Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1666: I can cure

The words of Bai Lao San flashed a trace of sadness in the eyes of the old man, and the middle-aged man showed a trace of sorrow. As for the young girl Ning'er, she was already crying.

Afterwards, there was a lot of discussion in the room, with all kinds of voices, and Qin Shaofeng listened silently.

Qin Shaofeng has also heard some information. Qin Shaofeng still doesn't know exactly where this existence is and how it comes from.

However, Qin Shaofeng still figured out some things.

The lying woman was the eldest sister of the young girl Ning'er, Qin Shaofeng still didn't know her name.

But according to the situation at the scene, Ning'er's eldest sister has an even more amazing talent for cultivation. At least, even Ning'er, who has now reached the realm of the nine-fold innate martial master, is far inferior to her opponent.

This Tang Yun Island is regarded as a family of warriors, and everyone is a disciple of the Tang family.

Ning'er's family belonged to Tang Yundao's direct line, so Ning'er's status was naturally different from this.

It can even be said that the sisters Ning'er have been regarded as treasures by the entire Tang family, and they all believe that the two sisters are the hope of the Tang family in the future.

But just a year ago, when the two sisters went out to play, they didn't know what happened to the two sisters outside. Sister Ning'er got a strange disease after coming back.

This strange disease was fine at the beginning. It was a little drowsy, and I had to sleep for ten hours a day, but after that, I would sleep for one day every day. I couldn't wake up anyhow, and my physique began to weaken gradually.

And the more you get to the back, Sister Ning'er's condition gets more serious, and it takes three to five days to coma, which is anxious for everyone in the Tang family.

Then, Tang Yundao began to find ways to heal Sister Ning'er.

Even for this, many people in the Tang family have gone out of the island to seek help.

Qin Shaofeng also found out at this time, apart from the accident of the old acquaintance of Bai Lao San, there was also an acquaintance present.

This acquaintance, Qin Shaofeng, had just met him, the powerful old man in Tang suit who made Qin Shaofeng's heart palpitations at the trade fair that day.

Until now, Qin Shaofeng knew that this old man was actually Ning'er's fourth grandfather.

The reason why the opponent appeared in the Neptune trade fair was to see if there was any special elixir.

The second is to invite Bailao San to come to Tangyun Island to see the situation of Sister Ning'er.

Although Bai Lao San is an alchemist, he still has some reputation in medical skills.

Because of alchemy all the year round and dealing with medicinal materials more, Bai Lao San naturally possessed a good medical skill.

However, not many people know this.

After Bai Lao San came to Tangyun Island, he treated Sister Ning'er.

The result was very happy. After some treatment, Sister Ning'er woke up.

You must know that until now, once Sister Ning'er fell asleep, she would basically be fainted for a week, and Bai Lao San took action, but she woke up after falling asleep for four days.

But it is a pity that just now, Sister Ning'er, who had been awake for less than five hours, suddenly passed out.

But this time, no matter what methods Bai Lao San used, he couldn't wake up Ning'er's eldest sister.

Therefore, he was helpless.

Then I thought that I hadn't woken up for a week.

The Tang family had already hired a lot of people. At this moment, the several doctors in this room were all very well-known and powerful roles.

Moreover, at this moment, the person with the highest medical skills in this room and the person with the most say is also the predecessor of the third.

Now even Baross said this, and that's probably the end of the matter.

Ning'er's father looked sad for a while, and he knew that if even this senior of the Hundred Clan was unable to heal his eldest daughter, he was afraid that no one could heal his eldest daughter in this world.

For a moment, he was a little silent.

But Ning'er's grandfather, who was still able to keep his emotions, said to the people in the room: "This time I trouble everyone, it is the old man owes you a favor, if it is useful to get a place on Tang Yun Island later, even if you say hello, do your best. About this matter, Tang Yundao feels unambiguous."

Although the eldest grandson was not cured, after all, the doctors present did their best. This is really something wrong with my granddaughter's condition!

However, at this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

"This... Senior Tang, can you let the younger generation take a look at your granddaughter's condition, maybe the younger generation can do it!"

This person who spoke suddenly was naturally Qin Shaofeng.

Now that Qin Shaofeng spoke, he naturally had a way.

In fact, during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng used his mental power to sense the situation of the older sister Ning'er.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng looked weird.



Thousands of mistakes were made because the eldest sister Ning'er was not sick at all.

The reason why she fell asleep was entirely a matter of soul.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's expression became weird.

The people present are all warriors, and then let some warriors heal the soul problems, isn't this a joke?

It's not that Qin Shaofeng looks down on these doctors. To be honest, Qin Shaofeng doesn't know about these doctors, but he is sure that senior one hundred and three is absolutely high-level.

However, no matter how good the medical skills are, it is only physical medical skills.

