Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1712: The death of Li Shangtian

No, this is impossible!

It must be Qin Shaofeng who has some defensive treasure!

Soon, Li Shangtian seemed to think of something, and it seemed to give himself an excuse to comfort him.

"Damn Qin Shaofeng, don't think that you can do whatever you want with any treasure. I will let you know how unwise it is to provoke a five-level martial king."

Let's just say, Li Shangtian madly circulates the innate energy in his body.


With a slight shock, Li Shangtian's hands were entwined with a trace of invisible power, which was an attack method after the qi was released in the first day.

Surrounding both fists with natural energy can not only increase attack power, but also increase the defense power of both fists!

This method is still Li Shangtian's special powerful technique, one of the attack methods.

However, even though Li Shangtian had already been promoted to the realm of the Fifth Martial King, he was still unskilled in controlling this method.

The most obvious point is that he can only maintain this state for ten minutes. After ten minutes, he will consume all the inherent energy in his body.

But this is Li Shangtian's most confident and powerful trump card, because he once used this trick to defeat a martial king in the quadruple peak realm when he first entered the triple martial king realm.

This makes him proud!

"Qin Shaofeng, you should feel honored to be able to let me use this trick, you are proud of it, so you can go to death!" Li Shangtian smiled.

But what he said caused Qin Shaofeng's disdain.

"Want to kill me? You rely on you!"

Li Shangtian's face sank, and he said angrily: "The **** little thief dares to be so arrogant, go and die!"


As if his fists were carrying a gale, Li Shangtian shot his hand in an instant, whizzing.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes condensed, he naturally felt the innate energy of Li Shangtian's double fists.

Therefore, it seems that Qin Shaofeng has a face of disdain, but in fact he is also alert in his heart.


For a while inside Qin Shaofeng's body, the next moment, the inner energy of the gods and demons in Qin Shaofeng's body suddenly surged and gathered in his fists.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't use the inner energy of the gods and demon, let it reveal his experience, he himself instilled a certain amount of inner energy of the gods and demon in his hands.

But even so, with the blessing of the inner energy of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng's double fists' defensive power has been greatly improved.


There was another pair of fists, but after this collision, a strong air current broke out between the two fists.



Under the eruption of this airflow, Li Shangtian couldn't help but backed up two steps.

But what shocked him like the turbulent waves in his heart was that the opposite Qin Shaofeng did not move at all, and the other party was not injured.

Even at the moment when the punches confronted each other, Li Shangtian felt that Qin Shaofeng's fists became extremely heavy, and not only did he steadily resist his full punch.

Even most importantly, Li Shangtian seemed to feel a force even stronger than him from this punch.

But how is this possible?

"How is it possible, how can you have such a strong power?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng in shock, Li Shangtian couldn't help but lose his voice.

Qin Shaofeng laughed!

"How can it be impossible, why can't I have such power?"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said, "Forget it, I will tell you this for you this kind of frog at the bottom of the well. I guess you don't understand it. I'll send you on the road!"

Since the other party is here to kill himself, Qin Shaofeng will naturally not keep his hands!

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng punched again.

Facing Qin Shaofeng's punch, Li Shangtian smiled.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you are too self-righteous. Could it be that you can hit yourself like this if you take my punch!"

"If this is the case, then I will let you see, my real power!"

Li Shangtian roared, and at the same time the innate qi in his body ran wildly together, and then he did not retain the slightest amount of the innate qi in his body into his right fist and met Qin Shaofeng's fist.

However, Li Shangtian did not see that during the bombardment, Qin Shaofeng's fist had a faint white light!

That was the state of Qin Shaofeng's inner energy condensed and formed. With this blessing, Qin Shaofeng's combat power could be maximized.

For the martial artist, the realm of the king of martial arts can at best condense the invisible innate energy into the body.

If it is like Qin Shaofeng, let the first day's Qi be attached to the surface of the body in a concrete way, then I am afraid that this step can only be achieved by reaching the Huaqi state.

In other words, it had to be in the realm of Emperor Wu to do this.

But he Li Shangtian is just a martial king, although for the vast majority of martial artists, he Li Shangtian is already very powerful.

But this time he is facing Qin Shaofeng!


It was like a punctured balloon. At the moment when the two fists were about to collide, Li Shangtian felt innate qi in his fist, which was instantly shattered by the inner qi of the **** and demon in Qin Shaofeng's fist.

Li Shangtian sensed the natural qi in his fist the first time it was crushed.

Suddenly, Li Shangtian's heart was shocked, and his whole body was cold. At this moment, he felt that he was in a powerful crisis, and he suddenly thought of retreat.

But unfortunately, it is too late!



In just an instant, under the protection of his innate energy, Li Shangtian's fist burst open, and his hand bones were like dry branches, which were easily broken.

