Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1834: Help ------------- No. 1836

The last day!

Looking at the destruction beast in front of him, a trace of helplessness flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes!

Three days!

Three full days!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine that he hadn't even killed a super-star destruction beast during the three full days of opening the giant Suzuo Nenghu.

You should know that in these three days, the destruction beast that died in his hands exceeded one billion.

This is a very exaggerated figure, I am afraid that only Qin Shaofeng can do the entire Qiyuan Star.

But this is not what he wants, he just wants to kill the super-star destruction beast!

"Hey, it seems that this can only be done!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head. Although helpless in his heart, he also recognized it.

Because up to now, Qin Shaofeng has found out, I don't know if Destroyer Beasts have actually been killed a lot, and the number of Destroyer Beasts he encountered has decreased.

Until three hours ago, the destruction beast in front of him had not increased.

Of course Qin Shaofeng didn't know, this was all because that strange Destroyer Beast had summoned most of the Destroyer Beasts, and this caused such a reason.

If it weren't for the destruction beast, then the three super-star destruction beasts Qin Shaofeng encountered yesterday would have died in his hands.

And the most peculiar thing was that the Destroyer Beast seemed to know Qin Shaofeng's situation with you, so not only did it not summon the Destroyer Beast that would fight Qin Shaofeng.

It even secretly gave orders to some low-level destruction beasts to entangle Qin Shaofeng.

However, the last batch of those destruction beasts had already been reached within three hours.

And now those Destroy Beasts, including the Destroy Beasts that appeared before, were almost slaughtered by Qin Shaofeng.


Controlling the giant Suzuonenhu, those huge arms, smashed fiercely, and in the end thousands of five or six-star destruction beasts were directly blasted by Qin Shaofeng, leaving behind a large number of destruction spars.

Suddenly, there was no more destruction beast in the entire battlefield!


The void shook, and the giant complete body must be instantly collapsed, and Qin Shaofeng was relieved by himself.

Without the Destroyer Beast, he no longer needs to continue to maintain this huge Suzano.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's view, perhaps the entire Qiyuan Star does not have many destruction beasts now.

This is the truth, but Qin Shaofeng didn't know that most of Qiyuan Star Giant's destruction beasts were swallowed by a peculiar destruction beast, which also included more than twenty super-star destruction beasts.

Among them, the total number of the destruction beasts of Qiyuan Star is definitely more than 100 billion.

This is all because of the increased influence of the power of the Shifen Dao realm. In the process of the fusion of the two Dao realms, a large number of negative forces have been generated, and more destruction beasts have been born.

Although many of the Destroy Beasts that were born were in that Destroy Beast space, the number on Qiyuan Star was at least hundreds of billions.

However, the destruction beasts Qin Shaofeng, Jin Di and even Gong Qingzi led the coalition forces to kill before now are estimated to be in the early 30 billion yuan, perhaps even less.

Qi Yuanxing is too big, and the Destroying Beasts are widely distributed. The Destroying Beasts Qin Shaofeng and the others saw were only part of it.

But now the entire Qiyuan Star's destruction beasts, I am afraid that all of them add up to less than 3 billion, or even fewer.

This is all because the destruction beasts were swallowed by the strange destruction beast.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this. He thought that the total number of all the destruction beasts on Qiyuan Star was more than 30 billion.

It was almost killed now, and naturally there was no Destroyer Beast.

Even now in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, apart from that special Destroyer Beast space, the current Destroyer Beast crisis on Qiyuan Star was completely lifted.

Therefore, just like the three-day plan, Qin Shaofeng now intends to return to the ancient sanctuary. After arranging some things, he will return to the earth again and continue to cultivate his body.

However, before that, Qin Shaofeng still had to discuss with Gong Qingzi, so he plans to start contacting Gong Qingzi now.

But when Qin Shaofeng was about to contact Gong Qingzi, suddenly an aurora shot at him.

Seeing this aurora, Qin Shaofeng didn't have any surprises, because it was Gong Qingzi's special ability to communicate with him.

