Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1642: The Lord Appears

Eighteen black tiger gangs plus three hall masters, as well as the two brothers of the gang master Heihu, are already innate warriors, and this is twenty-three innate warriors.

And the ten high-level warriors on the black scorpion side have also been promoted to the innate warriors. If they are the old Xie, they are eleven innate warriors.

All this adds up, but it is thirty-four Innate Martial Artists.

This means that Qin Shaofeng now has thirty-four innate martial artists.

It is worth mentioning that the old Xie himself has completely restored to the eightfold realm of Innate Martial Artist this time with the help of these inferior low-level spirit pills.

Therefore, among the thirty-four innate martial artists of Qin Shaofeng, there is one innate martial artist in the eighth realm, and there is also one inborn martial artist in the fifth realm, the Black Tiger.

Then there are the black panthers of the triple innate martial arts realm, and the rest are all the innate warriors of the first realm.

But even so, this is an amazing lineup.

If it came out, it would probably cause a sensation in the Chinese martial arts world.

Now that the Black Tiger Gang and the Black Scorpion have returned to Qin Shaofeng, their names have naturally changed.

Qin Shaofeng named his power Lan Jiang!

This can be regarded as a memorial to the ancient continent!

After all, when Qin Shaofeng entered the ancient continent, he appeared in Lanjiang City from the beginning.

And now Qin Shaofeng feels that he has started on the earth, and he has named his power Lanjiang.

Of course, even if Lan Jiang now has so many innate martial artists, in fact, compared to those martial artists in the martial arts world, Lan Jiang's current strength is still very weak.

If Qin Shaofeng himself were not counted, a family of warriors with a little bit of strength would be able to destroy Lan Jiang.

In fact, as long as there is an innate warrior, Lan Jiang can't hold it anymore.

However, if the other party is the Zhendong Gang, then there is not much problem.

Soon, the deadline for the Zhendong Gang to give the Black Tiger Gang came.

On this day, the leader of the Zhendong Gang appeared and brought many people directly to the headquarters of the Black Tiger Gang.

Heihu agreed with him and came to an empty factory.

Qin Shaofeng and Xie Lao did not come forward, but observed in secret.

Even facing the Zhendong Gang gang leaders at this moment, that is, the Black Tiger and the Black Panther, as well as more than a dozen intermediate and advanced warriors of the Black Tiger Gang.

As for the more than 30 innate martial artists, they were all hidden in secret, and even the three hall masters did not show up.

Qin Shaofeng was afraid that if he directly dispatched thirty-four congenital warriors, he would scare the Zhendong Gang away, but that would be bad.

He had made up his mind to catch the Zhendong Gang all at once.

At this moment, the lineup of Zhendong Gang is also very strong.

And I don't know why, the Zhendong Gang leader who was originally only the realm of the triple innate martial artist, has now been upgraded to the realm of the fifth innate martial artist.

Not only that, this time around the leader of the Zhendong Gang, eleven congenital warriors and thirty high-level warriors followed.

Obviously, it seems that considering that the Black Tiger Gang might not revert, the Zhendong gang leader already has it. By the way, it is the idea of ​​direct action.

If you saw this scene three days ago, the Black Tiger Gang would definitely be panicked, but it's different now.

"Black Tiger, what are your considerations, will your Black Tiger Gang submit to my Zhendong Gang?"

As soon as he saw the black tiger, the leader of the Zhendong Gang directly said coldly.

In his opinion, the Black Tiger Gang has no choice, and even he has made up his mind. If the Black Tiger dared to say a word, he will do it directly.

But he didn't know that, facing his verbal threat at this moment, the black tiger had only a cold voice in his heart, and even the black panther behind the black tiger was even more disdainful.

"I'm thinking about it!"

Heihu suddenly spoke.


Thinking about it?

The leader of the Zhendong gang was taken aback for a moment, but soon he laughed: "Haha, yes, since you have considered it well, then you black tiger gang will submit to my Zhendong gang! Don't worry, after all, your black tiger is a five-fold Innate martial artist, I will give you the position of a hall master."

The Zhendong Gang leader said, still nodding and laughing, looking very satisfied.

But in the next moment, Heihu's words made him unable to laugh.

"No, no, no, it's not like this!" Heihu shook his head, and then smiled to the Zhendong gang leader, "What I said is, it should be your Zhendong gang who submit to our black tiger gang. You can rest assured, wait. After you return, I will also give you the position of a hall master!"


Heihu's words made the face of the Zhendong gang leader instantly gloomy, and the Zhendong gang members behind him screamed angrily.

"Damn, what are you talking about?"

"This black tiger gang is stupid? How dare to say such things to our helper?"

"Hmph, helper don't talk nonsense with them Black Tiger Gang, just abolish them!"

"Yes, scrap them!"


The Zhendong gang leader waved his hand to stop the subordinates behind him, then looked at the black tiger and said coldly, "Heihu, are you serious about this?"

"What do you mean?" Heihu smiled coldly.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The Zhendong gang leader smirked, showing a grin, "Since you are so inviting death, then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Brothers, give me up, take the black tiger gang's unknowingly bits and pieces, and scrap them all!"

