Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1828: Hunting (below)

Have a chance!

When seeing the three super-star destruction beasts leaving, the large group of destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng knew the opportunity he was waiting for, and finally appeared.

When the three super-star destruction beasts completely left the destruction beast group, Qin Shaofeng finally took action.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng used the extremely perfect body Xu Zuonenghu, and his realm was temporarily elevated to a half-walking state.


The instant that the perfectly perfect white glazed battle armor appeared on Qin Shaofeng's body, Qin Shaofeng violently shot.

It was just a flash, Qin Shaofeng came to the three super-star destruction beasts.




The three super-star destruction beasts noticed the strangeness for the first time, and then they discovered Qin Shaofeng, and roared one after another.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already made a move.

Extremely Vientiane!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng immediately displayed the Extremely Vigorous Sky Attract, and then imprisoned one of the super-star destruction beasts.

Although such a confinement could only confine the Super Star Destroyer Beast for a moment, it was enough.

As for the other two super-star destruction beasts that were not imprisoned, they immediately slew Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't even take a look at them. The second move was that he broke out.

"Extreme God Luo Tianzheng!"

With a low drink, a powerful repulsive force erupted from Qin Shaofeng.

The Shenluo Tianzheng that burst out with extreme power, even if it could not harm the super-star destruction beast, but under this powerful repulsive force, even the super-star destruction beast could be shaken out.

However, the super-star destroying beast that was imprisoned by Qin Shaofeng with extremely all-encompassing heaven was not affected.

This is what Qin Shaofeng recently discovered. If the extremely **** Luo Tianzheng and extremely Wanxiang Tianyin used it together, he could temporarily control the target that was imprisoned by him, without being affected by the extremely **** Luo Tianzheng.

Therefore, the super-star destruction beast that was imprisoned by Qin Shaofeng was not shaken out.

And this is what Qin Shaofeng wants!


That's it, the super-star destruction beast that hadn't been shaken out, but it had already broken free, the imprisonment power of the extremely powerful sky.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's third attack had already fallen into his shape.

Hell by the side of the tomb!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Four faintly blazing white figures, carrying a slight spatial fluctuation, instantly came to the super-star destruction beast and exploded directly.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

With four huge explosions, at such a close distance, and still before the slightest precaution, the super-star destruction beast was instantly severely injured.

Although he hadn't died yet, four huge blood pit wounds appeared on the huge body, dripping with blood!


The super-star destruction beast screamed in pain, and its huge face was full of pain.

But this is just the beginning!

Qin Shaofeng's attack didn't stop at all. At the same time that Qin Shaofeng was performing in the prison beside the tomb of Jilun, four ultimate powers emerged from behind Qin Shaofeng.

After that, four hundred-meter-long six-armed soldiers of the ultimate strength were condensed and formed, exuding an amazing aura.

Even in order to condense these four powerful Six Dao soldiers, Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body, Xu Zuo Nenghu, shrank a circle.

Just when the super-star destruction beast was howling in pain, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, and the four hundred-meter-long six-dao soldiers flew to the super-star destruction beast in an instant.





The super-star destruction beast had no time to react, and it was penetrated by four hundred-meter-long Six Dao soldiers.

And four hundred-meter-long Six Dao soldiers, like four huge javelins, directly penetrated the super-star destruction beast, and then firmly nailed to the ground.

But even so, Super Star Destroyer Beast is Super Star Destroyer Beast, it hasn't died yet, its vitality is too strong.

But at this point, after being nailed by the four huge Six Dao soldiers, this super-star destruction beast couldn't break free at all.

The injury it received was really too serious.

If it's a total victory, it can break free.

But now it is impossible, at least in a short period of time, it can not break free of these four six soldiers.

It can only trust its companions to rescue it.

As if the prayer in the heart had an effect, the two figures with unusually violent auras had already rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.



Two roars with incomparable anger came out from the mouths of the other two superstar destruction beasts.

At this moment, these two super-star destruction beasts were already extremely angry.

They never thought that the human being targeted by them would take the initiative to attack them.

And this shot was just a moment of effort, and one of his companions was severely injured and nailed to the ground by the opponent.

This... sin is unforgivable!

This human must die!

With terrible anger, these two super-star destruction beasts rushed towards Qin Shaofeng frantically, and they were full of black light, and their momentum was astonishing!

But in the face of their attacks, Qin Shaofeng showed a disdainful smile.

This made the two super-star destruction beasts even more angry, opening their mouths one after another, biting them at Qin Shaofeng, as if they were about to swallow Qin Shaofeng in one bite.