And this kind of ability can only be achieved by Gong Qingzi, a family member, with the help of contact with Qin Shaofeng himself.

After leaving the ancient sanctuary to hunt super-star destruction beasts, Qin Shaofeng and Gong Qingzi communicated in this way because they were so far apart.

Qin Shaofeng left thinking that Gong Qingzi had come to show off how many super-star destruction beasts she had killed!

Because this was not one or two times, and almost killed the Super Star Destroyer Beast in one hit, Gong Qingzi showed off to Qin Shaofeng several times in this way.

Qin Shaofeng thought it was the same this time, but what he didn't expect was that this time Gong Qingzi's rumors were not to show off, but to ask for support!

She has encountered a powerful enemy!


Several hours ago, after swallowing the last super-star Destroyer Beast at the edge of the Sealed Land, that peculiar Destroyer Beast finally stopped, which seemed like an endless swallowing behavior.

After that, this peculiar destruction beast left directly.

When it appeared again, it came to the coalition led by Emperor Jin.

During this period of time, after the Jindi and other high-level coalition forces obtained the destruction crystal nucleus and the corpse of the super-star destruction beast, they practiced in seclusion.

However, for existences like Emperor Jin, their retreat is naturally a secret space where time accelerates, and this is also considered as not to affect the speed of the coalition forces against the destruction beast.

Even for this reason, there are secret spaces in the coalition that have super-high time acceleration for several reasons. These are special training spaces that allow coalition soldiers to refine and refine in time after obtaining the destruction spar.

The Emperor Jin possessed a super-star destruction beast and that piece of destruction crystal nucleus. As he had expected, he used these to completely transform into the realm of law.

The Consummation Realm at the later stage of the Law Realm has a thousand rules of pattern!

For a while, the Emperor Jin was full of arrogance, and he determined that he had super strength, capable of killing super-star destruction beasts, challenging Qin Shaofeng, and even defeating Qin Shaofeng.

However, Emperor Jin was not in a hurry. Although his realm had improved, he still yearned for more destruction spars, especially super-star destruction cores.

Because he wanted to go one step further and hit the realm of Qi Yuanxing that reappeared today, which has become the realm of legend-Dao realm!

Therefore, the Emperor Jin did not return to the ancient sanctuary immediately to find Qin Shaofeng's troubles, but led the coalition forces to continue to kill the destruction beasts.

Similarly, the ten high-level coalition powerhouses who have obtained half-star destruction beast corpses and have been promoted to the level of the same seven or eight hundred rules of law can yearn for more destruction spars.

For a time, the coalition forces were high and advanced into the deeper area.

Not to mention, under such circumstances, Emperor Jin led the coalition forces to kill many destruction beasts, as many as five or six billion.

And the most incredible thing is that in this process, Jindi and others encountered super-star destruction beast again.

However, the situation this time is quite different from the previous one.

Because the number of super-star destruction beasts they encountered was only three, this made Jindi and the others happy.

Because if there were only three, they would definitely have a chance to kill.

The final result was the same as expected by Jindi and others.

At the beginning of the battle, Emperor Jin fought alone with a super-star destruction beast, and the remaining two super-star destruction beasts were surrounded by five high-level coalition forces.

Today, the top ten powerful coalition forces have transformed the pattern of seven or eight hundred laws, and their strength is probably two or three times stronger than before.

With such an increase in strength, the five of them dealt with a super-star destruction beast. Even if they still can't say that the super-star destruction beast can be defeated, there is absolutely no problem in dragging a super star destruction beast.

As for Emperor Jin, because he has completely stepped into the realm of law, with his original realm and combat experience, his strength can be described as skyrocketing.

Even if it was against a super-star destruction beast alone, there was no problem.

Think about it, before, with Jindi's strength, he could resist a super-star destruction beast. Although it was injured, it also showed that Jindi was powerful.

Now that his strength has increased, Jin Di faces the Super Star Destroyer Beast again, and there is no more pressure.

