Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1640: Conquer the Black Tiger Gang?

"Qin Shao, as long as you save the black scorpion, from now on, my black scorpion will do my best!"

In front of Qin Shaofeng, Old Xie knelt down on one knee and said with Chen Ken earnestly.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng felt that the other party was seriously surrendering to him.

In response, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said: "Very well, since that's the case, then I will accept your black scorpion's submission!"

Old Xie breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng was a strong man at the level of the innate grandmaster. If the black scorpion surrendered to such a strong man, there would be no danger.

"Then, what shall we do now?"

Old Xie asked, a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes, he hoped that Qin Shaofeng would take a direct shot and take back the Black Scorpion headquarters Haitian Yishi.

But Qin Shaofeng now said that he had no such plan, and it was not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to retake the black scorpion.

With his strength, going to Haitian Yishi at this moment can completely knock back all the masters of the Zhendong Gang, but cannot kill them all.

Because there were too many people on the other side, Qin Shaofeng had only reached the second most significant state of Consummation in the Basics of The Book of Gods and Demons.

Compared to the real cultivator's methods, Qin Shaofeng still had too few realms to use to kill enemies.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat sure about dealing with an innate martial artist.

If there are multiple innate warriors, that's not a problem.

But if the other party intends to escape, it is still a bit laborious for Qin Shaofeng.

Now that he has taken the shot, Qin Shaofeng has the idea of ​​killing the Zhendong Gang and Zheng Lao behind the Zhendong Gang.

But if he is alone now, it is not enough.

According to the old Xie Xie, the current black scorpion can dispatch ten high-level warriors at most, as well as some assassins who have not been killed.

As for the words of Innate Martial Artist, now it is the old one.

Therefore, the current situation is that there is not enough manpower.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and a thought suddenly occurred.

Afterwards, Qin Shaofeng let Xie get older to prepare, and went to make a call by himself.

And the person who called Qin Shaofeng this time was the bald Kai!


A conference hall, here is the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang.

Under normal circumstances, the main members of the Black Tiger Gang are rarely gathered here, unless something major has happened.

But this time, the two helpers of the Black Tiger Gang, as well as the three hall masters at the entrance, are here.

The main and deputy gang leader of the Black Tiger Gang is a warrior, and is also an innate warrior. The gang leader Heihu and the deputy gang leader Heibao are two brothers. They were born in a poor family. After entering the society, they worked hard from the bottom to their current position.

This is all because the two of them had the luck to approve an innate warrior in their teenage years. After successful cultivation, they founded the Black Tiger Gang and eventually developed the Black Tiger Gang into such a big gang.

But now the Black Tiger Gang is in big trouble.

That was the Zhendong Gang's attack on their Black Tiger Gang!

In fact, before Xu Dahai was assassinated by the black scorpion, Zheng Lao embarked on the opposing black tiger gang.

What Qin Shaofeng heard from Xu Dahai and Zheng Lao in the Xu Dahai villa before was about preparing to take action against the black tiger gang.

Under Zheng's plan, he wanted to annex the Black Tiger Gang to the Zhendong Gang.

Of course, all of this was done secretly. After Zheng Lao attacked and annexed the Black Tiger Gang, the Black Tiger Gang still kept a distance from the Zhendong Gang on the surface, which was the kind of secret annexation.

Faced with such an attitude of the Zhendong Gang, the Black Tiger was naturally unhappy.

But in the end after a discussion, the Zhendong Gang suddenly attacked the Black Tiger Gang, and in the end, it was Mr. Zheng who shot himself and seriously injured the Black Tiger Gang leader Heihu.

Had it not been for the assassination of Xu Dahai by the black scorpion, if it suddenly broke out, I am afraid that the black tiger gang had been taken down by force by Zheng Lao.

At this moment, the two helpers of the Black Tiger Gang and the three hall masters are gathering here to discuss matters.

In the current situation, it is actually time for the Black Tiger Gang to survive the crisis.

But the more so, the more difficult it is for the five senior members of the Black Tiger Gang.

Because the Zhendong Gang was so powerful, they never thought that the Zhendong Gang was so strong. Their Black Tiger Gang had no resistance at all in front of the other side.

"Helper, what should we do now?"

After a long silence, a hall master at the entrance suddenly asked.

The Black Tiger Gang has two leaders, and then there are three hall owners.

Although the strength of the Black Tiger Gang is far less powerful than the Zhendong Gang, the innate martial artists are the two brothers of the Black Tiger and the Black Panther, and even the hall master at the entrance of the three halls is actually only the pinnacle of the advanced warriors.

Even the senior warriors of the entire Black Tiger Gang, if they weren't the masters of the Three Halls, there would not even be twenty people.

This naturally cannot be compared with the Zhendong Gang.

Heihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, knows this very well.

At this moment, facing the hall master's questioning, Hei Hu was silent for a while. He was seriously injured immediately after receiving the palm of Old Zheng.

You must know that he is an innate martial artist of the fifth realm, and he was seriously injured with just one palm.

Under this circumstance, Heihu knew very well that he was the master behind the Zhendong Gang, even if he was not a congenital martial artist, he was definitely a master of the peak realm of congenital martial artist.

