Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 171: Chased and killed



Frowning slightly, Qin Shaofeng seemed to hear something.

His face was calm, but in the dark, Qin Shaofeng completely opened the Golden Eye and switched to the full-on mode.

In an instant, within a hundred meters of a radius, all existing information was fed back into Qin Shaofeng's mind.

The attributes of trees, the attributes of weeds, and even the gravel on the ground also have some attributes introduced.

However, these did not make Qin Shaofeng care.

What made Qin Shaofeng care about was the information of the few red dots more than seventy meters away.

That represents the existence of human beings or medicated beasts, but Qin Shaofeng can feed back information from Huoyan Jinjing, knowing who the other party is, or what medicinal beasts are.

This is the new feature of Level 4 Eyes, it is simply a scanning radar!

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that if his fiery eyes continued to escalate, he might be able to see everything around him with his own eyes.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know at this moment, his ability was infinitely close to divine consciousness.

Divine consciousness is a power that evolves after the spiritual power is strong to a certain level.

However, if you want to possess divine consciousness, you need at least the spiritual power of the realm of a heavenly alchemist.

And even if you can condense and refine your own spiritual power into divine consciousness, you can reach the point where you can sense external things outside, and I am afraid you need to achieve higher spiritual power.

As for Qin Shaofeng at this moment, he perceives the situation in a radius of 100 meters.

Tsk tsk, even a heavenly five-star alchemist can't do this.

I have to say that Qin Shaofeng can have such dazzling eyes, but it is a great blessing.

Qin Shaofeng smiled at the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth after receiving the information from Huoyanjinjing.

"It really is them!"

The people represented by the red dots were the people of Yinyue Kingdom. To be precise, they were also the students of Yinyue Academy, and it seemed that they came for Qin Shaofeng.

As for why Qin Shaofeng was targeted by these people from Silvermoon Academy, the reason was very simple, and that was because the five-member team he killed before seemed to have a person with a very simple identity.

Well, for this reason, Qin Shaofeng was hunted down.

No one could tell that when Qin Shaofeng killed those five people, he was seen by other people from Silver Moon Academy, and it was still a large team with ten innate martial artists and more than a hundred people.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng reacted in a timely manner, and with the help of a group of medicinal beasts, he got away without being dragged by the people from the Silver Moon Academy, otherwise the fun would be great.

However, it seems that the other party did not intend to let Qin Shaofeng go, and actually launched a chase.

No, one of the people in this team came up.

"One innate eightfold, three innate sevenfold, and the remaining four are innate sixfold. Are there eight innate martial arts masters in total?"

Muttering to himself, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly flashed a sharp light.

"Done! Since you dare to chase me down! Then have the consciousness of being killed by me!"

After drawing out an Earth Grade One-Star Qi Replenishing Pill, Qin Shaofeng began to recover the internal Qi consumed in his body. On the surface, Qin Shaofeng said that he pretended not to find the other party, and hurriedly jumped between the woods.

Not long after, the eight congenital martial artists secretly surrounded Qin Shaofeng, and after seeing Qin Shaofeng's retreat completely sealed, the eight suddenly appeared.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Eight figures flashed past and immediately surrounded Qin Shaofeng.

The eight-fold congenital martial artist headed by him even laughed and said, "Haha, boy, let me see where you run away!"

"Escape? Did I say that I was going to escape?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, his face was not nervous, it seemed that the besieged person was not like him.


Seeing that Qin Shaofeng was so calm, the Eighth Innate Martial Master suddenly became vigilant, and then stared at Qin Shaofeng fiercely.

But after looking at Qin Shaofeng for a few times, he found that Qin Shaofeng was in the six-fold congenital realm, so he couldn't help but relax, and then sneered.

"Hmph, pretending to be Xuanxu, no matter what you say today, kid, you will die here for me. If you dare to kill our people, you really think you are dead!"

"I don't think my life is too big, but my life is not something you can take! Besides, the previous fools actually wanted to intercept me. I will naturally resist and die in my hands. It's because they are inferior to others and can't blame me!" Qin Shaofeng said lightly, his tone extremely calm.

But what he said was what made the Innate Eightfold Martial Master angry.

"Haha, a good one is not as good as a human being! If that's the case, I really hope that you don't have as good a skill as a human!"

The Congenital Eightfold Martial Master said Yinyin, and after finishing speaking, he shouted to the people around him: "Give it to me, kill this kid!"

The other seven people had long been irritated by Qin Shaofeng's words. At this moment, when his captain spoke, he couldn't help but rushed towards Qin Shaofeng with hideous faces.

It looks like a few big bad wolves have pounced, a little sheep.

In their opinion, the six-fold congenital boy in front of them, under the simultaneous attack of the seven of them, will definitely become a pile of flesh in no time.

The captain who was born eightfold obviously thinks so too, so he has no intention of doing anything.

