Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1622: Xu Wentao reappears

Oh, what is this called!

Qin Shaofeng looked at her shy and tangled. Although he had guessed something in his heart, Qin Shaofeng always hesitated.

The experience of the ancient continent has proved that it is not a dream.

That said, Meng Xiner and Zhao Yuner are all real.

Qin Shaofeng had made up his mind, he would return to that place one day!

So now on earth, can he provoke other girls?

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng was very hesitant.

The two of them were so silent for a while.

"I circled a cross, Erye, I can't stand it anymore!"

Finally, a dissatisfaction broke the silence between the two, and Hu Xiaochuan appeared again.

And this time not only Hu Xiaochuan, but Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai also appeared.

"The third child, what are you inking? The girls have come to ask them to have a meal and watch a movie!" Hu Xiaochuan said dissatisfiedly. He felt that Qin Shaofeng was too elusive.

The beauty of Liu Ya has come to the door. Isn't he doing well?

Chen Dazhuang also looked down on it, and whispered to Qin Shaofeng: "The third child, you are so beautiful! Seize the opportunity, you don't come back tonight."

When the boss Chen Dazhuang and Hu Xiaochuan sang together like this, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what to say.

Turning his head and looking at Liu Ya, Qin Shaofeng noticed that Liu Ya had a shy face at this time, like a little girl.

This made his heart suddenly touched, and some inexplicable feelings suddenly surged up, making Qin Shaofeng want to hug Liu Ya at this moment.

But he still held back.

At this moment, seeing Qin Shaofeng looking at her, Liu Ya felt even more flustered.

She came in for a purpose, and that was to ask Qin Shaofeng to watch a movie.

But she is a girl, how can she take the initiative to ask a boy to go to the movies?

Too shy, I can't say it!

"What should I say to let him go to the movies with me? Let me tell you directly. Will he think I am a casual person, but in his heart he really wants to go to the movies with him, if I don’t say anything. , He is afraid that he will not take the initiative."

For a time, Liu Ya was completely messed up!

"Then, let's go out together, let's walk!" Qin Shaofeng saw her embarrassed, and then broke the scene.

But Liu Ya thought in her heart at this time, is he dating me?

Thinking of this, Liu Ya felt a burst of joy in her heart, and she nodded directly.

Afterwards, the two left.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dazhuang, Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai all smiled.

But soon, Hu Xiaochuan could not laugh.

Because at this time, his cell phone rang.

Looking down, Hu Xiaochuan found that Wang Tingting was obedient, and he was stunned.

In fact, since what happened with Wang Tingting, Hu Xiaochuan deliberately avoided each other.

But now he knew it, he couldn't avoid Wang Tingting at all.

Wang Tingting is very beautiful, Hu Xiaochuan admits that, and he likes each other very much.

But this kind of liking is just because of the kind of liking for beauties. It is the kind of liking that any man will give to beautiful women. There is no love at all.

Besides, he had been thinking about Yiyeqing before, and that was what happened to Wang Tingting.

But the current situation is no longer what he likes or dislikes.

At this time, because Hu Xiaochuan was stunned for a while, the phone's ringing had stopped, but soon a text message came over.

The text message is simple and white: Come out and have dinner with me!

Such text messages naturally come from Wang Tingting.

Oh, forget it!

He sighed silently in his heart, Hu Xiaochuan tidied up, and went straight out.


"Have you eaten so late?"

After walking with Liu Ya for a while, Qin Shaofeng suddenly asked Liu Ya.

"No!" Liu Ya shook her head.

"Well, let's go eat first, I'm hungry too!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yeah!" Liu Ya nodded.

For some reason, the atmosphere between the two became a little embarrassing.

Even when they were eating, the two chatted with each other.

In this situation, the two quickly finished their meal, and then they started walking again.

As the two of them walked, Liu Ya was entangled in her heart for a long time, and she suddenly had the courage to look up at Qin Shaofeng.

"Qin Shaofeng, are you free tonight?"

Qin Shaofeng paused, and finally nodded subconsciously: "Yes!"

Liu Ya's eyes lit up slightly, and she said in anticipation, "Will you accompany me to the movies? Recently, a new movie called "Passing Through Your World" was released. I heard it was pretty good, let's go and watch it. Look!."

Seeing Liu Ya look like this, Qin Shaofeng's heart was a little moved, and he couldn't bear to refuse anything.

So nodded, Qin Shaofeng said: "Okay, then I invite you to go and see!"

Speaking, Qin Shaofeng suddenly took Liu Ya's hand and walked to the cinema.

However, Liu Ya was also surprised by Qin Shaofeng's actions. She lowered her head shyly and was dragged away by Qin Shaofeng.

Will he hold me like this when watching a movie later?

Will he hug me?

Will you kiss me?

What if he kisses me?

If he does this, shall I refuse to pick him up? Still not reject him?

If he doesn't reject him, will he think I am a random girl?

But if I reject him, will he think I'm pretending to be high-minded, what should I do?

Liu Ya thought in her heart that she was completely messed up.

