Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1725: The Bregg Family (Part 1)

Is he here so?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng appear in front of the four of them so suddenly, Kaisen and others were almost crazy.

The **** detector really broke, and it didn't even detect the enemy so close.

But Andrew was the only one who was terrified at the moment.

Because he was the only one who thoroughly checked, there was no problem with this detector.

The reason for this situation can only mean that the existence of Qin Shaofeng in front of him has exceeded the detection range of the detector.

This new type of detector can detect the existence of the eighth-order king.

If you want to exceed the detection range of the detector, there is only...

Tier Nine-Emperor~!

Is this Qin Shaofeng a ninth-order emperor?

At the thought of this possibility, Andrew's heart trembled.

The existence of the eighth-order king was something he couldn't believe in. Taking a look from a distance was a blessing in his life.

Now he actually saw the ninth-order emperor, for him...

What a dead end!

But the next moment, something even more so that Andrew's soul flew beyond the sky happened.

Because he saw that the three of Kaisen actually attacked Qin Shaofeng?

Oh **** what did I see?

The three little guys of rank 5 and 6 are going to attack the rank 9 emperor?

Well, this Kaisen really is a fool!

I don't know why, what now appeared in Andrew's mind was such an idea.

Perhaps it was because I knew that I was going to die, I laughed at Kaisen in my heart at the end!

The Kaisen trio didn't know what was in Andrew's mind at the moment, in their opinion, the detector must be broken.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng didn't let them feel any dangerous aura, so they planned to shoot directly.

Just take Qin Shaofeng directly!

Of course, I have to say that Kaisen's three people's ideas are a bit naive, or maybe a bit self-deceiving.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qin Shaofeng raised his hand gently, and there was no extra action, and the Kaisen trio flew out in an instant.

"Oh, it's over!"

After the shot, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel something, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

He is really sorry.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew that these four people were so-called genetic warriors.

But he thinks that the defensive ability of the genetic warrior should be good, after all, it was modified.

As a result, he has slightly improved some strength.

Then, it is conceivable that his so-called improvement is fatal to Kaisen and others.

Before the three of them landed, they were already dead.


He really is the ninth-order emperor!

Seeing the three Kaisen who had completely turned into corpses, Andrew shouted in his heart.

Then, when Qin Shaofeng turned his gaze to him, Andrew didn't think so. He knelt down and hugged the back of his head and shouted, "I surrender, I surrender!"

Uh, this?

Seeing Andrew shouting to surrender, Qin Shaofeng was also stunned.

What's the situation?

But soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the foreigner really planned to surrender.

Well, the other party is afraid of death!

In that case, let the other party a life!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng notified some warriors to come and take away the equipment in front of him, and by the way, the bodies of Kaisen and others were processed.

As for Andrew, he has already been detained in Fengya Villa.

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng had learned a lot from Andrew.

For example, their purpose this time is to detect the strength of Fengya Villa.

As for Andrew's organization, in fact, Andrew doesn't know much.

Just know that their organization has the ability to modify genes, and that they are very powerful, mainly operating in the United States.

But Andrew is only a Tier 3 technician, and his status in the organization is very low, just a little bit higher than the average genetic warrior.

Compared to the real high-levels, Andrew is nothing.

However, after listening to Andrew's words, Qin Shaofeng thought about it. It seems that yesterday there was a big family from the U.S. group who came to find the refining method and prescription for purchasing the martial arts pill.

It wasn't whether Qin Shaofeng would agree to it, just because the other party took out the so-called billion dollars, Qin Shaofeng wanted to slap him to death.

Billion dollars!

This seems like a lot.

But now Qin Shaofeng knew that with money, he might be able to buy some low-grade elixir, but if it were a middle-grade elixir, it would be impossible.

On the earth, there are many things that money cannot buy.

Otherwise, Huaxia Martial Arts World would not have a special currency like Lingyu.

Billion dollars?

You can't even buy a sub-low-level spirit pill, do you still want the pill and refining method?

is it possible?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng let Xie Lao see off the guests.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that after seeing his refusal, the other party planned to force it.

But because of the scorpion's breath, it made them honest.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew now that the other party was only superficially honest, but secretly made some small moves.

Andrew and the others are proof!

Although Andrew is not very clear about their organization, according to his words, Qin Shaofeng is sure that the person who sent Andrew and them on the exploration mission is definitely the one who used one billion US dollars to purchase the refinement of the martial arts spirit pill. Methods and the power of Danfang.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what actions the other party would do after detection, but he believed he would know soon.