At the same time, the two super-star destruction beasts seemed to be afraid of Qin Shaofeng's escape, bursting out an inexplicable spatial force, and they joined hands to completely confine the surrounding space.

These super-star destruction beasts are not doing nothing. After facing Qin Shaofeng several times and escaping through the space portal, they have researched it out. If they encounter this nasty human again, it will be with their own power. , Forcibly blocked the surrounding space.

Although this consumes their power extremely, they can only choose this trick in order to prevent that nasty human from escaping.

These super-star destruction beasts are convinced that as long as Qin Shaofeng does not run away, it is absolutely impossible to be their opponent.

In fact, these two super-star destruction beasts didn't even know that Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​running away.

Even facing the attacks of the two of them, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​avoiding it.

It's just that the space blockade power displayed by these two super-star destruction beasts made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised.

However, it was just an accident!

Perhaps this kind of space blockade really made him unable to escape, even if he could display the space portal, it would probably be within this blockade of a kilometer.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng was more or less shocked by this situation, and at the same time, he was also very lucky.

This is still the ability of two Super Star Destroyer Beasts to jointly block, if six Super Star Destroy Beasts join hands to block, then he is really a bit dangerous.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng's heart instantly became vigilant. It seems that these super-star destruction beasts are not completely without precautions against him.

After the battle, I am afraid that we have to be more careful!

But now...

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, then looked at the blood basins of the two super-star destruction beasts and bit at himself.

Looking at the two super-star destruction beasts, they were about to bite Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, the big mouths of these two super-star destruction beasts passed over Qin Shaofeng's body one after another.

Passing like a phantom, he didn't bite Qin Shaofeng at all, and he didn't even touch Qin Shaofeng's body.

Extremely supernatural power!

With the help of the ultimate power to display the power of divine majesty, even in such a sealed space, Qin Shaofeng is still able to integrate his body with the surrounding space to achieve a state of virtuality.

In the virtual state, although Qin Shaofeng could not be immune to all attacks, if it was just the two super-star destruction beasts in front of him, it would be completely immune.

Even Qin Shaofeng in this state would never let these two super-star destruction beasts touch him!

However, once this kind of divine power is emptied, once it is displayed, the extreme power consumed is also very terrifying.

Especially when facing an attack, the consumption is even greater.

It was just that moment, in order to cope with the attack of these two super-star destruction beasts, the extremely perfect body shrouded in Qin Shaofeng's body must be Zuo Nenghu, but it shrank again.

However, this is enough!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hands, and the moves he had prepared for a long time broke out instantly.

Polar starburst!

Gently patted the two super-star destruction beasts with both hands. At such a close distance, Qin Shaofeng shot the two super-star destruction beasts into the blazing white ball that condensed the sky-blasting stars. in vivo.

The next moment, the horrible suction burst out from the two super-star destruction beasts, and the surrounding space was shattered piece by piece, and was sucked onto the two super-star destruction beasts.

Under such power, the two super-star destruction beasts were not only unable to break free from Naya's suction power, but even at this moment even the bullets could not move.

Then, in just a dozen breaths, these two super-star destruction beasts were surrounded by a blazing white sphere made of space, completely imprisoned, motionless!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body, Xu Zuo Nenghu, also disappeared instantly after the two polar starburst stars were photographed.

With successive bursts of extremely powerful moves, Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body, Xu Zuonenghu, could no longer maintain.

However, this does not matter anymore.

Because the rest can be solved very easily.


After Qin Shaofeng uttered a word softly towards the two huge blazing white earth-explosive stars, the two super-star destruction beasts among the blazing white earth-explosive stars were violently shocked, and their vitality disappeared. .

Because at that instant, Qin Shaofeng directly shattered the brains of the two super-star destruction beasts with the power of controlling the earth blasting stars.

It's just that, destroying the beast's powerful vitality with a super star can't die for a while.

Even if they were given some time, they might be able to recover completely!

But at the moment they shattered their brains, Qin Shaofeng took out the destruction spar from their brains.

Without destroying the crystal nucleus, even a super-star destruction beast would die instantly.

After killing these two super-star destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on the super-star destruction beast that had been nailed to the ground by four huge six-dimensional soldiers.

When the super-star destruction beast saw his two companions, it was so easily killed by the human in front of him, and his heart was already terrified.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaze, it was struggling with horror.

In the face of death, this super-star destruction beast exploded with amazing power, and under the huge struggle, it actually faintly shook the four huge six soldiers.

But it was a pity that it was just that. The next moment, facing Qin Shaofeng who had come before him, and unable to resist, Qin Shaofeng eventually killed it easily.

Three super-star destruction beasts!

Well, the hunt is very successful!

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