Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1686: Angry Li Yulong

Because this Nine Spirit Ding's medicinal power for sealing medicinal materials is very powerful and will not waste any medicine power.

Moreover, when refining alchemy, this nine-spirit cauldron can also absorb the aura of the outside world on its own, and help the power consumed by the alchemist.

To put it simply, if Qin Shaofeng was refining the pill in Hujiami, he didn't need to waste his own inner energy of the gods and demons. He had the Nine Spirits Cauldron to absorb the aura of the Hujiami, which was enough to offset.

And not only that, because without wasting the power of the medicine, these eight high-grade elixir actually produced a total of thirty high-level elixirs.

For Qin Shaofeng, this was a surprise.

"Oh, it seems that when I refined the pill before, it seems that some elixir was wasted!"

Qin Shaofeng gently shook his head and continued to invest in alchemy.

After refining the high-level spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to take them directly, he wanted to take the middle-level spirit pills first.

However, before that, Qin Shaofeng had deleted and selected a thousand elixir in this Hu family.

The reason for the deletion is simple, that is, it possesses the elixir of cultivation value. Qin Shaofeng does not intend to use it to refine the pill, but directly transplant it and plant it in the Nine Spirit Palace.

The environment of the Nine Spirit Palace can strengthen the elixir. Although this consumes a lot of aura, for Qin Shaofeng now, no amount of aura is good.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng retained all the elixir that had the potential to grow to a high-grade elixir, even if it was only a low-grade elixir.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng finally said that more than 700 of these 1,000 elixir had been refined into a pill.


When Qin Shaofeng was refining the pill, the eldest and second child of the triplets finally returned to Li Yulong.

Seeing that No. 7 was killed with their own eyes, the boss and second child immediately knew that something was wrong.

Without stopping, they chartered a flight overnight and rushed to Li Yulong at noon the next day.

At this moment, Li Yulong was watching a video, which was very vague, but he still could see clearly, his subordinate No. 7.

From the beginning to the end, Li Yulong watched the video without making a sound. Even in the end, Qin Shaofeng appeared in the scene of killing No. 7 with a single blow, and his expression did not change.


Incomparably indifferent, it seemed that Li Yulong didn't care about the death of No.7 at all.

But the eldest and second child of the triplets were all in a cold sweat at the moment, because they knew very well that the more indifferent Li Yulong was, the more he could explain his anger.

Yes, indeed, Li Yulong at the moment is indeed very angry.

Number seven was killed?

Faced with such a thing, Li Yulong had a fire in his heart.

He is not cherishing the lives of his subordinates. What makes him angry is that he has lost an innate master of the triple realm.

To know that an innate great master can be cultivated, but it takes countless financial resources, a lot of resources, and countless hard work.

This Li Yulong had some opportunities in his early years, and then with the help of his identity as the young master of the Li family, he worked hard and killed thousands of people to get this opportunity.

And his subordinates such as No. 7 were trained by this opportunity.

But even so, he spent a lot of resources.

Li Yulong never expected that when dealing with a Jiangnan Hu family in the district, he would actually damage an innate master of the pinnacle realm.

Forget it, in the end, even the innate master of the triple realm of No. 7 was also damaged in that Hu's family.

How can this make him not angry!

However, at the same time, what made Li Yulong very puzzled was, when did the old man Hu Jingshan break through and be promoted to the realm of innate great master?

With just the video, Li Yulong naturally couldn't feel the aura of Mr. Hu, but the opponent was able to fight against the seventh with a hundred moves, and finally seemed to force the seventh to use the means of increasing combat power.

Then the opponent must be a mid-term triple stage, and it is even very likely to be the innate master of the later stage!

But why, he didn't get any news before, that Hu Jingshan is already a great master innate?

Forget it, after all, Hu Jingshan is the strongest of the Hu family, and the Hu family has been inherited for hundreds of years, even if there is an innate master of the triple realm, this can still be accepted by Li Yulong.

But what happened to this person who suddenly appeared and was younger than himself?

Also because it was only the video, and couldn't feel the breath of Qin Shaofeng, Li Yulong subconsciously thought that Qin Shaofeng was a very powerful innate master.

At least better than No. 7, and at least the innate master of the fourth or fifth level.

Li Yulong thinks so.

But when did the Chinese martial arts world appear, such a young martial artist who is at least four or five innate masters?

Fortunately, Li Yulong possessed great power, and Qin Shaofeng's information was before him soon.

Kill the only son of a billionaire!

Conquer the Black Tiger Gang and defeat the Zhendong Gang!

On the Sea King...


Detailed, very detailed!

If Qin Shaofeng was here, he would be surprised to see the information in front of Li Yulong.

Because of these materials, he unearthed everything on the surface, not only was it very clear, but also extremely detailed.

Of course, Li Yulong still didn't find out about Qin Shaofeng's real secrets.

But even so, it is already amazing.

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