Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1624: Surprise brought by Tai Sui

Qin Shaofeng hugged Liu Ya and wanted to stop her bleeding, but the wound on Liu Ya's back was a bit big, and the blood couldn't stop it.

Even in order not to let the blood flow out too much and too quickly, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to pull out the short knife.

The inner energy of the gods and demons in his body now has little left, and it completely protects Liu Ya's heart, and there is no remaining power to help Liu Ya stop the bleeding.

Facing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was very anxious.

"If you talk less, you will be fine, I promise!" Qin Shaofeng said anxiously.

While talking, Qin Shaofeng took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Hu Xiaochuan.

Then, Qin Shaofeng hugged Liu Ya and planned to walk to the villa where he was now.

Liu Ya's consciousness gradually blurred, which made her feel more and more that she could not survive.

"I don’t know if I can tell you in the future, so I have to say it. Since Xu Wentao came to harass me that day and you helped me run away, I have you in my heart, but I don’t know how to talk to you. It's good to say." Liu Ya said weakly, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

"I know I know everything, but don't talk."

"No, I want to say, you must not forget me in the future, even if you are a woman who has it, as long as you can think of me occasionally!"

"I want to sleep, I'm so cold, can you just hold me like this?"

At this moment, Liu Ya was about to faint due to excessive blood loss.

"You can't sleep. If you sleep, I will go to another woman immediately, and I won't remember you." Qin Shaofeng shouted.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng knew that she could not let her sleep, otherwise it would be dangerous.

But Liu Ya really has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead, and her consciousness finally can't stand it, she is about to fall into a complete coma.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and felt fierce, directly stimulating several of his acupuncture points with a trace of inner energy of the gods and demons.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body heard small crackling sounds, which was the figure of his blood exploding.

In the face of Liu Ya, who was becoming more and more dangerous, Qin Shaofeng could no longer care about the sequelae and directly detonated one-third of his own blood, bursting out a **** **** and demon inner energy.

This spirit of the gods and demons was very abundant because it was caused by one-third of Qin Shaofeng's blood.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to completely stop the bleeding on Liu Ya's body in an instant, and even with the help of the spirit of the **** and demon, Qin Shaofeng finally pulled out the short knife behind Liu Ya.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's inner energy was injected into Liu Ya's heart by 70% to 80%, protecting Liu Ya's entire heart.

Because he had enough inner energy of the gods and demon, Liu Ya's heart seemed to be still for a while, and the large amount of inner energy of the gods and demon that Qin Shaofeng had input was maintained at this moment.

According to this situation, Liu Ya is not in danger for the time being.

But this is only a temporary situation, and once Qin Shaofeng detonates his blood, if the inner Qi that erupts is exhausted, then Liu Ya, who can't maintain his inner Qi, will probably burst his heart instantly and die.

Seeing that Liu Ya had fainted, she knew that she had to treat Liu Ya immediately, otherwise her life would be in danger.

Fortunately, at this time, Qin Shaofeng had already returned to the villa because he had enough inner energy of the gods and demons and was very fast.

After entering the villa and returning to his room, Qin Shaofeng carefully placed Liu Ya on his bed.

Then, Qin Shaofeng untied Liu Ya's clothes.

Liu Ya is very beautiful, she has a very good body, perfect and attractive.

But at this moment, seeing such a wonderful body, Qin Shaofeng couldn't take much interest at this moment.

He had only one thought in his mind now, and that was to save Liu Ya's life.

Qin Shaofeng turned Liu Ya over his back, ignoring that there was water and alcohol to wash it off, because he didn't have that time at all, but used the inner energy of the gods and demon to clean up the blood stains on Liu Ya's back.

Then, Qin Shaofeng took out his set of silver needles and started acupuncture for Liu Ya.

The movements were fast, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's hands had already turned into an afterimage.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many times he had administered the needle.

It wasn't until a quick knock on the door that Qin Shaofeng came back to his senses.

Qin Shaofeng stopped, feeling to open the door, and then Hu Xiaochuan came in.

"The third child, what's going on? Your text message says that Liu Ya is in danger of life. What is going on?"

Hu Xiaochuan said urgently as soon as he entered the door.

Not long ago, he was still with Wang Tingting, but suddenly received a text message from Qin Shaofeng, saying that Liu Ya was stabbed with a short knife and put her life in danger.

This shocked Hu Xiaochuan. After speaking to Wang Tingting, he hurriedly left.

Qin Shaofeng did not answer Hu Xiaochuan's words, but asked anxiously: "These things will be said later, do I want you to bring things?"

"Bring, bring!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded, then lifted a luggage bag.

"Your Tai Sui meat is here!"

That's right, Qin Shaofeng sent a text message to Hu Xiaochuan before, asking him to go to Sister Rong to bring the Tai Sui meat he photographed.

After opening the luggage bag and seeing that Tai Sui, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally caught up!

Then, Qin Shaofeng didn't have time to say anything to Hu Xiaochuan, so he took the Tai Sui meat and went into the room.

