Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1783: Disaster strikes

As a ninth-order supernatural emperor, killing some seventh- and eighth-order monsters is not difficult for Simon.

Ignoring the shocked Kate, Simon's heart moved, and the powerful wind system's supernatural power gushed out, directly opening a waterless channel in this underground river.

Then, for a moment, Simon ran directly to the upper reaches of the underground river.

Now that he has arrived, he will solve the problem completely. Considering that there is a strong creature above this underground river, Simon intends to go upstream, find all such underground creatures, and kill them all.

Simon's speed is very fast, he wants to solve the trouble here as soon as possible, and then go back.

Seeing this, Kate instantly understood Simon's thoughts and followed up with his teeth, but at his speed, it was difficult to catch up with Simon.

But not wanting this, it saved his own life!

Now that the bridge underground river, many genetically modified organisms have emerged from that underground space.

Therefore, after a quick search, Simon found two or three Grade 7 genetically modified creatures.

"Sure enough, there are many such creatures in this underground river!"

Feeling the breath of the three seventh orders, Simon's eyes fell cold, and he immediately shot again.

It was just three seventh-order genetically modified creatures, so naturally it would not be Simon's opponent, so with his shot, those three seventh-order genetically modified creatures also turned into piles of minced meat.

And this was only the beginning, and Simon soon discovered more aura.

Then, Simon began to kill him.

For a time, the entire underground river turned blood red, and countless pieces of genetically modified creatures appeared.


In the distance, in the underground space, the seven tenth-level genetically modified creatures suddenly noticed something.

In the entire underground space, these seven grade 10 genetically modified creatures can be regarded as commanding all the genetically modified creatures in the entire underground space.

Although they don't care much about other genetically modified creatures, they will not allow their subordinates to be slaughtered by humans.

These Grade 10 genetically modified creatures have already noticed that Simon is slaughtering those genetically modified creatures.

Suddenly, a crocodile-like appearance, but a genetically modified creature over a hundred meters in size, with a low growl, it turned into a huge black shadow and plunged directly into the underground river.



Simon, who was killing a seventh-order genetically modified creature, suddenly felt a surging water in the distance ahead.

"Huh, is there another beast to die?"

Simon sneered, disdain in his heart.

For these underground river creatures, whether they are their opponents or not, they will rush towards themselves.

Simon has encountered this situation several times.

But every time he encountered such a situation, Simon waved his hand to hit a blue wind blade, and directly killed the culled underground river creatures.

But this time an accident happened.


With a dull sound, Simon was surprised to find that the cyan wind blade he sent out, as if hitting an extremely hard wall, broke directly.

However, compared with this situation, the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of him was the food that shocked Simon so much.

"Prehistoric crocodile?"

Seeing an extremely huge crocodile suddenly appeared in front of him, Simon's first thought was the prehistoric crocodile that appeared in the movie.

And the one in front of me is more than ten times bigger than the prehistoric crocodile that appeared in the movie.

However, what shocked Simon the most was the breath of this giant prehistoric crocodile.



This was the last thought in Simon's mind.

Because the moment this prehistoric crocodile appeared in front of Simon, it exuded a force that confined Simon to the spot.

And it didn't give Simon any time to react, and just opened his mouth and swallowed Simon.

Not only that, after swallowing Simon, the ninth-order supernatural emperor, this prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified creature spurred out surging waves and ran directly down the underground river.

After the prehistoric giant crocodile left, not far from the small holes, Kate trembled slightly as he looked at the surging black shadow, and the whole person trembled.

Simon is dead?

A dignified ninth-order supernatural emperor, just like this?

Kate couldn't believe it for a while, but he had to believe it when he felt the powerful aura far away.

What kind of monster is that?

Actually have such a powerful strength?

Kate was frightened for a while, and she couldn't help looking up the underground river, looking at the dark upstream direction, Kate's heart was shivering.

Because he seemed to feel it, that dark place seemed to have a powerful presence.

Thinking of this, Kate couldn't stay any longer.

In this upstream place, if he was killed, he did not dare to go up, so he could only return to the downstream.

After a little sense, Kate felt that the prehistoric crocodile that swallowed Simon had gone away, and he rushed back cautiously.

Fortunately, he was relieved that the prehistoric crocodile didn't seem to find the passage leading to the lake. The other side seemed to rush directly along the river of the underground river to the exit close to the Pacific Ocean.

Seeing this, Kate didn't hesitate to drill directly into the passage, then entered the lake again and returned to the ground.

