Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 156: Is it true?

"I'll go, I stabbed the crow's nest?"

Seeing the black press in front of him, the countless squawks sounded in his ears, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, fell back, and ran away in an instant.

A medicine beast Grey Cloud Crow was nothing to Qin Shaofeng.

Not to mention one, even ten or even thirty or forty medicine beast Grey Cloud Crows at once, Qin Shaofeng was confident to deal with it.

After all, this medicine beast Grey Cloud Crow is only equivalent to the first level of innate realm.

But at this moment, how could it be only thirty or forty?

Look at the dense scene, there are countless gray crow heads, a few hundreds of them.

And not to mention that in the woods below, a steady stream of medicinal beast Grey Cloud Crows flew out.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng, even Zhao Yuner at this moment, facing such a situation, I am afraid there is only one choice.


Run away now!

call out!

Qin Shaofeng's whole body was tight and turned into a flying arrow, falling straight to the ground. At this moment, he had used his air dance technique to its extreme, and the speed actually faintly exceeded the speed of 30 meters per second.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not pay attention to this at this time.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to continue flying in the air with the air dance technique, otherwise he couldn't get rid of those gray cloud crows at all.

If you want to ask those gray cloud crows, you only have a chance to enter the lush woods on the ground.


In the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng flew to the ground, and then his figure flickered slightly, and he instantly displayed Step Snow without a trace, and walked into the lush forest.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless, as soon as he entered the woods, he began to use Taxue Wuhen frantically, and fled to the distance.

During this period, Qin Shaofeng even took out three Earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pills, one swallowed, one in his mouth, and one in the palm of his hand.

Then Qin Shaofeng used Taxue Wuhen lifelessly.

I have to say that Qin Shaofeng chose Qinggong at the beginning, and it was really right to choose Taxue Wuhen.

At the very least, this Taxue Wuhen can be used to escape in the jungle, but it is extremely suitable.

Just a few flashes, Qin Shaofeng disappeared into the lush jungle.

But Qin Shaofeng still didn't dare to be careless, still running away frantically.

It wasn't until the quack of gray cloud crows came from behind that it was getting farther and farther, and after it disappeared completely, Qin Shaofeng found a tree hole, condensed all his aura, and hid.

While Qin Shaofeng was hiding in the tree hole, in another part of this illusion, a young man who smashed an intermediate-level innate five-layer medicine beast with one punch was excited.

"Hahaha, happy, this method is the most suitable way to obtain a heavenly pill!"

Picking up the medicated beast spar worth five medicinal power points, the young man laughed.

After laughing, the young man's face was slightly sullen, and his eyes burst out with **** killing intent.

"Unexpectedly, after entering here, everyone will be sent separately and randomly. In this way, Qin Shaofeng will definitely not be with Zhao Yun'er's little Niangpi. In this way, if I meet him, wouldn't I be able to kill casually? Up?"

With a slight sneer, when the young man talked about Qin Shaofeng, the killing intent in his eyes became more vigorous.

"What a Qin Shaofeng who actually dared to kill my Lu family, even though that Lu Qi is my own brother, I look down on him, but Qin Shaofeng, you dare to kill my own brother, how can my brother not take revenge? So this Once you are dead!"

As he said, the young man dashed away and ran away.

He wanted to find Qin Shaofeng and kill Qin Shaofeng before Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yuner met.

This young man is naturally Lu Yun.

Some time before the alchemy mansion opened, Lu Qi hadn't returned to the Lu family for a long time, and attracted the attention of the Lu family, and finally began to search.

After the final search query, the Lu family knew that Lu Qi had finally gone to Blue River City.

Then things became clear. The Lu family learned in Lanjiang City that a major event had happened in Lanjiang City more than a month ago.

First, the city lord Qin's family was brutally destroyed, and the murderers were some mysterious and powerful forces, and then a few days later, Zhang's Wang's family was also over.

Not only that, the powerful murderers who destroyed the Qin family were also completely wiped out.

As for who the shot was and what force it was, the people in Lanjiang City didn't know this.

But after the Lu family learned this news, they knew something about it.

Judging from the investigation information of Lianyang College, the Lu family knew that Qin Shaofeng, who had deposed Lu Qi from his dantian, was from the Qin family in Lanjiang City, and Qin Shaofeng also left Lianyang College at this time.

Although the Lu family didn't believe that the team led by Lu Qi was killed by Qin Shaofeng alone, this matter was definitely inseparable from Qin Shaofeng.

And even if it had nothing to do with Qin Shaofeng, it would be a capital crime for Qin Shaofeng to abolish the genius Lu Qi of the Lu family.

So whether it was Lu Qi's death or whether it had anything to do with Qin Shaofeng, Lu Yun would kill Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng had been staying at Lianyang Academy during this period, and Lu Yun had no chance to start.

After learning that Qin Shaofeng would also go to the alchemy mansion, Lu Yun felt that his opportunity had come.

But the appearance of Zhao Yun'er made Lu Yun dispel the idea of ​​killing Qin Shaofeng.

Others may not know the identity of Zhao Yun'er very much, but Lu Yun, who focuses on cultivating geniuses in Beihai Pavilion, is extremely clear about the identity of Zhao Yun'er.

