Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1817: Extremely perfect body

Among the destruction beasts, even the ten-star destruction beasts that have the influence of the power of the Dao realm will not have much intelligence.

Of course, this does not mean that among the Destroy Beasts, there is no existence with high wisdom at all.

At the very least, the Dao realm-level destruction beast in that special space gave Qin Shaofeng a feeling of extremely high wisdom.

In fact, that Dao realm-level destruction beast had already been born for countless years and had already possessed not low intelligence.

Especially after being promoted to the Dao Realm, he was blessed by the Dao and became a higher being.

After the power of the Dao realm is cultivated, the Dao realm power is blended with the Dao law of the Dao realm.

In this way, the realm of the Tao is immortal, and the realm of the Tao is forever!

This means that if the Dao realm does not perish, then for a Dao realm powerhouse, that means having eternal life.

This seems to be the same as Nirvana. During Nirvana, it is the same principle to integrate one's soul into one's own planetary world.

But in fact this is different, because it is integrated into the Dao Law of Dao Realm, it is the real Dao Law.

Even because of the power of the Dao realm in self-cultivation, after reaching the Dao realm, it is no longer necessary to integrate one's own soul into it, only the power of the Dao realm of cultivation is enough.

In this way, there is a great advantage, that is, even if the Dao realm is destroyed, a Dao realm powerhouse will not necessarily die.

Because the power of the Dao realm is only a trace of the power of the Dao realm.

And even if it is not integrated into the Taoist realm, a strong Taoist realm can survive for a long time outside the Taoist realm.

The reason why Dao Jing is called Dao Jing is because it is a realm recognized by a Dao.

Once a creature reaches this state, the avenue will bless him!

That was the same with the terrifying Destroyer Beast. After being promoted to the Dao Realm, it was recognized by the Dao as a member of the New Clan.

You must know that Destroy Beasts are not actually real creatures. They are just the product of the fusion of two Dao realms and the emergence of negative forces generated by rejection.

But after one of the destruction beasts was promoted to the realm, this situation completely changed.

This impact on all destruction beasts is enormous.

Therefore, in addition to the realm-level destruction beast, other destruction beasts also appeared with extremely high wisdom.

These destruction beasts are the super-star destruction beasts!

Unlike other Destroyer Beasts, the reason why Super Star Destroyer Beasts appear here is not a phenomenon driven by instinct.

They appear here because they have received an order from their ruler to kill a human.

Although I don't know why the ruler is like this, these super-star destruction beasts still executed this order and began to hunt down Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't encounter these super-star destruction beasts at the beginning was because these super-star destruction beasts deliberately avoided encountering him.

Because for these super-star destruction beasts, they did not know Qin Shaofeng's strength, so they could only test Qin Shaofeng by driving other destruction beasts.

But I don't want to wait for them to test out Qin Shaofeng's strength, but find that they can't control Qin Shaofeng's traces.

Even if it can rely on it, it comes from the stigma imposed on the opponent by the ruler.

But these super-star destruction beasts were a stupefying discovery. For some reason, this human being can appear in any place instantly, completely out of order, making them unable to catch them.

And soon, Qin Shaofeng began to induce batches of Destroy Beasts, and when they started to kill, it made the Super Star Destroy Beasts angry.

But no matter how angry they were, they couldn't assume the position of controlling Qin Shaofeng.

For this reason, they can only choose to summon more destruction beasts.

Because their idea is very simple, as long as there are enough Destroy Beasts here, no matter where Qin Shaofeng appears, they can't escape.

But not long ago, Qin Shaofeng suddenly made a plan to rush into the destruction beasts everywhere, and once a pile of destruction beasts came and immediately evacuate, these super-star destruction beasts were even more surprised and angry, and were completely destroyed. Qin Shaofeng was caught off guard.

As a result, these super-star destruction beasts finally no longer concealed anything, and jumped out angrily to pursue Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng now only wants to reduce the number of Destroy Beasts, so that he can continue his own induced combat plan.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​killing high-star destruction beasts. In every destruction beast that appeared, there were basically no ten-star destruction beasts, and even eight-star and nine-star destruction beasts were in number. Very few places.

However, what to say in one sentence.

How can you often stand by the river without wet shoes!

No, just where Qin Shaofeng appeared this time, there was a super-star destruction beast not far away.

These super-star destruction beasts are already in a very angry state.

This discovery of Qin Shaofeng's breath was to rush to the place where Qin Shaofeng was.

In the previous words, it was a little far away, and no super-star destruction beast could catch up.

But this time, it was different, Qin Shaofeng was finally caught.

As soon as he stepped out of the space portal, Qin Shaofeng felt a crisis, and immediately rushed back.

As a result, as soon as he retreated, there was a bang from where he was originally, and then a devastating beast with an unusually strong aura appeared.

