Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1531: Jiang Luo

Outside the protective barrier of the square, he originally sensed that the protective barrier was not right, and after Jiang Yun burst into killing intent, Fu Changsheng was very angry.

For the first time, Fu Changsheng wanted to question the three elders of the Jiang family.

Are they trying to test or kill people?

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was performing the Black Demon Slash, which made Fu Changsheng's heart suddenly smile.

My little brother!

You are here to get the approval of the Jiang family. This is the test of the game, but you are actually using the moves of the ancient demons under their noses.

Do you think the Jiang family is not stimulated enough?

However, seeing the expressions of the three clan elders and other masters of the Jiang family, Fu Changsheng felt a burst of relief in his heart, and he swallowed back the question he was about to say.

At the same time, Fu Changsheng had made up his mind. If the three elders of the Jiang family used this to make use of the question, he would be able to say what he had asked before.

Your people are all killers. My junior brother used these moves to protect himself.

After all, speaking of falling to the ground, the Black Demon Slash of the Ancient Demon Race is not a special move, as long as the realm is high, it is easy to cultivate.

Besides, in the previous Almighty Competition, this Black Demon Slash was still the content of the competition in the field of comprehension, and it was not considered as deliberate cultivation by his own junior brother.

It seems that he understands these things, so no matter how angry he is at this moment, the three clan elders of the Jiang family and other masters present can only stare.

As for Jiang Yun in the square, he was extremely angry.

Because every time he slashed a Demon Slash, Qin Shaofeng slashed a Black Demon Slash, as if he was completely facing him.

This made Jiang Yun very angry, a move to Devour Demon Slash broke out, and he seemed to have confirmed it now.

Since Qin Shaofeng was using the Black Demon Slash, he would use the Devil Slash to defeat or even kill Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing this scene, the three elders of the Jiang family outside the protective barrier of the square changed their complexions slightly, and the eyes of the six elders of the Jiang family flashed even more.


This was Qin Shaofeng's trick, Jiang Yun was irritated by the opponent, and he had lost his square inch.

Suddenly, the elder of the Jiang family's six tribes became anxious, because in this situation, I am afraid that Jiang Yun would be out of order because of his angry mood, and Qin Shaofeng would eventually succeed.

At this moment, the veteran of the Jiang family's six clans finally understood that Qin Shaofeng had performed this black demon slash completely strangely.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't know that, at this moment, using the Black Demon Slash was tantamount to provoking the Jiang family.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng knew this, and only then performed the Black Demon Slash on Jiang Yun.

Now Jiang Yun was also enraged by this, even though he exploded with a powerful move of Devour Slash.

But under this situation, Jiang Yun might consume too much, and eventually lose to Qin Shaofeng.

Because at this time, the battle on the square had become, and only one Jiang Yun burst out of Devouring Slash.

As for Qin Shaofeng's words, he only chopped out two ‘weak and invulnerable’ black demon slashes occasionally to provoke Jiang Yun, and at other times, he dodges Jiang Yun’s attacks.

Sure enough, after such a battle continued for a while, Jiang Yun's attack power began to decline.

He has consumed too much power of the law!

It wasn't until this time that Jiang Yun woke up and knew that he had been tricked.

Unfortunately, it is too late to wake up.

"Hand covering the sky--!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly violent, put away the Xuanwu battle armor broadsword, and slapped Jiang Yunmeng with both hands.

boom! boom!

Two huge palm prints covering the sky's hands burst out instantly.

As a result, Jiang Yun just barely resisted the first hand covering the sky, and was hit by the second hand covering the sky that followed immediately.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jiang Yun's whole body was blown out, and then he fell directly to the ground.

This is still the result of Qin Shaofeng's mercy. If he is allowed to explode with all his strength, Jiang Yun will be smashed by Qin Shaofeng's trick!

"Six elders, I have passed the first level, right?"

Without looking at Jiang Yun, who had fallen into a coma on the ground, Qin Shaofeng turned his eyes and looked straight at the six elders of the Jiang family outside the square.


The old Jiang family snorted coldly, and then said unhappily: "You have passed the first level, but this second level is not so easy!"

Count me through?

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, but he didn't care, he could see it thoroughly now.

Regardless of how the Jiang family's other powerhouses think of themselves, the six tribe elders in front of him definitely want to kill himself.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care much. Soldiers came to block the water and cover it up. He didn't believe that the Jiang family's six clans could shamelessly, and directly sent a powerful man with seven or eight hundred avenues to test him.

However, this first opponent is in the realm with two hundred avenues.

Then Qin Shaofeng guessed that his second opponent would certainly not be weak, at least better than the first.

This is indeed the case!

Soon, the protective barrier of the square was lowered, and after someone took Jiang Yun who was unconscious, Qin Shaofeng's second opponent appeared.

The first level is the opponent who reached the realm of Daozhiwen by 200.

The second level is the opponent of the Three Hundred Dao Dao Pattern Realm!