Three innate seven-tier martial arts and four innate six-tier martial arts masters, to deal with a congenital six-tier kid, this is nothing suspenseful at all.

If this is to let him, the innate eight-layer martial artist, also go up together, that would be too bullying!

Besides, it's such an opponent, how can he need his innate eightfold master to come forward?

The people under his own hands are enough.

But just when the captain had an idea in his mind, he suddenly heard a scream.

At the beginning, the captain hadn't noticed it, but he nodded slightly and whispered: "Well, yes, these guys seem to have improved in strength. It ended so soon, it seems..."


With a murmur and after speaking, the captain actually heard a scream, which made his face slightly wrong, and he was a little confused about the situation.

what's going on?

Could it be that the kid was full of vitality and was slaughtered twice?

He couldn't help but looked up to the other side of the battlefield. At this look, the captain was instantly dumbfounded.

I saw that the battle in the distance was still going on, and it seemed to be fierce.

As for the enemy who has died twice in his eyes, there is no such thing as a shit.

On the contrary, two of his congenital six-fold subordinates were actually fallen in a pool of blood at this moment.

Such a situation, but the situation that the captain did not expect!

How come this is your own person?

Of course you are the one who died!

After being surrounded by seven people, Qin Shaofeng didn't panic at all. Instead, with a move, he secretly lifted up the innate energy in his body while the other party hadn't been alert to him and didn't put himself in his eyes.

Then when the opponents approached him, Qin Shaofeng suddenly threw out a Xiao Li flying knife that consumed 10,000 points of vigor.

Xiao Li Fei Dao, who consumes 10,000 points of internal vitality, when Qin Shaofeng was still in the five-fold innate realm, even a martial artist in the late eight-fold innate realm like Lu Yun should pay attention to it. Otherwise, although it would not be injured, But it will also suffer a small loss.

But now Qin Shaofeng is already in the Sixth Innate Realm, and with the same internal energy value of 10,000 points, the Xiao Li Fei Dao that has been cast is at least twice as powerful as the previous Five Innate Realm.

But Qin Shaofeng's opponent at the moment was an innate sixth-tier martial artist, and he was still in the early stage of the innate sixth-tier, and the opponent was still not defending at all.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Shaofeng did not seize the opportunity, he would probably slap himself in the face.

call out!

The silver sword light flickered, and instantly took the life of an innate sixth-tier martial artist.

This was completely in Qin Shaofeng's expectation, but the other seven were completely stupid.

Someone on your side was actually killed?

They were stupid, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and then Xiao Li flicked again.

Well, there was a scream.

Hanged another one!

It was at this moment that the captain saw this scene. As a martial artist of the eight-fold congenital realm, the captain is not simple, he has a lot of practical experience, and there are not a few people who died in his hands, among them, those with five levels or more congenital. There are also a dozen or twenty martial artists.

The experienced he felt that the situation was not right for an instant, and then he said loudly, "Be careful, this kid is not right. Many ordinary innate six-tier martial artists, don't be careless!"

There is no need for this captain’s reminder anymore, because the two corpses on the ground have long made the remaining five people vigilant. Even the three martial artists of the seven innate realms, look at Qin Shaofeng at this moment. dignified.

At this time, the qualities of these martial artists as star-level students of the Silver Moon Academy were immediately reflected.

Although they were dead, they still didn't panic. On the contrary, they changed their formation again. They actually surrounded Qin Shaofeng faintly, and then attacked Qin Shaofeng.

In this situation, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

But Qin Shaofeng still sneered in his heart, dare not to be careless?

But even if it’s your embankment, so what!

Turning his body slightly, stepping on the steps of Taxue Wuhen, and after avoiding one of the seven innate attacks, Qin Shaofeng didn't get entangled with the innate seven-fold martial artist, but turned around, facing the next innate six-fold mid-stage realm with his right hand fiercely Flick.

Qin Shaofeng's slap made the Sixth Congenital Martial Master suddenly startled.

He could see clearly that two of his previous companions were killed by a silver sword after Qin Shaofeng's flick.

At this moment, it was his turn, which made the congenital six-layer martial arts master extremely vigilant in his heart, and his eyes widened.

When he finally saw the silver light sword light, the man yelled fiercely, and used his old practice method, and he tried to avoid the silver light sword light like a reminder.

But what made him dumbfounded was that even if he flashed out of his original position, before he was relieved, he saw a silver light flashing.

Then there was a pain in the man's chest, and his body fell straight back.

But at the moment of falling down, a trace of confusion flashed in that person's eyes, and he was very puzzled.

how come?

Haven't I avoided it?


Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart as he looked at the corpse that fell to the ground and breathed all the air.

Can you avoid it?

When my little Li Feidao's example is all false, my hair is fake?

If you want to avoid it, unless you are a master of the spiritual realm.

But are you?

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