The Zhendong gang leader roared, and it was the first time he wanted the black tiger to rush up. The warriors behind him followed closely, and they rushed to the other members of the black tiger gang behind the black tiger with grinning faces.

In the eyes of the Zhendong Gang leader and other Zhendong Gang members, they have twelve innate warriors and thirty advanced warriors on their side. Such a lineup is simply beyond the resistance of the Black Tiger Gang.

The Black Tiger Gang is over!

But the next moment, what happened, shocked everyone in the Zhendong Gang.

Because facing the attack of the Zhendong gang leader, the black tiger actually resisted it without any pressure.


With a bang, Heihu punched it directly in the face of a blow from the Zhendong gang leader, and shook him back.

"Are you not hurt?"

The Zhendong gang leader was shocked, because he hadn't felt any signs of Black Tiger's injury just now.

But how is this possible?

This black tiger was seriously injured by his master!

In just three days, how could the other party be healed, as if it were not injured?

Heihu didn't speak, but only waved his hand slightly, and then a few swish figures flashed, just to meet the eleven innate warriors of the Zhendong Gang.

Seeing such a scene, the face of the Zhendong gang leader was even more shocked, because he discovered that the several figures that appeared were actually all innate martial artists.

This happened to match all the innate warriors on his side?

Damn, how is this possible?

The eyes of the Zhendong gang leader are full of disbelief, when did the black tiger gang have so many innate warriors?

But even so, the Zhendong gang leader has quickly calmed down, looking at the black tiger and said coldly: "Black tiger, is this your trump card?"

Heihu smiled slightly and said nothing.

But this made the Zhendong Gang leader even more angry: "Heihu, don't be proud, although I don't know where you found so many Innate Martial Artists, but don't think that you can compete with our Zhendong Gang! "

"You have angered me, I won't keep my hands, I will kill you!"

The Zhendong gang leader roared and rushed to the black tiger again.

I have to say that although the Zhendong gang leader suddenly raised the two levels, the strength he showed at the moment was absolutely in line with his level, and even compared to the general five-level innate martial artist, the strength he showed. , Can be slightly better.

But as the battle with the black tiger began, the face of the Zhendong gang leader became more and more ugly.

Because he discovered that the strength of the opposite black tiger has actually improved. Although it is still in the realm of the five-level innate warrior, it is very different from the time when he was defeated by his master three days ago.

He couldn't take the opponent for a while!

Not only was it impossible to win, but as the number of battles between the two increased, the Zhendong gang leader realized that he was gradually at a disadvantage.

Damn, what the **** is going on?

The Zhendong gang leader was furious, but also a little more afraid.

But the black tiger who was fighting with him became more and more excited in his heart.

Knew it!

The profound spiritual art taught by the young master is really extraordinary. I just practiced for just three days, and my strength has improved.

This is incredible!

After the black tiger surrendered, like the old Xie, he called Qin Shaofeng the young master. These were all Qin Shaofeng's requirements. After all, when it comes to calling the master, it feels a little inappropriate, and Qin Shaofeng is not used to it.

For the Black Tiger Gang, Qin Shaofeng naturally also taught the Black Tiger and some members of the Black Tiger Gang a technique.

Unlike Lao Xie's Black Scorpion, the warriors of the Black Tiger Gang are not assassins, so the practice of assassination is naturally somewhat inconsistent.

But it doesn't matter, what Qin Shaofeng lacks most right now is the practice of exercises.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng chose a technique similar to that of assassination, and taught it to warriors who comprehend the black tiger and other black tiger gangs.

Then, in order to wipe out the Zhendong Gang as quickly as possible, Qin Shaofeng directly used his inner energy of the gods and demons, leaving Heihu and the others with some seeds of profound spiritual art practice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Heihu and others to have such strength in just three days.


In the end, the black tiger screamed and punched with all his strength, sending the Zhendong gang leader out.


The leader of the Zhendong gang spouted blood, his face instantly paled, and he was injured.

After a hundred moves between the two, Black Tiger finally found an opportunity to wound the Zhendong Gang leader.

Faced with such a result, the Zhendong gang leader looked very ugly.

Moreover, what made his expression even more ugly was that he realized that at this time, he discovered that most of the eleven Zhendong Gang Congenital Martial Artists and the 30 advanced powerhouses he had brought had fallen to the ground.

Damn, how could this be?

The Zhendong gang leader's face was so gloomy that he couldn't imagine that it would be such a result.

But even so, the Zhendong gang leader, although his face was gloomy, his face did not show the slightest despair.

Even the warriors of the Zhendong Gang at the scene were falling more and more, and the Zhendong Gang did not care.

In the end, not long after, everyone in the Zhendong Gang fell to the ground except for the leader of the Zhendong Gang.

has it ended?

Heihu smiled slightly, and it seemed that the young master didn't need to act.

But just when Heihu had this idea in his mind, he suddenly took another step in the already quiet and empty factory.

I don't know when, this factory has an extra person, an old man!

Old Zheng has appeared!

The Lord has appeared!

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