Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1545: Mid soul golden body

After using the God and Demon copy card, the success rate of the first copy of "Golden Body Jue" is 20%!

This is not bad, it is a one-fifth chance of success.

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng was unlucky and failed.

For the second time, the success rate of the "Golden Body Jue" in the second copy of the gods and demons has doubled to 40%!

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to be really unlucky, and his near-average success rate still made him fail.

So now there is only one last time left!

If this time, Qin Shaofeng had not succeeded in copying "Jin Shen Jue", then he would be completely unable to copy "Golden Shen Jue".

However, this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't think he would fail.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for successfully copying the gods and demons. The current target is the special technique "Golden Body Jue", with a success rate of 70%! Using 1 skill point can increase the success rate to 0.1%! May I ask the player Qin Shaofeng Do you use skill points to increase the success rate of this copy?"

The success rate of the last copy of "Golden Body Jue", although not doubled again, reached 80%.

But this also has a 70% success rate!

However, it seems that the successive failures have left Qin Shaofeng's heart with some shadows. Coupled with enough skill points, Qin Shaofeng's heart is ruthless and he directly consumes 300 skill points, raising the success rate to 100%.

"System reminder: Contributing player Qin Shaofeng consumes 300 skill points to increase the success rate of the special technique "Golden Body Jue", which is a special technique for the gods and demons to copy targets, to 100%!"

After this system prompt, the next moment Qin Shaofeng gave a low voice, and another system prompt sounded.

Gods and demons copy!

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for using the copy of Gods and Demons, and successfully copied the special technique "Golden Body Jue"! Player Qin Shaofeng successfully obtained the skill Jinshen Jue!"

Finally succeeded!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt completely relieved.

The successful duplication of the gods and demons means that they have successfully practiced "Golden Body Jue".

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng felt the power of a golden light in his soul at the moment when he successfully practiced in The Golden Body.

This is the light of the golden body in "The Golden Body"!

Under the protection of the light of the golden body, Qin Shaofeng immediately noticed that the burning of the surrounding demon-killing sacred fire on his soul and the power of the gods and demon seemed to have weakened a lot.

Although it hadn't completely disappeared, Qin Shaofeng was sure that even if he was not in an infinite resurrection state at this moment, he would be able to persist for a while in the depths of the sea of ​​sacred fire.

After "Golden Body Jue" succeeded and became his own skill, Qin Shaofeng did not delay at all, taking advantage of the infinite resurrection state, he immediately began to use the Golden Body Jue.

Because if the infinite resurrection is still there, Qin Shaofeng doesn't need to worry about anything at all. With the help of the infinite resurrection state, he can madly absorb the surrounding demon sacred flames to practice "Golden Body Jue"!


At this moment, the sea of ​​flames around Qin Shaofeng instantly surged, bursting out countless turbulent torrents of flames.

Then, these torrents flocked to Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, the whole body was completely covered by golden light.

Under this golden light, these demon-slashing sacred fires that came in one after another turned into a special force and entered Qin Shaofeng's body, reaching the depths of Qin Shaofeng's soul.

After Qin Shaofeng's soul gained these special powers, the realm of his soul continued to rise rapidly.

Qin Shaofeng's original soul realm had already reached the ninth realm of the initial soul golden body.

If you want to cultivate to the tenfold realm of the initial soul golden body, even Qin Shaofeng will take at least a few years.

But with the help of "Golden Body Jue", Qin Shaofeng's soul realm improved very quickly.

And especially Qin Shaofeng at this moment, in an infinite resurrection state, without any scruples at all.

Under normal circumstances, even if you have "Golden Body Jue", that one-time refining of the sacred flame of the devil can not be more.

Because once the special power refined by the Demon Sacred Fire, too much of the soul poured into it, it would cause a burden to its own soul.

If the burden is too large, it is likely to be injured.

But now Qin Shaofeng has an infinite resurrection, even if his soul suffers from an injury in his eyes, even if it is a fatal injury, it doesn't matter.

I will be resurrected directly!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's absorption of the Demon Sacred Fire was very terrifying, which caused Qin Shaofeng's soul realm to rise very quickly.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm broke through only three hours.

The golden body state of the soul in the mid-term!

When Qin Shaofeng's infinite resurrection state finally disappeared, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm had reached the five-level realm of the medium soul golden body.

This is a terrible state!

Because among the powerhouses in the entire ancient sanctuary, those who can reach the mid-stage soul golden body state are already very rare.

There are no more than a thousand people who can reach the golden body state of the soul in the mid-term.

This is the number of all the strong in the entire ancient sanctuary!

Now, just talking about the realm of soul, Qin Shaofeng is already regarded as the top 1,000 in the entire ancient sanctuary!

However, after there was no infinite resurrection, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm improvement speed naturally slowed down.

But now, there are still five days left before the closing time of Falmo Cave.

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to leave this sea of ​​demon-slashing sacred fire temporarily, he wanted to continue to absorb these demon-slashing sacred fires to improve his soul realm.

As for going out to cut the Demon Cave, Qin Shaofeng has now understood.

