Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1529: Parents' Past

A few days later, three days before the opening of the Magic Cave, Qin Shaofeng came to a square in the Magic City under the leadership of Senior Brother.

After arriving at the square, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there were very few people in this square, with only a dozen people.

But among the dozen or so people, they were all powerhouses above the emperor's title level, and there were actually three elders from the Jiang family.

Clan elder, that is the strong man who dominates the supreme realm.

The elders of the Jiang family that Qin Shaofeng met were also here, in addition to the second and sixth elders of the Jiang family.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Six people old?

This means that the Jiang family has at least six clan elders. If you add in that high heavenly emperor Jiang Hengtian, then the entire Jiang family will have at least seven powerhouses who dominate the supreme realm.

That number is terrifying!

However, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid of anything. Looking at the strong men of the Jiang family, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were calm.

Because no matter what the Jiang family's test is, he will definitely pass it.

In the past few days, Qin Shaofeng learned a lot from his big brother Fu Changsheng.

First of all, regarding the identity of his mother, Qin Shaofeng had a guess from Tang Qijian's words.

Isn't your mother the same little princess from the Jiang family who killed the demons?

I was still guessing what I said before, but now Qin Shaofeng has completely confirmed it.

Because his elder brother Fu Changsheng told him that his mother was the little princess who disappeared from the Jiang family.

Because of the conspiracy of the ancient demons, Qin Shaofeng's grandfather and grandmother were attacked, and Qin Shaofeng's mother was Qin Shaofeng's grandfather. At the last moment, she used a secret technique to escape.

But this escape, because it used a forcibly space jump jade talisman, it directly escaped from a small space plane outside the ancient sanctuary, this is the place where Qin Shaofeng was born.

Then, things are simple.

Although Qin Shaofeng's mother managed to escape, she suffered a lot of injuries and lost her memory in the end.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's mother was taken in by Qin Shaofeng's grandfather, and she fell in love with Qin Shaofeng's father for a long time, and the two finally walked together.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was born.

But when Qin Shaofeng was four or five years old, the Jiang family finally used a lot of manpower to find their little princess.

But after finding Qin Shaofeng's mother, the Jiang family was very angry.

The reason why the Jiang family looked for Qin Shaofeng's mother in such a way was that it was Qin Shaofeng's mother, the only direct descendant of Emperor Jiang Hengtian, the little princess of the Famo clan.

The second thing is the most important thing, that is, Qin Shaofeng's mother possesses the very difficult and special power of returning to the ancestors of the Jiang family, a clan of Demon Slayers.

Once the power of returning to ancestors is displayed, it is the power of the powerful blood that allows others to awaken the ancestors.

Moreover, a disciple of the Famo clan who possesses the power of returning to the ancestors can use the ability of returning to the ancestors three times in his life.

This means that with Qin Shaofeng's mother, she can create three powerful geniuses for the Famo clan.

And if the three powerful geniuses created are all their children, the blood of the awakened ancestors will be even stronger.

But when the Jiang family found Qin Shaofeng's mother again, they found that Qin Shaofeng's mother had not only lost the ability to return to the ancestors, but even married, and gave birth to Qin Shaofeng.

Although she was injured at a young age, Qin Shaofeng's mother lost her memory, but over time, Qin Shaofeng's mother has recovered a lot of memories.

She knew that one day, the Jiang family would find herself.

Therefore, she used the power of returning to Qin Shaofeng's father a long time ago when she was recovering her memory.

Originally, she wanted to give Qin Shaofeng the power of returning to the ancestors, but it was a pity that when Qin Shaofeng was born, his bloodline was very ordinary, and he did not inherit the bloodline of the Famo clan.

Naturally, it is impossible to withstand the power of returning to the ancestors in the first place, and Qin Shaofeng's mother intends to wait for Qin Shaofeng to grow up before using the power of returning to the ancestors.

But it was a pity that Qin Shaofeng hadn't grown up yet, and the Demon Clan came to him.

Facing the little princess who had been ‘polluted’, the senior leaders of the Famo clan were very angry. Although they were forgiven, they still refused to forgive Qin Shaofeng’s father.

But after Qin Shaofeng's mother begged hard, the tribe at the time, Jiang Qiankun's grandfather, finally agreed to let Qin Shaofeng's father go.

As for Qin Shaofeng's words, the Clan of Demons originally did not allow blood to escape.

However, after the three tribe elders personally inspected it, they did not find out that Qin Shaofeng had the blood of the Momo clan, so Qin Shaofeng was left behind.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's mother was brought back to the Famo clan.

After losing his wife, Qin Shaofeng's father, Qin Feiyang, was very unwilling, but at that moment, he awakened his own blood, the special blood awakened by Qin Shaofeng's mother's ancestral power.

Demon blood!

That's right, the bloodline of Qin Shaofeng's father's awakening was the bloodline of the Demon Race, and it was still extremely powerful.

In this regard, I am afraid that even Qin Shaofeng's mother and the tribesmen were never expected.

Because of the awakening of the powerful blood of the Demon Race, Qin Shaofeng's father practiced extremely fast, and finally entered the ancient sanctuary to rescue Qin Shaofeng's mother.

