Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1568: Origin of the system

"So, father, you can't go out now!"

Knowing what happened to his father in the past, Qin Shaofeng understood something.


Qin Feiyang nodded, admitted this, and said: "I can't show up, but I found a way to save Qi Yuanxing!"

"Is it related to my system!" Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and he understood something in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng is not stupid. The reason why he was so embarrassed before was because of his father's experience, which really shocked him too much.

But now Qin Shaofeng had some guesses in his mind through his father's words.

"As expected of my son, Qin Feiyang, you are really smart!"

Qin Shaofeng's words made Qin Feiyang nodded involuntarily with a look of appreciation.

"I believe you guessed it too. That's right, the Dao Realm where half of the power of the'One' Dao Realm is located is the Dao Realm where the earth is located!" Qin Fei said.


Although there was some speculation in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised when his father said it.


What a coincidence!

"Then the system on my body was created by your father?" Qin Shaofeng asked again.

"No!" Qin Feiyang shook his head slightly.

"The system on your body is actually a special power born from the fusion of the Dao Realm of the plane and the ‘one’ Dao Realm power of the Earth’s Dao Realm." Qin Feiyang explained.

"'The main road is fifty, the sky is four or nine, and people are one of them." I have said before. This is a thousand changes and has very special abilities."

"And the power of the'one' of this Dao realm is already like this. After fusing half of the power of the'one' of the other Dao realms, this kind of power of the realm will have a certain Amazing power!"


Just as Qin Feiyang said, these two Dao realms are the ‘one’ Dao realm power that can be ever-changing. Under the circumstances of natural integration, many special forces have really been born.

Open a light gate that connects two realms, and this is one of them.

And Qin Feiyang intends to refine some powerful Dao tools with these abilities that can help him save Qi Yuanxing!

Dao implements, Dao implements, are also Taoist implements!

A powerful weapon refined with the power of the Dao world, far more powerful than the so-called ten-star master.

Even the power between the two cannot be compared at all!

But what exists here is after all two Dao realms, the ‘one’ of Dao realms capable of undergoing ever-changing changes.

In the end, Qin Feiyang still didn't refine any powerful Dao tools.

But in the process of refining, Qin Feiyang has created a lot of abilities about the power of the Dao world.

One of the most important points is that Qin Feiyang can completely use the light transformed by the power of the ‘one’ of the two realms after this fusion to allow his soul to pass through.

There are two types of soul crossing, one is crossing to another realm.

This allowed Qin Feiyang to separate a little soul for the first time, and crossed to the Dao Realm where the earth was.

But it's a pity that the situation in the Dao Realm where the earth is located is even worse.

The situation of the entire Dao Realm was far worse than Qi Yuanxing.

It was a big Taoist world, and now it's just the earth that still has life.

Qin Feiyang also discovered that it was all because of the Dao realm of the earth, which concentrated all the power of the Dao realm on the earth, which was able to preserve the vitality of the earth.

After all, there is only half of the power of the ‘one’ Dao realm left in the Earth’s Dao Realm.

And the remaining half has now been integrated into other Dao Realms, which directly leads to the weakening of the Earth Dao Realm.

Then, after a long period of time, the Dao Realm where the earth is located has become very weak.

Speaking of the situation of the Earth's Dao Realm, Qin Feiyang used Qin Shaofeng's easy-to-understand phrase to describe it.

That is, the earth has entered the so-called Age of Domination!

In other words, there are very few real cultivators at this time, and it can even be said that they are completely extinct.

There are still others, and those are only cultivators who can cultivate to an extremely low level.

Or to say it directly, they can't be regarded as a cultivator, at most they are equivalent to a warrior of a lower plane in the ancient sanctuary!

Facing such a realm, Qin Feiyang used part of his soul to penetrate and enter, until he could not stay for too long.

This also makes it very familiar with the situation of the earth, but it is only a general vague situation.

As for the other one is crossing, crossing in the time of this realm.

And this crossing is the effect of this Dao Realm, Qin Feiyang can use that light gate to let his soul travel through time and space.

However, this travel through time and space can only go back to the past, not the future.

And even if you go back to the past, you can only go back to the time when the power of the ‘one’ of the Dao realm and the ‘one’ of the earth realm of Dao realm began to merge with each other.

It won't work any longer.

Even this range of time passing through can only be on Qiyuan Star.

In this regard, Qin Feiyang has done many crossings, and even later, he has traveled to the past with his own soul, and cultivated immortal incarnations one by one!

What surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that after his father's soul had gone through cultivation to become an incarnation, there were still a few incarnations left.

The first one is the current Emperor Wanzhen!

Qin Shaofeng was surprised to learn that the emperor Wanzhen was actually a soul of his father, and the immortal incarnation he had cultivated.

