Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1752: Looks like I will too


Seeing that the other party did not answer his own question, a trace of dislike flashed in Gibbs's eyes.

As a powerful seventh-order thunder system superpower, Gibbs has only arrogance.

Although he is a special force fighter under Viteo, because of his strength, he often ignores Viteo's orders.

In fact, if it wasn't for that special power stone, he wouldn't come over this time.

A person with a supernatural power can't practice, but a person with a superb ability can gain power improvement by absorbing some special abilities.

The spirit stone is one of them, and even if it absorbs the aura in the spirit stone, the advancement speed of the supernatural person is very fast.

Although this Gibbs is only a seventh-order ability person, because his ability is a lightning ability, it can burst out a very powerful attack.

At the seventh-tier level, compared with the magician, the power of the lightning-type abilities exploded was enough to be comparable to some lightning-type magic kings.

It is precisely because of Gibbs's powerful strength that Viteo turned a blind eye to him from time to time ignoring his orders.

However, after mentioning the power stone this time, Gibbs came over without hesitation.

But what made Gibbs very unhappy was that after he waited for someone to come, he didn't find the enemy.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng, he subconsciously asked, but did not get Qin Shaofeng's answer, which made him very unhappy.

But at this moment, Jimmy next to Gipps suddenly spoke: "To the captain, look!"

Looking in the direction Jimmy was pointing, Gibbston saw a suitcase beside Qin Shaofeng.

That kind of suitcase is specially made. Although it can't shield any energy, it is very hard.

Most importantly, that kind of suitcase is only available in their army.

It's those energy stones!

After seeing the suitcase, Gibbs was overjoyed and finally found it. It was great.

In order for Gibbs to recover all the energy stones, General Viteo told Gipps that one-third of the recovered energy stones belonged to him.

Although Gibbs also wanted to obtain all the energy stones directly, he still knew that it was impossible, although Viteo was not a superpower.

But the other party is a general of the United States, and it is still the kind with great power, and cannot be offended.

Although he was able to ignore Viteo's orders from time to time, it was only on the premise of fulfilling the order given by the other party.

There is still a trace of dread in Gipps's heart for the general Viteo.

But this time, when I heard that he had hundreds of energy stones, Gibbs was not calm.

Even if it was only one-third of a hundred yuan, that was enough to promote him to the eighth rank.

Therefore, at this moment, after seeing the suitcase, Gibbs did not hesitate to speak directly to Qin Shaofeng: "Hua Xia, quickly hand over the box. In the words of you Hua Xia, hand over the box. In this case, I I can leave you a whole body."

Gibbs looked arrogant, he could feel that this Chinese man in front of him was a bit uncomfortable.

But what about it?

That's Gibbs, the seventh-order thunder system with the eighth-level strength!


The proud words of Gibbs immediately made Qin Shaofeng recover from his curiosity about the supernatural power.

But after recovering, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

A little guy of Tier 7, where is the courage to talk to himself like this?

Is the special courage of the supernatural person?

Qin Shaofeng was happy, and looked at the other party with a smile: "You are dreaming!"

Suddenly, these three words Qin Shaofeng made Gibbs's face gloomy.

"Very well, you Chinese are very good, but I will let you understand soon, the consequences of angering my Master Gipps!"

Gipps said angrily, but he did not attack Qin Shaofeng at the first time. Instead, he turned his head and said to a person next to him: "Jim, you go and slaughter this reckless Chinese man!"

"Just slaughtered? But didn't the general say to catch the opponent alive?" Kim looked at Gibbs with his head tilted.

"No, I don't want this **** Chinese man alive!" Gipps said coldly.

"Hey, I understand this!"

Kim chuckled, then turned his head to look at Qin Shaofeng, with a grinning face: "Ha, stupid Chinese, you made our Gipps boss angry, you are dead!"

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that Kim didn't intend to give Qin Shaofeng time to speak, and he jumped into the air and grabbed Qin Shaofeng.

A trace of disdain appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, because the breath he felt from this named Kim was very weak. In his opinion, he only needed to play a punch to defeat the opponent.

But the next moment, what made Qin Shaofeng's expression slightly astonished was that after that Kim jumped into the air, he grabbed it with a big hand, and after clenching it into a fist, he actually hit a fireball directly.


With the fiery heat, a basketball-sized fireball whizzed and hit Qin Shaofeng's head directly.


This is the power?

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, because he found a very peculiar place, that is, when Kim burst out this fireball, he did not actually feel any power in the opponent's body.

The fireball seemed to be formed invisibly and then shot out by the opponent.

He didn't notice any power at all!

Even in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, at this moment, Kim's breath is still the same as ordinary people, very ordinary, and there is no improvement due to the burst of fireball.

