Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 176: Goodbye Tang Qijian

"Tsk tsk, this eight-person team is really not easy. It has hunted so many medicated beasts and collected so many medicated beast spars, which really surprised me!"

After killing Lu Yun and obtaining the medicated beast spar on Lu Yun, Qin Shaofeng possessed the medicated beast spar worth two thousand medicinal power points.

Then, after three days of killing, all the medicated beast spars on Qin Shaofeng's body were barely worth 3,000 medicinal power points.

But after killing these eight people and leaving the team, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the medicated beast spar on his body had almost doubled, and all medicated beast spars added up to almost six thousand medicinal power points.

In other words, the medicated beast spar on his body was enough to exchange for a three-star heavenly pill in this alchemy mansion.

"The medicated beast spar worth 5,000 medicinal power points, that is to say, my task is already one-third of the eight-star completion!" Qin Shaofeng licked his lips, and a hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

The mission of the alchemy mansion, as long as it obtains three sky-level three-star pills refined by the old alchemist, then it can achieve the eight-star completion.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

My goal is to achieve ten stars.

However, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly when he thought that he needed a five-star pill of heaven grade to achieve the ten-star completion rating.

"The speed is still slow. A sky-level five-star pill requires 100,000 power points in exchange for it. I only have less than six thousand now, but three days have passed since ten days!"

"This time seems to be insufficient!"

With a soft sigh, Qin Shaofeng's eyes finally flashed.

"Sister, no matter how much it is, now my strength is not weak anymore. If that is the case, I will directly find a higher-level medicine beast to start. As for those medicine beasts below the sixth level, just give up!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stood up and planned to walk deeper into the area.

But at this moment, several bursts of sound came from a distance.


Could it be that the people of Silver Moon Kingdom are chasing it?

Shocked in his heart, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly hid his own body, and he didn't even dare to let out a little bit of Qi in his body.

Because Qin Shaofeng should have felt that there were at least a few people who came here, and they were all innate martial arts masters with seven levels or above, and even one of them was in the nine levels of innate realm.


Several figures flashed past and landed on a clearing not far from Qin Shaofeng.

And looking at the other person's clothes, they were from Silvermoon Academy.

"Just now there was a hint of aura here, but the other party was still hidden!" One of the eighth-edged martial arts master said with solemn expression.

Hearing what he said, Qin Shaofeng almost ran away directly.

Sister, it really came after me.

However, the next sentence Qin Shaofeng heard made him dispel his thoughts.

"Hmph, that little beast will really hide his breath, but he is seriously injured at the moment, so he must be hiding not far away. Everyone will look for it carefully and you will definitely find it!"

Seriously injured?

Uh, it doesn't seem to be me?

Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly taken aback, he touched his chin and muttered in his heart for a while, and then he laughed secretly.

Hey, it looks like a hapless guy who was caught up by these people from Silvermoon Academy.

But as soon as this thought came out, Qin Shaofeng's face was slightly dazed, a little depressed.

With that said, I seem to be such a hapless one myself.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng became curious about the person who was being chased and killed, and he couldn't help but **** up his ears to listen to the distant voice, to see if he could hear someone who was as unlucky as himself, who was it.

"Everyone is serious about it. The little beast robbed the little prince’s prey and treasures, and even killed many of us. The little prince said, as long as the little beast is killed, the little prince will reward one. Prefecture-level three-star martial arts, you have to be serious!"

Among the few people, the innate nine-tiered martial artist spoke a word, and after he finished speaking, the others responded with fiery eyes.

Prefectural-level Samsung martial arts?

Even if Qin Shaofeng, who was hiding not far away, heard it, he exclaimed in his heart: What a big handwriting!

The prefecture-level three-star martial arts can be regarded as the top martial arts among the three countries.

That is, Qin Shaofeng needs to obtain a prefecture-level three-star skill in the system store, and it will cost tens of thousands of points at least.

However, Qin Shaofeng was relieved when he heard the little prince from the other party.

The title of Little Lord, in Yinyue Nation, no, even in the three major nations, only one person has such a title.

That was Zi Yueye, the only son of the opposite **** prince of Yinyue Kingdom.

Speaking of this purple moon night, it is not easy!

But a complete genius, with a strong spiritual root, practiced martial arts and tempered the body at the age of five, reached the acquired martial artist at the age of seven, and became an innate martial artist at the age of ten.

It stands to reason that Zi Yueye, who is now seventeen years old, should break through the innate realm and be promoted to the spiritual vein realm.

However, because of the fact that the other party has cultivated the Zi Family for hundreds of years, no one has practiced the heavenly practice "Ziyun Wuji", and finally stayed in the peak state of the innate martial artist for several years.

The Zi Family has been inherited for hundreds of years, its existence is longer than the Silver Moon Kingdom, and its influence is extremely powerful.

Some people say that if the Zi family had the heart back then, I am afraid that the current Yinyue country should be named Zi.

Rather, as the first practice of the Zi Family for hundreds of years, "Ziyun Promise", although it is a powerful heavenly practice, it has extremely demanding cultivation conditions.

