Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1821: Allied forces and super-star destruction beasts

As early as when the Destroyer Beasts began to gather, Jindi and other high-level powerhouses of the coalition had actually noticed it.

However, Emperor Jin did not immediately order an attack.

Because he felt it, Destroyer Beasts seemed to be gathering, and more and more Destroyer Beasts were coming here.

Then, precisely because of this situation, Emperor Jin did not order an attack on the destruction beast.

This has been unanimously recognized by all the high-level coalition forces. The reason is simple. They want to wait for the destruction beasts to gather more before taking the initiative to attack.

Because the more destruction beasts, the more destruction spar.

Now that he has obtained the method of refining and destroying the spar, even the Emperor Jin is not only in need of super destruction spar.

Because using that kind of refining method, even the low-level destruction spar can transform him into the law realm, which has a certain effect, but it is very weak.

However, even if it is so weak, if the quantity is large, it has excellent consumption.

The Emperor Jin had already started fighting for it, and he had already obtained other demands for destruction spar.

Faced with this, the top coalition forces did not object.

After all, the demand for destruction spar is now different. As the Golden Emperor under the command of the coalition army, he needs some other levels of destruction spar. Such a requirement is not an exaggeration.

It's just that neither the Golden Emperor nor other high-level coalition forces could sense the aura of super-star destruction beasts, and did not know the existence of super-star destruction beasts.

If they could sense the aura of those super-stars, I'm afraid the Emperor Jin and the others would not be so calm, and the Destroyer Beast would still summon their companions.

However, after the Destroyer Beast side had already summoned a large number of Destroyer Beasts, it launched an attack for the first time.

Although this situation was somewhat unexpected by Emperor Jin and other coalition leaders, they were the first to fight.

The war broke out again!

However, the Super Star Destroyer Beasts on the side of Destroyer Beasts that were originally going to rush out, stopped in the first place.

The reason is simple, because when they are preparing to fight, they can't sense the human aura with the mark of their ruler.

This makes them very surprised, the other party's breath has disappeared again?

But it doesn't matter, because they know that the other party does not have the ability to directly eliminate the imprint, even if they can't sense it now, it is only temporary.

However, because of this, these super-star destruction beasts temporarily stopped, and did not attack immediately, but drove other destruction beasts to attack.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng would not choose the first time, to face these super-star destruction beasts.

Because if he were to go out now, I am afraid that all Destroy Beasts would attack him alone under the dominance of that Super Star Destroy Beast, that would be bad.

He had already planned to take advantage of this battle to let the coalition forces drag the other destruction beasts, and those super-star destruction beasts would be left to him to solve.

That being the case, it is natural that the Super Star Destroyer Beast cannot sense his position.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng immediately displayed the extremely perfect body Susanon, covering his own special mark again.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that, without noticing his position, those super-star destruction beasts did not take the initiative to attack, but drove other destruction beasts against the coalition forces.

"That's fine, at least it gives me some time!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flickered and continued to hide, refining the destruction crystal core.


He was about to completely refine this destruction crystal nucleus.

At this time of refining, Qin Shaofeng had already refined the destruction crystal nucleus seven to eight.

Originally there was a destruction crystal nucleus the size of a duck egg, but what Qin Shaofeng had refined was only the size of a longan.

At this rate, there will be at most two or three days before Qin Shaofeng can completely refine this destruction crystal nucleus.

Up to now, Qin Shaofeng has already felt that his indestructible incarnation has gained a lot of improvement after gaining the power of this destructive crystal core.

Although it was still the pinnacle realm of the law realm, Qin Shaofeng felt that this seemed to be far away from the extreme realm of the law realm.

And Qin Shaofeng also estimated that this battle will probably last for a while, and he has enough time to refine it.

But it didn't take long before Qin Shaofeng knew that he was thinking too well.

Three days later, after three days of war, those super-star destruction beasts became more and more impatient.

Because they still didn't perceive Qin Shaofeng's breath, they couldn't sense Qin Shaofeng's position, but the Destroyer Beast had suffered a lot.

The coalition forces rationally and comprehensively used the destruction spar, and everyone's strength has been improved a lot, resulting in the current overall strength of the coalition.

As for the Destroyer Beasts, because they were eager to attack Qin Shaofeng, the super-star Destroyer Beasts only summoned four or five billion numbers, they attacked the coalition forces.

This, coupled with these super-star destruction beasts, has no intention of making a move. Under such circumstances, the destruction beast is naturally the weaker party.

Therefore, in just three days, the number of Destroyed Beasts was directly reduced by half, while the loss of the coalition forces was very small.

Of course, for these super-star destruction beasts, even if the destruction beasts present are dead, they will not be sad.

