Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1575: Final preparations (on)

Qin Shaofeng was not sure, so he solved all the super-star destruction beasts.

And in Qin Shaofeng's heart, there is even more worry.

Although his father Qin Feiyang didn't say it clearly, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the Destruction Beast had existed for a long time.

And this time, because of the appearance of the ladder of the Great Beast Realm, the negative power on Qi Yuanxing became even more.

Therefore, it is still unknown whether a Dao-level Destruction Beast will eventually appear among these Destruction Beasts!

Even if the chance is not great, once a Dao-level destruction beast does appear?

That's really finished!

Qin Shaofeng knew that his father was very powerful.

But because Qin Shaofeng's father had to suppress it, the light gate where the power of the earth realm and the ‘one’ realm of the realm merged.

Because if the light gate is not suppressed, it is easy to explode the light gate, and then the power of the explosion will destroy everything.

The power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms, under the natural fusion, there are too many uncertain factors.

And the process of integration is very unstable.

To put it bluntly, this light gate is actually an invisible bomb, even if Qin Feiyang is slightly relaxed, this light gate may explode directly.

At that time, it will be the real devastating disaster!

Therefore, even though Qin Feiyang possessed the ability to destroy all beasts, he couldn't do anything because of the existence of Light Gate.

If not, he would have already dealt with the Destroyer Beast, so why wait until now?

It's impossible for his own father to take action!

Even his father needs him, Qin Shaofeng, to fully integrate the power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms after being strong, so that he can get away completely.

Well, Qin Feiyang still needs the rescue of his son Qin Shaofeng!

As for Qin Shaofeng's mother Jiang Yuxi, although she is strong.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who already possesses the golden body of the Dzogchen realm soul, already knew that his mother's soul realm was actually the same as he is now.

Even to a certain extent, his current soul realm is better than his mother.

But because of the influence of Qiyuan Star Avenue Law, Jiang Yuxi's strength can only end here.

In fact, Qin Feiyang thought of his wife for the first time after being trapped by the light.

Therefore, he had secretly helped his wife to practice cultivation, and wanted to wait for Jiang Yuxi to break through and be promoted to the Dao realm, and then help him merge the power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms.

But in the end, because of the incomplete laws of Qiyuan Star Avenue, Jiang Yuxi was unable to advance to the Dao Realm, which led to the failure of this plan.

Therefore, Qin Feiyang later began to cultivate Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Therefore, Jiang Yuxi's strength is the pinnacle of the Law Realm.

According to Qin Shaofeng's estimation, his mother Jiang Yuxi does not have the eyes of gods and demons and many powerful skills in her body, so his mother's strength can deal with one or two super-star destruction beasts at best.

In the final analysis, it depends on his Qin Shaofeng's strength in the end!

But because he was worried that Dao-level destruction beasts would appear among the destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng felt that his father's plan was not very safe.

Then, because of the three super god-level items he had obtained, Qin Shaofeng later had his own plan.

Qin Shaofeng's plan was simple, and that was to promote him to the Dao realm before the Destruction Beast was completely broken and awakened.

This means that he must enter the Earth Dao Realm and cultivate his body to the pinnacle of the Law Realm before the Great Dao Ladder appears.

Then, absorb the other half of the power of the ‘one’ of the Earth’s Dao Realm, and all the remaining power of the Earth’s Dao Realm into this Dao Realm.

In the end, let him break through and be promoted to Dao realm, and then destroy the beast completely.

Because at that time, the earth had already been moved to this Dao Realm by him, and the earth Dao Realm no longer exists.

Then, the power of the ‘one’ of the earth’s Dao realm will be completely integrated into this Dao realm. In this way, it will completely cut off the source of the destruction beast, that powerful negative power.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng believes that even if he has not been promoted to the realm, the destruction beast has no source of negative power, and if his seventeenth family incarnation will return by that time, then the destruction beast may not be considered as a mere destruction beast. What's the threat.

At that time, what really threatened Qin Shaofeng was the debilitating situation of the Dao Realm he was in.

Therefore, the most time Qin Shaofeng needs to do now is to enter the earth realm and cultivate a physical body with the peak of the law realm.

In the flesh, Qin Shaofeng still exists on earth.

In order to put Qin Shaofeng's soul into the earth, Qin Feiyang took a lot of effort.

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng was young, it was not that he had not awakened any powerful blood.

It's just that these bloodlines were pulled out by Qin Feiyang, only in the body that Qin Shaofeng's soul contained on the earth.

Even Qin Feiyang planned to make Qin Shaofeng carry out the plan to break through the Dao realm at the peak of the dual law realm of soul and body.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's body on the earth not only possessed Qin Shaofeng's talented bloodline, even Qin Feiyang also took part of his blood at that time, as did Jiang Yuxi.

