Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1668: I want to take home?

Because I met an evil-blooded Taoist before, and now Tang Xin'er's situation is somewhat similar, and somewhat consistent.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt that the Tang family eldest lady might be taken away.

However, the mental power of this Miss Tang family is not bad, and perhaps the guy who robbed her of her is no longer able to do so. Without extra power, she can't beat Miss Tang family.

Then, it became such a situation.

After all, if I am asleep, I am afraid that two souls are fighting for the control of this body in the sea of ​​soul consciousness.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that it was the person Duoshe who had the upper hand.

The reason is simple. It's all because Miss Tang family didn't tell how she was taken away after she woke up.

Because he had also understood before that after Tang Xiner woke up, she was at best dazed, and there was no weird behavior.

Of course, these are just Qin Shaofeng's guesses, and Qin Shaofeng waits to investigate further.

After telling some of the circumstances, Qin Shaofeng, Tang Lietian and others, fought for a chance to ‘deep’ the treatment.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng did not speak out about this conjecture. He just said that it is very likely that Tang Xiner's brain has suffered some kind of special trauma, or that her mental power is too strong to control well, causing damage to some part of her brain. Excuses.

The result was ideal. Father Tang Lietian and the others believed his words.

As for how to ‘in-depth’ understanding, Qin Shaofeng’s method is very special, that is, to collect some special elixir, how to make a medicinal soup, and pour it into a large bath tub.

Then, let Miss Tang Jia enter the bathtub.

Qin Shaofeng said that the medicinal soup boiled with elixir, combined with his special acupuncture, and mental stimulation methods, healed the Tang family.

Regarding this, Tang Lietian was silent for a moment, and then directly agreed.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng's request is that after entering the bath tub, Miss Tang family must be undressed, so that she can absorb the power of the elixir.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything about this.

Because if the other party really had a situation of seizing the house, then these elixir would be the power to help Miss Tang Family.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng's request, Father Tang Lietian hesitated at first, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

However, the other party also has a request, that is, let Ning'er accompany him throughout.

Qin Shaofeng naturally had no objection to this.

He was really asking for help, and he didn't really want to do anything. It's okay if Ning'er was there.

The Tang Family's preparations were quick, but in less than ten minutes, they prepared all the medicinal materials according to Qin Shaofeng's instructions.

If these prepared medicinal materials were boiled with fire, it would definitely take a lot of time, and most importantly, they would not be able to fully display the value of the elixir.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to temper these elixir with innate energy.

Anyway, a lot of his efforts, some of the Tang family on Tangyun Island are masters.

As a result, a scene that made Qin Shaofeng very dumbfounded appeared.

Because he said, ‘this time the elixir should be tempered with the first day's energy, so the effect is more pronounced’, and then Qin Shaofeng saw that Tang Lietian brought a few elders into the arena.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, well, seven old men.

I circled a cross, seven innate masters!

Moreover, the lowest among the seven, they are all in the realm of the Triple Innate Grand Master.

At the moment when he saw these seven elders, Qin Shaofeng had a desire to beat Hu Xiaochuan to the left and right.

What is meant by a family of martial artists with innate great masters is a very powerful family of martial artists. Even the lowest of the five great families is to have two or three innate masters.

You are fighting me!

Of course, Qin Shaofeng was also very clear in his heart that this was not Hu Xiaochuan fooling him. Such a situation might only show that Hu Xiaochuan didn't know much about the martial arts family.

The water of this earth martial artist world is absolutely deeper than what he knew before.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Shaofeng took the opportunity to find a place when the Seven Innate Great Masters used the Qi to quench the elixir, and called Liu Ya, intending to report it to Ping An.

Because Bai Lao San had also told him before and believed that he had died in that explosion. The hundreds of people on the Sea King also notified Hu Xiaochuan.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Liu Ya had no other emotions except some surprises and surprises when he received a call from herself.

Then, he learned from Liu Ya that Hu Xiaochuan told her that he had entered a small island with no signal to collect medicinal materials. It would take some time before he could go back.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng understood that after Hu Xiaochuan learned that he was killed, he didn't know how to tell Liu Ya for a while, so he made up an excuse.

Qin Shaofeng didn't break it, and said a few words to Liu Ya to relieve her that he would hang up the phone after he had a word that he could go back in two or three days at most.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng wanted to make a call to Hu Xiaochuan, but no one answered, so he gave up.

At this time, Father Tang Lietian and the others had finished tempering the elixir. Qin Shaofeng prepared for a while and entered the room to begin preparing to treat Tang Xin'er.

After entering the room, Qin Shaofeng found that Tang Xin'er was already lying in the bathtub, and some petals were slowly scattered on the bathtub.

