Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1795: Destruction spar

In the eyes of others, the "golden age", in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, is Qi Yuanxing's "returning light"!

This is indeed the case!

Even though the information on the existence of Destroyer Beasts was made public, a large number of powerhouses and masters appeared in the ancient sanctuary, it was always a good phenomenon when killing Destroyer Beasts.

When it comes to this, I have to say that after the destruction of the beast, it can also bring some benefits to the cultivator.

"Can the cultivator benefit from killing the Destroyer Beast?"

When Gong Qingzi said such words, Qin Shaofeng's face was full of surprise.

Is it good to kill Destroyer?

Why doesn't he know this?

According to his father Qin Feiyang, Destroy the Beast is just the power of the two Dao realms, and the negative force produced in the fusion.

Perhaps for Destroyer Beasts, such negative powers are extremely good things, but for cultivators, it is absolutely rubbish-like existence, and it won't get any benefit at all.

Even if the cultivator absorbs this negative force, it is very likely that he will suffer a special kind of ‘filth’ and cause his cultivation to fall.

However, now Gong Qingzi was telling him that killing the Destroyer Beast had some benefits for the cultivator. How could Qin Shaofeng not be surprised?

"Yes, I don't know exactly what the situation is!" Gong Qingzi shook his head.

What she knew about Destroyer Beast came from Qin Feiyang, and she had the same knowledge of Destroyer Beast as Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, the destruction beast that appeared after breaking the seal had something special.

"Although it is not clear what has changed in this Destroyer Beast, once the current Destroyer Beast is killed, a special spar will appear!"

With that said, Gong Qingzi raised his jade hand with a small black spar in his hand.

"Now, look at this spar!"

this is……

After receiving the little spar, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Is this destroying the inside of the beast?

But... why is there the power of law in it?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned.

Because he clearly felt that there was an inexplicable legal power in this black spar in his hand.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that the law power in this spar seemed to be very pure, completely capable of absorbing and refining into its own power.

And this little black spar looked very small, not very terribly.

But Qin Shaofeng has realized that if all the law and power in this black spar are refined, it will be enough for a master who dominates the first step realm to directly cultivate a pattern of avenues, and completely upgrade to nothing. Dominate.

This is incredible!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, because he had never expected such a situation to happen.

Destroyer beasts are born to enable practitioners to rise to the crystal stone of supreme dominance?

What kind of power is this?

Could it be that the Destroyer Beast has undergone an abnormal change, and a special law force was born?

Qin Shaofeng guessed in his heart, but he soon noticed something.


This force...

As if feeling something, Qin Shaofeng's pupils widened in an instant, and there was a storm in his heart.

Because he felt that the power of law in this spar actually had a breath of Daoist power.

This is the power of the Taoist world?

Qin Shaofeng was sure that he didn't feel wrong.

Because he had seen or even experienced the power of the Dao Realm, the spar of the Destroying Beast in his hand indeed contained the power of the Dao Realm.

Although it is only a very subtle touch, it is also amazing enough.

You must know that even someone who is as powerful as his father can not absorb and refine the power of the Taoist world.

At most, he can only use Qi Yuanxing's position as the star master to integrate the power of the Taoist world into his own power.

But this is just integration, not refining.

For a Dao realm, some great star masters are still very easy to do.

However, once the star master who has integrated the power of the Taoist world falls, then at the moment of its fall, the power of the Taoist world it has integrated will instantly dissipate, and it will still be the power of the Taoist world without any change.

But Qin Shaofeng had discovered that the black spar in his hand was different. Although it was very subtle, such power and breath were indeed the power of the Dao realm.

Can't be wrong!

But now the problem is coming!

As a Destroyer Beast born from a negative force and possessing destructive power, how can a spar with the power of the Dao world appear after death?

And after the destruction beast was killed, it disappeared completely without any trace?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was very puzzled.

"Does every destruction beast own this spar?" Qin Shaofeng asked suddenly.

"No, not every Destroyer Beast has such a spar."

Gong Qingzi shook his head and said, "Although I don't know what this is all about, it is difficult for such a spar to appear. Not every Destroyer Beast has such a spar after being killed. But because From the destruction beast, everyone calls such black spar as destruction spar."

"It can be said to destroy the spar, but for us cultivators, it can improve."

Gong Qingzi smiled slightly, and said: "This destruction spar in your hand is only the most inferior one, it contains the power to improve, very little!"

"Oh, is there any other more advanced destruction spar?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Naturally, and the power of the law is still very much!"