With his current realm of soul, he could completely use the power of the sea of ​​sacred fire to appear at the entrance and exit of the cave.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng doesn't have to worry about when to go out.

For the next five days, Qin Shaofeng continued to practice "Golden Body Jue" in the sea of ​​sacred fire.

However, it is a pity that because there is no infinite resurrection state, Qin Shaofeng can no longer refining the Sacred Fire unscrupulously.

Therefore, even in five days, at most, Qin Shaofeng's soul realm has risen to the fifth peak of the mid-term soul golden body, and still has not broken through to the sixth stage!

But just that, for Qin Shaofeng, it was enough.

Today is the deadline to close the Demon Caverns, but before leaving, Qin Shaofeng took away a large amount of Demon Sacred Fire.

In the "Golden Body Jue", there is a secret technique that can put away a lot of magical sacred fire.

But it is a pity that with Qin Shaofeng's current state, this secret technique can only be used three times.

Although he had absorbed a lot of the Sacred Fire of Slashing Demons three times, for Qin Shaofeng, he still couldn't satisfy him.

But what Qin Shaofeng didn't know was that when he left, the entire Demon Slashing Sacred Fire Sea was abruptly shrunk by one-third compared to when he first entered.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng used the power of the Sea of ​​Demon Sacred Fire to leave the Demon Cave in an instant without noticing anything.

If Qin Shaofeng left normally from the center of the Sea of ​​Demon Sacred Fire, he would find that the distance he left would be a third shorter than before he entered.


After seven, seven or forty-nine days, Famodong was finally closing.

On this day, Fu Changsheng and Jiang family elders and other strong Jiang family members once again joined forces to open the Demon Cavern.

As soon as the Demon Cavern was opened, the geniuses in the Demon Cavern noticed it for the first time.

Because no one would enter the depths of the Demon Cavern like Qin Shaofeng, let alone enter the depths of the Demon Sacred Fire.

Almost all people who enter the Demon Cavern choose to practice on their own path.

Therefore, when Famodong opened again, they were aware of this situation for the first time.

Because their path of passage has not collapsed and disappeared, it is natural to know the opening of the Magic Cave again.

Despite some nostalgia, no one hesitated, and they chose it at the first time.

When the geniuses who came out again appeared in front of everyone, everyone was very shocked.


All the geniuses who entered the Demon Cave have their realm improved.

The geniuses of Nirvana have been promoted to become masters!

As for the geniuses who dominate the realm, there have been many powerhouse realms that directly crossed the supreme dominance realm and directly reached the title of emperor.

For example, Lord Ling, who was in the realm under the pattern of the Hundred Dao Dadao before, has now been directly elevated to the realm of the title of emperor.

Even at this moment, there are more than five hundred lines in the main road in Ling Gongzi!

Obviously, after entering the Demon Cave, Master Ling's perfect body of the Holy Spirit was further stimulated, and finally raised him to his current realm.

If it is the person who has the greatest number of advances in the realm of the pattern of the great road, it is none other than the spiritual master.

As for the demon prince, his Dao pattern has also improved a lot.

But after all, he was killed by Jaw Savage. Therefore, the demon prince fell. Although he was resurrected again, it seemed that the demon prince paid a lot of price.

This is what caused him to be talented at the moment.

Jiang Qiankun is also out!

Jiang Qiankun also got a lot of benefits when he entered the Demon Cave this time.

Not only had his injuries completely recovered, but Jiang Qiankun had even improved his realm.

Before Jiang Qiankun's realm was more than the realm of five hundred avenues. Now Jiang Qiankun's body has more than 730 avenues.

This has raised the pattern of more than two hundred avenues!

Therefore, even though Jiang Qiankun has only upgraded the patterns of more than two hundred Dao Dadao, in fact, it is Jiang Qiankun who has the most improved realm.

Because he has risen from the realm of five hundred avenues to the realm of more than 700 avenues.

In the realm of the title of emperor, it is very difficult to upgrade a pattern of a great road.

Especially the better the realm, the more difficult it is to improve.

Therefore, to say that the realm has improved the most, that can only be said to be Jiang Qiankun.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng must be aside from these improvements.

However, Fu Changsheng didn't care about whether it was the Lingzi who had the most right ascension of the pattern of the Great Dao, or Jiang Qiankun, who had the highest level of improvement.

At this moment, Fu Changsheng stared closely at the exit of Fa Modong, and his heart was very anxious.

Because after opening the Demon Cavern again, he used the power of the Scarlet Thunder Bracelet to actually not notice the slightest breath of Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing that the entrance to the Demon Cavern is about to be closed again, can Fu Changsheng not be in a hurry?

Faced with such a situation, the old Jiang family felt a little bit more happy.

In his opinion, most of Qin Shaofeng has fallen into the Demon Cavern.

This is a good thing for the Jiang family.

But at the very last moment when Famo Cave was about to be closed, Qin Shaofeng, who was completely determined by the Jiang Family's second clan veteran, had fallen, appeared at the entrance instantly.

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