That is, if you don't cultivate an extremely huge innate energy in the innate realm, and then refine the innate purple cloud, you will not be able to enter the spiritual vein realm.

For hundreds of years, this "Ziyun Wuji" was only successful in the practice of the ancestor of the Zi family, Zi Wuji.

That year, Zi Wuji stayed at the pinnacle of innate realm for twelve years, but after he refined the innate purple cloud, he reached the realm of legend within three years, and established the Zi family with the powerful innate purple cloud. Strong family.

With such deeds, people from the three countries have regarded Zi Wuji as the second person under Emperor Lianyang in the past thousand years.

If not, because the cultivation conditions of "Ziyun Promise" are harsh, I am afraid that the Zi family has already unified the three countries.

It is precisely because of this that the little prince Zi Yueye who practiced "The Promise of Ziyun" is unknown to everyone.

Now, that little prince Ziyueye stayed in the congenital peak realm for four or five years, and his strength was so powerful that he could be called the first congenital martial artist in the spiritual vein realm.

Because this little prince Ziyueye had once killed a monster with a second-level spirit vein alone.

At that time, it caused quite a stir among the three major countries.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, this was disapproving.

Perhaps you were the number one martial artist of the Spiritual Realm before Zi Yueye.

A beautiful figure flashed in his mind, and Qin Shaofeng's eyes were filled with disdain.

No matter how great, do you have me, Senior Sister Zhao?

Killing Lingmai Duo is great!

Do you believe me, as soon as Senior Sister Zhao's "Nine Stars Secret Technique" comes out, a one-star hits the sky and kills a monster with a triple spirit vein level in seconds?

But that being said, Qin Shaofeng knew that if he had encountered Zi Yueye, he would have run far and far.

At this moment, those congenital martial artists had already left.

But Qin Shaofeng hesitated.

"Do you want to go and see, who is it?"

With a murmur, Qin Shaofeng walked out of the hidden place, took a look at the direction the people had left, a few thoughts flashed in his eyes, and finally decided: "Let’s go and see! I also want to see, dare to grab Ziyueye’s prey, who is the man who captured the treasure that Ziyueye fancyed!"

With a flash, Qin Shaofeng followed.

However, at this time Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes fully.

If he sensed Zi Yueye, Qin Shaofeng would decide, and run away without a word.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be cheaper.

After all, a treasure that can be seen by Zi Yueye is not easy, I don't know if I have that opportunity.


After following the few people far away, Qin Shaofeng was speechless after walking for a while.

Sister, it seems that the great man is too able to hide, because he has bright eyes and can't find him.

Yes, this has the courage to **** Ziyueye's things, can it be done without two brushes?

Finally followed for a while, and there was still no news, Qin Shaofeng was disappointed and planned to leave.

Oh, forget it, it seems I still have no life!

With a light sigh, Qin Shaofeng turned and left, preparing to advance to the deep area, and began to hunt down the medicine beast and get the medicine beast spar.

After all, 100,000 medicinal beast spars are not a small number!

I don't have time to relax.

But just after Qin Shaofeng turned around, his expression became more weird just after walking a certain distance.

this is……

I ‘see’ an unfamiliar red dot in my head, and it suddenly appeared.

"No, I'm planning to give up, so you **** show up."

"Look" at the red dot in his mind, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

However, since it has appeared, then go take a look at this awesome man!

"I just don't know, if this is the awesome man!"

With a soft mutter, Qin Shaofeng clicked on the attribute information of the red dot, but this eye-catching information made him dumbfounded for the first time.

"I rub, how could it be him!"

Looking at the information on the properties interface, Qin Shaofeng gave a startled. Then, it was also confirmed, I am afraid that this is the man who robbed Ziyueye's prey and treasure.

Because of the attribute information fed back from Huoyanjinjing, Qin Shaofeng knew that the opponent was now in a state of extremely serious injury, and it seemed that he was not far from death.

But Qin Shaofeng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew this person!

"Oh, I wanted to meet some great guys and see if I had a chance to pick up a bargain, but now although I can pick up a bargain, it's not easy to start! And it seems that I can't help but feel embarrassed!"

With a helpless sigh, Qin Shaofeng finally walked in the direction of the red dot.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng arrived, under a bush that didn't seem to have any traces.

"It's really hidden, they're almost catching up with me!" A lightly complimented, but the next moment, a sword light flashed and directed towards Qin Shaofeng's door.

Feeling the sharp edge on the sword light, and the cold and biting killing intent, Qin Shaofeng felt a cold sweat in his heart. Under fear in his heart, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously turned on the mode of treading air without a trace in an instant, and dodged the sword light.

But the master of the sword light, after seeing Qin Shaofeng avoiding, actually didn't plan to let Qin Shaofeng go. The sword light flashed and slashed at Qin Shaofeng again.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help cursing loudly.

"I rub, Tang Qijian, you bastard, **** so hard with me!"

That's right, the red dot that appeared before Qin Shaofeng's perception was Tang Qijian who hadn't seen it for a long time.

Qin Shaofeng did not expect that he and Tang Qijian would meet again under such circumstances.

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