No, it's not just broken!

Judging from the voice feedback, this is probably a comminuted fracture, and Li Shangtian's arm is completely abolished.

And it's not bad, because in the next moment, after Li Shangtian's scream, he found a strange and powerful force that invaded his body from his right hand.

Then, there was no opportunity for Li Shangtian to react. This force instantly invaded his body, as if a destructive force, this force instantly destroyed the vitality in his body.

Very strong!


It's incredible!

Li Shangtian didn't have the power to resist at all, and suddenly the whole thing flew upside down, and then hit a big tree behind him, dying.

Facing Li Shangtian's appearance, Qin Shaofeng did not have any surprises.

Because at that moment, when he broke Li Shangtian's innate qi, he blasted his own inner qi of the gods and demons into Li Shangtian's body.

And it was the inner energy of the **** and demon that completely destroyed Li Shangtian's body.

The internal organs were destroyed, his dantian was also defeated, and Li Shangtian was seriously injured in an instant and became dying.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's desire to know something, he might have directly killed Li Shangtian on the spot.

Compared with the inner Qi cultivated by Qin Shaofeng in "The Book of Gods and Demons", the innate Qi cultivated by some warriors on the earth is really too weak.

When he came to Li Shangtian who was dying, Qin Shaofeng looked at him indifferently.

At this time, even though Li Shangtian was dying and about to die at any time, after seeing Qin Shaofeng approaching, his eyes widened, and he spoke intermittently with an expression of disbelief.

"you you……"

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to hear what he continued to talk nonsense. He directly poured out his spiritual consciousness and got into Li Shangtian's mind to search for the information he wanted.

As soon as the divine consciousness entered Li Shangtian's mind, his whole body was shocked, and his whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

Even in the trembling, Li Shangtian foamed at the mouth and rolled his eyes!

Soon, for two or three minutes, Li Shangtian listened to the trembling, and then the last bit of vitality remaining in his body quickly died out.


The Li family, the five great aristocratic family, existed like the Supreme Emperor, similar to that of a powerful five-tiered martial king who died just like that.

It can be said that after this time, the Li family is finished.

Even if Li Yulong and his son, and Zhang Yunsong, the Martial King died, it was a huge loss for the Li family.

But this is not enough to make the Li family completely desolate.

Because there is also a Wu Wang Li Shangtian in the Li Family!

But now, even Li Shangtian is dead, so the Li family naturally has no room to stand up.

Taking a faint glance at Li Shangtian's body, Qin Shaofeng looked at the rear not far away and said, "Come out and help this person's body deal with it!"

Huh! Huh!

Soon, a few figures swarmed in the distance, these were all warriors under Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, these people had already arrived nearby, but because the enemy was too strong and Qin Shaofeng's order was there, they waited quietly in the distance.

Now Qin Shaofeng gave an order, and he came out immediately.

After coming out, looking at the corpse of Li Shangtian on the ground, looking at the master Qin Shaofeng, these warriors were full of worship!

Such a powerful warrior was killed so easily by the young master.

Master is really too powerful!

Qin Shaofeng ignored the gazes of these subordinates, but went straight back to Fengya Villa.

After searching for Li Shangtian's soul, Qin Shaofeng learned a lot.

After all, Li Shangtian is a martial king. Of course, he knows more and more details.

Although Tang Xin'er had also said a lot of information, the Tang family was a hermit family after all, and was in close contact with the outside world.

Especially since Tang Xin'er had been cultivating on Tangyun Island before, even if she knew something about the outside world, it was very limited.

But from Li Shangtian, Qin Shaofeng knew a lot.

Tang Xin'er told Qin Shaofeng before that, in general, apart from the hermit family, only the five great families have martial arts classmates.

But in fact, even if it is not a hidden family, some martial arts families in China still have the existence of the martial king level.

Although apart from the Qin family, the remaining five great families are the top 100 families, and the remaining three great martial artists have no specific strength rankings.

But Li Shangtian knew that the Li family could only be considered the bottom of the five great families.

Because compared with the Li family, whether it is the Lin family or the Chen family, not only do they have a martial artist, but there are even at least two.

A few years ago, Li Shangtian had a ‘discussion’ with an elder of the Chen family because of some conflicts with the Chen family!

The elder of the Chen family was the king of martial arts in the quadruple pinnacle state at that time, and Li Shangtian was still the king of martial arts who just reached the triple state.

In the end, although Li Shangtian won, he still didn't get any benefits.

Because at that time, the Chen family also appeared masters of the Martial King realm, and there were still two warriors who were at least at the triple realm.

Later, when there was no alternative, Li Shangtian could only retreat.

However, after that time, Li Shangtian knew that the Li family was only the weakest among the five great families.

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