After Qin Shaofeng's mother was taken back by the Demon Clan, she was once regarded as the sinner of the Demon Clan.

However, this situation improved a bit after Qin Shaofeng's mother showed Jiang Qiankun's ancestorship.

In fact, no one knows that although Jiang Qiankun has awakened the special bloodline of the ancient Famo clan, the extent of Jiang Qiankun's awakening is not complete.

Even if it is incomplete, it is very powerful.

In fact, from the very beginning, the Jiang family planned to combine Qin Shaofeng's mother with Jiang Qiankun.

Because this will not only allow Jiang Qiankun to fully awaken his blood, but also give birth to a more powerful and outstanding genius based on the situation of the two.

But after returning to the Clan of the Demon Clan, Qin Shaofeng's mother said nothing could be done.

Faced with such a situation, Tiandi Jiang Hengtian said, not to let others embarrass Qin Shaofeng's mother, as long as the other party uses the remaining two powers of returning to the ancestors on the Jiang family disciples.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng's mother was still under house arrest, not to mention outsiders, even members of the Momo clan would hardly see each other.

The three elders of the Jiang family loved Qin Shaofeng's mother, but she loved her since she was a child, and always regarded each other as his granddaughter.

Even if the other party can't be his own granddaughter, he still regards it as his own.

In the end, seeing that Qin Shaofeng's mother had a very bad life, he secretly used some means to send Qin Shaofeng's mother out.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng's father had already arrived in the ancient sanctuary, and he had also gained some fame.

Because it was the blood of the demon clan that was awakened, and it was also the blood of the ancient powerful and mysterious demon clan, and at the same time he knew that his wife's identity was the demon clan, Qin Shaofeng's father deliberately hid his identity.

It was precisely because the elders of the Jiang family did not know this, and then saw Qin Shaofeng's mother getting thinner and thinner, he sent Qin Shaofeng's mother out.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's father and mother were reunited again.

It stands to reason that this should be a happy ending, because at this time Qin Shaofeng's parents are planning to return to Blue River City.

However, this matter was noticed by the Jiang family elder for some reason. In the end, the elder was furious and directly locked up the three elders for ten years and immediately sent someone to capture Qin Shaofeng's mother.

Then, things were completely bad.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng's father would not let Qin Shaofeng's mother be taken back, he was fighting against the disciple of the Famo clan.

Because the opponent is from the Momo clan, and because he is more grateful to the three old people of the Jiang family, Qin Shaofeng's father was merciful to the disciples of the Momo clan, but he defeated the opponent without taking the right life.

But soon, what Qin Shaofeng's father was most worried about finally happened.

As the disciples of the Demon Clan, the Jiang family are very sensitive to the aura of the Demon Clan.

In the face of some low-level people, Qin Shaofeng's father could still hide his breath.

But the realm was a little higher, because of his merciful relationship, Qin Shaofeng's father eventually revealed the fact that he was of the blood of the demon clan.

This moment was terrible. Knowing that Qin Shaofeng's father had awakened the blood of the demon clan, the high-ranking demon clan shook, and the elder of the Jiang family directly took action.

The elder of the Jiang family made the shot himself, even if Qin Shaofeng's father was genius, he was finally defeated.

If it wasn't the last moment, the Heavenly Emperor Jiang Hengtian would intervene again, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng's father would kill the Jiang family on the spot.

Qin Shaofeng's father was arrested, and Qin Shaofeng's mother was again arrested back to the Famo clan.

But what angered the Famo clan even more was that this time Qin Shaofeng's mother became pregnant again.

After the senior leaders of the Famo clan learned about it, they immediately wanted to remove the child from Qin Shaofeng's mother.

But Qin Shaofeng's mother was discovering that something was wrong, and immediately used the power of returning to the ancestors to the child in her womb.

Facing such a situation, the senior leaders of the Famo clan hesitated.

The power of returning to ancestors can be seen in Jiang Qiankun or Qin Feiyang.

Therefore, they hesitated.

They don't want to waste a rare return to ancestors.

After the final discussion, the senior leaders of the Falmo clan decided to wait until the child was born.

If the opponent awakens the blood of the demon race, even if it is a trace of the blood of the demon race, then you don't need to think too much, just obliterate it.

In the end, the child was born.

And the result of the birth shocked all the high-ranking demons.

Without the blood of the demon clan, the blood of the child is extremely pure, and even when he was born, he carried the unique light of the demon clan.

Rao was the elder of the Jiang family who had been attacking and obliterating Qin Shaofeng's mother, and was shocked by this.

Because he felt the blood of super-distant Jiang Qiankun from that child, and that kind of blood was powerful that he had never seen before.

Even if it was the blood of Emperor Jiang Hengtian, it was not as good as the opponent.

In the end, this child, this little girl survived.

Facts have proved that it is true!

Because when that little girl was three years old, she awakened the Momo Clan and only appeared once in the history. It was the strongest ability of the Momo Clan in the history-Spirit Return!

Spirit return is the strongest ability of the demon clan, absolutely the strongest ability, there is no one!

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