Because Qin Shaofeng directly sent Andrew the information back to the organization.

Throw a bait, hoping to attract a big fish out.

"BOSS should be done!"

Andrew said cautiously.

Since surrendering, Andrew has been very careful in front of Qin Shaofeng, he has now thought clearly.

Isn't this killing someone?

The BOSS in front of him is a ninth-order emperor, if he can follow such a strong one, it would be a good thing for him.

Qin Shaofeng also saw through Andrew's inner thoughts, but he didn't say anything.

Because he found out, the detector Andrew brought was very interesting to him.

It's not that Qin Shaofeng has never seen a detector. He thought that the detector on his Moyun was even more powerful.

Having the ability to detect is even better.

It was a pity that the Demon Cloud was not brought back to him. Otherwise, if the Demon Cloud was used for detection, it would definitely be able to detect some spirit stones on the earth.

Even the elixir can be easily detected.

However, after staying on the Moyun for so long and helping the Moyun to evolve many times, Qin Shaofeng is still very knowledgeable about the technology of some mechanical clan.

He saw that Andrew was dealing with machinery, and it seemed that his skills were not bad. This was what made his heart move, and then he kept the opponent.

After seeing Andrew, Qin Shaofeng said: "Andrew, I now give you a chance to take orders from me. I will give you knowledge and technology that you can't imagine. Of course, if you desire power, you can get it."

"Boss, Andrew Austin, the reason is surrendered to you, and will always follow in your footsteps!"

Andrew knelt down on one knee, Chen Ken said incomparably.

You can't do it without kneeling!

Andrew knew in his heart that if he didn't agree, he would definitely die.

However, following such a strong man is also a good thing for Andrew.

"Very well, then just like everyone else, just call me Young Master!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded in satisfaction, and then moved in his heart: "Since you are already my subordinate, then I will give you something!"

As he said, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his right hand and pointed at Andrew's forehead.


A pale white light flashed, shot directly from Qin Shaofeng's fingers, and entered Andrew's forehead.

When the white light struck, Andrew was shocked.

But before he could react, the white light entered his mind and suddenly turned into a huge message.

This is part of the information Qin Shaofeng obtained on the Moyun, but a very small part, it is all about the knowledge of detecting energy.

Instructed by spiritual knowledge, Andrew quickly received the message, and then...

"Oh, my goodness, this...this..."

Andrew exclaimed, his eyes were full of disbelief, and finally he looked at Qin Shaofeng and asked: "BOSS, it's Master. Master, are all the information you gave me true?"

"Of course it's true!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Really! It is true, my god, the technology in this information is probably a hundred years ahead of the earth, no, it is hundreds of years!"

Andrew muttered silly, with a look of disbelief.

But Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, disapproving in his heart.

The information he gave to Andrew was only a very small part, and it was the simplest kind.

Compared to the earth, the science and technology on Qiyuan Star is just as simple as being ahead of the earth by hundreds of years.

You know, the mechanical technology on the Qiyuan Star has evolved into a life, a clan of itself has become a mechanical clan.

In terms of science and technology, the technology of the machinery family is ahead of the earth in time, and I am afraid that it will take ten thousand years as a unit.

After all, the machinery family evolved to the present, but the existence of the master was born.

The earth is far away!


A hidden laboratory under a building in San Francisco, USA.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

An alarm suddenly broke out on a computer device in the laboratory.

An experimenter in a white coat ran over quickly.

"Oh, my God, this detection result is amazing!"

The experimenter exclaimed, but he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he passed the result up immediately.

A few minutes later, this detection result report appeared in an office on the top floor of Daxia above the laboratory.

At this moment, there were only two people in the office. One of the two people was the one who had previously offered Qin Shaofeng a billion dollars to buy the elixir and manufacturing method of the martial arts pill.

Jack Breg is the person's name.

Except for Jack, the one remaining is Jonathan Breg!

Yes, the two are brothers, Jack is the younger brother, and Jonathan is the older brother.

The two are also president and vice president of the Bregg Group.

The Bregg Group is a drug manufacturing and research and development group, and it is the largest group in the United States.

But this is only a superficial identity, Jonathan and Jack are members of the Bregg family, and compared with the Bregg family, their identities can barely be regarded as high-level.

And this is all thanks to their father, who is at the helm of Breg's generation.

The Bregg family is not very well-known to ordinary Americans.

The most famous place is the Breg Group.

But in fact, in the special field of the United States, the Bregg family is very powerful.

Because the Bregg family possesses powerful genetic modification technology, they have a large number of genetic warriors.

In the United States, the Breg family has absolute strength.

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