But that fireball was for Qin Shaofeng, the feeling that some sixth-order fire magicians had burst out, it was very strong!

However, Qin Shaofeng's reaction was not slow. Before the fireball got close, he shook his right hand and shot a strong wind, which scattered the fireball.


Seeing Qin Shaofeng slap his fireball away, there was a hint of surprise in Kim's eyes, but then he grinned again: "Very well, it seems that you are still a little capable, but this is good, you can play with me for a while. "

Even if Qin Shaofeng smashed the fireball he released, Kim still didn't pay attention to Qin Shaofeng.

With a shake of his hands, Kim directly exploded five fireballs this time.

Or fireball?

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly. Although the temperature of these fireballs was good, with the physical strength of his current Wu Wang peak realm, it would be fine even if he was directly hit.

Of course, with this Kim's attack, it is impossible to attack him.


With a wave of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng directly blasted a strong wind, and instantly swept away five fireballs.

Not far away, when he saw this scene, Gibbs's face sank, and he said coldly: "Kim, stop playing!"

When Qin Shaofeng swept away his five fireballs, Kim wanted to say something, but when he heard Gibbs's voice, Kim trembled and knew in his heart that his boss was angry.

Suddenly, Kim no longer planned to talk nonsense, and directly angered Qin Shaofeng: "Stupid Chinese, the Gipps boss is already angry, I won't play with you, you go to death!"

"Vulcan Sword!"

With a loud roar, Kim burst out all over his body.

At this moment, above Kim's head, there was a fierce fire, and then the fire gathered in one place, forming a five-meter-long flame giant sword.

The flame giant sword exudes an astonishing high temperature, and the air around it becomes extremely hot, and the flowers and trees not far away turn yellow for the first time.

Such a great sword of flame is amazing and powerful!

But this is only for ordinary people, at this moment in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this flame giant sword is nothing at all.

Sword of Vulcan?

Some small flames can also be called Vulcan Sword?

Let me tell you, Vulcan will cry if you are like this!

But at this time, Kim yelled ‘Take it to death’, and then severely surrendered the so-called Vulcan Sword to Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly, looked at the flame giant sword that blasted quickly, and lightly joined his right hand together, and then a little bit empty.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's fingertips lighted up, and a burst of spirit from the gods and demon condensed into a ball of light the size of a thumb.

As soon as the light ball appeared, it flew out to meet the huge, so-called Vulcan Sword.

Then, with a boom, under the unbelievable gazes of Kim and Gibbs and others, the light ball directly penetrated the flame giantsword, and then directly hit Kim.

With a bang, Kim flew up in an instant, hit a big tree not far behind, and there was no more movement.


Kim is dead?

With just one blow, Kim, the Tier 6 Fire Element, was bombarded and killed by the enemy?

Seeing this scene, Gipps and others were shocked. Gipps was okay. Although he was surprised by Qin Shaofeng's methods in his heart, he was still calm.

But Jimmy and the others were completely panicked.

Kim is the second master among them, and he is already very close to the level of a seventh-order superpower. With that hand of the Vulcan Sword, his combat power is no longer inferior to some seventh-level masters.

But now he was killed by the opponent with a single tap of his finger.

This time they seem to have met the iron plate!

However, fortunately, a few people looked at Gibbs beside them and felt quite settled.

Not afraid, they still have Gipps, but Gipps has the strength comparable to the level of the eighth king, and will definitely be able to kill the opponent.

Gibbs seemed to understand that the Chinese man in front of him was not simple, so he killed Kim so easily.

Therefore, he did not intend to ask others to take action, but stepped forward directly.

He plans to do it himself!

"You are very good!"

Gipps looked at Qin Shaofeng, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then, without giving Qin Shaofeng a chance to speak, he shook his head and said, "But, you are not lucky, and you met me. And you shouldn’t kill Ji. Hmm, because you have completely angered me, I will do it myself next time!"

"Oh, is it?" Qin Shaofeng said lightly, "However, it seems to me that they are all the same!"


A trace of anger flashed in Gipps’ eyes, but soon he calmed down and said coldly: "Huaxia, you are really rampant, dare to anger me so much in front of my bursting Thunder King Gipps Aitken. You understand how terrifying the anger of a Thunder King is!"


As soon as the voice fell, Gibbs body flashed, and the terrible lightning flashed all over his body.

Lifting his hands slightly, the thunder and lightning all over Gipps gathered in an instant, forming two dazzling thunderballs in Gipps's hands.

The same is the sphere energy attack that erupts from the ability, but at this moment the thunderball in Gipps's hand is more than ten times stronger than the fireball released by Kim before.

But after seeing such a thunder ball, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed a strange look.

Thunder force?

Looks like I will too!

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