Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1581: came back?

Earth Dao, Earth!

China, the First People's Hospital of GZ City!

At this moment, it is the hottest season of summer. The scorching sun is outside and the heat waves are everywhere. Even those who know, at this time, have lost the strength to sing.

In a ward in the hospital, the air conditioner was buzzing weakly, but it took away the heat outside, keeping the ward fresh and cool.

On the hospital bed, a man who seemed to be about twenty years old, or a boy, was looking at the white ceiling of the hospital room with empty eyes.

This is a special ward, and it can be regarded as the first-class ward in this hospital.

This can be seen from the fact that the charge is close to tens of thousands of oceans in one day.

From this point of view, perhaps the big boy on this hospital bed seems to be born in a wealthy family, but in fact, it is not like that.

The big boy in this ward is actually just an ordinary college student, not from a rich family. The reason why he can live in such a ward is for reasons.

"Look, that man is awake!"

"I'm really awake, but this kid is really dead. If it's a little later at night, he might be going to see Lord Yan!"

"Isn't it? Can you live in such a ward without paying a penny?"


The ward was opened because there was a doctor's round just now, and unfortunately, two or three nurses just passed by outside the ward at this moment, and those two or three comments came from them.

Although the two or three nurses just glanced at the ward, and then left quickly, their voices pulled the boy back from a certain mysterious state.

Good fortune?

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of the boy's mouth, and a complex expression appeared on his face.

If my fate is good, can I still be charged directly to the hospital?

Thinking of the reason for his hospitalization, the boy was extremely speechless.

It is said that when I was playing on the computer, I suddenly got an electric shock.

It is also said that the real reason for the electric shock was not from himself, but from the circuit of the school that day, it seemed that something went wrong.

Then, because of this, after the boy’s accident, the top of the school was in a hurry. For fear of the boy’s accident, he was sent to the First People’s Hospital for the first time, and finally he was admitted to the best high-level special hospital. Ward.

All these costs are borne by the school.

The boy also knew that this is because the school wants to turn such things into big things and small things. This is so generous.

However, the boy didn't care about this at all, because the boy's mind was very confused at the moment.

Who am I?

This is the biggest question in the boy's heart at this moment!

My name is Qin Shaofeng!

Well, that's right!

But the question is, which Qin Shaofeng am I?

Qin Shaofeng was confused, because in his memory, after being electrocuted, he seemed to have passed through.

Which place is called the Ancient Continent, he started from the small Blue River City, and finally climbed step by step to the Ancient Continent, the most sacred and at the same time the most powerful place-the ancient sanctuary!

But for these memories, Qin Shaofeng was a little vague, not knowing whether it was a dream or what, and remembering the last situation, it seems that he just finished participating in the almighty competition held by the ancient sanctuary and has returned from the savage beast world.

But then?

Qin Shaofeng can't remember it clearly, because it seems to be gone, very vague!

This made Qin Shaofeng think so and couldn't understand, was this a long dream for himself?

Or did he really travel to that ancient continent?

But how did he come back?

Moreover, the current situation makes Qin Shaofeng feel like he has a dream.

Then, as soon as I woke up, I was in this ward.


Of course this is not a dream!

The reason why Qin Shaofeng feels this way now is because of the consequences of his traveling alone.

This time the soul crossing, Qin Shaofeng completed it alone, without the help of his father Qin Feiyang.

Nine backtracking, ten resurrection of the gods, six rejuvenated life-bearing pills, two stand-in dolls, and a lot of precious resources!

This is the price Qin Shaofeng paid for this trip alone.

This is probably something he hadn't expected before.

At the last moment, Qin Shaofeng protected himself with his flying feather knife, and after consuming a stand-in doll once again, Qin Shaofeng traversed the passage through the light gate and came to the earth realm.

Then, because Qin Shaofeng's physical body on earth was refined by his father Qin Feiyang's special techniques.

And in order to ensure the safety and smoothness of Qin Shaofeng's traversing, this physical body has long been set with the ability to absorb Qin Shaofeng's soul.

Therefore, after passing through the light gate, Qin Shaofeng's soul body was absorbed into this flesh.


It is not so much a soul body, but a piece of soul fragment that entrains Qin Shaofeng's master consciousness.

Because there was no backtracking ability, at the last moment, Qin Shaofeng's soul had withstood an absolute death attack because of the substitute doll.

But it was exactly the same, which made Qin Shaofeng fall into a very special state.

The soul body was completely shattered, leaving only a piece of soul fragment with the main consciousness entrained!

Feiyu Knife also fell into a deadly slumber because of excessive consumption of the power of the source, returning to the depths of Qin Shaofeng's master consciousness.