But they couldn't find Qin Shaofeng's trace for a long time, but it made them a little irritable.

Finally, there is a super-star destruction beast, unable to bear to enter the battlefield.


A distinctive roar sounded in the depths of the Destroyer Beast, and then a surging breath swarmed up, surging the sky, sweeping the sky!

In the void, a super-star destruction beast appeared.

Super-star destruction beasts are actually very easy to distinguish. The first point is their size.

Under normal circumstances, the size of the Destroyer Beast is more than five meters, and if the star is high, such as the seven or eight-star Destroyer Beast, the body size is basically 20 to 30 meters, or even larger.

It can be said that the situation among Destroy Beasts is that the bigger the size and the higher the star, the stronger the strength.

The size of the Super Star Destroyer Beast is basically more than 100 meters.

At this moment, this super star didn't hide anything, and flew directly into the void. That huge size instantly attracted the attention of all the coalition forces.

"My God, what is that?"

"Destroy the beast? How many stars should this be so big?"

"It's not good, this must be a very strong Destroyer Beast, so it's probably stronger than a ten-star Destroyer Beast."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid of a fart! I just want to say that the destruction spar in this size of Destroyer beast must be extraordinary, and it can improve me several levels!"

"Yes, destruction beast of this size, destruction spar must be awesome!~"

"Hahaha, great opportunity, I want a destruction spar, I want it!"

"Hmph, this destruction beast is mine!"

"Hey, who will return soon!"


"Super destruction spar, here I am!"


The appearance of Super Star Destroyer Beast shocked the entire coalition force.

Because such a huge destruction beast has appeared for the first time, its strength must be very powerful.

But after the shock, the hearts of countless people in the coalition were heated up.

Because the larger the size, the more powerful this Destroyer Beast, the more advanced its star. This way, it also proves that the Destroy Crystal in its body must also be better.

Now all cultivators of the coalition army have already understood one thing, that is, the higher the star rating of the destruction spar, the purer the law power in it, and it can be elevated to a higher level.

Faced with such a ruined beast, how many people are not moved?

It appeared for the first time, and a large number of cultivators with greedy eyes rushed to the super-star destruction beast.

There are many of them, who have broken through and promoted to the supreme realm.

As for the joint high-level powerhouses such as Jin Di, it was naturally the first time he discovered the existence of this destruction beast.

But neither the Emperor Jin nor the other high-level powerhouses of the coalition forces had the first time to make a move.

Although they were extremely eager for the destruction spar in this super-star destruction beast, they also noticed that the aura of this destruction beast was a bit wrong.

This is definitely a powerful destruction beast that is not easy to deal with!

Sure enough, the next moment, the idea in their hearts was confirmed.

Facing a large number of cultivators rushing towards him, a trace of disdain appeared in the super-star destruction beast's eyes, and then it just slapped its nose, and a black light blasted towards those coalition cultivators like rain.

Those cultivators are not fools either, although they are greedy for the destruction spar of this destruction beast, and they also know that this destruction beast is absolutely powerful.

But they think that they don't need to be afraid of anything when they wait for so many cultivators to take action together.

Because of their many people, even facing twenty or thirty ten-star destruction beasts, they can easily deal with it.

Therefore, in the face of this seemingly random attack by the other party, no one cares at all.

Cut, just spray some black light attacks?

Isn't this ruin beast stupid?

Even many people still think this way, but after the rainy blackness comes, they will know how outrageous they are waiting for others to be wrong.


As the first scream sounded, these coalition practitioners discovered that the defenses arranged by themselves and others had no effect in the face of these black lights.

Armored armor, barriers, weapons, and even their own innate power could not hold back this black light.

This black light seemed to weaken all defenses and directly attacked their bodies.

And the people who had been attacked by this kind of black light were all made of candles. When they met the hot fire, one by one began to melt away.

"No, this destruction beast is a bit weird!"

"Retreat, retreat, we are not opponents, retreat quickly!"

"Ah, save me, who will save me!"



The screams fluctuated with each other, just a short breath or two. Except for those cultivators who had reached the realm of dominance, and barely escaped from the black light's attack range, and saved a small life, the rest of the coalition cultivators , All turned into a pool of blood.

In this situation, the original hatred in the distance, that he couldn't catch up with the person who hunted this super-destructive beast, saw that his heart was extremely frightened, and at the same time, he was even more grateful.

Fortunately, I am so far away, otherwise, I will become a pool of blood.

What level of destruction beast is this after all, with such a powerful strength?

For a while, the coalition forces raised their heads to look at the huge destruction beast high in the sky, and their hearts were extremely fearful.

too frightening!

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