Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1728: Kill the 8th genetic warrior

"Ha, finally saw that damned Chinese villa!"

More than a thousand meters away from Fengya Villa, Jack looked at the villa in the distance with excitement in his eyes.

At this moment, he turned his head and said to the two 8th-order genetic warriors beside him: "You stay with you, and the rest of you will take that villa for me!"

The genetic warriors of the Bregg family are a bit special, in order to prevent them from betraying themselves.

When the Bregg family modified the genes of these genetic warriors, they all modified their memories and forcibly implanted orders that all members of the Bregg family would obey.

These genetic warriors can no longer be called humans, because they no longer have extra feelings, they are just humanoid killing weapons of the Bregg family.

And Jack, one of the masters, naturally does not have any feelings for these killing weapons.

And Jack cherishes his life and will not take risks rashly.

Since knowing that there is an eighth-order king like Wu Wang in Fengya Villa, he has been very careful.

For his own safety, Jack will never make any risky moves.

Therefore, he did not continue to approach the Fengya Villa, and even let two eighth-tier powerhouses stay by his side to protect him.

However, in Jack's view, it was just a rank 8 genetic warrior, and twelve rank 7 genetic warriors were enough.

After all, the opponent is only an eighth-order strong, and the eighth-order genetic warrior on his side, although he is in the lower-order eighth realm, is also very close to the middle position.

In other words, it is the king of the triple peak realm among the warriors.

And according to the results of previous detections, the rank 8 warrior around Qin Shaofeng is only in the first realm, which is completely incomparable with this rank 8 genetic warrior on his side.

This lineup is enough!

The genetic warriors didn't have the slightest opinion on Jack's orders. Although they still had wisdom, they also had their own independent thinking ability.

But other than that, they are more of a genetic warrior who obeyed the orders of the Bregg family!

Soon, thirteen genetic warriors set off.

But when the thirteen genetic warriors just approached the Fengya Villa, they were instantly surrounded by more than thirty people.

"Heh, Qin Shaofeng is quite alert. Did he find out so soon?"

Seeing the genetic warriors surrounded in the distance, Jack didn't worry at all.

How can the number of people be? His twelve 7th-order genetic warriors are all high-ranking 7th-rank genetic warriors, and several of them are even the pinnacle 7th-order genetic warriors.

Then, no matter how many Qin Shaofeng people are, it is definitely not enough!

But soon, a word from the middle eighth-rank genetic warrior next to Jack suddenly changed Jack's face.

"No, there are not one Tier 8 fighters on the opposite side, but three!"

What three?

Jack's face changed instantly when he heard the sound, and then the next moment, Jack's action was not to let the two 8th-order genetic warriors around him run over to help.


"Quickly, take me out of here!" Jack hurriedly shouted to the middle eighth-rank genetic warrior beside him.

That's right, after learning that the other party also had three Tier 8 fighters, Jack's first thought was not to fight at the limit, but to escape.

What made Jack angry was that the eighth-order genetic warrior faced his orders and became indifferent, standing still without any reaction.

No, it's not that there is no response at all.

At this moment, not only this middle-ranked eighth-ranked genetic warrior, but even the lower-ranked eighth-ranked middle-ranked genetic warrior seemed to sense something, as if he was facing an enemy.

This made Jack's heart suddenly cold, **** enemies!

It seemed to confirm the guess in Jack's heart. The next moment, a person jumped off a big tree not far away.

"Oh, isn't this our Monopoly's Lord Jack?"

There was a laugh, and Jack's face instantly sank.

Although this sound was not the Chinese English used by him and the genetic warrior to communicate with each other, he could understand it.

As a member of the Bregg family, due to genetic optimization, the overall intelligence of this family is somewhat high.

Even people like Jack can easily learn Chinese.

Therefore, Jack understood the laughter instantly, and not only did he understand, he even understood who the other party was.

After looking up, Jack gritted his teeth and said in Chinese language, "Damn Qin Shaofeng, it really is you. All this is your conspiracy!"


Qin Shaofeng smiled: "I have to do this too, after all, who told me to be targeted by your Bregg family!"

Jack's heart was slightly cold, because Qin Shaofeng's situation was completely beyond his imagination, especially the two eighth-order genetic warriors around him were so nervous, which made him even more frightened.

"You... what do you want to do?" Jack shivered.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Shaofeng looked at Jack in surprise, and said as if watching an idiot, "I said you are stupid! With you and me now, what do you think I should do next to the level?"

"Damn it!"

When he heard Qin Shaofeng say this, Jack didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and ran in the opposite direction of Qin Shaofeng without thinking.