Then, because there was no retrospective recovery, Qin Shaofeng's soul fragment finally entered his body on earth.

It's just a piece of soul, it's not useful at all.

If not, the realm of Qin Shaofeng's soul itself had already reached the realm of Dzogchen's soul golden body, I am afraid that even if it was sucked into the body, it was just a piece of soul fragments, it would be difficult for Qin Shaofeng's physical body to wake up.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng's physical body was able to wake up was thanks to his newly acquired super god-level item, the'super **** chess piece'.

Regarding this super god-level prop ‘Super Celestial Chess Piece’, Qin Shaofeng used all the chess pieces on his family avatar.

But Qin Shaofeng still kept the chess piece ‘king’ alone.

Like the'Super Devil Chess Piece', it is also a chess piece of the'King' class, which Qin Shaofeng can only use by himself.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng hasn't used the ‘king’ of this ‘super **** chess piece’.

He already owns a ‘king’ of a ‘super devil chess piece’, and he doesn’t care much about another ‘king.’

But Qin Shaofeng had forgotten that the'king' chess piece belonging to his master had very special abilities.

Because this'king' chess piece does not need to recognize the owner or anything, in fact, from the moment the'super **** chess piece' belongs to Qin Shaofeng, this'king' chess piece already belongs to Qin Shaofeng.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng was unable to refine a dependent incarnation with this ‘king’.

But Qin Shaofeng's body already has a'king' chess piece, so the'king' among these'super **** chess pieces' has no effect on Qin Shaofeng's body.

Simply put, it is a radish and a pit!

But it was exactly the same. When Qin Shaofeng successfully traversed and returned to the earth, his broken and collapsed only a piece of soul fragments remained. After merging into the body of the earth, the'king' of this'super **** chess piece' The chess pieces played a real role.

The burst of power from this ‘king’ chess piece successfully repaired Qin Shaofeng’s soul fragment a lot, making Qin Shaofeng more adaptable to the physical body on earth.

But such a repair is not a complete recovery.

At most, that piece of soul was sorted into Qin Shaofeng's soul to carry his main consciousness and to integrate with this flesh completely.

But after all, Qin Shaofeng's soul at the moment is still that piece of soul fragment, and the overall body has not recovered much.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng lost a lot of memory.

This made Qin Shaofeng's memory, after returning from the savage beast world, there were a lot of faults, and even almost completely lost.

This also made Qin Shaofeng forget how he came to earth, and what happened after he returned to the ancient sanctuary from the brutal beast realm.

Of course, this situation is only temporary. As long as Qin Shaofeng starts to cultivate, as his cultivation level improves, the lack of soul will slowly recover.

Since the soul can be restored, the memory will naturally be restored.

Of course, if Qin Shaofeng suffers fatal danger at this moment, or falls into death.

So as long as he stimulates the backtracking of the seal in his right eye, he can completely recover his soul and remember everything he has forgotten.

But now Qin Shaofeng doesn't remember these at all.

At this moment, in the depths of Qin Shaofeng's memory, the final scene seemed to be a black cosmic space, and it looked like an endless sea of ​​fire!

"I remember that in my last memory, it seems to be in a sea of ​​fire? But what is that place and why am I back on earth now?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and many words flashed in his mind.

Blue River City, Nine Clouds Continent, Origin Continent, Ancient Sanctuary...

Demon Realm, Demon Race, Sanctuary, Saint Race...

The three great demon royal families, the ancient demon clan, the holy clan...

After waiting, a series of memories suddenly appeared in my mind, feeling very real.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's mind was frozen in a sea of ​​fire.

"No, it's not right, it doesn't feel real, these should be things I have experienced!"

A sharp light flashed through his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng sat up directly, not as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire in Qin Shaofeng's mind was naturally the sea of ​​sacred fire in the magic cave of the demon clan.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng’s memory is like this is because he was in the passage, and the soul that he suffered was pulled by countless different time velocities, giving the feeling of forcibly torn apart. It was the same as his situation in the sea of ​​demon-killing sacred fire. , Somewhat similar.

But about the memory behind, Qin Shaofeng has now completely lost, and can only vaguely remember that he had entered the sea of ​​Sacred Fire.

But Qin Shaofeng only remembered the sea of ​​fire at that time about the memory of the sea of ​​sacred fire.

But it was this feeling imprinted deep in his soul that convinced Qin Shaofeng that he was not dreaming!

This made him feel a little excited.

But this situation only lasted for a moment, and then Qin Shaofeng felt weak.

Although I don't believe it in my heart, the memory that keeps appearing in my mind is fake, just a dream.

But the feeling of powerlessness made Qin Shaofeng feel that those memories were not so real.

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