Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 158: Medicine Beast Tiger Roaring Lion

At the same time, somewhere in a straight line with Qin Shaofeng, Zhao Yuner was quickly following the bracelet in her hand.

And Zhao Yun'er has also entered at this moment, this inner circle area.

It is a pity that although Zhao Yuner's direction is in line with Qin Shaofeng's place.

But this straight line included the core area, which meant that Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Yun'er were in complete opposition.

Qin Shaofeng is on this end, Zhao Yuner is on this end.

If you want to meet, unless it is through the core circle area.

At this moment, Zhao Yun'er has already penetrated into the inner circle, and has almost touched the core circle.

This can be seen from the medicinal beast she encountered.

They are all middle-level medicine beasts, and they are all equivalent to the eighth level of innate, and even the middle level medicine beasts of the nine levels and ten levels of innate, there are more and more.

But even for such medicinal beasts, these medicated beasts are so vulnerable to Zhao Yuner.

Facing such a medicated beast, Zhao Yuner just blasted out one after another directly.

And every time it hits, a medicine beast will be blown up, leaving behind a round medicine beast spar.

Even if he encountered a group of medicine beasts, Zhao Yuner's speed did not stop.

In such a rapid rush, Zhao Yuner did not take long to reach the core circle.

But at this moment, the direction of the bracelet suddenly shifted, and then led Zhao Yuner to a strange place.

In this place, there is actually a palace.


Among the mountains and forests at the other end, Qin Shaofeng felt a little joyful at this moment.

Because he actually encountered a group of medicated beasts based on tiger roaring lions.

The discovery of this monster tiger roaring lion made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised, but excitement followed.

No, it's because there are thousands of tiger roaring lions.

Under normal circumstances, if you encounter thousands of tiger roaring lions, even if most of them are tiger roaring lions of innate first-level realm, few people dare to step forward to provoke, not to mention an innate five-level martial artist like Qin Shaofeng. Even if it is a tenth martial artist innate, it has to be weighed.

But Qin Shaofeng is different!

He has a mutant tiger roaring lion king equivalent to the tiger roaring lion king!

Today's Tiger Lord is already a high-level three-tier monster of the congenital triple peak realm, and it is only a little bit short of the high-level four-tier.

The high-level triple tiger roaring lion rarely appears among the tiger roaring lions, and it can be said that it has not been seen in a century.

Similarly, among the group of monster tiger roaring lions Qin Shaofeng encountered was the tiger roaring lion without the innate triple realm, the strongest one was the realm equivalent to the innate double peak.

It has to be said that the old man alchemist is powerful. This medicinal beast created on the basis of the monster beast has exactly the same appearance and habits as the monster beast, even in the relationship among the ethnic group.

If it weren't for the medicine beast's body that would turn into smoke and disappear after the kill, leaving only a piece of medicine beast spar, the medicine beast would be a monster beast!

Well, there is another point, that is, under the same realm, the medicine beast here is a little stronger than the monster beast outside.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng did not immediately rush up with Master Tiger, but quietly approached the site of this medicine beast tiger roaring lion, and found a few medicine beast tiger roaring lions to do some experiments.

"How about it, are you ready?"

Looking at the five medicinal beasts and tiger roaring lions not far ahead, Qin Shaofeng softly asked the tiger master summoned by him.

"Roar, boss, don't worry, with my powerful posture and incomparable king spirit, how can this group of counterfeiters dare to resist!"

Tiger Lord gave a low growl and said very proudly.

Seeing Tiger's confident attitude, uh, it should be considered arrogant!

Qin Shaofeng was speechless.


Return to the king?

I think it's arrogant!

However, Qin Shaofeng was not good at attacking Master Tiger, so he just told me: "Please pay attention, don't be careless, if it doesn't work, come back quickly."

"That's right, don't be full of big words, when the time comes, I will run back dingy!" There was a crisp sound, but the little fox on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder looked at Lord Tiger with disdain.

Doesn't work?


Master Tiger frowned, the word King on his forehead became clearer, but he said firmly in his heart: Lord Tiger, I am going to fight it out, I don't believe it. With my high-level triple pinnacle breath, this group of counterfeit goods cannot be suppressed.


That's right, this is a plan that Qin Shaofeng had in his mind after seeing these tiger roaring lions.

The Tiger Lord is the tiger roaring lion of the mutant monster beast, and it is even a high-level triple realm. Among the tiger roaring lion clan, he is also regarded as the absolute king.

Facing a tiger roaring lion like Tiger Lord, the ordinary tiger roaring lion may only instinctively choose to surrender.

This is the iron law among monsters!

However, these are just medicinal beasts, not real monsters, tigers and lions!

So Qin Shaofeng was not so sure, but in the end Qin Shaofeng decided to let Lord Tiger give it a try.


Under Qin Shaofeng's signal, Master Tiger jumped forward and jumped to the five medicinal beasts, tiger roaring lions.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Tiger Lord, the five medicine beasts, tiger roaring lions, were suddenly shocked, and the next moment they wanted to attack.

But Lord Tiger didn't give them that opportunity, he let out another low roar, and Lord Tiger instantly burst out his powerful tiger roar and lion breath.


