Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1664: Leave the bottom of the sea

Only an hour later did Qin Shaofeng wake up from a large amount of information.

This is why he is so fast. If you change individuals, even if you come to an innate great master, I am afraid that you can't receive so much information without ten days and a half months.

Now Qin Shaofeng finally knows the origin of this true nine spirit person.

The reason is that this nine-spirit real person was 70,000 years ago. At that time, the aura on earth was quite rich and possessed a lot of powerhouses.

Among them, the cultivator who can be called a real person is the cultivator in the harmony stage.

The true person of Nine Spirits was born humble, and has gone through untold hardships to reach a very strong state.

In the end, he even created the Nine Spirit Palace and became an ancestor.

Under the leadership of the Nine Spirits, the Nine Spirits Palace became one of the most powerful forces at that time.

In fact, in that era, the co-dao period was not the end of cultivation. After learning this information, the nine spirits wanted to break through the co-dao period.

The cultivators who could be called real people in that era were all those who had cultivated to the extreme in the Hedao period.

It is said that above the real person is the immortal, and the Jiuling real person also wants to be a fairy.

And based on some information that happened to him, it shows that immortals really existed, and he had a lot of such information in his hands, which confirmed one point.

Because he found a real fairy cave.

Although that place was a defeated cave mansion, there was no real treasure in it, at best it was just some information.

But this seems to be totally different from other real people.

Like the Evil Blood Daoist, the Nine Spirits True Man was finally besieged, but he was greedy for the Evil Blood Daoist instead of being besieged.

In the end, not only was the real Nine Spirits besieged, but the Nine Spirits Palace was also siege and suppressed. The disciples under the sect died and fled.

The true person of Nine Spirits was also seriously injured and escaped. An extremely glorious and powerful Nine Spirit Palace was thus eliminated.

After being seriously injured, the real Nine Spirits also felt that his deadline was approaching, but he did not want to cut off what he had learned, so he exhausted a trace of strength afterwards to build such a Nine Spirit Palace, and then left a trace of soul consciousness. , Waiting for the last destined person.

Qin Shaofeng also knew what happened later.

The traces of the soul and consciousness of the true nine spirits waited untoldly, but finally waited for the evil blood Taoist, and then a series of things happened.

After understanding all this, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

Because he knew now that this Nine Spirit Palace had the wealth that Nine Spirits had collected in his lifetime.

After all, this true person of Nine Spirits is good at alchemy, and in addition to the siege battle, all the weapons on his body are destroyed, but the elixir he has collected for many years, as well as some special treasures of heaven and earth, still exist.

In the end, the true person of Nine Spirits placed these in this Nine Spirit Palace.

You must know that this true nine-spirited person was a powerful cultivator tens of thousands of years ago, and his collection is very rich.

The most important thing is that this Nine Spirit Palace is where medicinal materials are grown. Even in this era of thin spiritual energy, this Nine Spirit Palace can absorb the spiritual energy of the earth on its own, which is considered a powerful spiritual gathering ability.

If there were no accidents, logically speaking, most of the elixir and the treasures of heaven and earth and earth left behind by the real Nine Spirits could survive.

And after tens of thousands of years of growth, even if the aura is slightly insufficient, under the nourishment of this Nine Spirit Palace, it must be very powerful.

Qin Shaofeng even estimated that if he had obtained any elixir and treasures of heaven and earth, he might be able to complete the practice of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" and enter the practice of the law chapter.

It's just a pity that the accident occurred in the end.

The elixir and the treasures in the Nine Spirit Palace were all consumed by the evil blood Taoist in order to keep his remnant soul.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless and heartache.

But no matter how heartache, there is no other time.

"Oh, it's a pity!"

Shaking his head slightly and sighing, Qin Shaofeng stood up.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not completely disappointed.

Because at the very least, he waited for a good Nine Spirit Palace.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng began to look at this Nine Spirit Palace. This Nine Spirit Palace may not be as powerful as the master device, but it is also a very good palace type magic weapon.

Now Qin Shaofeng also knows, he had guessed wrong before, although this Nine Spirit Palace seems to have only a few kilometers of space (the space after Qin Shaofeng enters the cave has already entered the Nine Spirit Palace).

However, the space within a few kilometers is only the most superficial space of the Nine Spirit Palace.

In addition to the small space Qin Shaofeng had seen, this Nine Spirit Palace also had nine other spaces, and these spaces were all places for planting medicines, so they were very suitable for cultivation.

Speaking of planting elixir, Qin Shaofeng had to ignore the nine spirits, who was really good at it. According to Qin Shaofeng's inheritance memory, this nine spirit palace was a spatial magic weapon refined by the nine spirits at a great price.

Not only can it absorb the aura of the outside world on its own, but it can even speed up the growth of the elixir.

Planting elixir in the Nine Spirit Palace, even if left alone, the elixir can grow normally.

For this, Qin Shaofeng had some thoughts in his mind.

Because according to the ability of the Nine Spirit Palace, if some common medicinal materials are planted, it probably only takes ten days and a half to transform into a low-grade elixir.

