Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1579: Dangerous crossing (middle)

The Feiyu Knife was already a top-level Taoist weapon, and the protective shield was naturally powerful and could completely protect Qin Shaofeng's soul.

Even under such protection, Qin Shaofeng could still feel that his flying feather knife was not torn apart by the pulling force of this place.

Under the power of Feiyu Knife, this part of Qin Shaofeng's soul at this moment was in a protective cover, and all the pulling force was eliminated.

This gave Qin Shaofeng a breath of breath, but when he turned around, Qin Shaofeng realized that this part of his soul had been torn apart.

If it weren't for this part of the soul, if it were controlled by his main consciousness, it would have completely collapsed long ago.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was helpless, and could only use backtracking once to restore this part of his soul.

"Oh, this has been used before it reaches the earth, so backtracking, this crossing is really terrible!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed helplessly, but he was a little relieved.

Because if there was a Feather Blade, his soul would be safe.

The power of Feiyu Knife is very powerful, enough to protect this part of his soul, and travel to the earth unharmed.

This is Qin Shaofeng's idea, and in fact, according to normal conditions, it seems to be the case.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon sensed the wrong partner.

The reason is simple, that is too much consumption.

The Flying Feather Knife has an internal space that can store enough power of the law, but there is still a limit to this enough.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng offered Feiyu Knife to protect his soul, but it was nothing.

Although it consumes a lot of the power of the law, the internal space of the flying feather knife can be said to be a huge amount of the power of the law, which can fully support a long time.

If it is explained by a data, then under the condition of maintaining the consumption of the protective cover, the flying feather knife can fully support hundreds of years.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't have much worry in his heart, because even if he traveled alone, it would take some time for some difficulties, but it would not take hundreds of years!

But soon, what made Qin Shaofeng look ugly appeared, and that was that the pulling force he encountered became stronger and stronger as time went by.

Despite the protection of the flying feather knife, this part of Qin Shaofeng's soul was safe and sound, and would not be hurt by these pulling forces.

But this is the consumption of the flying feather knife to maintain the protective cover, which is getting bigger and bigger.

If the power of the law stored in the internal space of the flying feather knife could last for a hundred years, then the hundred years would have been shortened to seven or eighty years.

Moreover, this shortening continues, and it seems that the deeper the passage, the stronger the pulling force encountered.

At this time, because of the protection of the flying feather knife, this part of Qin Shaofeng's soul was no longer harmed, so this also gave Qin Shaofeng time to observe what kind of force the pulling force here is.

As a result, after observation for this period of time, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that these pulling forces are actually a large number of different time velocities, and after all of them appear, the time is abnormal.

In the case of such an abnormal flow of time, it can cause powerful and dangerous damage.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng's equipment was taken out immediately collapsed.

This is all because those equipment encountered hundreds, even tens of thousands, of time flow baptisms in an instant, and as a whole, thousands of different time flow rates appeared in an instant.

To know a whole, if the time flow rate is different, it is easy to cause the internal structure to be unstable.

Instability will naturally collapse immediately.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's part of the soul, which was part of the soul separated from the golden body realm of his Dzogchen soul, and his own main consciousness was in control, I am afraid that he would not be able to bear such a baptism.

After all, seriously speaking, time is a very powerful existence, even if it is not a normal baptism of attack, it is also very dangerous.

Basically, few characters or objects can withstand the baptism of time running out.

And suffering from a large number of baptisms with different flow rates at one time, this situation can be called the most terrible attack.

If the Feiyu Knife had not been refined by Qin Feiyang and eventually advanced to become a top-level Taoist weapon, I am afraid that it would have been unable to withstand the baptismal attacks of such a large flow of time.

But the flying feather knife also consumes a lot of law power for this.

Qin Shaofeng quickly understood this point.

But after understanding it, Qin Shaofeng became a little anxious.

"Damn, I didn't expect this to consume so much, can Feiyu Knife support it?"

After feeling the surrounding pulling force became stronger and stronger, Qin Shaofeng showed a trace of worry in his eyes.

Sure enough, Qin Shaofeng's worries were right.

Because after flying through for a period of time, the power of countless speeds at different times has become stronger, more powerful, and more serious.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how long he had been flying, nor did he know how far he had flown here.

This is no wonder, because under the baptism of a large number of different time flow rates, for Qin Shaofeng who is in this strange area at this moment, neither time nor space is meaningful.

It is very possible that after several years, several years, or even decades have passed since I entered this passage, the distance I have flown may be several miles, tens of miles, hundreds of miles.

It may even be as long as light-years away.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't figure out all these things.

