Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1563: See you forever

Although it was a waste, Qin Shaofeng still started shopping frantically.

Because among these hundred products, there are really many special medicines.

Although among these elixirs, there are only three or five kinds of medicines that can improve the realm of cultivation, and most of them are some medicines that have little effect on the current Qin Shaofeng.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still bought all these pills.

Not to mention these pills, although they won't bring about a huge improvement to Qin Shaofeng, they directly give Qin Shaofeng a pattern of a thousand laws.

But under the effect of these pills, Qin Shaofeng actually raised the realm of the pattern of the Three Laws.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng'wasted' nearly 1 billion system exchange points for this.

But for the current Qin Shaofeng, his system exchange points are enough, even if the system exchange points ‘wasted’ almost 1 billion points, Qin Shaofeng does not feel distressed.

However, this was only a ‘wasted’ in terms of pill. Besides these ‘wasted’ Qin Shaofeng even spent 1 billion system exchange points to purchase a special card!

The effect of this card is very special, allowing Qin Shaofeng to be temporarily elevated to the supreme level of dominance.

Although there are no enemies here, there is no need to fight.

It stands to reason that there is no need to improve one's realm here.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng himself wanted to use this card to temporarily promote himself to Domination Supreme, and then deeply feel the strength he possessed after being promoted to the realm of Domination Supreme.

This is more conducive to his later cultivation, and if he understands it in advance, his cultivation will go smoothly.

In fact, it is true.

After experiencing the strength of a stronger realm in advance, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation speed really accelerated.

It's not that the speed of cultivation has really increased, but that he has already experienced the power of that realm. This has made Qin Shaofeng avoid many detours in the process of cultivation.

As a result, the cultivation speed is naturally faster.


"System reminder: Congratulations to the player, Qin Shaofeng's rule of law, for practicing a thousand ways and reaching the requirements of the seven-star mission of'Unlimited Training', and the seven-star mission of'Unlimited Training' is completed!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for completing the seventh-star mission of'Unlimited Training' and successfully unlocking the eight-star mission!"

The sound of two system prompts announced that Qin Shaofeng's realm had risen to the peak realm of the late rule realm.

There are thousands of lines of law!

At the same time, the eight-star target content of the ‘unlimited practice’ mission also appeared.

Unlimited training: special tasks, special tasks inspired by special props ‘special task trigger card’.

Task content: This task is a special trigger task. There is no star-level completion evaluation. According to the player's progress, the qualified star-level task indicators are unlocked. If you fail to complete a star-level task, you will get a certain reward. The higher the level, the more generous the reward!

(Note: This ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ quest unlocks unlimited stars, but there is time now. Once the specified time of the quest is reached, this quest will end here! The ‘Unlimited Cultivation’ quest time is: one hundred days!)

Current progress: Unlock eight stars.

One star: Completed!

Two-star: Completed!

Three-star: Completed!

Four-star: Completed!

Five-star: Completed!

Six-star: Completed!

Seven-star: Completed!

Eight-star: within one hundred days of the Dao Ladder, cultivate the soul golden body state to the small perfect state! Reward system exchange points 20 billion points!

Nine-star: Unlock after completing the eight-star mission indicator!


When Qin Shaofeng cultivated the pattern of the thousandth law, his ‘infinite practice’ task had completed the seven-star target.

The seven-star is completed, and the eight-star is unlocked.

The eight-star target of the ‘unlimited practice’ task is to cultivate the soul realm to the small perfect realm.

Although Qin Shaofeng's current soul realm, because his cultivation realm has been raised to the realm of the grain of a thousand laws, he has also gained some improvement. At this moment, he has reached the ultimate realm of the later soul golden body.

But in fact, it will take a while to elevate the soul golden body from the ultimate state of the later stage to the state of small perfection.

And Qin Shaofeng's mission of "Unlimited Cultivation" still had 13 days left.

If he wanted to cultivate his soul realm to the realm of golden soul perfection in thirteen days, even if Qin Shaofeng had confidence, he couldn't do it.

However, Qin Shaofeng does not plan to continue doing this ‘unlimited practice’ task now.

Because after the realm has improved the pattern realm of the Thousand Dao Law, there is one more important thing for Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng had received several messages from his father in the sea of ​​sacred flames in the Demon Cave of the Demon Clan. The last one was to let him enter the Dao Ladder and cultivate his realm to a thousand levels. The realm of the rule of law.

Because, as long as he reaches this level, he can see his father.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was very curious about the last condition his father said yes.