And this is not the point. The point is that apart from such a master in Zhendong Gang, there are also seven or eight innate martial artists. This alone is enough to make Heihu feel desperate.


Faced with such strength, what resistance does the Black Tiger Gang do!

Oh, can I only choose to surrender?

He sighed softly in his heart and looked up at his second brother and the three hall masters. Hei Hu clearly sensed that the other three hall masters except his second brother were already timid.

I am afraid that after learning about the strength of the Zhendong Gang, these three hall masters have lost their fighting spirit.

Although they are not the three hall masters, they have been following him for a long time, and if they already have some feelings, I am afraid they would have betrayed him long ago.

But Heihu had a thorough understanding in his heart, knowing that if he smashed against the Zhendong Gang, the three hall masters would not necessarily follow him against the Zhendong Gang.

Therefore, Black Tiger had already compromised in his heart.

At this moment, after the hall master spoke, he sighed in his heart, and Heihu planned to say his decision to surrender.

But just as Heihu was about to speak, a figure suddenly rushed in.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have rushed into the deliberative moment of the five of them at this moment, and he would definitely be under the penalty of helping the rules for the first time.

But after seeing that the incoming person was a bald head, the somewhat angry hallmaster at the scene quieted down instantly.

The person here is Kay Bald!

The position of Bald Kay in the Black Tiger Gang is somewhat special. Although he is not the hall master, to some extent, his position is not lower than the three hall masters present.

The only difference is that the bald-headed Kai is not suitable for cultivation. He is just an ordinary person. Otherwise, he must be a hall master of the Black Tiger Gang.

"Boss, Shao Qin wants to see you!"

Bald Kay rushed in and shouted like this.

At first, Heihu didn't react much, but soon his eyes lit up slightly, and he said with excitement: "But Shao Qin who knew the young master Hu Xiaochuan from Jiangnan Hu family?"

"Yes, it's him!" Bald Kai grinned slightly.

Suddenly, the three hall masters and the Panthers were all happy.

They naturally knew Qin Shaofeng, and they even had a little friction with Bald Kai.

However, the opponent didn't care about bald Kay.

These are not the main points. The main point is that based on the information they know, the Jiangnan Hu Shao has a good relationship with this.

In this way, if the Jiangnan Hu family can be helped by the relationship between the other party and that Hu Shao, then the Black Tiger Gang will definitely be able to survive this crisis this time.

"Hurry up!" Heihu stood up fiercely.

But then I felt that something was wrong, so I left the direct seat and walked out quickly.

"No, let's meet Shao Qin together!"


Qin Shaofeng was looking around in a living room. He came to the Black Tiger Gang naturally for a purpose.

He had known the current situation of the Black Tiger Gang from Xie Lao's mouth before, and he had a thought in his mind and set off to the Black Tiger Gang.

Beside Qin Shaofeng, Lao Xie stood like a loyal old servant.

At this moment, the aura on Old Xie's body had already recovered a bit, not in the realm of the second and third innate martial artist, but had reached the realm of the fifth inborn martial artist.

After the old Xie heartily surrendered, Qin Shaofeng shot, washed the body of the old Xie with his own spirit of the **** and devil, and then used the inner energy of the **** and devil in the old Xie's body, leaving the assassination skill intact. Practice running routes.

This is to restore the realm of the old Xie to the realm of the five-level innate martial artist, and the most important thing is the old Xie, who has completely successfully practiced the assassination technique.

According to this situation, it will be more than a month at most, and he will be able to return to the eight-fold innate martial artist state at the previous peak.

Even after completing the assassination skills, the old Xie felt a feeling in his heart that he would soon be able to break through and be promoted to the realm of innate martial artist.

This made the old Xie feel more wise about his actions.

Surrendering to Qin Shaofeng was the most correct decision he made.

For this reason, Elder Xie had completely surrendered to Qin Shaofeng at this moment, and placed his own identity in the position of Qin Shaofeng's servant.

In fact, for such a position, Xie Lao feels honored.

Standing behind Qin Shaofeng now, there was a hint of arrogance on his face.

This made the black tiger who suddenly appeared, but was very shocked.

After learning that Qin Shaofeng had come, Heihu rushed over immediately.

After rushing over, Heihu immediately sensed the existence of Lao Xie.

Old Xie did not hide his aura in the slightest, the aura of the five-fold innate martial artist realm, but made Heihu feel a threat.

Therefore, the first glance Heihu came here was to fall on the old Xie, with a vigilance in his heart, as did the Panther and the three hall masters behind him.

But Heihu's reaction caused the old Xie to feel unhappy, and he couldn't help but snorted: "Bold, see my young master, don't you kneel down and please?"

Qin Shaofeng, who was about to speak, was speechless.

Please kneel down?

What do you think of me?

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly moved, did not speak, just looked at Heihu and others.

He came today, not to talk about friendship with the Black Tiger Gang.

He came to subdue the Black Tiger Gang!

That's right, Qin Shaofeng had already born in his heart the idea to subdue the Black Tiger Gang.

Because if there is the Black Tiger Gang, plus the words of the ten high-level warriors of Xie Lao and Black Scorpion, then the opponent Zhendong Gang will be completely wiped out.

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