Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1831: Fawendan

Under normal circumstances, the destruction beast has no real flesh and blood.

However, the Super Star Destroyer Beast has real flesh and blood.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that this might be because the super-star destruction beasts, the destruction crystal nuclei in their bodies possessed a trace of Dao realm power.

And under the influence of the power of the Silk Road Realm, not only did these super-star destruction beasts possess real flesh.

Even these physical bodies have produced a special power because of the power of the Taoist world.

This kind of power can quickly transform the practitioners of the ancient sanctuary into the practitioners of the law realm.

If it were refined into a pill, it would even be able to refine an incredible pill.

After Qin Shaofeng returned to the ancient sanctuary, he entered a time-accelerating secret realm and went into retreat to study the matter, how to make the best use of the bodies of these super-star destruction beasts to refine the best pill.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng really found a special refining technique to refine the corpse of this super-star destruction beast into a special pill.

This pill was named Fawen Pill by Qin Shaofeng!

The reason why it is named Fawen Pill is because of this kind of pill, after taking one, a pattern of law will be born.

There is no need to dominate the supreme realm, even a cultivator who is supremely dominates the realm, as long as he has enough patterns of the Great Dao.

Then taking this magic pattern pill can transform all the patterns of the avenue it has into the patterns of law.

It can be said that with this magic pattern pill, even the cultivation base of the supreme ruler can be transformed into the law realm.

The powerful high-level coalition forces, relying on the corpse of a super-star destruction beast, transformed the pattern of the avenue in the body into a pattern of three to five hundred avenues.

This can be regarded as a super-star corpse, which can completely allow an existence that dominates the supreme peak realm to completely transform the pattern of the avenue in the body into the pattern of law.

But for Qin Shaofeng, the corpse of a super-star destruction beast could be refined by him to produce three thousand magic pattern pills.

Three thousand magic pattern pills are enough to transform the powers of the three golden emperors into the later stage of the law realm.

Of course, in order to refine these number of magic pattern pills, Qin Shaofeng added a lot of destruction spar in the process of refining.

And if the more destruction spar is added, the more magic pattern pill can be refined.

It can be said that the body of this super-star destruction beast is the medicine for refining the law pattern pill, and the destruction spar is the auxiliary medicine.

After Qin Shaofeng's experiment, if there is a super-star body as a medicine, as long as you have enough ‘auxiliary medicinal materials’ such as destruction spar, at most, you will be able to refine nearly 10,000 magic pattern pills.

However, this magic pattern pill can only play a transformative role.

If Gong Qingzi were to take it, it would not allow her to add a pattern of law out of thin air.

However, if he wanted to refine the pill that directly enhances the pattern of the law, Qin Shaofeng could also refine it.

That is, directly adding the destruction crystal nucleus is the magic pattern pill that can be refined to directly enhance the pattern of the law.

Qin Shaofeng named it the ultimate law pattern pill, which can enhance the law pattern.

Qin Shaofeng has only refined a hundred of the ultimate magic pattern pill now. This is still using the corpse of a super-star destruction beast and ten destruction crystal nuclei. Patterned.

Qin Shaofeng received these 100 ultimate magic pattern pill, but did not take it directly, because in his current situation, even the ultimate magic pattern pill could not bring him the slightest improvement.

I don't know what the situation is, after Qin Shaofeng returned to the ancient sanctuary, he also absorbed the power of the Dao world in the destruction spar.

But what was very surprising was that, I don't know why, his immortal incarnation had not yet been elevated to the ultimate realm of law.

It was still a little bit short, but it was this little thing that completely blocked his promotion.

Qin Shaofeng had a hunch that if his immortal incarnation reached the ultimate state of the law state, it would be equivalent to a half-walk state.

And by that time, the strength of his immortal incarnation can definitely change greatly.

It's a pity that it seems to have entered a bottleneck, his eternal incarnation of the sun has not yet reached the extreme of the law state!

"Oh, after all, it's not my own body. Even if the incarnation of the Indestructible Sun is supernatural, it has been strengthened and transformed by the system, but there are still some bottlenecks.

After the retreat was over, Qin Shaofeng shook his head with a wry smile.

After this short retreat, Qin Shaofeng has thoroughly understood that now, regarding the situation of his indestructible incarnation, he cannot be promoted to the limit of the law realm by training.

"Unless it is to gain enough Daoist power!"

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he had an idea.

After that, Qin Shaofeng ended the retreat.

Before retreating, Qin Shaofeng refined tens of thousands of magic pattern pills.

These Fawen Pills were allocated by Qin Shaofeng, and then provided to some Domination Supremes for consumption.

However, Qin Shaofeng mainly needs some masters this time to help him find super-star destruction beasts.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to train a large number of late-level law realm men.

Maybe this will happen in the future, but it's not needed now.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng deliberately used these tens of thousands of magic pattern pills to help a hundred rulers transform into the realm of law.

Although they are only the law realm with three hundred law patterns, the rest are the big road patterns.

But even in this realm, if you encounter a super-star destruction beast, you can escape smoothly even if it is lost.