For the current martial artist on the earth, I am afraid that there is no spiritual cultivation at all, so it is even more irrelevant to have the medical skills to heal the soul.

Therefore, this is completely wrong, and naturally it cannot help Sister Ning'er's'condition' much.

But Qin Shaofeng is different. He can see the situation of Sister Ning'er at a glance, and he is confident to cure Ning'er's sister.

"Really? Can you heal my sister?"

Like a drowning person, grabbing the last straw, grabbing Qin Shaofeng's hands, his eyes full of expectation.

"Yes, it may be difficult, but the problem is not big!" Qin Shaofeng said.

But as soon as he said this, an old man with a gray beard was immediately unhappy.

This old man was also a famous doctor, and also a congenital martial artist, he could not understand the condition of Sister Ning'er at all.

And there is a young man like Qin Shaofeng, who dare to say that he can heal him, how can he stand it?

"Yellow-mouthed kid, don't you want to be slanderous. This little girl's condition, even the old man... and the predecessors are helpless, what can you do, who do you think you are?"

The old man was very angry, but when it came to being helpless, he left a heart and brought a hundred and three.

Even people like the hundred and thirds can't be cured. You are a junior with a yellow mouth, and you dare to be slanderous here.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and the eyes of the people around him fell on him.

And at this time, Na Ning'er's grandfather and father seemed to have finally noticed, Qin Shaofeng, the "unknown" person.

They didn't care about it before. It was because of Sister Ning'er's condition. Now that Qin Shaofeng jumped out of her own accord, they naturally started to care about Qin Shaofeng, a person of unknown origin.

However, at this moment, to some surprise, Bai Lao San, who had been silent, exclaimed.

But what he said was nothing good.

"It's you? Why didn't your kid die?"

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng was in pain.

Why am I not dead?

Is it really good for you, an old man, to say something like this?

It was Ning'er's fourth grandfather who seemed to have thought of something, and said to Qin Shaofeng: "It turned out to be you. I didn't expect you to survive in such an environment. You really are not easy!"

Suddenly, the words of the Fourth Grandpa Ning'er surprised many people present.

Because obviously, Bai Lao San and Ning'er's fourth grandfather seemed to know this young man.

But what's the situation?

One is okay, one survives.

What kind of a riddle are these two people playing?

Everyone was puzzled.

"Fourth, what is going on?" Ning'er's grandfather asked.

"Oh, brother, that's the way it is, this kid is..."

Then, Ning'er's grandfather started talking.

How did he meet Qin Shaofeng and what happened afterwards.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also knew that he was attacked by missiles, Bai Lao San and Ning'er's grandfather knew about it.

Think about it carefully, this is right, after all, the place where Qin Shaofeng was baptized by missiles is not far from the Sea King.

And how could the Sea King not notice such a big movement.

Even as a customer on the Sea King, he suffered the baptism of missiles when he was out for a while. This was also a provocation for Baijia.

The people of Hundred Schools could not tolerate such a thing, and immediately launched an investigation.

However, it was discovered that Qin Shaofeng was only implicated in the investigations of Hundreds.

Because the person who fired the missile was not directed at Qin Shaofeng, but the buyer who bought the martial arts spirit pill.

Qin Shaofeng can only be considered bad luck!

Subsequently, the attack on the small island where the buyer was located was even more proof of this.

Therefore, the Sea King regarded this incident as an accident and also determined that Qin Shaofeng was dead.

However, after listening to these words, Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart.

If it hadn't been for the nine missiles that baptized him like that, he would have believed it.

But the nine missiles behind were clearly aimed at him.

What the buyer's enemy is, that's just the surface.

The real situation is that someone killed him.

And the identity of this person is definitely not simple.

To be able to make such an appearance, and even Baijia did not notice, this is definitely not something simple people can do.

Perhaps this is also related to the fact that Baijia did not investigate in depth, but it is undeniable that the people behind this matter are definitely not simple.

For a while, the people of the Tang family understood Qin Shaofeng's origins, and were no longer wary of Qin Shaofeng.

The only Ning'er who would think it was inappropriate, at this moment, also because he was worried about his sister's situation, he said to Qin Shaofeng that he was wrecked from a boat and came to find relatives. There was no situation that was inconsistent with what his fourth grandfather said. care.

However, the old man with gray beard was still a little unhappy in his heart.

Even so, how about it?

Can you explain that this kid has strong medical skills?

"How is this? Doesn't it mean that this kid can heal Miss Tang?" The old man said with a gloomy expression.

"How can it be impossible?" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said confidently, "I can say that, then naturally there is my way!"

Listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, not only did the old man speak, but Bai Lao San seemed to have thought of something, and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Boy, could it be that you refined those martial arts spirit pills before!"

"Exactly!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Originally Qin Shaofeng wanted to conceal this, but now he doesn't need it anymore, and simply admits it directly.

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