However, no matter what the outside world is, Qin Shaofeng, who is in the protective cover of the flying feather knife, is very clear that he has been in this protective cover for three days.

The power of the Feiyu Knife protected Qin Shaofeng. In fact, what Feiyu Knife did was to explode a baptism that prevented countless kinds of time flow from outside, making Qin Shaofeng the master at the normal time flow.

Therefore, it can be said that three days have passed since the current situation.

But after only three days, Qin Shaofeng understood that the countless time flow in the outside world had already reached a level that I feared.

Because at this time, in order to maintain the protective shield, the Feiyu Knife's consumption is already extremely terrifying.

Even in this situation, Feiyu Knife could at best support Qin Shaofeng's normal time flow for ten days.

"Can I cross the earth in ten days?"

Qin Shaofeng murmured to himself, but he did not notice that his tone at the moment was so unconfident!

Sure enough, just like Qin Shaofeng's lack of self-confidence, after ten days, Qin Shaofeng had not yet crossed the earth.

However, Qin Shaofeng is still fine, still under the protection of Feiyu Dao.

The reason for this situation is that Qin Shaofeng used God's Recovery.

Although Qin Shaofeng was only in his soul state, he was still a very weak part of his soul.

But fortunately, without a physical body, this allowed Qin Shaofeng to display the resurrection of the gods. There was no restriction for the time being, and he was still using his body realm to display it. Within ten minutes, he can maintain the infinite law of the peak state of the law realm. force.

And with Qin Shaofeng's infinite law power at the peak state of the law realm, this was enough for him to consume the power of the law in the flying feather knife within ten minutes, to complete it.

And since the eighth day, Qin Shaofeng had already felt that the countless flow of time that existed here had already been fixed and would not continue to increase.

This is good news.

But the bad situation is that even if it is no longer strengthened, the power of all the laws of the space inside the flying feather knife can support at most eleven or two days.

"With the power of the law stored in the internal space of the Flying Feather Knife, it can only last for eleven days, which is less than twelve days, and then the power of the law consumed by the internal space of the Flying Feather Knife must be restored using God's Recovery."

Qin Shaofeng calculated silently.

"In this way, it is equivalent to one resurrection of God can last a little more than eleven days. If the resurrection of God nine times, it can last one hundred and fifty-six days, but..."

Qin Shaofeng raised his head and looked towards the black space, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and his tone became even more uncertain.

"Can I successfully travel back to Earth in more than a hundred days?"


Soon, another eleven days passed, and the power of the law within the Feiyu Knife was exhausted again.

Qin Shaofeng could only display the revival of God.

Then, after the next eleven days, Qin Shaofeng performed another divine recovery.


Three and a half months later, Qin Shaofeng's ten times of God's resurrection sealed with God's seal of magic had been exhausted.

Not only that, today the power of the law in the inner space of the Flying Feather Knife will soon be exhausted.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's soul body was wearing a suit of battle armor.

This is a very special set of battle armor. It is a special combination battle armor that Qin Shaofeng has refined over the past hundred days with his soul body using his own storage and numerous precious materials.

That's right, it's a combination battle armor.

Don't look at Qin Shaofeng's body, this is a set of battle armor, but in fact, this set of battle armor is composed of 746,496 identical battle armors, which are superimposed on each other through special spatial superimposition refining techniques.

These more than 740,000 sets of slashing attacks were precisely the battle armor that Qin Shaofeng deployed and refined from the twelve formations in the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation.

Such a battle armor can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng's pinnacle work.

Because these seventy-four sets of armors are all one-star master armors.

If it hadn't been for the state of complete victory in which God's recovery had existed several times, Qin Shaofeng would not be able to refine so many battle armors.

And this battle armor is combined with twelve Dao formations, and its power is definitely stronger than ordinary Dao tools.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that even so, this suit of armor was still far inferior to Feiyu Sword.

He doesn't know how long this suit can last.

But he can only fight now!


After a sudden loud bang, Qin Shaofeng felt that the protective cover applied by the flying feather knife on his body had been completely broken.

The power of the law was exhausted, and Feiyu Dao did not continue.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that countless powerful time flow forces attacked him.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng feel a little relieved was that these forces were resisted by his combined battle armor.

"Huh, fortunately blocked!"

After feeling the countless endless flow of time and being blocked by the battle armor on his body, Qin Shaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not in vain that I spent so much effort and consumed so many precious resources, how much is this..."

This is somewhat rewarding!

Qin Shaofeng thought that he was saying this sentence, but he hadn't said the last few words yet. An unexpected situation caused his face to change drastically.

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