"this is……"

Seeing the destruction beast that appeared in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Super star destruction beast!

Qin Shaofeng recognized that this was a super-star destruction beast at the moment he felt the breath of the opponent.

You don't need to think too much, the powerful aura on the opponent's body has already explained this point.

"Damn, there is a super-star destruction beast?"

Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of his mouth, and then without much thought, the space portal was directly displayed.

Although the super-star destruction beast is powerful, Qin Shaofeng can feel this, but to be honest, Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of this level of destruction beast.

But the problem is that here is among the dense piles of destruction beasts, if it is blocked, it is him who is crying.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng immediately thought of fleeing... Uh, no, it was a retreat!

Strategic retreat!

But the next moment, something that made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded happened.

As soon as the space portal was twisted out, and when it was not completely formed, the super-star destruction beast roared and emitted an extremely terrifying black light bullet.

The light bomb screamed and arrived, directly hitting the space portal, and then there was a loud explosion in the next moment, and the space portal that was about to be formed was instantly exploded.


Qin Shaofeng was stunned!

He did not expect such a thing to happen.

But thinking about it carefully, his space portal skills are, in the final analysis, just opening a space channel.

But if it was named by a powerful force before or after it was opened, it would naturally be destroyed.

That super-star destruction beast took a fancy to this point, and it burst out with a flash of light.

To be honest, such an operation completely exceeded Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

"Damn it!"

Qin Shaofeng cursed in a low voice, without any extra action, he drew away and prepared to escape.

But it seemed that he could see through his mind, and before he left, the super-star destruction beast fired another light bomb, blasting to the front of Qin Shaofeng preparing to escape.

Qin Shaofeng stopped his figure in an instant!

"I circled a cross, really when I was afraid of you, a beast?"

Seeing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was so angry that he no longer planned to escape. He immediately turned to face the super-star destruction beast and shot directly!

"Extreme God Luo Tianzheng!"

Now that he chose to fight, Qin Shaofeng immediately planned to clear the surrounding destruction beasts that were in the way.

With a bang, it was only a momentary event, and the countless destruction beasts within a radius of thousands of miles were directly killed by Qin Shaofeng.


How could that super-star Destroyer Beast never think that this hateful human dared to kill his subordinates in front of it?

Although for super-star destruction beasts, even the life and death of ten-star destruction beasts, they don't care much.

But the super-star destruction beast with extremely high wisdom felt it at this moment, it was severely provoked, and it was furious for a while.


A black light shot from its mouth and went straight to Qin Shaofeng's front door.

Qin Shaofeng Ling Ran was not afraid, and the silver blade light flashed in his right hand. After the Feiyu Sword appeared, he cut out a blade with the Feiyu Sword.

This time, the blade light cut by Feiyu Knife was no longer a silver light blade light, but a blade light with blazing flames in the silver light.


The black light collided with the blade light, and a shocking explosion broke out, but it was comparable.

But this made the Super Star Destroyer beast even more angry, with a big mouth, and black light after another shot from its mouth.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to neglect, and waved the retracted flying feather knives one after another.

When the Feiyu Knife's repair progress reached 30%, the internal space of the Feiyu Knife had been restored to the point where it could store energy.

Although the recovery space is not very large, it is enough to store a large amount of destruction spar, as a substitute for stimulating the consumption of the flying feather knife.

Therefore, in the face of the terrifying black light, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid at all, and constantly swung the flying feather knife to smash the black light.

But Qin Shaofeng's heart was anxious!

Although he was not at a disadvantage, he couldn't help this super-star destruction beast now, and the whole person was held back.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt that, even farther away, there was already a steady stream of destruction beasts coming.

The most terrible thing was that Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel it, one or two breaths that were almost the same as the destruction beast in front of him.

Super star destruction beast!

There is more than one super-star destruction beast!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed completely.

"No, I can't go on like this!"

With a hint of urgency in his eyes, Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated, and broke out without any reservation.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's body violently exploded with a powerful force of extreme strength. As soon as this extreme force appeared, it turned into a burst of blazing white flames, covering Qin Shaofeng's entire body.

Then, the blazing white flame disappeared, and Qin Shaofeng had a blazing white armor on his body.

But this battle armor was huge, completely covering Qin Shaofeng, turning into a five-meter-high giant.

This is actually the perfect-level complete body that Qin Shaofeng used to engrave this indestructible incarnation of the writing wheel eye!

However, now Qin Shaofeng has once again added his ultimate strength to this perfect state!

This is definitely the Suzuoneng in the ultimate perfect state, and it is stronger than any kind of Suzuoneng that Qin Shaofeng used before.

Qin Shaofeng named it...

Extremely perfect body must be Sorano!

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