Even if it takes a long time, it is not impossible to transform into a medium-grade elixir, or even a high-grade elixir.

There is no other reason. This is because this Nine Spirit Palace has been absorbing the aura of the outside world for tens of thousands of years. Although the absorption is very small, the accumulation of less is accumulated, and the time is still very objective.

The aura level in this Nine Spirit Palace is probably thousands of times that of the outside world. Cultivating here can definitely increase the cultivation speed by several steps.

In fact, the aura contained in the Nine Spirit Palace before the Evil Blood Daoist came, compared to this time, the aura at that time was more than a hundred times stronger.

At that time, the Nine Spirit Palace was almost the same as the sacred place for cultivation tens of thousands of years ago.

But after the evil-blooded Taoist came, he not only consumed a large amount of spiritual energy, but also consumed the spiritual stones and spiritual crystals of the Nine Spirit Palace.

The aura that Qin Shaofeng feels now has been absorbed bit by bit from the outside world over the past thousands of years in the Nine Spirit Palace.

"Although it's still not very good, but for me at this stage, this Nine Spirit Palace is still a good auxiliary thing. After I return, let Black Tiger and the others buy common medicinal materials and plant them here!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed and he noticed in his heart.

However, at this time Qin Shaofeng was already preparing to leave here.

The evil-blooded Taoist has surrendered, and the Nine Spirit Palace is in hand, so it is meaningless to stay here again.

And Qin Shaofeng thought that he had been missing for a while, and he didn't know how Liu Ya, who had not been in contact with him, would worry about him.

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't sit still.

As for the method of leaving here, Qin Shaofeng knew clearly in the memory of inheritance.

After walking out of the Jiuling Palace, Qin Shaofeng returned to the entrance of the cave before, and then Qin Shaofeng consciously communicated with the Nine Spirits Palace according to the method left by the true man.


Hearing a buzzing vibration, the brilliance at the entrance of the cave disappeared, but the Nine Spirit Palace closed the space.

Not long after, a bright light came and fell into Qin Shaofeng's hands, and he took a closer look that it was a small palace.

This is the Nine Spirit Palace!

Although this Nine Spirit Palace has no tool spirit, as long as it refines its core and becomes its master, Qin Shaofeng can control the size of the Nine Spirit Palace freely.

However, these all required Qin Shaofeng's efforts.

Of course, with Qin Shaofeng’s current state, I’m afraid it’s impossible to do this at all. Fortunately, the Nine Spirit Palace has enough aura, which can replace consumption, so that Qin Shaofeng is not embarrassed, but it cannot be taken away when he gets the Nine Spirit Palace. Situation.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to do more with this kind of change. The reason was simple. The aura of the Nine Spirit Palace was limited, and Qin Shaofeng didn't want to waste it like this.

After the Jiuling Palace was taken away, the island space began to become a little unstable.

This is not surprising, after all, this island space is maintained by a large formation, but the core of this large formation is the Nine Spirit Palace, and the aura for the operation of the large formation is also provided by the Nine Spirit Palace.

Now that the Nine Spirit Palace is gone, this big formation is naturally not impossible for long.

I'm afraid it won't take long before this big formation will collapse, and then countless seas will be bombed down, completely destroying this place.

Here is the seabed of thousands of meters. With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, if he faced the seawater that suddenly broke down and collapsed, most of the bones that were smashed by the seawater would be lost.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about this, because the big formation in this place still had a teleporting ability, and Qin Shaofeng knew how to inspire it.


With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng instantly activated his teleportation ability, and his whole person was teleported away instantly.

And just as Qin Shaofeng just teleported away, the big formation here finally couldn't hold on, and completely collapsed.

Then, countless sea water swarmed, like a mountain of billions of tons, crashing down.


When the white light disappeared and the teleportation was over, Qin Shaofeng found that he had already arrived in a small cave.

This teleportation ability is a single item, and it is still teleported randomly, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know where he is now.

After Qin Shaofeng walked out of the small cave, he found himself in a small valley.

Soon, when he walked out of the valley, Qin Shaofeng saw a forest. The forest was huge. Even at Qin Shaofeng’s speed, he jumped and ran with all his strength. It took 30 to 40 minutes before he walked out of the forest. Up.

However, after leaving the forest, Qin Shaofeng saw people smoke not far ahead, and quickly approached to see that a village appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Is there a village here?

A gleam of light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

If there is a village, there are people, if there are people, then he can contact Hu Xiaochuan and the others.

Qin Shaofeng's cell phone has run out of power, otherwise, Qin Shaofeng would have called Liu Ya the first time he was out of the sea.

Seeing the emergence of the village, Qin Shaofeng wanted to ask what place it was, and then answered the phone to contact Hu Xiaochuan and the others.

However, just as he was approaching the village, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

At such a close distance, Qin Shaofeng also felt the people in the village.

But this is not the point. The point is that Qin Shaofeng felt strange when he sensed the people in the previous village.

Because the people in the village are actually warriors.

Although he only sensed the aura of the dozen or twenty people closest to him, among the dozen or twenty people, most of them were advanced warriors, and the remaining half were actually innate warriors. .

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