His father is the deputy dean of Lianyang Academy, his strength is extremely powerful, and his mother is an important figure in the extremely mysterious Dream Family. No matter which identity he is, Lu Yun or even his Lu Family can't afford to offend him.

Not to mention his Lu family, even if they were the master of their Lu family, the Lu family of Beiyang City could not afford Zhao Yuner.

So when he saw Qin Shaofeng with Zhao Yun'er, Lu Yun knew that he had no chance at all.

However, Lu Yun didn't think there was any relationship between Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er. He also knew Zhao Yun'er's character and took care of some low-level students. Lu Yun obviously believed that Zhao Yun'er treated Qin Shaofeng as a student's junior.

Under this circumstance, he could only hold back his killing intent on Qin Shaofeng.

But I don't want to, after being teleported to this secret illusion, it was actually such a situation.

Thinking that Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were no longer together at this moment, Lu Yun couldn't help the killing intent in his heart anymore and began to look for Qin Shaofeng.

Perhaps the Lu family just thought that Lu Qi's death was only related to Qin Shaofeng, but Lu Yun, who practiced the evil method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang with Lu Qi, could perceive Qin Shaofeng's power with the same origin.

That was a breath carved by Qin Shaofeng before Lu Qixian.

This kind of breath is very unique, it is harmless in itself, and has no power fluctuations. It is just an evil vitality formed after practicing that evil law.

Once the master dies, this evil vitality will cover the murderer, so that other people who are practicing evil can feel it.

Of course, this evil spirit and vitality can't be maintained for a long time, it can last for three months at most.

At this moment, Lu Yun was slowly approaching Qin Shaofeng by relying on this faint feeling.

He wanted to kill Qin Shaofeng before Qin Shaofeng found Zhao Yun'er, so after feeling Qin Shaofeng's existence, Lu Yun didn't stop at all, but rushed at full speed.

At the same time, Zhao Yuner, who made Lu Yun fearful, also seemed to have a little accident.

As soon as it was sent out, Zhao Yuner discovered that something was wrong in the first place.

After teleporting for a while, Zhao Yuner found that there was no one beside her.

Because at the first moment, Zhao Yuner discovered that Qin Shaofeng was no longer by her side.

No way, this is not to say how inspired Zhao Yun'er is, but since the internal Qi exploration with Qin Shaofeng, her Nine Star Secret Technique internal Qi has been more sensitive to the internal Qi in Qin Shaofeng's body.

And this trace of induction became more and more obvious after she was promoted to the innate realm.

As long as within a hundred meters, Zhao Yuner could fully sense Qin Shaofeng, and even some changes in Qin Shaofeng's internal Qi.

But after the transmission this time, Zhao Yuner's feeling towards Qin Shaofeng disappeared instantly.

Zhao Yun'er didn't panic, but after looking around it carefully, she understood something in her heart.

Zhao Yuner remembered that there were hundreds of people who were teleporting with her and Qin Shaofeng, but at this moment there were only a dozen people around her. Obviously, the teleportation array was a teleportation array that could disperse people for teleportation.

Zhao Yuner was not surprised by this. Although she was not from the Meng Family, her mother was the sister of the Meng Family Patriarch, but she knew a lot of things, and Zhao Yuner naturally knew, many things that ordinary people did not know.

But this situation made Zhao Yuner feel a little bad.

When she came, she promised Qin Shaofeng that there was no threat in the alchemy mansion.

But now Qin Shaofeng is not by his side, which is a bit bad.

Zhao Yuner understands that even though he has confidence in Qin Shaofeng’s strength, even though he has confidence in Qin Shaofeng’s strength, even the relationship between Yang Kingdom, Black Martial Kingdom, and Yinyue Kingdom. Qin Shaofeng, who is in the five innate realm, will be the opponent of the nine innate, or even the tenth innate realm!

But now even if she is anxious, it is useless, after all, she is not very familiar with this illusion dense land, and she has no idea where Qin Shaofeng will be at this moment.

Forget it, let's find out first, and then go to Qin Shaofeng!

After thinking about it slightly, Zhao Yuner still feels that he understands some of this place first, and then talks about other things.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

The bracelet that Zhao Yun'er was holding on her hand and didn't consider it the same at all, was slightly brighter at this moment.

Even when the light was shining, Zhao Yuner clearly felt that a weak force emanating from the bracelet, pointing in a certain direction, it was clear to let her pass!

This makes Zhao Yun'er a bit difficult!

She never expected that Meng's family had entered this alchemy mansion so many times, without causing the bracelet to react, but as soon as it was her turn, she actually reacted.


How to do this?

For a while, Zhao Yun'er couldn't help paying attention.

The bracelet thing is something that my mother's family has been looking for for thousands of years!

I thought of what my mother said to me before entering the alchemy mansion.

"Yun'er, my mother believes that you are a person with a great source of blessing. This time you may enter the alchemy mansion. You may find what Meng Family has been looking for for thousands of years. You must bring that thing out by then, because That's a big thing about Meng's family, and it is of great importance to your cousin Xin'er, you must remember it!"

Zhao Yun'er didn't expect that her mother would come true.

"Hey, forget it, I don't know anything about this place anyway, so I might as well follow this bracelet. Maybe Qin Shaofeng is there!"

Finally, with a light sigh, Zhao Yuner followed the direction indicated by the bracelet and left.

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