Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1671: Trading elixirs

In a luxurious hotel suite, Li Feifan frowned and looked at his subordinates.

"Are you sure, that kid named Qin Shaofeng is not dead?"

Li Feifan's brows wrinkled slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He was taken aback when he heard the news that Qin Shaofeng was still alive from his subordinates.

"Yes, Master!" the innate martial artist said, "According to the information received, it seems that Qin Shaofeng did not die under the bombardment of those missiles."

"Can you survive an attack like that?" Li Feifan's brows frowned.

"The subordinate thinks it should be a fluke." The innate martial artist said, "Perhaps Qin Shaofeng jumped into the sea before the helicopter exploded. Although we finally carried out a missile baptism bombing on that sea area, it was also very good. Maybe let the other party escape by chance, after all, there is the sea, then Qin Shaofeng is also a martial artist in the realm of innate martial masters."

Li Feifei didn't speak, but his face became cold, obviously a little angry.

"It's really a waste, can't this solve a mere Qin Shaofeng?"

A trace of anger flashed in Li Feifei's eyes, very annoyed at the disadvantage of his subordinates.

Then the innate martial artist didn't dare to say a word suddenly, cold sweat.

"Forget it! This time, Qin Shaofeng is considered dead, and let him escape."

After a long silence, Li Feifan said something that made the congenital martial artist breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Li Feifan's tone soon became cold again.

"However, I don't want him to continue to live, do you understand what I mean?" Li Feihua looked at the congenital martial artist with cold eyes.

"Subordinates understand, they will make arrangements!"

With that said, the subordinate is planning to go down.

But as if thinking of something, Li Feifei suddenly said, "Wait!"

"Master, what else do you want!"

"This time you let Li Feng go with you." Li Feifei said.

"Master Li Feng?" The congenital martial artist was taken aback for a moment, "Master, the other party is just a congenital martial master. Isn't it okay to let Master Li Feng take action?"

"No?" Li Feifei looked at him coldly, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"I don't want to hear any news of failure again. This time I want to make sure that Qin Shaofeng can't die again. I asked Li Feng to go with you to ensure this, do you understand?"

"Understand, subordinates understand!"

The congenital martial artist suddenly panicked, and it was obvious that Li Feihua was angry, and he did not dare to say anything.

Soon, he left the room, and then took out his cell phone to contact him.

Not long after, he left the hotel, took three innate martial arts masters, and then joined the Li Feng that Li Feifei said in a place.


Fengya villa!

This is Liu Ya's name for this villa, with her and Qin Shaofeng's names.

In addition to the three-story single-family villa, Fengya Villa actually has several buildings in the surrounding area.

These are the places where the old scorpion built for his own safety to allow some people to live.

Because in the original plan of the old Xie, his realm was regressed, so he, who was living in this villa, naturally needed some people to protect him.

Therefore, he not only built a four- to five-hundred-meter-diameter fence around the villa, but also built a security room in four places, southeast, northwest, and used to maintain security.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that this old scorpion had done too many assassination missions, and was assassinated by himself, so he was so cautious.

However, Qin Shaofeng felt pretty good in this situation.

After all, he now has a lot of congenital warriors, and he can live in those rooms outside the villa.

Because there is a two-story building near the security room, although these ten two-story buildings are very simple, each room is just a small single room of 10 square meters, and the toilets are shared.

But I am afraid that even if the innate martial artist learns the situation here, it is estimated that they will rush to live in.

The reason is very simple. It was after Qin Shaofeng opened the Nine Spirit Palace, but the entire villa covered an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters.

Although the three-storey single-family villa is mainly covered, the surrounding space is also a little lightened, although it is not as good as the single-family villa that is guarded by the Nine Spirits Palace and has super defensive power.

But there are a lot of spiritual energy in these places, which Qin Shaofeng deliberately created.

They are all his subordinates, exuding some spiritual energy of the Nine Spirit Palace, so that they can cultivate, after all, it is impossible for him to prepare too many pills for these subordinates.

In the final analysis, people who used to be Black Tiger or Black Scorpion didn't always have a certain talent for cultivation.

However, even if it is a small single room outside this elegant villa, now there are only innate martial artists, perhaps some people with good talents.

As for the rest of Lan Jiang, Qin Shaofeng also has arrangements.

That is to build some dwellings near Fengya Villa to let the rest of Lanjiang live in.

This is the headquarters of Lanjiang for a short time.

Regarding this, both Xie Lao and Hei Hu are in favor.

In fact, since Qin Shaofeng used the Nine Spirit Palace to transform the aura of Fengya Villa, Xie Lao and Hei Hu didn't want to leave.

The aura here is too rich, especially the closer to Fengya Villa, the more so.

Even the two of them had made up their minds, and started guarding the garage in Fengya Villa from today.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not care about the decision between Xie Lao and Hei Hu.

Qin Shaofeng is busy now!

Now that the Nine Spirits Palace has been opened, it is only the first time to start planting medicinal materials in the Nine Spirits Palace.

Yesterday, when he got off the plane, Qin Shaofeng had already ordered Black Tiger to buy medicinal materials such as ginseng.