However, the Super Star Destroyer Beast is always a Super Star, and its strength is really strong.

Even if the Golden Emperor's strength increased, the final killing of the super-star destruction beast would be after a hundred moves.

Although it cannot be compared with Qin Shaofeng, it is also very powerful.

Of course, if the Emperor Jin used some hole cards, he might be able to slay the Super Star Destroyer Beasts more quickly. This is why he still has the confidence to challenge Qin Shaofeng after seeing Qin Shaofeng's strength.

There are two!

After the first super-star destruction beast was beheaded by the Golden Emperor, in cooperation with the top powerhouses of the five major coalition forces, the Golden Emperor beheaded the second super-star destruction beast with only 50 or 60 moves.

As for the third super-star destruction beast, under his joint efforts with the top ten coalition forces, he only used less than 30 tricks to solve the super-star destruction beast.

Great victory!

Killing three super-star destruction beasts is a big victory for Jin Di and other powerhouses.

In particular, Emperor Jin was even more excited, because he knew very well in his heart that if there were three more destruction crystal nuclei, his strength would definitely increase a lot.

Then, just after the Jindi and others had killed all the three super-star destruction beasts, they did not wait for them to distribute the super loot such as the three super-star destruction beasts.

An unusually powerful aura immediately descended on this battlefield.

That strange beast of destruction appeared!

The Emperor Jin was immediately aware of the aura of the destruction beast, and when he felt the aura of the destruction beast, the first reaction in his heart was actually trembling.

Because of the strong breath of the other party, and trembling!

Jindi was shocked, feeling something was wrong, but soon the ill feeling in his heart was thoroughly confirmed.

Because the next moment, after the strange destruction beast appeared, it opened its mouth for the first time.

At this moment, this peculiar Destroyer Beast, after devouring a large number of Destroying Beasts and many super-star Destroying Beasts, not only did not become larger, but even smaller, it was now over five meters in size.

But his mouth is like a black hole swallowing stars, bursting out an extremely powerful suction.

Then, on the entire battlefield, both coalition soldiers and destruction beasts were sucked into their mouths.

At this moment, this Destroyer Beast seemed to possess a special spatial power. The closer the coalition soldiers and Destroyer Beasts he had attracted, the closer they were to him, the smaller their size.

It swallowed hundreds of millions of coalition forces!


One bite swallowed hundreds of millions of coalition forces?

This scene made Jindi unforgettable for life!

We must know that the number of coalition forces now is less than 5 billion.

But all the coalition cultivators who can hold on to the present and fight countless destruction beasts are not easy.

Even with the help of the law of destroying the spar, the coalition forces are basically new to the master level.

But in the face of the destruction beast that suddenly appeared, even some of the sovereign supreme could not resist the power it absorbed, and they were sucked into the mouth by the opponent and swallowed directly.

Then, this peculiar destruction beast even took advantage of Jin Di and other high-level powerhouses, before it fully reacted, with a big mouth, another surging suction burst out.

Moreover, the suction power this time was stronger and more terrifying, and the result that broke out was even more shocking.

Because this time, hundreds of millions of cultivators among the coalition forces were sucked in by it and swallowed.

Seeing this scene, Jin Di finally reacted, his face extremely ugly.

Obviously, the opponent's strength is far beyond his imagination.

not good!

Seeing that the other party opened his mouth wide and was about to swallow it for the third time, Jindi couldn't help it anymore, and then chose to shoot.

This is not because the Emperor Jin was overly angry and shot directly. The Emperor also took a bit of self-confidence.

He has seen a realm-level powerhouse, the aura of a realm-level powerhouse, no matter how much it is suppressed, there will be a momentum that will shock the space.

But the Emperor Jin did not feel that kind of aura from this destruction beast.

The opponent is not a realm-level destruction beast!

Then this is easy!

Emperor Jin was confident that as long as he was not at the Dao realm level, it would be considered that he was no match for the opponent, and that would also have the power to save his life.

