Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1767: Gao's actions

There are actually many hidden families in China, but many warriors don't know it.

And some hidden families like to build villas and manors in some forests.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is at best the invisible rich.

The Gao family is such a hidden family!

Among the five major families in the Chinese martial arts world, the strongest martial artist is already the martial king.

The Hidden Family is generally very strong, and the weakest can be comparable to the five big families, of course this is just a comparison on the surface.

The real situation is another matter.

This is like the Hundred Families. The Hundred Families are the vassal forces of the Wang Clan, and there are three Martial Kings in the Hundred Families.

But no one knows, in fact, many people from the Hundred Schools have broken through to become King of Martial Arts.

These breakthroughs became King Wu's hundred disciples, all went to the Wang family.

This is all because the place where the Hidden Family is located has a relatively abundant aura, which is very suitable for King Wu to practice.

The same is true for the Gao family, the manor of the Gao family is a place full of aura.

Because of the position of the Gao family, there is a spiritual eye, even though this spiritual eye is almost exhausted by now.

But even in this state, this could give the Gao family more than ten times the aura of the outside world.

Therefore, the Gao family's strength is also good.

It seems that the Gao family has seven martial kings, and it is even rumored that there is an ancestor of the martial emperor.

But in fact, the Gao family's martial kings had already broken through ten, and now there are thirteen martial kings.

As for the Wuhuang ancestor of the Gao family, he has been in seclusion for decades and has not appeared for a long time.

However, even if it is not the ancestor of the Gao family, there is still a Martial Emperor in the Gao family.

No, it should be two people now!

This time, Wang Feiran's three thousand-year high-grade elixir was given by the Gao family.

In order to get Wu Wang Dan to buy a good price, Wang Feiran publicized it, and even in front of everyone, asked his cousin who was only promoted to Wu Wang to take another Wu Wang Dan.

His cousin was actually quite famous, and many people knew about him. Knowing that the other party was suddenly promoted to King Martial, it surprised many people in the hidden family.

Because according to normal circumstances, even if the opponent can be promoted to King Wu, it is estimated that it will be 20 or 30 years later.

But it was precisely because of this that after he served a Martial King Pill and was promoted to become the Second Martial King, it was a complete sensation.

The three young masters who happened to be in the Gao family's days were present, and he was suddenly excited and spent a sky-high price to purchase three Wuwang Pills with a three-thousand-year-old elixir.

At this point, his father Gao Yangfeng was angry.

However, after understanding the efficacy of the Wuwang Pill, Gao Yangfeng calmed down his anger.

As for now, Gao Yangfeng not only didn't feel angry, but he was still very excited.


He actually broke through!

In the Gao family's secret room, Gao Yangfeng never expected that he could break through and be promoted to Emperor Wu!

This Gao Yangfeng himself is only the Wu Wang of the Ninth Realm, and he is over fifty years old this year, and it has been more than ten years since he set foot in the Wu Wang Nine Realm.

During the ten years, he spent a lot of resources of the Gao family, but he still stayed in place.

This time, he didn't care about the Wu Wang Dan that the youngest son had made a fool of, but after some inquiries and understanding, he knew how extraordinary this Wu Wang Dan was.

In the beginning, he planned to use these three martial arts pills in appropriate places to make the Gao family have three more martial arts.

He had heard that as long as he was an innate master of the tenth realm, he could be promoted to the king of martial arts by taking this pill.

There is no family of warriors at the level of King Wu, even in the hidden family.

It's just that among the innate great masters of the Gao family, there are only two in the tenfold realm, one is his old uncle.

The opponent is too old, even if he breaks through, he hasn't survived for a few years. Gao Yangfeng feels that using it on the opponent is a bit wasteful.

As for the other person, it was one of his cousins, but the other person barely broke through to the tenth realm of the Innate Great Master. Gao Yangfeng worried that even after taking this Martial King Pill, the other party would not be able to break through to become the Martial King.

Therefore, he planned to keep these three Martial King Pills.

But in the end, Gao Yangfeng suddenly had an idea, thinking that taking these three Martial King Pills in his own realm would improve him?

He hadn't made an inch for ten years, and finally couldn't bear the temptation~confusion. One of them couldn't help taking three Martial King Pills.



Feeling his realm at this moment, Gao Yangfeng was extremely excited.

He never expected that he could one day set foot in the realm of Emperor Wu.

Although Gao Yangfeng could feel it at the same time, even though he was promoted to Emperor Wu, he was still a little reluctant. The most important thing was that he could feel his body and suffered a very bad loss.

Although such a loss had no effect on his health and strength.

However, Gao Yangfeng knew in his heart that such a loss would reduce his life a lot, and it would be difficult for him to make progress in the future.

However, Gao Yangfeng didn't care about this.

He has entered the realm of Wu Huang, although he can't have as much life span as other normal Wu Huang, but with his current situation, it will be no problem to live another fifty to sixty years.

As for progress, he had stayed in the Ninth Level of the Martial King for more than ten years before, and now he has changed to the Martial Emperor realm, but it is completely different.

Not only is there nothing worthless, even in Gao Yangfeng's view, he has made a lot of money.

Counting him now, Gao Jiake has two martial emperors.

But the appearance of Wu Wang Dan filled his heart with a trace of ambition.