Gong Qingzi explained: "There are now four levels of destruction spar, one is low destruction spar, the other three are medium destruction spar, high destruction spar, and super destruction spar!"

"Like the destruction spar in your hand, it is a low-level destruction spar. Under normal circumstances, only three-star or more destruction beasts will appear after killing. "

"If you have a medium destruction spar, you can only kill a six-star or above destruction beast. If you have a high destruction spar, you can only kill the eight-star and nine-star destruction beasts. And that. The super destruction spar can only be obtained by killing ten-star destruction beasts!"

Gong Qingzi said, but soon her conversation changed again.

"However, this is not certain. Because it is very likely that you will only get a low-level destruction spar by killing a five-star destruction beast. However, if you kill a one-star destruction beast, you will get a medium destruction spar. . For this, it is very strange!"

Speaking of this, Gong Qingzi was puzzled.

Because after this destruction beast was killed, the destruction spar that appeared was very unstable.

After the one-star destruction beast is killed, medium destruction spar may also appear, and when the six-star destruction beast is killed, low destruction spar may also appear.

Of course, it is more likely that the destruction spar will not appear at all.

Because the chance of destroying the spar from killing the beast is very low.

Basically killing ten Destroy Beasts, it is not necessarily a Destroy Spar.

As for why this happened, Qin Shaofeng didn't have a clue. To be honest, even after the destruction beast was killed, there would be a phenomenon of destruction spar, Qin Shaofeng was still in a state of confusion!

But Qin Shaofeng guessed that this probably has a great relationship with the state of fusion of the Dao Realm of the Earth and the Dao Realm of the Qiyuan Star Realm.

For this, Qin Shaofeng was right to guess.

In fact, it is true!

The birth source of this destruction beast is the earth and Qiyuan star, the power of the "one" of these two realms, and the power of several other realms, the negative forces that appeared in the process of fusion Then came the special existence.

Therefore, with the fusion of the power of the two realms of the realm, and when more and more negative forces appear, the destruction beast will also change accordingly.

Especially the system that Qin Shaofeng possesses now is completely integrated, and the power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms has been finally integrated.

The ‘one’ power of a Dao realm is the most mysterious and arguably the most powerful.

Perhaps Qin Shaofeng could not use the power of the ‘one’ of these two realms, but this did not hinder the fusion of the power of the ‘one’ of the two realms.

In fact, during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng's system entered a state of renewal and evolution, which was caused by the thorough fusion of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms.

The power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms, during the process of fusion, has no effect on Qin Shaofeng, at best it is temporarily unable to use most of the power and functions of the system.

Others had no effect on Qin Shaofeng, but they had a great influence on the two realms of Earth and Qiyuan Star.

One of the most obvious points is that the Destroyer Beast broke the seal in advance.

Affected by the power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao realms, the power of the other Dao realms, Earth and Qi Yuanxing, which had been collected by Qin Feiyang, also accelerated the speed of fusion.

This naturally affects the destruction beast.

In fact, according to Qin Feiyang's original plan, he was only integrating the power of the earth's Dao realm into the Qiyuan Star Dao realm, and to be precise, it was just fusing into the great beast realm's great ladder.

In this way, even if something happens, it is impossible to have much impact on Qi Yuanxing, and it will not let the Destroyer Beast break the seal in advance.

Because the Brutal Beast Realm is not only a special space independent of Qiyuan Star, but even for the Dao Realm where Qiyuan Star is located, the existence of the Brutal Beast Realm is also a special independent state.

But this independent state has been abruptly broken.

This is all because Qin Shaofeng sent his indestructible incarnation of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and sent out the power of the robbed Taoist world of Qi Yuanxing, which was caused by the act of snatching it back.

Although this was accidentally caused, it was also because of Qin Shaofeng's behavior that caused some strange phenomena to appear.

You must know that the time of each realm is in a different system, and time is not a state of flow at all.

After his seventeenth congress of immortal incarnation was sent to other realms, perhaps some years have passed.

But it is also very possible that some of the Dao realms that the immortal incarnation went to have already been experienced, and there is still a longer time than Qin Shaofeng's current indestructible incarnation of the sun.

With the cultivation talents of those immortal incarnations, strengthen the big skills outside.

As long as it doesn't fall, once it takes a long time, it becomes stronger without any problems at all.

Then, because of this, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the Seventeenth National Congress already had the imagination of collecting the lost power of the Taoist world.

And not only that!

Qin Shaofeng hadn't imagined how amazing the performance of the immortal incarnation sent by the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China would be.

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