These petals are not medicinal materials, and Qin Shaofeng knew why it was unnecessary.

When he came in, Xiao Ning'er had been staring at him closely, but his eyes were very alert, as if he was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would look at her sister.

You know her sister is not wearing clothes now!

Qin Shaofeng felt a bit painful in an instant, but he didn't care. After taking a look at Ning'er, he said to her: "Okay, Ning'er is right, I will tell you first, don't disturb me when you bring it back, because I Mental power will enter your sister's mind. Once it disturbs me, not only me but also your sister will be affected. Maybe we will both be in vain."

Although the interruption was really serious, it was not as exaggerated as Qin Shaofeng said.

However, if it is really disturbed, Qin Shaofeng can bear it, and at most suffer some mental trauma.

But this Tang Xin'er is different, if the other party is really taken away, it will be a big trouble.

Fortunately, before Ning'er, she was told by her grandfather about some situations. She immediately nodded and said: "Don’t worry, grandpa told me before, let me keep quiet and don’t disturb you. As long as you don’t look at my sister, treat me What's wrong with my sister, I will definitely be motionless."

I circled a cross, what is meant by don’t look around, what’s wrong?

I'm saving your sister, OK!

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but he didn't bother arguing with Ning'er.

After approaching the bathtub, Qin Shaofeng directly sat down cross-legged and began to arouse his mental power.

Said it was mental power, but in fact, this time Qin Shaofeng used his soul power.

Using one's own soul power to interfere or prevent a person's looting is somewhat dangerous.

If this is money for a few days, Qin Shaofeng would not be so risky.

But now it is different.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's soul knowledge, there is still an evil blood Taoist!

Now the evil-blooded Taoist has completely surrendered, he said unceremoniously, that the evil-blooded Taoist is now Qin Shaofeng's slave, what he wants the other party to do, the other party has no complaints, and will definitely do it.

Although most of the power possessed by the trace of the remnant soul of the Evil Blood Taoist was refined by Qin Shaofeng.

But because Qin Shaofeng's soul knows the sea, it is somewhat special, mainly because of its extremely high quality.

It was like a patient living in a VIP ward that he could not even imagine.

Although time is short, the trace of the remnant soul of the evil blood Taoist has recovered a lot.

If the situation is really bad, Qin Shaofeng can call out the evil blood Taoist to help him fight.

Even a martial artist in the realm of innate great masters could not completely seize the soul of the house, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to care at all.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng realized that the situation was different from what he had imagined.

It's so different!

Originally from Qin Shaofeng's opinion, even if the old man Tang Lietian had said, the mental power of this eldest Tang Xiner was very powerful, far surpassing the realm of the innate great master.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, the opponent's spiritual power is at most equivalent to the cultivation world before the earth, and the Qi training realm is the realm of the Huaqi realm.

Such a level of spiritual power may be very powerful in the eyes of the innate great master Tang Lietian.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, it is estimated that the other party has not even opened up the Soul Consciousness Sea, it is just a pure and primitive brain area.

But now after the soul entered, Qin Shaofeng realized that he was wrong.

And it's the wrong type.

The spiritual power of the Heavenly Qi Realm?

Nima, this is a big joke.

Because after the soul entered the opponent's mind, Qin Shaofeng discovered that he had actually entered a sea of ​​soul consciousness.

And the most terrible thing is that this Soul Consciousness Sea is extremely powerful.

Compared with his own soul knowledge sea, it is even worse.

Qin Shaofeng's first reaction was that he had succeeded in seizing the house, and he should begin to transform Miss Tang's soul to open up a sea of ​​soul knowledge.

Then, the second reaction in his heart was to run away.

But just after this thought came together, a situation that Qin Shaofeng never thought about appeared.


I saw that the Soul Consciousness Sea seemed to have discovered the existence of Qin Shaofeng, and it shook violently.

However, this shock was not against Qin Shaofeng, or an attack on Qin Shaofeng.

Such a shock actually carried a hint of joy.

It seemed that this soul-knowing sea space was welcoming his arrival of Qin Shaofeng.

What's the situation?

Perceiving this scene, Qin Shaofeng was instantly stunned.

And soon, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that after this trace of his own soul power entered this soul-knowing sea space, it seemed to have been integrated into the sea.

Very comfortable and...free!

Right is freedom!

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that he could mobilize the power of the soul of the soul to know the sea!

His feeling is as if this soul-knowing sea is his own soul-knowing sea!

But how is this possible?

Could it be that when he traveled back to the earth by himself, a part of the powerful soul entered the mind of Miss Tang by chance, and then began to compete with the other's soul for the ownership of this body?

Well, it was Qin Shaofeng who won the house for Miss Tang?

What, I want to take home?

This is a joke!

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