Now that the first batch has arrived, Qin Shaofeng plans to place these medicinal materials in the Nine Spirit Palace for planting, so that the Nine Spirit Palace can be transformed.

The only thing that makes Qin Shaofeng feel more pity is that all the elixir obtained from the Aquaman trade fair before were picked, and in order to preserve the aura in the elixir, special methods were used.

Therefore, those elixir can no longer be planted.

If not, Qin Shaofeng has a way to transform all the lower-grade elixir to the level of middle-grade elixir, and it is not impossible to even spend some aura to upgrade to the upper-grade elixir.

Qin Shaofeng has now also discovered that this Nine Spirit Palace can not only grow elixir, but also can accelerate the transformation of ordinary medicinal materials on the earth into elixir.

But this requires a certain amount of aura.

Although slowing down the time can reduce the aura and transform the elixir, but now Qin Shaofeng can't wait.

Because since seeing the situation on Tang Yun Island, Qin Shaofeng felt more and more that even if the earth had fallen, it had entered the Age of Doom, there was no cultivation world, only the martial arts world.

But even the warrior is not easy.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng still has a guess in his mind, that is, there are still warriors beyond the realm of the innate master on Tang Yun Island.

Because Qin Shaofeng could feel it, it seemed that there were some very special auras in some places on Tangyun Island, and that aura was very powerful.

But Qin Shaofeng was jealous and didn't take it seriously, for fear of causing any misunderstanding.

But although this did not feel clear, Qin Shaofeng had some affirmation in his heart that the earth martial artist world definitely has a warrior who exceeds the congenital grandmaster realm.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was only the third level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", which was too low and too low.

It is worth mentioning that after Tang Xin'er, the eldest of the Tang family, practiced the soul consciousness of the sea, Qin Shaofeng's realm has risen to the third level of Consummation in The Book of Gods and Demons.

The third level of Consummation in the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is just an innate martial artist equivalent to the seventh level.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, it was still too low.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng could improve.

Because of the trade fair on the Sea King, Qin Shaofeng got a lot of elixir.

In addition, there is another situation, that is, the Baijia thinks that Qin Shaofeng is after all, something happened during the voyage of the Sea King, and they are somewhat responsible.

Although Qin Shaofeng was fine, Baijia still made it. The unlucky buyer with Qin Shaofeng bought the elixir of Martial Spirit Pill and Baijia paid for it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng still has twelve middle-grade elixir and more than two hundred low-grade elixir.

And it happened that this batch of elixir could allow Qin Shaofeng to try to refine a high-level elixir.

In fact, this kind of elixir can be refined into a middle-level elixir with the lower-grade elixir of the Breitling Elixir.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng only refined low-level spirit pills before was because of the elixir he obtained, most of which were just low-grade elixir that barely reached a hundred-year period, and many were even less than a hundred years old.

Such elixir, naturally can only refine low-level elixir.

But at the trade fair, the elixir that Qin Shaofeng got, even if it was only a low-grade elixir, was a hundred-year-old elixir.

These can completely refine the middle-level spirit pills.

Now, with the addition of twelve middle-grade elixir and more than two hundred low-grade elixir, Qin Shaofeng naturally began to try to refine high-level elixir.

As for the high-level elixir, Qin Shaofeng estimates that he only needs one to make him break through and advance to the fourth level of the Basic Chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

However, Qin Shaofeng was not eager to refine high-level alchemy for a while, because before that, he still needed to refine a batch of low-level spirit pills.

When communicating with Bai Lao San before, Qin Shaofeng tried to tell him to ask the other party to help sell substandard low-level spirit pills, oh, it should be martial arts spirit pills.

Bai Lao San also agreed. It is reasonable to say that this is not in line with the practice of Baijia, but he agreed with the alchemy manual that Qin Shaofeng took out.

However, Bai Lao San also told Qin Shaofeng that even if it was to help with sales, Qin Shaofeng would have to divide up 20% of the profit.

Qin Shaofeng also agreed with this point.

Anyway, it was just a substandard low-level spirit pill, even if it took out 20%, it still turned around.

Moreover, only 20% of the profit can be exchanged for a sales channel like Baijia, which is very beneficial.

Qin Shaofeng got off the plane and asked Black Tiger to purchase the first batch of medicinal materials for the purpose of refining inferior low-level spirit pills.

Soon, in just one night, Qin Shaofeng converted a hundred of these medicinal materials into elixir.

However, this degree of transformation is only equivalent to a panacea for twenty to thirty years at best, and it is very reluctant to be a low-grade panacea.

But this did not prevent Qin Shaofeng from refining substandard low-level spirit pills.

In the evening, Qin Shaofeng had a phone call with Bai Laosan, telling him that he was ready to trade martial arts spirit pills.

Although it was the first time to teach, Qin Shaofeng thought about it later, and finally put 12 of the 212 medicinal materials obtained at the trade fair.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng refined this time, the number of substandard low-level spirit pills reached 300 pieces.

With three hundred substandard low-level spirit pills, if you are lucky, you can completely pile up hundreds of innate martial artists.

For this kind of big business, Bai Lao San attaches great importance to it. If it were not for him to get out of his body temporarily, I am afraid that he would come to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

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