it will not allow them to take the initiative!

In fact, the Jiang family had guessed before that if the Scarlet Thunder Bracelet loaned by the Scarlet Thunder Emperor hadn't come in person, he would definitely let his close ones do it for them.

The old people of the Jiang family guessed that this red thunder bracelet would already be used by Bai Nishang.

But now it's better, let Qin Shaofeng use it.

The Jiang family five clans had no choice but to bring Qin Shaofeng.

But now he understands that Qin Shaofeng has come to the Demon City to talk to other clan elders.

As for what will happen afterwards, it doesn't matter to his five clans.

Qin Shaofeng soon saw his little senior sister Bai Nishang after arriving at the Magic City of the Famo clan.

Knowing that Qin Shaofeng was coming, Bai Nishang came to him the first time.

Then, after a conversation between the two, Qin Shaofeng understood that the thing Hong Lao threw to himself was actually his old man's destiny master, and the special nine-star master - Chi Lei Bracelet.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless. The actions of the old man at the beginning did not treat this red thunder bracelet as his nine-star natal master!

That random movement seemed to be an ordinary thing.

And because of this, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention to it for a while, and put the red thunder bracelet on his waistband at will.

But after knowing it, Qin Shaofeng naturally did not dare to be careless, and immediately put the Chi Lei bracelet in his hand.

Although he knew that he was in the Demon City at this moment and no one would do anything to him, Qin Shaofeng was still on guard.

It didn't take long before Qin Shaofeng saw Jiang Qiankun again.

At the moment when Jiang Qiankun was visible, Qin Shaofeng smiled and said: "Oh, our young master Jiang Qiankun, how can this picture be so good now, so weak, the original demon clan's first day of arrogant demeanor, why has it disappeared? "

After seeing Qin Shaofeng again, Jiang Qiankun was still in a good mood.

Sometimes, the rapid progress of a relationship with a person can be achieved only after experiencing a life and death crisis.

Qin Shaofeng and Jiang Qiankun are about that!

Although I have only met for a short time, when I meet again at this moment, I feel like an old friend I haven't seen for a long time, and my heart is very intimate.

Qin Shaofeng's words immediately made Jiang Qiankun's face twitchy, but he also lost face, and immediately fought back.

"Heh, I also said Wan, isn't you Qin Shaofeng also a sick duck now?"

It is true that Jiang Qiankun can't use the power of his own law now.

But if you want to use your integral spiritual knowledge, it's fine.

Therefore, the first time he saw Qin Shaofeng, Jiang Qiankun knew that Qin Shaofeng's state at the moment was almost the same as his.

After waking up, Jiang Qiankun learned from Bai Nishang.

After he slashed a demon slash against his jaw that day, the opponent actually survived.

In the end, it was Qin Shaofeng who stood up and fought each other, which made Bai Nichang escape smoothly.

Jiang Qiankun was moved by this.

Seeing Jiang Qiankun aware of the condition of his body, Qin Shaofeng shrugged slightly and said indifferently: "There is no way, you have paid the price, how can I still be intact?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng say this, Jiang Qiankun was a little worried.

"Then are you okay?" Jiang Qiankun asked worriedly. He was afraid that Qin Shaofeng's situation was the same as his, or even worse.

After all, Qin Shaofeng possesses the secret technique of instant recovery, but he hasn't recovered now, which naturally worries Jiang Qiankun.

Qin Shaofeng's worried tone was naturally heard.

And Qin Shaofeng also knew why Jiang Qiankun was like this.

But instead of not using backtracking, he has used it twice.

But the situation in his body was not injured. To be precise, the brutal lines on the jaws were absorbed by him, but the absorption process was a bit difficult.

This is because he can't use too much power of the law now.

Backtracking is just a skill that restores his physical condition to the peak state, but Qin Shaofeng's current physical state is already in the peak state.

Such a situation of him can only be solved completely after the 100 law patterns in his body have been absorbed and refined by the jaws.

"I'm okay. At best, I can't use the power of much law for the time being, but I can fully recover in a year or a half at most." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

"That's it!" Jiang Qiankun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't talk about me, don't you feel uncomfortable now!" Qin Shaofeng suddenly laughed.

His smile immediately made Jiang Qiankun helpless.

