Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1583: Not a dream

Qin Shaofeng has a very good relationship with this Hu Xiaochuan. Qin Shaofeng's mantra of "I circled a cross" that Qin Shaofeng often uses is actually learned from this Hu Xiaochuan.

Er, it wasn't actually learned, but Qin Shaofeng listened a lot from Hu Xiaochuan and was so infected.

"Well, it's almost the same!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's change immediately, Hu Xiaochuan nodded in satisfaction, and was about to say something, but at this moment, a young nurse with a green face appeared outside the ward and scolded Hu Xiaochuan angrily.

"Who are you? Don't you know the hospital can't make a loud noise?"

This angry rebuke made Hu Xiaochuan's whole person shrink slightly, but after turning around to see the beautiful face of the little nurse, his face turned and he immediately laughed.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Nurse sister, this is because my brother woke up suddenly, and some great joy and compassion were out of control for a while."

"It won't work if you don't control it, please pay attention to me!" The little nurse embroidered her eyebrows and raised her face with dissatisfaction.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Sister Nurse, you are right, I must pay attention."

"By the way, my name is Hu Xiaochuan, sister nurse, 18 years old, and a good man. I am currently single and recruiting girlfriends. Sister nurse has a boyfriend? Can I leave it to the phone?"


Seeing Hu Xiaochuan nodding and bowing in front of the beautiful nurse girl, Qin Shaofeng's face twitched fiercely.

I circled a fork, and it was really hopeless!

Whenever you see a beautiful woman, you should be single!

After a while, Hu Xiaochuan turned his head with a look of disappointment. It was obvious that the call was unsuccessful, and the whole person was directly withered.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, Hu Xiaochuan said feebly: "The third one, are you all right!"

Qin Shaofeng's face twitched again, gritted his teeth and snorted, "It's okay!"

"Oh, it's fine, the boss and I thought you were dead!"

Yes, I'm so good and fine now, but I can guarantee that I will be **** off by the other party if I don't wait!

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that this kind of goods had this virtue, and didn't care about anything.

Because if you really care about it, you might be mad at it.

After all, this guy can have a feat of a heart attack that an old foreigner who is a foreign language is angry.

However, Hu Xiaochuan was heartless in some respects, and soon recovered from the blow of the "lost love", and then began to talk with Qin Shaofeng.

From Hu Xiaochuan’s conversation, Qin Shaofeng knew that the reason why he was the only one to come was because the boss, as the main basketball player, was currently playing a basketball game and was somewhat unable to get away.

As for the fourth child, it's nothing. He is taking an elective course, but he is also coming right now.

After a while, the two elders and the fourth in the dormitory also rushed over to visit Qin Shaofeng.

Looking at the sweaty boss and the fourth child who had taken other people's textbooks by mistake, Qin Shaofeng knew that they had hurried here, and his heart felt warm.


As night fell, Qin Shaofeng was the only one left in the ward.

The boss has already left.

They just stayed for a while before being driven away by the little nurse before.

The reason was that the patient Qin Shaofeng had just regained consciousness and needed a rest.

And it is precisely for this reason that even if Qin Shaofeng wakes up at this moment, he still has to stay in the hospital for observation for two or three days.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care either. On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng wanted to take advantage of these two or three days to thoroughly verify whether the memory in his mind was his real experience or a big dream.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights in the ward had already been turned off, but Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry and did not start his own actions.

After another two hours, it was already midnight, and Qin Shaofeng sat up from the hospital bed.

After sitting up, Qin Shaofeng didn't get out of bed, but directly sat down cross-legged and started practicing according to the exercises in his memory.

Qin Shaofeng had actually noticed it a long time ago. According to the situation in his memory, the earth's spiritual energy at this moment is very low, and it is impossible for people to cultivate normally.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't be troubled by this.

Because in the almighty competition, Qin Shaofeng had practiced a lot of exercises.

But because of the forgetting system, Qin Shaofeng has also forgotten the super god-level powerful skill duplicating gods and demons. Now he still believes that in the almighty competition, the exercises and martial skills he mastered were all cultivated by him. .

In the end, Qin Shaofeng remembered himself even more, and based on a large number of martial arts and exercises, he even created "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" that appeared in his memory at this moment was no longer the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" he created originally!

At the beginning of the Almighty Competition, Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was powerful, but at best it only hits the Domination Realm in the Nirvana Realm, and it has great assistance.

In other respects, although "The Book of Gods and Demons" is also very good, compared with the truly powerful techniques, "The Book of Gods and Demons" created by Qin Shaofeng is far behind.

However, after Qin Shaofeng's realm improved, especially after the soul golden body reached the Great Perfection realm, Qin Shaofeng also had a more complete idea of ​​the "Golden Book of Gods and Demons" he created.

