Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1554: What's the situation?

After taking out the Flying Feather Knife, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that most of the pressure put on him by this avenue and ladder disappeared in an instant.

Some of the discomforts that had occurred before due to strong pressure have now disappeared.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's climbing speed to increase again.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng climbed to the nineteenth step world.

Then, there is the twentieth step world.

In the end, it broke through the twentieth level and reached the twenty-first step world.

This time, it's terrible!

No one here does not know what the difference is between the 20th-level ladder world and the 21st-level ladder world.

This is the gap between the mid-stage soul golden body and the late-stage soul golden body.

And among the powerhouses of the ancient sanctuary, how many people have reached the soul realm of the later stage?

Perhaps there are some individual powerhouses in the ancient sanctuary who have no plans or have not yet entered this avenue ladder.

But even in terms of the current number, there are only five strong people whose soul realm can reach the later realm.

At most, Jiang Mengfei and Qin Shaofeng's special brothers and sisters were added.

After Qin Shaofeng entered this twenty-first step world, there were two people.

In addition to Qin Shaofeng, another person had already entered here.

This person is the Great Emperor!

After Qin Shaofeng entered the 21st floor, the Great Emperor Wanzhen nodded slightly, which was regarded as a hello.

But this is the representative, the other party's recognition of Qin Shaofeng.

Having such a powerful soul realm is already destined to be extraordinary.

In fact, at this moment, only Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that he could achieve this step with the help of the power of the meteorite iron of the Dao Dao.

After all, his true soul realm is only the eight-fold realm of the soul golden body in the mid-term, far from reaching the stepped world that represents the double realm of the late soul golden body at this moment.

Then, with the help of the great meteorite iron power in the flying feather knife, Qin Shaofeng quickly climbed to the same level as his sister Jiang Mengfei, reaching the 22nd floor of the last 33 floors.

"Brother, I knew you would catch up!"

The moment he saw Qin Shaofeng, Jiang Mengfei smiled, his face full of joy.

It seems that seeing Qin Shaofeng possessing such ability is much happier than she has achieved this step herself.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. It's all because of the special characteristics that made my soul golden body improved a lot when I was practicing in "The Golden Body." Otherwise, I would not be as good as you! "

Qin Shaofeng's words are true. If he hadn't practiced "Golden Body Jue", and when he had practiced "Golden Body Jue," he hadn't been in the Demon Sacred Fire in the depths of the Demon Cavern, his soul realm would be true. It is impossible to elevate to this point.

And the most important thing is that at this moment, he only got here with the help of the power of the meteorite iron of the Dao Dao. His sister actually relied on her own soul realm to achieve this step.

The two are simply incomparable!

In fact, no matter which powerhouse and Tianjiao are present, there are some great meteorites.

But the avenue meteorite they possess can at best help them offset a very small part of the pressure from the avenue ladder.

Therefore, no one thought that Qin Shaofeng was able to climb to the twenty-second level of the world with the help of the meteorite iron of the Dao Dao.

Jiang Mengfei thought that her brother was taking care of her emotions.

So Jiang Mengfei quickly smiled and said: "Brother, you can rest assured, no matter what you are, I won't be jealous of you!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and shook his head. No one believed the truth.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng stopped and started talking with his sister.

Before, it was because in the Magic City of the Magic Clan, there was no chance, but now this is an opportunity.

Because now no matter what he talks to his sister, how long he can talk, no one will hinder him.

For Qin Shaofeng's attitude, the second and sixth families of the Jiang family were very unhappy, but they could not help it.

They don't have the realm of the late soul golden body, and they don't have enough big meteorite iron, naturally they can't stop the current Qin Shaofeng and Jiang Mengfei!

While talking with his sister, Qin Shaofeng also communicated with his sister about the training experience of "The Golden Body".

After all, in terms of cultivation experience, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation of "Golden Body Jue" didn't take long, and naturally there was no more experience than his sister who had been practicing "Golden Body Jue" for several years.

After this exchange, Qin Shaofeng has gained a lot.

And Jiang Mengfei also obtained some methods of refining and killing the devil from Qin Shaofeng.

After Qin Shaofeng collected a large amount of the sacred flame of Demon Slashing with the "Golden Body Jue", when he left the Slayer Clan, he left a lot for his sister Jiang Mengfei.

After all, his sister also cultivated "Golden Body Jue" and possessed a large number of demon-killing sacred flames, which would be of great help to the cultivation of "Golden Body Jue" to improve her soul realm.

But after understanding just now, Qin Shaofeng realized that his sister was very bad at refining the demon-cutting sacred fire.

However, after his guidance, Jiang Mengfei overcame this point.

Then, Jiang Mengfei took out the demon-killing sacred fire one after another under the eyes of everyone, and began to refine.

This made the strong Tianjiao present, staring blankly.