But Jin Di soon found out that he was wrong, and the wrong was very outrageous.

Because after he rushed up confidently, the Destroyer Beast glanced at him faintly, and even a trace of mockery appeared in his eyes, as if he was mocking Jindi's self-defense.

The Emperor Jin was naturally angry. He wanted to teach this lifeless destruction beast a profound lesson.

Do you really think that you are already in Dao Realm?

How dare to show disdain to this emperor and laugh at this emperor?

go to hell!

In his anger, the Emperor Jin burst out with all his strength and shot a dazzling golden light.

The golden light is the unique talent skill of the Golden Light Clan, the Golden Light Sword, the more powerful, the more pure the blood, the more powerful the Golden Light Sword.

At this moment, under his anger, if the golden light sword that the Emperor Jin used was right against the super-star destruction beast, he was sure in his heart that it would severely damage a super-star destruction beast, or even kill it directly. .

But the next moment, Jindi's eyes widened instantly, and his eyes were filled with disbelief and a trace of confusion.

Because I saw the Golden Light Divine Sword that burst out with full strength from the Emperor Jin, the super-star destruction beast directly spit out a black light.

With a bang, the golden sword was shattered by the black light.

Even after slaying the Golden Light Divine Sword, the black light remained unabated and directly blasted onto Jin Di himself.



With a loud bang, facing this black light, there was no room for resistance, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out in an instant, smashing down to a mountain peak far away.


Seeing this scene, the surrounding battlefield was terribly quiet!

The top ten strong coalition forces are even more frightened.

The Emperor Jin is the strongest among them, and he can kill the super-star destruction beast.

But it is such a strong man who actually does not have the slightest power to resist in front of this strange destruction beast?

Defeated in one blow?

And feeling the breath of Emperor Jin at this moment, their hearts were even more frightened.

Because they couldn't feel the breath of Emperor Jin, it seemed that Emperor Jin had been killed.

Of course, the Emperor Jin was not killed by bombardment, but after receiving the black light, the body of the Emperor Jin had cracked countlessly, like a porcelain about to collapse, and his whole body was full of cracks and markings.

Seriously injured!

Very seriously injured!

Fortunately, Emperor Jin was born into the Golden Light Clan and possessed a special physique. At the moment when his body was about to explode after the blow of the black light, the power of the Golden Light Clan protected him and survived.

But at this moment, the Golden Emperor, even though he hadn't died, was already seriously injured, and still very seriously injured.

It can be said that now any destruction beast from three or four stars can kill the Golden Emperor.

Under such circumstances, the immediate response of the top ten top coalition forces is to flee!

Jindi was defeated by one move, so they were even more not opponents.


I don't know which strong man shouted, and not only these strong men, but also the cultivators of the coalition army began to flee.

Great escape!

The real escape!

For such a terrible attack, the two tricks caused the coalition to lose nearly 2 billion combat power. This is terrible.

Even without the shouting of that strong man, the remaining coalition soldiers would probably flee directly.

The opponent's strength was so strong that they could only escape.

But at this moment, the Destroyer Beast showed cold light in its eyes, with disdain on its face.


is it possible?

In the next moment, the destruction beast opened his mouth again.

And this time, the target was the top ten high-level powerhouses of the coalition forces, which shocked those powerhouses instantly!

For a while, these powerhouses couldn't take care of anything anymore, bursting out one after another, stimulating all the strength of the body one by one, using some methods without regard to the consequences.

Then they attacked...

Yes, it is an attack!

Because the previous two devouring attacks of the Destroyer Beast had already let these powerhouses know that the opponent's devouring attack had a huge range, and it also had the effect of confining space, which prevented them from using space escape methods.

Therefore, facing the opponent's space, there is no way to escape.

It's too late to escape!

Then only attack!

Boom boom boom boom!

For a time, before this desperate situation, not only the top ten coalition forces, but many of the coalition forces who ruled the supreme powerhouse, also burst out dazzling attacks at this moment.