Even Qin Feiyang, Qin Shaofeng's father, gave Qin Shaofeng some pointers.

To know that Qin Feiyang is a real Taoist powerhouse, and he is not an ordinary Taoist powerhouse. If he can get his guidance, Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is even more complete.

Fortunately now, Qin Shaofeng can still remember the practice method of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

In fact, the real reason for this is that before deciding to cross, Qin Feiyang asked Qin Shaofeng to choose to start practicing "The Book of Gods and Demons" after arriving on Earth. Therefore, the practice method of "The Book of Gods and Demons" was completely imprinted on Qin Shaofeng's Deep in the soul.

And it is precisely because he felt that he had created a powerful technique, Qin Shaofeng now intends to practice this "Treasure of Gods and Demons"!

This "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" does not use the normal absorption of any spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to temper one's own cultivation techniques.

Of course, this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" can also absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, but because of Qin Feiyang, this leads to this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" even if it is lacking in spiritual energy, it can still be cultivated.

Because "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is a practice that directly faces the origin of the world, and directly strengthens its own practice by absorbing the rules of the Great Dao.

To be precise, because of the fear that the power of the Taoist world on the earth will be dissipated, leading to the incomplete laws of the Dao on the earth, and the earth has now entered the end of the era of spiritual energy, it is difficult to rely on the absorption of spiritual energy to practice.

Therefore, Qin Feiyang made some transformations in the "The Treasure of Gods and Demons". When practicing, he can rely on the absorption of the power of the entire Dao world, and the power of some Dao laws, resulting in a special mixture. power.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is also a kind of spiritual energy, but under normal cultivation, it is impossible to cultivate this special spiritual energy.

But the current "Glossary of Gods and Demons" can absorb this power.

Of course, because Qin Shaofeng's body is currently floating and weak, without a trace of cultivation, it is impossible to absorb this special kind of cultivation.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't remember these things.

"Although this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" has a high start, it is difficult to practice, but this basic chapter is easy to practice."

Recalling the content of The Treasure of Gods and Demons, Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction.

This completely complete "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is divided into three chapters based on the progress of cultivation.

The practice of the first chapter is the basic chapter!

As the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", the realm of this cultivation is only twelve levels.

But although this basic chapter only has twelve levels of cultivation realm, after successful cultivation, it can have extremely strong strength.

The first few chapters may not be very obvious, but the more the basic chapter comes later, the stronger it is.

Well, for mortals!

If you can cultivate to the twelve-fold realm, it would be equivalent to the strongest supreme realm among the holy realms of the ancient continent.

And once you break through the basics and enter the rules of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", it's even more incredible.

Asking the supreme ruler or something, that is not a problem at all.

And most importantly, there is the last practice method in this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons"-Dao Jing!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice much that the Taoist Mirror seemed to be affected by memory.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care either, because not to mention the Dao Mirror chapter, that is, the Law chapter can cultivate and match the dominance realm.

Moreover, feeling Qin Shaofeng's sensitivity to the earth's spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng felt that being able to cultivate on the earth to the tenth level of the Basic Chapter was probably already the limit.

Of course, these are all based on the premise that the memories in my mind are my real experience.

"So real, it can't be a dream!"

After recalling the training content of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng said firmly, then took a deep breath, and began to practice according to the training route of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

The first exercise started, but there was no response!

Qin Shaofeng's body is still as calm as water!

Qin Shaofeng was not discouraged, and started to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" for the second time.

But Qin Shaofeng still had no reaction in his body.

the third time……

the fourth time……




Repeated failures made Qin Shaofeng feel more and more disappointed, and subconsciously thought that perhaps he was really whimsical.

"The last time, if the last time is unsuccessful, I will give up completely!"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Qin Shaofeng used all his strength and began his last attempt.

People who have not cultivated do not have a trace of cultivation power in their bodies, and it is difficult to run cultivation techniques, unless they are talented and transcendent geniuses who will successfully cultivate in a short time.

But this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" was Qin Shaofeng's own practice, and he knew best how to practice it.

There are actually no special requirements for the start of the practice of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and it can be practiced by individuals.

At most, it's the level of cultivation that can be achieved by relying on talent.

But after all, this is Qin Shaofeng's own practice. Even if the earth body's aptitude is extremely poor at this moment, after practicing so many times, it is reasonable to say that some results can be achieved in practice.

But now that there is no fart, it is easy for Qin Shaofeng to think of those memories, which are probably all false.

Because even if it is false, it is impossible to realize it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng somewhat wanted to give up.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that there was a lot of strength in his body.

Although this strand of strength is extremely weak, if measured by volume, it is afraid that it is not as big as a strand of hair.

But it was such a trace of power that made Qin Shaofeng mad with surprise.

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