And the strong ancient clan who had made friends with the Great Emperor Wanzhen was actually the immortal incarnation of his father!

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand why he could see this enlightened stone mountain here.

According to his senior brother Fu Changsheng, the owner of this enlightened stone mountain peak is a strong man of the ancient clan.

Now that ancient strong man is the immortal incarnation of his father, then all this is justified.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng even more was another immortal incarnation of his own father!


That's right, Qin Shaofeng's master Baidi is actually the immortal incarnation of his father!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was extremely surprised.

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also puzzled, then why didn't his master, Bai Di, have explained to himself that he was the immortal incarnation of his father?

When Qin Shaofeng raised this doubt, Qin Feiyang told him that, in fact, these three immortal incarnations did not really understand his own existence.

Although the traversal was successful, there were still some undesirable conditions that caused the memory loss of his three immortal incarnations.

This is similar to Qin Shaofeng's current situation, although he has several incarnations of family members.

But in fact, he didn't know what his family incarnations were doing at this moment.

But fortunately, in the memory of these three immortal incarnations of Qin Feiyang, some of Qin Feiyang's deployments were completed one by one.

This is why Qin Shaofeng often feels that his father seems to have done a lot of time for himself very early.

This turned out to be because of the transit of the immortal incarnation of the soul!

However, Qin Feiyang still has an indestructible incarnation with a complete memory. This is a strong man among the ancient demons.

Now I know from my father that the immortal incarnation of the ancient demon clan powerhouse of his father is carrying his immortal incarnation coldly and ruthlessly, and his dependent Xiang Chengfeng is practicing!

It wasn't until this time that Qin Shaofeng knew that his father had prepared a lot for him.

For example, among the seven powers of the ancient sanctuary, the most mysterious Star Temple was actually a power created by Qin Feiyang's immortal incarnation.

But the immortal incarnation of Qin Feiyang, the first generation of the Palace Master of the Star God Temple, had already fallen.

However, if Qin Feiyang wanted to, he could still mobilize all the power of the Star God Temple.

It is worth mentioning that after discovering that the power of the ‘one’ of the two realms, the light gate that is fused, possesses the ability to pass through, Qin Feiyang also used his wife’s soul power to conduct a crossing experiment.

In fact, Liuli Palace was a force created by Qin Shaofeng's father Jiang Yuxi.

This is also Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi, the only immortal incarnation of the soul who has successfully crossed the past.

Although it had fallen in the end, Liuli Palace is still under the control of Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi.

That's why, Qin Shaofeng's mother left an illusion in the small courtyard of the Magic City from time to time, and went to see Gong Qingzi by herself.

The reason is simple, that Gong Qingzi is now the lord of Liuli Palace.

In fact, Gong Qingzi was also deliberately selected by Qin Shaofeng's mother, and then through a series of methods, let him come to Qin Shaofeng's side, and eventually become Qin Shaofeng's first envoy.

Qin Shaofeng discovered that since he saw his father, he knew that in fact, whether it was his father or mother, he was doing a lot of things for him.

On the surface, I didn't find it, but secretly, I kept running for him.

Qin Shaofeng knew the reason for not seeing him.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know. After Qin Feiyang's strength increased, he had met him before, but because he wanted to save Qi Yuanxing, Qin Feiyang didn't meet Qin Shaofeng, as did Jiang Yuxi.

And when he learned that the Light Gate could cross to the earth realm, Qin Feiyang made a decision, that is, to divide the soul of his son Qin Shaofeng into two, and then send half of the soul to the earth realm.

Qin Feiyang did this because he learned from the two realms

The power of the Taoist world, by chance and coincidence, created the existence of the system.

In fact, the system on Qin Shaofeng's body wasn't really a system at the beginning, it was just a special force that could be ever-changing.

Qin Feiyang wanted to save Qi Yuanxing, but in the end he failed, and even the light gate, which emerged from the fusion of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms, was directly involved.

And under this situation, it is very likely that one day in the future, Qin Feiyang will become a part of this light gate.

Finally, Qin Feiyang can only pin his hopes on this special force.

However, this special power is, after all, the fusion of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms.

Therefore, if you want to inspire this power, you must have the power of two realms.

Part of Qin Shaofeng's soul was sent into the Earth Dao Realm, so that Qin Shaofeng could have the power of the Earth Dao Realm, so as to inspire this special power.

In the end, Qin Feiyang was right.

Half of Qin Shaofeng's soul, who was sent to the earth's Dao Realm, not only succeeded in inspiring that special power after returning.

Even under the evolution of some unknowns and special circumstances, that force actually formed a so-called system.

This is the origin of Qin Shaofeng's system!

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