Qin Shaofeng needed them only to find super-star destruction beasts, but not to fight, so it was only in this state, but it was the best.

However, for the ten first-class women of Gong Qingzi's ten dependents, Qin Shaofeng was not so "stingy", but generously raised the patterns of law in their bodies to a sufficient level.

Because of the influence of Gong Qingzi, the ten people in the first class did not directly reach the realm of law, but after entering the realm of dominating supreme, they began to transform to the realm of law.

Now that the magic pattern pill refined by Qin Shaofeng has entered the realm of laws, and they all have patterns of a thousand laws.

However, under this circumstance, the strength of Gong Yi and others is not very strong either.

Although they were also dominating the supreme realm before, they are different from the powerhouses such as Jindi who have stayed in the supreme peak realm for a long time. Even if they have completely entered the law realm now, they still have a thousand law patterns.

But I am afraid that the strength of each of the ten of them now is at most equal to the golden emperor who has four or five hundred laws.

In fact, speaking seriously, neither Gong Yi and the previous Domination Supremes have fully stepped into the law realm, and there is still a certain difference between their strength and the real law realm.

However, if Gong Yi and the others were given some more time for actual combat, it would only be a matter of time before they were promoted to the existence of the Golden Emperor.

This time, Qin Shaofeng intends to let Gongyi and ten of them, each of whom will bring nine masters who have transformed the pattern of the three hundred laws.

Then, search for the traces of those super star destruction beasts.

As for the remaining ten rulers, Gong Qingzi led them.

This time, Gong Qingzi also ended her retreat. With the help of the ultimate magic pattern pill, after accelerating time to practice in the secret realm, Gong Qingzi has now been completely upgraded to the completeness of the later stage of the law realm with a thousand rules pattern. Realm.

Although it also possesses a pattern of a thousand laws, Gong Qingzi's strength is much stronger than Gong Yi and the others.

Even if Gong Yi and the others teamed up, it is estimated that they would not be able to make thirty moves in front of Gong Qingzi.

And even if Qin Shaofeng now has the strength of this indestructible incarnation of the sun, once he meets Gong Qingzi, if he doesn't display the extremely perfect body, he will not be Gong Qingzi's opponent.

After all, as Qin Shaofeng's first envoy, Gong Qingzi's shared abilities were much stronger than Qin Shaofeng's all immortal incarnations and dependents.

Gong Qingzi's current strength is extremely strong.

Even because of this, after the retreat was over, Gong Qingzi directly said to Qin Shaofeng, let him go back to Earth to continue his cultivation, and just leave the Ancient Sanctuary to her.

Although Qin Shaofeng was speechless, he also knew in his heart that Gong Qingzi had the strength to say this.

However, considering that I am an indestructible incarnation, I still need some power from the Dao realm to be promoted to the limit realm of the law realm, and if it hunts to the super-star destruction beast, no one refines the magic pattern and the ultimate magic pattern. Dan waited for the situation, Qin Shaofeng had better think he would wait.

In fact, it has not been more than a month since Qin Shaofeng left the earth and returned to the ancient sanctuary.

The reason why this feels that a long period of time has passed is that Qin Shaofeng's secret realm is accelerating in time, and many days have passed.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt that he would wait and see the situation.

In fact, the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng is still a little worried about the destruction of the beast.

Because after seeing the Super Star Destroyer Beast, Qin Shaofeng was worried about whether Qi Yuanxing’s Destroyer Beast would exist at the half-path level.

If there is, it is no small trouble.

And the most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng is still planning to go to the Sealed Land to see how long the special Destroying Beast Space can last before the other Qiyuan Stars will be the same.

The Dao-level destruction beast over there has always been the mountain that Qin Shaofeng is holding down!

Have to guard!


In the following days, Qin Shaofeng left the ancient sanctuary again.

Gong Qingzi did the same, and started looking for super-star destruction beasts, but Qin Shaofeng was alone.

But what made Qin Shaofeng very speechless was that for several days, he hadn't found a super-star destruction beast. Instead, Gong Qingzi and Gongyi and others had encountered three super-star destruction beasts.

However, when Qin Shaofeng knew about this, they had already solved the three super-star destruction beasts.

Gong Qingzi took the initiative to solve it!

Although the three super-star destruction beasts are also a small group of actions.

But with the assistance of Gongyi and others, Gong Qingzi can deal with a super-star destruction beast without any hesitation.

Although there is no need to say more, the three super-star destruction beasts were all killed by Gong Qingzi one by one.

It would be better to say that the appearance of the three super-star destruction beasts was all for Gong Qingzi.

Seeing Gong Qingzi and the others solved the three super-star destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng was also impatient and didn't want to be compared.

Before Gong Qingzi set off, he had bet with Qin Shaofeng to see who killed many super-star destruction beasts.

But helpless Qin Shaofeng's bad luck, so far he has not encountered a super-star destruction beast.

It is worth mentioning that the special power mark on Qin Shaofeng's body seems to be limited by time.

As early as when Qin Shaofeng was accelerating time in the secret realm, that special power mark was completely dissipated.

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