After that, Kate didn't pause at all, and flew away frantically.

Because now this place has been regarded as a very dangerous position by him.

Kate’s guess is not wrong, because after swimming to the end of the underground river and arriving in the Pacific, killing all the humans he encountered, the prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified creature began to summon other genetically modified creatures. .

Although it cannot drive genetically modified organisms of order ten, even other genetically modified organisms below order ten cannot drive them all.

But under its call, in the end, there were hundreds of Grade 7 genetically modified creatures, as well as two or thirty eighth and five or six Grade 9 genetically modified creatures, responding to its call, and one after another came out of that underground space.

At this time, a 9th-order genetic modification was discovered. The passage leading to the ground lake, with some 7th and 8th genetically modified creatures, directly killed them, killing all of Viteo’s men. Up.

If Kate is still here, I am afraid it would have been killed.

After killing all of Viteo's men, these genetically modified creatures returned to the prehistoric crocodile.

Then, under the leadership of the genetically modified creature like a prehistoric crocodile of Tier 10, these genetically modified creatures began to occupy a place in the Pacific Ocean, occupying the mountain as king.

For a time, people in the U.S. near here suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Many people have also seen that those genetically modified creatures, especially the genetically modified creatures like the prehistoric crocodile of Tier 10, were once considered by the Americans to be Gorath.

This day is regarded as a disaster day by the Americans!

Faced with such a situation, the U.S. military naturally noticed it the first time.

Viteo also got the news for the first time, especially when he knew that the place where those powerful monsters appeared was just the area at the exit of the underground river, which made him look a little surprised, and he had a guess in his heart.

And this guess, after he couldn't contact anyone in the Explorer base, it became a panic.

Kate seemed really too scared. After escaping from the lake, he didn't even have the idea of ​​going back to Viteo. Instead, he found a place to hide.

Even after hearing that a giant prehistoric crocodile appeared in the Pacific Ocean, Kate was even more scared.

That kind of creature is terrible!

Even the ninth-order supernatural emperor can be swallowed in one bite.

This gave Kate the idea of ​​being insecure in the US, so he finally escaped from the US and went to a small country in Europe.

What happened later in the United States made Kate very grateful for the decision he made.



Naturally, the U.S. military would not believe this. In their opinion, it was nothing more than some special creatures.

The sea is so big, it is not surprising that such a powerful creature appears.

Therefore, the U.S. military intends to dispatch an army to eliminate these monster-like creatures.

It is a pity that the U.S. military does not know the strength of these powerful creatures, and Naviteo seems to be afraid that he will be implicated now, which will affect his further plans.

Therefore, he concealed these creatures from the U.S. military, which most likely came from the underground river.

Therefore, the U.S. military made a serious mistake in its estimation of the strength of those genetically modified organisms, and only sent an army of ordinary people.

Such a situation can be imagined, even such an ordinary military range includes frame fighters.

But it's a pity that in the end these troops were only in one encounter, and they were destroyed by those genetically modified creatures.

This made the U.S. military begin to face these genetically modified organisms, and then there was a round of missile bombardment.

But as a result, it has no effect.

Facing the overwhelming missiles, the genetically modified creature like a prehistoric crocodile of Tier 10 directly arranged a large power field, which protected all genetically modified creatures.

In the face of such a result, the US military finally felt that something was wrong, and that these monster creatures that appeared were too powerful.

In the end, they sent the superpower troops out.

But the result is not very optimistic!

Even if it has paid enough attention, the U.S. military has sent hundreds of superpowers at once, and there are still three superpowers led by them, of which the eighth-order superpowers are more than fifty.

But in the end, there was only one ninth-order supernatural power emperor of the metal system, who barely escaped back, and was still in a state of serious injury.

The ninth-tier metal type supernatural power emperor, the defense is extremely powerful, it is no exaggeration to say that only nuclear bombs can produce enough damage to a ninth-tier superpower superhuman power on the earth.

But now he was such a strong man, facing a group of monster creatures, and ended up seriously injured.

This allowed the US military to finally understand the seriousness of the situation!

The sudden appearance of such a group of powerful monster creatures is a disaster for the United States.

At this point, Viteo understood one thing in his mind.

He originally thought that Simon was connected with his death. Although it was related to these monsters that appeared suddenly, he had never thought about the result of Simon's death.

But the situation before him made it clear to him that Simon was mostly killed by those monsters.

But the more so, the more he concealed the matter, so that no one knew it.

If the news is spread, it will have a great impact on him!

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