As soon as Master Tiger's breath came out, the five medicine beasts, tiger roaring lions, whispered instantly, and then immediately climbed on the ground, showing that they were surrendering to Master Tiger.

It's done!

Hiding not far away, Qin Shaofeng was slightly happy when he saw it, and then walked out.

The appearance of Qin Shaofeng caused the five tiger lions who had already surrendered to Lord Tiger to stand up suddenly, showing strong hostility.


Upon seeing this, the tiger yelled immediately, wanting the five medicine beasts, tigers and lions to get down.

But this time, the five tiger roaring lions showed a trace of struggle.

Lord Tiger is angry!

Five counterfeit goods of high grade and one heavy level actually dared to resist him. With a low roar, the tiger master instantly came to one of the medicine beast tiger roar lion, and with a violent wave of his claws, the medicine beast roared. The lion caught it.

But I don't want to, Tiger Master's move was to make the remaining four medicine beasts, Tiger Roaring Lions, immediately roared at Tiger Master, showing their hostility.

"Hmph, I said, you're too big to say!"

With a sound of disdain, Qin Shaofeng's shoulders flashed with a white light, and a petite figure appeared on the big head of Lord Tiger.

Hu Ye was furious at once, but when he thought of the ability of this little ancestor, he immediately stopped cooking.

During this period of time, Lord Tiger was often rectified by the little fox.

Although the little fox is the realm of the early stage of the advanced triple, but the tiger is the realm of the pinnacle of the advanced triple.

But in the face of the big guy Tiger, the little fox is just a nine-tailed celestial fox with a talented skill, Dark Charm, which can make the tiger face a pillar, slobbering and yelling'Little Tiger Girl, Tiger Beauty', ugly. Do everything, shame.

So in the face of the little fox, Master Tiger was extremely scared, and even if he had a choice, he could not listen to the command of the master Qin Shaofeng, but he never dared not listen to the command of the little ancestor.

After the little fox came to the head of Lord Tiger, he said with great pride: "Look up!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lord Tiger felt a wave of mental power on the little fox.

Feeling this mental power fluctuation, Lord Tiger shivered unconsciously throughout his body.

Because of this fluctuation of mental power, it is the little fox that tricks his dark charm.


As soon as the dark charm of the little fox came out, the four medicine beasts, tigers and lions that were planning to attack, stopped unexpectedly, but their eyes were completely confused, and then they did not move.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng shot.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The figure flashed, he had already held the long sword in his hand, and was slashed by Qin Shaofeng towards the four tigers and lions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The smoke flashed, and the four medicine beasts and tiger roaring lions disappeared, leaving four medicine beast spars.

Ugh! Still failed!

Picking up the five medicated beast spars on the ground, Qin Shaofeng showed a trace of depression on his face, but he didn't say much, after all, before starting, he was mentally prepared for failure.

But Lord Tiger was a little frustrated. It didn't expect that he would eventually use the second plan.

The first plan was to directly use the Tiger's breath to deter these medicinal beasts and tiger roaring lions, and then Qin Shaofeng stepped forward to kill the medicinal beasts and tiger roaring lions to obtain medicated beast spars.

But this is not the real tiger roaring lion after all, but the medicine beast tiger roaring lion. Whether the tiger's breath is useful or not is still a question.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng still prepared a second plan, which was the dark charm of the little fox.

However, the little fox is the innate triple realm after all, and it will consume a lot of dark charm to display.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is confused with a high-level and one-tier monster, the little fox needs to consume one percent of its internal energy.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't let the little fox directly use Dark Charm to confuse the medicinal beasts to kill him.

Because that would consume a lot of little fox, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to tire the little guy.

But when Qin Shaofeng was about to leave here and look for another medicine beast, the little fox said.

"Master, don't go! This plan is not a complete failure!" The white light flashed, and the little fox appeared on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder again.

"Huh? What do you say?" Qin Shaofeng asked in confusion.

"Well, let's put it this way!" The little fox tilted his head and thought for a while to explain. "Although the big stupid cat is useless, it is still the king of the tiger roaring lion. It is much stronger, even these medicine beasts and tiger roaring lions are greatly affected, even if the medicine beasts and tiger roaring lions finally resisted, but under the breath of the big stupid cat, I used the dark charm to control that The internal energy of the four tiger roaring lions has only been consumed a little bit."

Big stupid cat?

As soon as the little fox called him, Master Tiger was extremely dissatisfied, but after carefully considering the strength of the enemy and us, Master Tiger remained silent in the end.

Damn, I can't provoke, can I still not hide?

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this. After listening to the little fox's words, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "A little bit? How much is that?"

"Rarely rarely!" The little fox said proudly, "According to the situation just now, there is only a big stupid cat. I can consume 10 points of vigor to control the three innate and first-level tiger roaring lions. If it is heavy, at most 10 points will not exceed 20 points, and you can control one."


What is your strength at 10 points?

Upon hearing this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes became fierce.

You know, the little fox's current vitality is 30,000 points!

Control three animals at 10 o'clock, and control nine thousand animals at 30000.

Qin Shaofeng's heart beat unconvincingly.

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