Well, I think more typical.

But this is not to blame her, after all, seriously, this is the first time she has dated a boy, and watched a movie with a boy!

After thinking about the two people came to the cinema, Qin Shaofeng then bought two tickets, two bottles of Coke and a bucket of popcorn.

The two waited in the lobby for a while, and the movie was about to begin, so they entered the cinema.

Looking at the characters on the screen, Liu Ya felt like a small deer crashing into her heart. She didn't calm down to watch the movie at all, she kept thinking about it, and her whole mind was not in the movie at all.

Qin Shaofeng had watched this movie, and even after hearing some words, a touch flashed in his eyes.

"I hope there is someone like you, like the refreshing wind in the mountains, like the warm light of the ancient city.

From early morning to night, from the mountains to the study, everything does not matter. As long as it is you in the end.

One person will eventually have another person, nodding to you, carrying out the future, and counting the road signs of life. "

The movie was over, but Qin Shaofeng was a little bit emotional.

Although the plot of the movie did not make him familiar, it was not something he had experienced.

But for some reason, seeing this situation, Qin Shaofeng was very emotional.

Liu Ya also seemed to see something wrong with Qin Shaofeng, she didn't know what was wrong with Qin Shaofeng, but she was inexplicably sad when she saw Qin Shaofeng like this.

Then he leaned his head to Qin Shaofeng. Qin Shaofeng was feeling inexplicably at this moment. As soon as Liu Ya leaned over, he couldn't help it and kissed Liu Ya directly.

Liu Ya didn't expect that this would be the result, which made her stunned for a while.

At this moment, Liu Ya's mind was completely blank.

Did he kiss me?

Well, he kissed me!

Liu Ya didn't realize it until this time. When Qin Shaofeng suddenly kissed her, she didn't resist at all.

Shyness is certain, but she has absolutely no disgust at all.

When Qin Shaofeng found out that he had kissed Liu Ya, he recovered in an instant, and regretted immediately in his heart.

But when I saw Liu Ya's eyes closed, Qin Shaofeng was very moved.

No rejection!

Even the other party did not mean to refuse at all!

This time, Qin Shaofeng finally didn't struggle with anything, and directly stretched out his hand to hug Liu Ya, and hugged him in his arms.

What's wrong with me? I just want this woman. What's wrong?

Qin Shaofeng completely let go of his heart, how could he cower so much as a being who once stood at a very high level.

Like, just like!

What's the big deal!

Looking at Liu Ya, Qin Shaofeng gave himself an answer, a decision!

Then Qin Shaofeng let go of Liu Ya, looked at Liu Ya seriously, and said, "Xiaoya, be my girlfriend!"

Liu Ya was shocked, her face turned ruddy, and she plunged directly into Qin Shaofeng's arms, and gave a soft hmm.

Qin Shaofeng hugged Liu Ya again, but this situation did not last long.

Because the movie was over, the lights went off.

With the look of the lamp in the movie hall, Liu Ya immediately stood up from Qin Shaofeng's arms embarrassed and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly followed, and then grabbed Liu Ya's little hand.

Liu Ya was still very shy, and subconsciously broke free, but he didn't break free, and it was Qin Shaofeng.

"Did you confess that just now?"

After the two held hands and walked for a while, Liu Ya suddenly asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Yes indeed!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then smiled: "What about you? If you agree, you will be mine in the future!"

"What if I disagree?" Liu Ya suddenly said.

"I don't agree!" Qin Shaofeng raised his brows, "If you don't agree, then...that's mine."

With that said, Qin Shaofeng pulled Liu Ya into his arms with force.

"You...you..." Liu Ya suddenly became anxious, and even shy, "there are you like?"

"Oh, I'm like this!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, "Now you have boarded the thief ship, but you can't get off, there is no room for regret!"

"Huh, so you are such a person!~"


When Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya were flirting and cursing, they didn't know that at this moment, there was already a pair of eyes fixed on them both.

And the owner of these eyes was very angry at the moment.

This person is not someone else, it is Xu Wentao.

After being severely beaten by Qin Shaofeng, Xu Wentao didn't fully heal his injuries until noon today.

Now he has just finished eating and is planning to find a beautiful woman to calm down his anger.

After all, he hasn't had any women to play with him all these days in the hospital!

For Xu Wentao, this was a very rare thing, and he could not bear it for a long time.

But Xu Wentao never thought that he actually saw such a scene.

Xu Wentao saw Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya walking together hand in hand, and the appearance of a lang (traitor) sentiment (husband) concubine (lewd) intention (women) suddenly felt unbalanced.

He even became extremely angry, and the whole person almost exploded with anger.

"I, Cao Nima, Liu Ya, you see people like this, and you have been pursuing you so hard for so long. You didn't react at all, and you refused me time and time again. Now you are with this Qin Shaofeng. , How long have you known each other for so long, you have actually come to this point, you are so amazing that you are a scumbag!"

Xu Wentao scolded in his heart, and his entire expression became a little sordid.

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