Especially when he entered the world of the last step of the ladder of this avenue, Qin Shaofeng hadn't been cultivating all this time. During this period, Qin Shaofeng also tried to find out whether there was proof of his father’s existence in a place, or something else. Mark of.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng still didn't find anything, but Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly noticed a very special situation.

That is the last level of the ladder world. It is very likely that it is not the last level or the highest level of this avenue ladder.

Because Qin Shaofeng had tried to take a hundred steps before to see if he could get to the next level.

It failed!

But this is not to say that there is no next layer here.

Qin Shaofeng failed because there seemed to be some restrictions on entering the next level.

That is the limitation of the pattern of law!

Not the pattern of avenues, but the limitation of the pattern of laws!

Such a situation surprised Qin Shaofeng very much, and he confirmed in his heart that his father might have done something on this avenue and ladder.

But the strange place is here. According to the senior brother Fu Changsheng, his master Baidi and a large number of powerful people in the ancient sanctuary, eyeing this savage beast realm's avenue and ladder, it is not a day or two!

The gang of powerful men in the ancient sanctuary just planned to obtain the brutal beast realm, but they began to prepare for it hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But his father...

I am afraid it is forty years old at most!

Even if his father entered a place where time has accelerated, and then cultivated for countless years.

But in any case, he can't change the fact that his father was born more than 40 years ago!

Could it be that his father, who is already incredibly strong, entered here before this great road and ladder appeared?

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only guess in this way.

However, no matter what the situation was before, it didn't matter to Qin Shaofeng.

Because he has felt it now, he can enter the next level.

Obviously, he had cultivated the pattern of the Thousand Dao Law, which satisfies the requirements of this great road and ladder, and can enter the next level.

As for the place on the next floor, Qin Shaofeng didn't really guess.

Because for him, no matter where it is, he will know it immediately.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, disappeared in an instant, and entered the next step world!

Ladder world?

Perhaps this statement is not correct, because after passing through the thirty-three-layer ladder world, Qin Shaofeng came not to a ladder world, but a square.

A very ordinary square, the only thing that is different is the mountain in the center of the square.

"That is……"

The moment Qin Shaofeng saw this mountain peak, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and a surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because he could see it, he had seen this mountain, which was the mountain made up of Enlightenment Stones.

Of course, as far as Qin Shaofeng is concerned, he knew that this huge enlightenment stone mountain peak was actually made by a certain realm that surpassed the supreme supreme master, who picked a star at hand and refined it.

Moreover, the other party refined this enlightening stone mountain peak just to hide a certain heaven-shattering treasure.

But this is not right!

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, because he remembered it at this moment.

After the almighty competition, he once asked about this huge enlightenment stone mountain peak, and then he knew that the enlightenment stone mountain peak was a powerful and sovereign possession of the ancient tribe.

But now, how does this thing appear on this avenue and ladder?

"Feng'er, you are finally here!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng was wondering why this enlightened stone mountain peak appeared here, suddenly a figure came, causing Qin Shaofeng's face to change slightly.

This voice was strange and familiar to Qin Shaofeng!


This is my father's voice!

Qin Shaofeng felt excited, and then looked at the place where the sound came from, and he saw a light gate at the top of the Enlightenment Stone Mountain.

That voice came from the light gate.

Is his father in that light gate?

A bright light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and the next moment, his figure flashed, and Qin Shaofeng ran towards the light gate at the top of the enlightened stone mountain.

On this square, unlike the previous stepped worlds, Qin Shaofeng can even fly in this place.


Soon, Qin Shaofeng came to the front of Guangmen, and then Qin Shaofeng passed through the Guangmen and saw a faint figure in the Guangmen.

"Father?" Qin Shaofeng asked tentatively.

"it's me!"

The light door lighted slightly, and there was a voice, and after this sound, the faint figure in the light door also seemed to sway slightly!


Suddenly, the light gate cast out a burst of brilliance, like stars.

Then, a figure condensed from these stars, and a person appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng!

The appearance of this person who appeared was about 30 years old, and his face was somewhat similar to Qin Shaofeng's.

No, to be precise, Qin Shaofeng is six to seven points similar to him!

Because this person is Qin Shaofeng's father-Qin Feiyang!


Seeing the person who appeared in front of him, it was a vague and familiar face, and the feeling of blood connection in his body at this moment, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but screamed, and then he knelt down!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng who was kneeling in front of him, Qin Feiyang smiled slightly and was also very happy.

"Good! Good! Good! Feng'er, you didn't let my father down, you finally met my father!"

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