Upon seeing this, Hu Xiaochuan didn't bother anything, so he could only wait.

After entering the room, Qin Shaofeng found that Liu Ya's situation was beginning to be a little uncomfortable.

Because the inner energy of the gods and demons he entered into Liu Ya's heart, the effect has been 70% to 80%.

Even if it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng's continuous acupuncture technique to reduce the consumption of the inner qi of the gods and demons in Liu Ya's heart, I am afraid the inner qi of those gods and demons would have been exhausted.

But even so, according to the current state, Liu Ya's inner qi in the heart of the gods and demon can last for seven or eight minutes at most.

However, it is finally catching up.

Qin Shaofeng looked down at the Tai Sui meat in his luggage, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"Hope, I felt right before. There really is some special aura in this Tai Sui."

With a whisper, Qin Shaofeng directly took out the Tai Sui meat, and then grasped the Tai Sui firmly, breaking the Tai Sui with his hands forcefully, directly breaking the Tai Sui in half.

After breaking the Tai Sui, Qin Shaofeng was completely stunned, because he couldn't imagine that there was such a thing in this Tai Sui meat.

It's not that this thing is bad, but that it's good beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

Because at this moment, in the center of this Tai Sui, there is a hollow of the thumb, and in the hollow is a jade the size of a soybean, firmly embedded in it.

Of course, this is not jade, but spirit stone!

Yes, it is Lingshi!

This surprised Qin Shaofeng too much.

Although this piece of spiritual stone is very small, just the size of a soybean, and the spiritual energy it contains is not very pure.

But this is also a spirit stone!

And according to the degree of spiritual energy contained in this spiritual stone, this is enough to be hundreds or even hundreds of times stronger than the last one containing spiritual energy that was auctioned at the Ocean Hotel yesterday!

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that if this piece of spirit stone was allowed to be absorbed by himself, it would be enough to push his realm to the third realm of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and at least the realm of Consummation, even if it was promoted. It is not impossible to reach the realm of Dzogchen.

The third level of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is equivalent to that of the innate martial artist on earth.

And if it can be used, this piece of spirit stone was obtained by an innate martial master master, and even one might break through to the realm of an innate master.

In a sense, this spirit stone can completely cultivate an innate master.

You know that Hu Xiaochuan's family ranks a dozen in the Chinese martial arts world.

But Hu's family, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather, has only reached the realm of innate master.

Therefore, if this piece of spiritual stone is exposed, it may cause turmoil in the Chinese martial arts world.

Even those martial artists in the realm of the innate masters will take action.

But now such a thing was taken by Qin Shaofeng for a mere three million.

Qin Shaofeng had a hunch before that this Tai Sui would bring such a surprise to himself, but he never expected such a surprise.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that this Tai Sui had grown up for a long time, and in the process of growth, something should have happened accidentally, causing it to instill a pure aura.

This is very likely to be some kind of elixir, or something else, entering the Tai Sui.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that it was mostly a fragment of a real spiritual stone. Under certain circumstances, it fell beside this Tai Sui, and finally merged with Tai Sui and kept it inside.

Then, because of the long-term envelopment, the spiritual energy gradually changed and condensed into a spiritual stone.

And Qin Shaofeng was sure that the spirit stone in this Tai Sui was definitely bigger before.

Because the cavity inside this Tai Sui, but the size of a thumb, is now just the size of a soybean.

Obviously, even with the Tai Sui package, under the long-term aura of the earth, this spiritual stone began to slowly dissipate, and finally became this size.

However, this is enough.

"Great, I didn't think that there was a spiritual stone in this Tai Sui. This is enough to restore Xiao Ya's injury!"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and without any hesitation, Liu Ya swallowed the piece of spiritual stone directly.

Although this piece of spiritual stone can allow him to cultivate to the third level of Consummation in the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons", or even the realm of Dzogchen, it allows him to have enough self-protection ability.

But in order to cure Liu Ya, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​taking the Lingshi as his own.

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is an innate martial artist of the peak realm like Hu Xiaochuan's father, it is impossible to take Lingshi directly.

This is a spiritual stone, not a panacea, the spiritual energy content can be very rich.

And even for the elixir, for many warriors, it is impossible to take it all at once, basically swallowing it slowly, and then refining and absorbing it with its own internal energy.

But with Qin Shaofeng, even if Liu Ya swallowed the spirit stone directly, there was no problem at all.

After Liu Ya swallowed the spirit stone, Qin Shaofeng used his own spirit of the **** and demon to guide that piece of spirit stone slowly to Liu Ya's heart, the location of her wound.

Not only that, because Liu Ya hadn't practiced any exercises herself, she couldn't refine and absorb the spirit stone, nor could she refine the aura in the spirit stone.

However, Qin Shaofeng couldn't be troubled by this.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng was running his inner energy of the **** and demon, stimulating the spiritual stone, and inspiring a trace of spiritual energy.

Then, Qin Shaofeng guided this trace of spiritual energy to circulate in Liu Ya's body, and the training route that circulated was Qin Shaofeng's "Treasure of Gods and Demons"!

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