It can be said that at this moment, combined with the attacks of the top ten powerful coalition forces, the power that bursts out at this moment, even if it is a super-star destruction beast, I am afraid it will be instantly smashed.

But what makes people desperate is that with such a strong attack, the swallowing power of the opponent's strange destruction beast actually weakened the opponent's suction slightly.

Then, at most, it was a little twisted, the direction and range of the opponent's powerful suction.

But in the end, the suction is surging!


The space shook for a while, and the ground shook violently. There will be nearly one billion cultivators in the coalition forces. They flew up in an instant, and were involuntarily sucked into the big mouth of the destruction beast.

Similarly, there were not many Destroy Beasts, this time all Destroy Beasts were sucked over.

Facing the suction of this Destroyer Beast, even Destroyer Beast was not spared.

Not only that, even among the top ten high-level powerhouses of the coalition forces, three of them were unfortunately dragged by the suction. They broke out all the stops and still did not get rid of the suction. They could only watch themselves falling into the mouth of the destruction beast, alive. Swallowed by the other party.

Seeing this scene, the remaining cultivators who were still alive gasped one after another, making their bodies cold!

Even the remaining seven high-level coalition forces are the same, because they seem to have noticed that it will be difficult for them and others to escape.

Because the swallowing ended soon, and then the Destroyer Beast didn't need to deliberately prepare anything, and the big mouth that hadn't closed yet burst into a burst of suction.

And this time, the suction power covered a huge range, as if the other party wanted to take a breath and swallow all the rest of the coalition forces at once.

That's it!

At this moment, this is the only thought in everyone's mind.

"Silhouette, silence me!"

Just when everyone felt desperate, suddenly there was a scolding from the sky and the earth, and then a perfect and delicate figure appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

That is?

Seeing this figure, there was a burst of vitality in everyone's hearts, as if they saw the hope of survival.

Because the person here is Gong Qingzi!

Gong Qingzi was very powerful among allied cultivators, even after Qin Shaofeng appeared and super-star destruction beasts appeared, Jin Di became very powerful.

But in the minds of many coalition cultivators, Gong Qingzi is still extremely powerful.

At this moment, Gong Qingzi suddenly appeared, naturally allowing them to see hope.

But everyone present did not know that Gong Qingzi's heart was very solemn at this moment.

Because three super-star destruction beasts had been discovered before, Gong Qingzi began to pursue it.

But after finding these three super-star destruction beasts, Gong Qingzi could only choose to give up.

Because the three super-star destruction beasts she found were the three super-star destruction beasts killed by Jindi and others before.

It's just that at that time, Jindi and the others were already preparing to deal with the three super-star destruction beasts, and Gong Qingzi was naturally embarrassed to go'robbing monsters'.

However, in this way, the team led by Gong Qingzi was not far from Jindi and the others.

And because of this, not long ago, Gong Qingzi suddenly sensed that a large number of auras on the coalition's side suddenly disappeared.

It really died instantly!

The breath of hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of people disappeared instantly!

This made Gong Qingzi feel that something was wrong, because even if there was a huge loss in the battle against the Destruction Beast, it would not be possible for hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of people to die as soon as they appeared.

This definitely has a problem!

Although somewhat uncomfortable with the coalition forces, Gong Qingzi did not intend to let the coalition forces die like this.

Therefore, she rushed over immediately.

But even if Gong Qingzi is very fast, the reaction is also very fast.

But after she came here, the coalition forces again suffered a huge loss of billions.

As soon as he came here, Gong Qingzi noticed that the coalition forces had suffered such a huge loss!

A strange destruction beast, and the other party actually launched another attack.

Just taking a look, Gong Qingzi understood a general situation, and she also felt that the destruction beast seemed to have a special and powerful space-swallowing magical power.

The successive losses of the coalition forces were caused by its swallowing.

However, since she had already come this time, she would naturally not allow the other party to continue to do so.

For the first time, Gong Qingzi screamed.