However, at the moment of turning around, Jack directly yelled at the two 8th-order genetic warriors and issued an order.

"You two kill him for me!"

After that, Jack didn't care whether the two 8th-order genetic warriors could kill Qin Shaofeng and fled frantically.

The two 8th-order genetic warriors immediately rushed to Qin Shaofeng without hesitation after hearing Jack's order.

But it is a pity that the two eighth-tier genetic warriors, the strongest one of them, is at best the realm of the Triple Peak Martial King.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already been promoted to the peak realm of King Wu, if it weren't for the drag of the physical realm, he could have been promoted to the realm of Wuhuang completely.

Therefore, these two genetic warriors, who are extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, are nothing in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Qin Shaofeng shot the two 8th-order genetic warriors who were leaping on him and flew out.

However, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised at the moment he took the flight.

Because the power of these two genetic warriors is very powerful, and the pure physical power at least has reached the realm of the general seven or eighty martial king.

But this is one of them!

With two dull loud noises, the two 8th-order genetic warriors who were shot by Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly landed steadily, without showing any signs of injury, they roared and rushed to Qin Shaofeng again.

"This defense is good!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, and then he patted twice again.

Bang! Bang!

This time, Qin Shaofeng increased his strength by 30%. After letting the two 8th-order genetic warriors fly, they landed and retreated for a long time before he barely stabilized his figure, and then...

"Roar! Roar!"

As soon as they stabilized their figure, the two eighth-order genetic warriors roared, like angered beasts, rushing towards Qin Shaofeng again.

But Qin Shaofeng still raised his hand and patted twice gently.

Next, this action is repeated.

Because Qin Shaofeng is very interested in these two so-called genetic warriors.

He wanted to know how many times these two 8th-order genetic warriors could resist according to his shooting method.

And he is looking forward to the other performances of these two eighth-order genetic warriors.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was disappointed.

Because these two 8th-order genetic warriors seem to be easily irritated, although they can burst out even more powerful power after irritated, and even their own defense power will be improved.

But the genetic warrior in this state is no different from the beast.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng lost interest in continuing.

"It seems that this so-called genetic warrior is nothing but that!"

He shook his head disappointedly. Facing the genetic warrior who rushed forward again, Qin Shaofeng didn't keep his hands this time, and directly exploded with enough power.

Bang! Bang!

With two explosions, the two eighth-order genetic warriors were instantly blown by Qin Shaofeng.

However, what made Qin Shaofeng frown was that even though his stomach was completely pierced, the two genetic warriors seemed unaware of the pain, and they continued to struggle to attack him.

Qin Shaofeng could see it.

The brains of these genetic warriors have probably been thoroughly cleansed, and there are no extra emotions at all, and even due to the explosion of power, in the fighting state, even the wisdom does not exist.

"Oh, you are poor people, let me be free for you!"

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand and slapped a spirit from the gods and demons, directly blasting the heads of the two 8th-order genetic warriors.

Until then, the two eighth-order genetic warriors had a halt, and finally stopped their offensive, completely dead.

In fact, don't look at Qin Shaofeng's fighting so easily, but in fact, this is all because of Qin Shaofeng's own strength.

Qin Shaofeng's physical realm has also reached the first level of the Wuwang realm, and his cultivation level has even reached the Wuwang peak realm.

With Qin Shaofeng's current strength, not to mention the two and eighth genetic warriors, even if a ninth genetic warrior comes, Qin Shaofeng is sure to defeat the opponent.

Especially Qin Shaofeng also discovered an absolute fatal weakness of the genetic warrior, and the other genetic warrior was completely pressure-free.

Because just when the two genetic warriors were completely killed, Qin Shaofeng discovered a very special situation.

That was these two genetic warriors, they had clearly reached the eighth rank, which was the realm of King Wu.

But these two genetic warriors did not have strong mental power!

Perhaps for ordinary magicians, this genetic warrior can resist magical attacks on spiritual power.

But if it was replaced by him, Qin Shaofeng attacked this genetic warrior with divine consciousness, and these genetic warriors could not resist at all.

Qin Shaofeng didn't notice this at first, but after exploding the heads of the two eighth-order genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng discovered a special place.

The defenses on the heads of these two 8th-order genetic warriors were also amazing, especially the hardness of the skulls. Even Qin Shaofeng would have to burst out real power to smash them.

The most important thing is that these skulls are actually immune to attacks from general mental power and resist very powerful mental attacks.

But this is only mental power. If it is replaced with a higher level of spiritual power, these genetic warriors will not be able to defend.

Because the defenses of their heads are completely fictitious to God's consciousness, and they simply don't work.

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