"Oh, it's more than uncomfortable, I am totally tortured like this!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled suddenly, and then seemed to think of something. He hehe smiled and said, "Hehe, in that case, do you want me to cut you twice?"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng still swung a knife with his right hand.

But in his appearance, no matter how bad he was.

Jiang Qiankun naturally knew that what Qin Shaofeng meant was to cut him with a knife, and it was the kind of knife that would undoubtedly die.

Because in this way, he can trigger backtracking and his body completely recovers.


"No way!" Jiang Qiankun gently shook his head, and then expressed his concerns.

"My current situation, but it is a bit troublesome, let me tell you..."

After learning that Jiang Qiankun still had a so-called healing power in his body, Qin Shaofeng also said that he was in pain.

No wonder this Jiang Qiankun still looks sick now. If this is replaced by him, I am afraid it will be the same.

Because Jiang Qiankun’s current situation is not about triggering the issue of not triggering backtracking, but the situation after triggering backtracking.

Backtracking was triggered, and his body recovered, but the terrifying healing power in his body might have disappeared directly.

In this case, it is a loss.

As for the other one, the backtracking triggered and his body recovered, but the healing power in his body was still there, which was also a bad thing.

Qin Shaofeng can be sure that if he goes back to restore Jiang Qiankun's body to its peak, and then saves the healing power in his body. I am afraid that Jiang Qiankun has nothing to eat, even if his body is not burst, he will definitely end up with a serious injury.

This healing power disappears the heartache, and the loss is huge.

Do not disappear, the danger is great!

This is what makes Jiang Qiankun dilemma!

Even if such a choice fell on Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng would not be much better.

However, in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and said mysteriously to Jiang Qiankun: "Hey, if I tell you, I can solve your embarrassing problem, and I will seal it in your eyes. Looking back, how can you recover your body and also keep the healing power in your body?"

"Is this... possible?" Jiang Qiankun was a little unbelievable.

He knew that Qin Shaofeng had a lot of methods, but with his current situation, if he wanted to recover, he could only use the ability to look back.

But he also made it clear about the drawbacks of using backtracking.

Does Qin Shaofeng have other ways?

Seeing Jiang Qiankun's face of disbelief, Qin Shaofeng was about to sell something, so he stretched out his hand in front of Jiang Qiankun and smiled: "Don't guess, this is my solution?"

This one?

Seeing a light yellow bean in Qin Shaofeng's hand, Jiang Qiankun was speechless in an instant.

There is no fluctuation of the power of law, not even the fluctuation of spiritual power.

This bean is completely mortal, and seeing its appearance, Jiang Qiankun has a name in his mind.

Isn't this soya bean?

"I said, Qin Shaofeng, wouldn't you say that this soy bean is your solution?" Jiang Qiankun said dubiously.


Qin Shaofeng immediately became angry: "I said what Jiang Qiankun's eyes look like, is this a soybean? Your soybeans look like this? I tell you this is one of my rare treasures, fairy beans?"

That's right, what Qin Shaofeng took out was Xiandou.

And Qin Shaofeng was sure that with the power of the fairy bean, Jiang Qiankun would definitely be healed instantly, and even the healing power in Jiang Qiankun's body could be completely retained.


Fairy beans?

There was obvious unbelief in Jiang Qiankun's eyes, and he secretly spit out extremely depressed in his heart.

How about fairy beans?

Return my soybeans?

What kind of fairy beans, my soy beans are like that!

Qin Shaofeng, are you sure you are pitting me?

Seeing the disbelief in Jiang Qiankun's heart, Qin Shaofeng suddenly became angry.

At exactly this time, he saw an ornamental beast like a parrot in Jiang Qiankun's room.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng didn't say a word, and when he caught the parrot, it was a violent beating.

"My grass, what are you doing Qin Shaofeng?"

Jiang Qiankun was immediately anxious. Although this parrot was an ornamental beast, it also had the strength of Nirvana and was his grandfather's favorite pet.

Because of the retreat, his grandfather put the parrot in his foster care for him to watch.

His grandfather had already given so much for himself. If he made his beloved little guy appear in his own place, Jiang Qiankun felt that he could apologize with death.

Therefore, seeing Qin Shaofeng's actions, Jiang Qiankun immediately exploded.

"Qin Shaofeng, you wolf-hearted thing, you stop me, if you don't stop, I'll fight it for you!"


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