Gong Qingzi, as Qin Shaofeng's first envoy, shared almost all of Qin Shaofeng's skills, and Gong Qingzi also possessed the eyes of the gods and demons that Qin Shaofeng possessed.

Moreover, Gong Qingzi not only possesses the Eyes of Gods and Demons, but also awakens many exclusive skills of Eyes of Gods and Demons!


Eyes of Gods and Demons!

Although it is the same name as Qin Shaofeng Divine Demon Eye.

But in fact, the eyes of Gods and Demons possessed by Gong Qingzi were at best better than those of Qin Shaofeng God and Demons, and they were still in the state of the ten-star jade reincarnation writing round eyes.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng's real God and Demon Eye, Gong Qingzi's God and Demon Eye is still a lot weaker.

But even so, it is very powerful.

Because even though Gong Qingzi had the eyes of the gods and demons, it could not be compared with the eyes of the gods and demons in Qin Shaofeng's body.

But compared to other immortal incarnations and dependents, Gong Qingzi's eyes of gods and demons are the strongest.

You can speak like this, Qin Shaofeng's power of the gods and demons can be regarded as super god-level skills, and Gong Qingzi's eyes of the gods and demons can only be regarded as god-level skills.

Especially after Gong Qingzi reached the consummation state in the late stage of the law realm, her eyes of the gods and demons once again had a slight change, already possessing the power equivalent to Qin Shaofeng's three or four-star God and the eyes.

At this moment, feeling the unusualness of the destruction beast in front of him, Gong Qingzi burst out with all his strength without hesitation.

Power of Gods and Demons!

Magical Shadow!

God and Demon Power: One of the exclusive skills of the Super God-level skill, God and Demon Eye, is an active skill. Allows the owner to have the power of a dragon like a beast.

This is the attribute of the power of God and Demon possessed by Qin Shaofeng's Eye of God and Demon. Gong Qingzi's awakened God and Demon's great power is not as powerful as Qin Shaofeng, but it is also very powerful.

She used the power of the gods and devils to explode a super-star destruction beast abruptly.

Divine Power Demon Shadow: One of the exclusive skills of the super god-level skill, the special pupil skill, which can be physically projected from its own shadow to obtain a certain number of shadow clones. Each shadow clone possesses 80% of the user's strength.

This is the attribute of the magic shadow of Qin Shaofeng's main body **** and demon eye awakening, and it can summon some magic shadows with 80% of their own strength.

Although Gong Qingzi possessed the magic shadow of divine power, although it could only summon the strength equivalent to having 50% of her own.

But Gong Qingzi was able to summon thirty-six magic shadows of divine power, and if they attacked together, they would be able to maimed a super-star destruction beast.

At this moment, under the blessing of the gods and demons, Gong Qingzi instantly summoned thirty-six magic shadows of the divine power.

The thirty-six magic shadows with magical power blessed by the magical powers are already equivalent to Gong Qingzi's own strength.

This outbreak, I am afraid that even in the face of seven or eight super-star destruction beasts, they can directly explode.

But such an attack only planned the suction power of the destruction beast, and then retreated the destruction beast a distance of two to three meters.

The strength of this destruction beast... so strong!

Seeing such a scene, Gong Qingzi's heart sank, and a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

Just as soon as it broke out, with the magical power of the gods and demons, it added 36 divine powers, but it abruptly consumed 30% of the law power in her body.

But it was nothing more than to cause any actual harm to that destroying beast.

This made Gong Qingzi understand that the opponent's strength was absolutely terrifying!


With a roar of anger, the destruction beast seemed to be broken up by Gong Qingzi and retreated three meters because of Gong Qingzi's sudden shock.


In anger, the Destroying Beast opened its mouth as a black light shot out, rushing towards the gate of Gong Qing's purple face.

The same is black light, but this time the black light shot from the mouth of this destruction beast is full of black aura like black ink, raging and terrifying!