Among the dozen or so Wu Kings of the Gao family, many of them have reached the realm of eightfold and ninefold.

Even the high elders of the Gao family have now entered the tenth realm of King Wu.

If this is to have enough Martial King Pills, wouldn't the Gao family be able to produce several more Martial King level powerhouses?

As soon as he thought of this, Gao Yangfeng's heart became hotter.

Then Gao Yangfeng quickly sent someone to inquire about the source of Wu Wangdan.

In fact, Gao Yangfeng was still very worried, worried that this kind of Wuwang Dan was refined by the Wang family.

If the source of Wu Wang Dan is really from the Wang family, then he can only look at it.

The Wang family's strength is very powerful, even if it is only the strength on the surface, there are three or five Wu Sovereigns, and the strongest one has reached the Martial Sovereign seventh level.

This is an existence that their Gao family can't afford.

Said this is considered to be lucky for the Gao family. Wang Feiran attached great importance to King Wu Dan. He had long been divided into Bai Yifan and others, and the news that King Wu Dan was refined by Qin Shaofeng was deeply sealed.

In fact, on the second trip to Fengya Villa, Wang Feiran let his second uncle go with him.

His second uncle is a martial emperor with a triple realm!

Wang Feiran's attention was also very obvious, that is, to explore Qin Shaofeng's details.

As a result, the second uncle of the triple martial emperor realm could not see the depth of Qin Shaofeng, which made Wang Feiran willingly deal with Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, in order to guarantee the origin of Wu Wang Dan, not only he, but also the Wang family also gave Bai Yifan and others a command.

Coincidentally, his cousin who went with Wang Feiran had an impure relationship with a certain female disciple of the Gao family.

Then, after a drink, the wind blew, and the Gao family knew of Qin Shaofeng's existence.

Then Gao Yangfeng knew that Wuwang Dan was refined by Qin Shaofeng.

Soon, Gao Yangfeng conducted an extremely detailed investigation of Qin Shaofeng.

After the investigation, Gao Yangfeng made a decision, quietly heading to Fengya Villa to take Qin Shaofeng down.

As long as he captures Qin Shaofeng, his Gao family will have a steady stream of Wu Wang Dan.

In this way, the strength of his Gao family can be rapidly improved.

This is the real temptation~confusion!

Because when he understood the circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was not a special existence, and the female disciple of his Gao family also learned from Wang Feiran's cousin.

The reason why the Wang family did not move Qin Shaofeng was because of some special reasons.

As for these special reasons, Gao Yangfeng didn't know, but he subconsciously believed that the Wang family was concerned about his own identity and status.

After all, among the hidden families, the Wang family is also a family that pays great attention to reputation, and in Gao Yangfeng's impression, the Wang family does not seem to be strong or weak.

After this analysis, Gao Yangfeng immediately felt relieved.

Since Qin Shaofeng has nothing to do with the Wang family, he can do it boldly.

As long as you do it a little more secretly, who will know about this?

And for the sake of the secret situation, Gao Yangfeng also made up his mind, this time he planned to take the shot himself.

Although he had just broken through to the realm of Emperor Wu, he had been in the ninth realm of Emperor Wu for a long time.

Now even if he was suddenly promoted to the realm of Wuhuang, he did not experience excessive realm instability.

Therefore, after careful consideration and detailed planning, Gao Yangfeng set out with several masters from the Gao family.

Because the action was to be secret, Gao Yangfeng didn't bring many people this time.

He just took eight people!

But even if there are eight, this is strong enough, because these eight are all masters in the realm of King Wu.

Except for the elders of the Gao family and a few Gao family Wu Wangs below the triple realm of Wu Wang, all the remaining Wu Wangs were taken away by Gao Yangfeng.

The eight martial kings are not counted as Gao Yangfeng, the one-tier martial emperor, they are also very powerful, one nine-tier martial king, two eight-tier martial kings, and the rest are all martial kings of the sixth or seventh level.


After another deal with Wang Feiran, Qin Shaofeng was very relaxed.

Because this time Wang Feiran brought more medicinal materials, even the three thousand years of high-grade elixir, also brought six or seven plants.

At the same time, Wang Feiran also brought Qin Shaofeng a lot of spirit jade.

It's just a pity that these spirit jade stones are only those of fire, water, wood, and earth.

There is no one piece of spiritual jade, such as gold, thunder and wind.

This prevented Qin Shaofeng from arranging the Nine Spirits Gathering Array that could raise his physical realm to the realm of Martial Saint.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not worried either, because he had already told Wang Feiran some things implicitly.

If he possesses a spirit jade with more attributes, then the Zhenwu King Pill he can refine will be more effective, allowing him to take it several times more by Wang Feiran.

This Zhenwu King Pill is one of the effects of improving the realm of King Wu. Wang Feiran can only take three Zhenwu King Pills now.

This means that he can at most use the Zhenwu King Pill to raise his realm to the realm of the Five-layered Martial King.

But now Qin Shaofeng says he can take it more times, so how can he stand it?

At the first time, he assured Qin Shaofeng that he would collect more spirit jade, and spirit jade of other attributes would definitely be collected.

Of course, this so-called only three Zhenwu King Pills can be taken, but Qin Shaofeng is actually only using some hands and feet deliberately when he is refining the three-star nine-layer spirit pill.

It seems that it works well now.

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