After seeing his second opponent, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed an expression that really didn't surprise me, but he didn't care about the opponents in the realm of the Three Hundred Dao Dao Patterns, he could still handle it.

But at this moment, Fu Changsheng's face changed slightly, because he recognized the identity of this person with the pattern of three hundred avenues, and he was still very familiar.

Jiang Luo!

Perhaps this person's name is a bit strange to others, but to Fu Changsheng, he is very familiar.

Because the other party is from his same age!

Regardless of how young Fu Changsheng looks, but in fact Fu Changsheng is no longer young. He was born 30,000 years ago and is now more than 30,000 years old.

And this Jiang Luo is just like him, and there are even many fights between the two.

Jiang Luo's talent was not worse than Fu Changsheng, or even higher.

Because this bloodline of Jiang Luo's awakening is also a powerful bloodline of the Famo clan.

When Fu Changsheng fought with each other, the two sides won and lost almost the same.

However, Jiang Luo disappeared suddenly one day.

There are rumors that Jiang Luo has finally fallen into disarray because of his eagerness for success.

Another way of saying it is that Jiang Luo had refined himself and was no longer a genius, he was living in seclusion against the magic city.

But now Fu Changsheng knew that Jiang Luo was not dead, but he had some conditions.

Fu Changsheng remembered that the last time he and Jiang Luo had a discussion, the other party was in the realm with the pattern of three hundred avenues.

At that time, Fu Changsheng barely reached the two-hundred Dao pattern realm, but because of his own special strength, Fu Changsheng eventually defeated Jiang Luo.

But it was from that time that Fu Changsheng never saw Jiang Luo again.

And now that I saw Jiang Luo again, Fu Changsheng finally realized that Jiang Luo had indeed had an accident, because his bloodline seemed to have become incomplete.

This seems to be the impact caused by mischief.

In fact, Jiang Luo was indeed eager to achieve success at the beginning, and eventually went crazy during his cultivation, causing serious damage to his blood.

In the last battle with Fu Changsheng, Jiang Luo was actually taking a pill to temporarily restore himself to his peak state and forcibly fought Fu Changsheng.

After that battle, Jiang Luo returned to the Demon City and never went out again.

"Jiang Luo!"

After recognizing the other party, Fu Changsheng couldn't help shouting.

This caused Jiang Luo, who had already entered the square, to have a slight pause, and then looked back at Fu Changsheng.

"long time no see!"

In just five words, the truth has exhausted the complexity in Jiang Luo's heart.

The rivals that were comparable in the past are now dominating the realm of supremacy.

But he was still the same as before, and he stopped moving.

Even this situation, I am afraid it will continue.

Fu Changsheng opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Jiang Luo's extremely complicated eyes, he finally said nothing.

Fu Changsheng knew that Jiang Luo was actually much higher than him in terms of talent.

If it hadn't been for that time in the past, Jiang Luo would probably become a clan elder of the Clan Demon.

Even if he hadn't become the Domination Supreme, Jiang Luo's strength was absolutely powerful, definitely the kind of existence that was infinitely close to Domination Supreme.

Therefore, at this moment, Fu Changsheng had nothing to say.

However, at the moment when the protective barrier of the square was raised, Fu Changsheng hurriedly spoke to Qin Shaofeng.

"Little Junior Brother, be careful. This person used to be my strongest competitor. It's not easy!"


Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed a hint of surprise when he received the voice transmission of his senior brother Fu Changsheng.

Big brother's opponent?

And still the strongest competitor?

Qin Shaofeng, who didn't care much at first, instantly became extremely vigilant in his heart.

At the same time, Jiang Luo who stepped into the square finally turned his attention to Qin Shaofeng.

But at the moment Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell, Qin Shaofeng was a little astonished.

Because Jiang Luo looked at him, it was obvious that there was a wave of hatred and resentment, but Qin Shaofeng could clearly realize that the hatred and resentment of the other party did not seem to be directed at him.

Qin Shaofeng felt right. Jiang Luo's hatred and resentment were not directed at him, but at Qin Shaofeng's parents.

Jiang Luo was born as early as 30,000 years ago, and with his extraordinary talent, he quickly reached the peak of his life.

But because of this time, Jiang Luo was completely banned at his peak.

After this prohibition, it will be thirty thousand years!

For 30,000 years, Jiang Luo has never given up, and has been working hard to restore his previous talent.

But it is a pity that Jiang Luo has been unsatisfactory for 30,000 years.

Until Qin Shaofeng's mother was born, Jiang Luo saw hope again.

Because of the power of returning to ancestors possessed by Qin Shaofeng's mother, his situation can definitely be completely improved.

But after Qin Shaofeng's mother disappeared, Jiang Luo's mood fell to the bottom again. In the end, he made a desperate bet and entered some dangerous areas of the ancient continent to see if there were other ways to recover.

That's fine, because at this moment, Jiang Luo had already given up.

But later Qin Shaofeng's mother reappeared and was taken back to the Jiang Family's Devil City, which rekindled hope in Jiang Luo's heart after learning the news.

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