Demon Sacred Fire is a divine object that enhances the realm of the soul, especially at this moment in this avenue ladder. The rise of the soul realm represents the ability to climb a higher ladder world.

The last thirty-third floor of the Dadao Ladder seemed to have different restrictions. It was no longer a one-level one hundred days.

But the entire last thirty-three levels of ladder world, seems to be able to stay for a full hundred years.

Therefore, in this situation, all the strong and Tianjiao here hope to enter a higher ladder world to practice.

After all, the higher the ladder world, the better the cultivation environment!

After learning from her brother how to use the "Golden Body Jue" to refine the devil-killing sacred flame to improve her soul realm, Jiang Mengfei quickly broke through.

Just like the ladder world where Jiang Mengfei is at this moment, Jiang Mengfei's soul realm has reached the dual realm of the late soul golden body.

This breakthrough is the triple realm of the soul golden body in the later stage.

Then, it didn't take long for Jiang Mengfei to enter the twenty-third step world.

This scene made the strong and Tianjiao present extremely envious.

And as the second-clan elders of the Momo Clan, his eyes became even more anxious.

Up to this moment, if they couldn't miss Qin Shaofeng in the Demon Cave and collected a large amount of Demon Sacred Fire, then they would be really stupid.

Especially after Qin Shaofeng followed Jiang Mengfei and entered the twenty-third level of the ladder world, the elders of the Jiang family and others were even more sure.

They determined that the reason why Qin Shaofeng had such a high soul realm must be that he entered the Demon Cavern before, and then did not know that by some means, he had obtained a large amount of Demon Sacred Fire, and then he reached such a realm.

But no matter how they guessed, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

All those who should be taught were already taught, and Qin Shaofeng didn't stop at anything. After instructing Jiang Mengfei to pay attention, he continued climbing.

One day later, Qin Shaofeng reached the twenty-fourth step world!

In this stepped world, there is only one strong.

For this strong man, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat familiar and strange.

Because the other party was surprisingly Jiang Qiankun's grandfather, the elder of the Jiang family.

Jiang Qiankun's grandfather had no objection to Qin Shaofeng, and even because of Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi, he had a good impression of Qin Shaofeng.

It goes without saying that because he healed Jiang Qiankun's injury, he finally relied on Qin Shaofeng's fairy beans to heal.

Jiang Qiankun didn't tell anyone about the origin of the fairy bean, but after Qin Shaofeng left the demon clan, Jiang Qiankun told his grandfather that the fairy bean was given by Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, the elders of the Jiang family, who had no opinion on Qin Shaofeng, naturally had a more favorable impression of Qin Shaofeng.

But due to the presence of the Jiang family elder, the second family elder and others, in the end, the Jiang family elder only nodded to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng also understood what the other party meant, and also nodded, saying hello to each other.

Three days later, the twenty-fifth step world!

Seven days later, Qin Shaofeng came to the 26th floor where his master was.

"Oh, I didn't expect it! I didn't expect that you kid would surpass me as a master at such an early age!"

This is what Bai Di said when Qin Shaofeng came to his identity.

Although it was a sigh, Baidi's face was always smiling.

With Qin Shaofeng's achievements, Bai Di was not at all calm or jealous, but was even very happy.

"Where, the disciple is now tens of thousands of miles away from Master your old man!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

This is also true.

Although Qin Shaofeng's soul realm is now strong, the number of law patterns in his body is always more than 900.

Perhaps, such a realm, coupled with Qin Shaofeng's many methods, can already make him not afraid of the master of realm strength like the old Jiang family.

But he is still far behind a strong man like his master Baidi!

After all, the strength of the soul realm does not mean the strength of strength.

At that moment, even if the Emperor Bai was just entering the realm of the initial soul golden body, with his strength, he still had the ability to kill Qin Shaofeng at this moment.

The real powerhouse, the realm of both soul and cultivation base, are very powerful.

After talking with his master for a while, Qin Shaofeng planned to take out the Demon Slaying Flame to refine his master, and wanted his master to also improve his spiritual realm.

But for this, Baidi waved his hand slightly and said, "Come on, although this demon-slashing sacred fire is good, but you have also noticed that after your soul level reaches the late soul golden body level, there will be no improvement. Yes, of course..."

The conversation suddenly turned, and Mr. Bai looked at Qin Shaofeng’s sister Jiang Mengfei with envy, and said helplessly: "If you have a special bloodline, and the bloodline of the Demon Clan, this Demon Sacred Fire will still have a great effect! What a pity you Master, I am not!"


In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was instantly stunned.

His soul realm has not reached the realm of the late soul golden body. Naturally, he didn't know that this demon sacred fire could not improve the later soul golden body realm.

However, considering some special circumstances, Qin Shaofeng followed a lot of things.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was right about his parents. He himself said that he had obtained a special technique from his father because he was in the Demon Cave in the Sea of ​​Demon Sacred Fire, and only then has his soul realm progressed by leaps and bounds. Case.

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