In some respects, the body of Qin Shaofeng on the earth at this moment can be regarded as the blood of Qin Feiyang and Jiang Yuxi.

And most importantly, the time on Earth now is completely synchronized with many on Qiyuan Star here.

After Qin Shaofeng's soul on the earth returned to Qiyuan Star, Qin Feiyang used a lot of power to keep Qin Shaofeng on the earth and slowed down the earth's time countless times.

Regardless of Qin Shaofeng being on Qiyuan Star, a lot of time has passed since that part of the soul returned.

But in fact, it is probably only a short period of time for the earth.

All this is to protect Qin Shaofeng's physical body on the earth, after all, Qin Shaofeng wants to cultivate to the peak of the law realm with that physical body!

Qin Feiyang did this at the beginning, but the soul that separated Qin Shaofeng had the master consciousness.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng who was on the earth was the main soul of Qin Shaofeng, and the soul of Qin Shaofeng in Lanjiang City, although the body is the main body, but the soul can only be regarded as a situation of separation of souls.

The reason for doing this is because after Qin Shaofeng returns, he can return to Earth again.

And the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng's body is his real body now. The physical body created by the earth is, to some extent, just a prop for his cultivation.

Because only under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng will be able to integrate that physical body of the peak realm of the law realm into his real body when he returns to Qiyuan Star with that physical body.

And when he merged into the body at the peak of the Law Realm, it was the moment when Qin Shaofeng's soul and body both broke through to the Dao Realm!

However, there is still a big problem before Qin Shaofeng.

The original plan was that after one hundred and fifty years, he would not go to Earth until he had solved the crisis of the beast destruction.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng's soul was not very powerful, even because he could completely control all his skills.

Qin Shaofeng's ten-star eye of the gods and devil possesses the ability to make his soul return to the body of the earth without a problem.

Qin Feiyang didn't tell Qin Shaofeng on this point. First, it was too late, and second, Qin Feiyang thought it was not necessary.

Because at that time, even if he didn't say clearly, after Qin Shaofeng grasped the ten-star God and Demon Eye, he would definitely know what to do.

But the problem is that Qin Feiyang never thought that when he was completely asleep to stabilize the light gate, his son Qin Shaofeng actually made up his mind and returned to Earth in advance.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things, he only knew that to pass the light gate to surpass the earth, he must be his own soul.

And it must also be the soul that carries his main consciousness. In this way, he must break away from his current body.

Even Qin Shaofeng couldn't take away too much soul power.

Because his current soul realm is already the soul golden body realm of Dzogchen realm.

If it brings too much soul power, under the influence of the soul of the main consciousness, too much soul power will make him unbearable in the body of the earth.

After all, really speaking, his body on Earth, despite its great potential.

But the problem has not yet been opened up, it is completely a mortal mortal!

That can't bear too much soul power.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng separated his main consciousness from his soul for the first time while he was practicing incarnation of his seventeenth consort, and only brought a very small part of the soul.

Qin Shaofeng is now the soul in this part of the problem, and after two to thirty years of stability, his soul now has the ability to transcend.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's incarnation of the seventeenth family members also completely consolidated their soul realm on the realm of soul golden body.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng could already start to implement his plan, to cast his seventeen incarnations on the Dao Realm, the planetary world with Dao Realm power, and the Starry Sky Continent.

According to Qin Shaofeng’s feelings, it seems that there are still thirty-eight Daoist powers in the Dao realm he is currently in, plus the one on Qiyuan Star and the'one' Daoist power. That would happen to be forty powers of the Taoist world.

This means that the power of the Dao Realm where Qi Yuanxing is located, no more, no less, just ten shares!

Many of the thirty-eight powers of the Taoist realm scattered in the realm of Qi Yuanxing are on a planetary world or a starry sky continent.

Coincidentally, the planetary world and starry sky continent scattered by the power of these 30 Dao realms all add up to exactly 17 places.

This also happened to make Qin Shaofeng a dependent incarnation, assigned to a place with the power of Dao realm.

Although the ‘Super Celestial Chess Piece’ has been slightly modified, resulting in each of the family’s avatars sharing two skills, they also share Qin Shaofeng’s ‘God’s Law’ and God’s Eyes.

But after all, it was because of the different levels of the chess pieces, which led to different system enhancements after the transformation of the seventeen family avatars.

The incarnation of a family member with a high level of chess, whether it is aptitude or talent, is naturally much higher.

However, this also happens to assign the incarnation of the high-level family members of the chess pieces to places with multiple Daoist powers.

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