Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1769: Calculated

Without Qin Shaofeng's answer, but seeing Qin Shaofeng's mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, Gao Yangfeng suddenly became angry.

Yes, that smile is definitely a mockery.

This makes Gao Yangfeng unbearable!

"Gao Yongquan, go and teach this kid a lesson and let him know what's going on now!" Gao Yangfeng said coldly, with a slight anger in his tone.

In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng is already catching turtles in the urn, so even if it is exposed, it is nothing, so he directly called out the name of a Gaojia Wu Wang next to him.

"Okay, Patriarch!"

Gao Yongquan nodded, then turned to look at Qin Shaofeng's face with a slightly more smirk.

"Boy, don't blame me. If you want to blame, you will blame your bad life. You got something you shouldn't get!"

His figure flashed, and Gao Yongquan swept directly, like a wild goose, lunging at Qin Shaofeng, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Qin Shaofeng directly.

This Gao Yongquan is a master of the Sixth Level Martial King Realm. This ordinary warrior, even if it is a Martial King of the first and second level, is mostly difficult to dodge in the face of his grasp.

And Qin Shaofeng was so stunned, as if because Gao Yongquan's speed was too far, he couldn't avoid it for a while.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yangfeng and the others showed a smug sneer.

Heh, how could a mere Qin Shaofeng escape Gao Yongquan's speed?

But the next moment, the scene that happened made them dumbfounded.


With a crash, he didn't know what had happened. Under Gao Yangfeng and the others' stunned and disbelieving gaze, Gao Yongquan seemed to have been bombarded by his irresistible force, and flew out in an instant.


There was another crash, and Gao Yongquan flew upside down and hit it directly. On a huge boulder ten meters later, the boulder was torn apart, and then the whole person was buried in the pile of rubble, and there was no movement at all.


Faced with such a situation, Gao Yangfeng and others were dumbfounded.

not good!

At this moment, Gao Yangfeng said inwardly.

Although Gao Yangfeng looked down on Qin Shaofeng, he felt that Qin Shaofeng didn't have much strength.

But Gao Yangfeng is not stupid, and his eyesight is not bad.

At that moment, Gao Yangfeng could see clearly.

This is not what he sees clearly, but he sees something!

That is Qin Shaofeng's strength is very strong!

At least he was much stronger than someone who had just advanced to the realm of Martial Emperor.

Because Qin Shaofeng hadn't seen the movement of knocking Gao Yongquan into the air at that moment.

He is now the real Emperor Wu!

Even though he has just made a breakthrough and his strength is not as good as the veteran one-level martial emperor, the emperor is the emperor, and he is stronger than the emperor of the peak realm!

However, even a martial emperor like him did not see Qin Shaofeng's movements clearly.

If this happens, it means that the opponent is far stronger than himself.

This Qin Shaofeng is Emperor Wu, and also a very powerful Emperor!

In an instant, Gao Yangfeng reacted.

After reacting, Gao Yangfeng's first thought was...

Can't be an enemy!

Can't be an enemy of a strong like Qin Shaofeng!

But as soon as he had thought about it, before he could say anything, the roar made him panic.

"Ah, **** little bitch, you dare to hurt me!"

With a roar, it was Gao Yongquan's elder brother who suddenly became angry when he saw that his younger brother was knocked into the air by Qin Shaofeng, and he was still in an unknown situation.

Then, there was no opportunity for Gao Yangfeng to speak at all. While roaring, Gao Yongquan's elder brother rushed towards Qin Shaofeng frantically.

This Gao Yongquan's elder brother was much stronger than Gao Yongquan. Not only was he already a king of martial arts, he was even a king of eight realms.

But in front of Qin Shaofeng, there is no difference in the realm of the five-tiered and eight-folded kings.


A black shadow flew upside down in an instant, and this Gao Yongquan's elder brother was also instantly knocked out by Qin Shaofeng. After hitting two or three big trees, there was no more movement.

I don't know life or death!

Damn it!

Gao Yangfeng trembled, and became even more flustered.

Facing Gao Yongquan's elder brother, even if he had already been promoted to Emperor Wu, it was impossible to cause such harm to him in one move.

At this moment, he confirmed in his heart that the seemingly weak Qin Shaofeng without any strong aura in front of him was definitely much stronger than him.

And what happened next made Gao Yangfeng shiver even more.

Because after this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to let the other party make another shot on himself.

Being attacked twice, Qin Shaofeng, who had been impatient for a long time, completely wiped out the last trace of impatience, and he chose to take the initiative to attack.


With a flash of figure, Qin Shaofeng's figure completely disappeared in front of Gao Yangfeng and the seven others.

At the moment when Qin Shaofeng's figure flickered and disappeared, Gao Yangfeng was extremely shocked.

He can't see it!

Even he couldn't see Qin Shaofeng's movements, as if Qin Shaofeng had really disappeared in front of him.

At this moment, Gao Yangfeng finally couldn't help the panic in his heart, and suddenly shouted: "Stop, stop!"

But the only one who responded to him was a few bangs. Only for a moment, the six Gao Jiawu kings left by his side flew upside down one after the other and fell to the ground without any movement.


When Qin Shaofeng appeared in front of Gao Yangfeng again, Gao Yangfeng was in cold sweat, his hands and feet were cold.

"you you……"

Looking at the ruthless Qin Shaofeng, Gao Yangfeng couldn't say a word.

"Now, let's be honest, who are you?" Qin Shaofeng said.

Although his tone was very flat, it was extremely frightening to fall in Gao Yangfeng's ears.

"You...you...who are you?" Gao Yangfeng shivered.

Qin Shaofeng was right in front of him now, but it was exactly the same, which made him feel the horror of Qin Shaofeng.

Because he felt from Qin Shaofeng, a breath that was far stronger than that of the Martial Emperor who had just barely been promoted.

This is totally different from what he knows!

Didn't that mean that Qin Shaofeng was at most just a martial king with two or three levels?

But this breath is stronger than him, how could it be that he is only a martial king of two or three levels?

This breath is not as good as Wu Huang of two or three levels!

Who am I?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, completely losing patience.

Why are you so crazy about BB?

Forget it, don't ask!

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual consciousness burst out directly.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, if the divine consciousness that he burst out forms an attack, such a close distance would be just a mere Gao Yangfeng in the realm of the Martial Emperor, that would simply not be able to hold it.

At this moment, Gao Yangfeng seemed to perceive a certain kind of crisis, and his cold hair exploded, and he shouted in horror: "Qin Shaofeng, don't do it, I can warn you, my Gao family is..."

It is a pity that Gao Yangfeng's words with a threatening tone have not been fully uttered, but they have stopped dumbly.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness swarmed in, rushing directly into his mind, into the depths of his soul.

Martial artist, even if he has cultivated to the realm of Emperor Wu, he has not opened up his own soul consciousness sea. At most, there is a soul space similar to the soul consciousness sea. This is a normal soul residence!

But it is precisely because of this that it is basically impossible to defend against a certain powerful soul attack, that is, a spiritual attack.

In terms of realm, Gao Yangfeng, who has reached the realm of the first martial emperor, has a very strong soul, and even his spiritual power is also very strong.

But it is a pity that Gao Yangfeng is completely empty of power without opening up the sea of ​​soul knowledge.

This can only increase his defense against some mental power attacks at best, but these defenses are aimed at the mental power attacks of other warriors and those with mental power abilities.

But in the face of Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness, it was as fragile as fried chicken skin, and it broke with one touch!

Therefore, in just an instant, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness broke through, and Gao Yangfeng's mental defenses hit the depths of the opponent's soul.

Well, doing this is naturally to collect the information Qin Shaofeng wants.

Qin Shaofeng didn't take it wrong for a Wu Huang with eight Wu Wangs to trouble him, and naturally he wanted to figure it out.

After a long time, Gao Yangfeng's body fell completely and turned into a corpse.

A strong man who could call the wind and call the rain in the martial arts world, just died in obscurity.

You must know that even in the hidden family, if a strong man in the martial emperor realm died suddenly and was killed, it would be enough to cause a sensation.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all about this.

"Gao family?"

A sneer flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes as he saw Gao Yangfeng's body.

Because of the improved realm, Qin Shaofeng's more attention, and Gao Yangfeng's little defense, so this time searching for souls, Qin Shaofeng has gained a lot, and has almost all the memories of Gao Yangfeng.

In fact, with Gao Yangfeng's mental power, if he defends in advance, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng can only violently search for his soul, but this will cause his soul to collapse, and the memory that Qin Shaofeng can search for is absolutely rare.

After getting almost all of Gao Yangfeng's memory, Qin Shaofeng knew about Gao Yangfeng's origin, the existence of the Gao family, and why he came to him.

"Have you taken a fancy to King Wu Dan?"

An indifferent smile appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. In fact, after trading Wu Wang Dan with Wang Feiran, he never thought about keeping it secret.

After all, with his current strength, there is no need to keep any secrets.

Let others know, how about it?

Wang Feiran came here for the second time. How could Qin Shaofeng not know what the purpose of the triple martial emperor master he brought with him?

It was said that the deal was relatively large and required his elders to be present, so his second uncle came with him.

Such a statement, how could Qin Shaofeng believe that even Qin Shaofeng knew the real purpose of Wang Feiran's doing this.

It's nothing more than to see if his Qin Shaofeng's strength can really make a deal with his Wang Feiran.

Qin Shaofeng was sure in his heart that if his realm was not as good as Wang Feiran's second uncle, Wang Feiran would probably do it on the spot.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care, because he had to use the Wang Family's identity and status to collect those top-grade elixir and spirit jade.

Only this time, the appearance of Gao Yangfeng of the Gao family made Qin Shaofeng see something that made him uncomfortable.

Dissatisfaction with Wang Feiran or the Wang family!

Because Qin Shaofeng felt that he was calculated by the Wang Family this time.

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