Gong Qingzi naturally felt it too, that gleam of black light was not simple, and the remaining 70% of the law without any hesitation, instantly poured out crazily and covered her whole body.


In almost an instant of effort, Gong Qingzi was enveloped in a hundred-meter mighty battle armor giant.


Although it is not Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body, Suzuonenhu, which was displayed with the ultimate strength, but at this moment, with the power of the eyes of the gods and demons, the Suzuonenhu that Gong Qingzi displayed is already a perfect body. Cares.

Except that Gong Qingzi's realm could not be temporarily raised to the half-walking realm, but the Xu Zuo Nenghu she displayed was no worse than Qin Shaofeng's extremely perfect body Xu Zuo Nenghu in terms of defense and power.

At almost the same time, Gong Qingzi showed off the perfect body Suzano, and the moment she enveloped her, the black light hit the huge Suzano.


The huge Suzuo shook violently, Gong Qingzi's face changed in an instant, and she expected that the opponent's attack would be very difficult.

But she did not expect that the other party's attack was so terrible!

When he looked down, Gong Qingzi discovered that the perfect body that he had displayed must be Sanohu, and a big hole had been broken in the abdomen.

This is obviously the effect caused by that black light.

Although it hasn't penetrated yet, but so deep, in such a situation, Gong Qingzi's perfect body must be able to be used, and I am afraid that it can endure three or five times at most.

No, I can’t go on like this!

Gong Qingzi's eyes flashed, and his heart was ruthless. The next moment, without waiting for the Destroyer Beast to do anything, he directly controlled the huge perfect body, Susanenhu, and began to bombard it.

With a huge Suzano, a powerful martial skill broke out.

Gong Qingzi has consumed all her own law power. At this moment, she has already held a destruction crystal nucleus in her hand to destroy the law power in the crystal nucleus to urge the perfect body of Suzuo Nenghu.

Although this was a bit wasteful, Gong Qingzi couldn't take care of so much in the face of being so powerful.

Boom boom boom boom!

For a while, Gong Qingzi relied on the amazing defensive power of his perfect body to fight against the destruction beast.

Both you come and I are going to make powerful and terrifying attacks, and no one can do anything for a while.

This made the destruction beast seem to be getting more and more angry.

It didn't expect that a human being would be able to play against it.



Since receiving that trace of origin from a realm-level ruler, this originally only three-star destruction beast has completely changed.

This situation is like an ordinary person, who has won the favor of God and gained a trace of supreme power.

So, it swelled, or burst.

The Dao-level destruction beast that originally destroyed the beast space, the original intention of separating this original power is to make a destruction beast stronger and possess special power.

Because according to Qin Shaofeng's killing of super-star destruction beasts, this made the Dao-level destruction beasts in the destruction beast space have already figured out that Qin Shaofeng was only a realm in the late law realm.

Although it is not very strong, it controls a special power, temporarily possessing the strength of a half-walking realm, and then can bombard and kill the super-star destruction beast.

Therefore, those Dao-level destruction beasts intend to separate this silk Dao-level origin and create a special super-star destruction beast.

Because such a super-star destruction beast can also temporarily possess the strength of a half-travel realm under the outbreak.

With such strength, combined with the remaining twenty-odd super-star destruction beasts, it would definitely be able to kill Qin Shaofeng.

But I am afraid that the Dao-level Destroy Beasts in the Destroy Beast space did not expect that it was only a three-star Destroy Beast that received their roots.

The Destroyer Beast was originally counteracted by its intelligence and intelligence, and basically obeyed its own instinct for brutality. Now the situation is different.

Because it doesn't have much intelligence, this caused this three-star destruction beast to fall into an expanded mental state after gaining strong strength.

In this state, it completely ignored the orders from the Dao-level rulers of their destruction beasts, and even swallowed all the super-star destruction beasts.

It will also kill Qin Shaofeng, and not only Qin Shaofeng, but in its heart it will destroy all the life forms on Qiyuan Star.

From this point of view, this destruction beast can be regarded as the real destruction beast.

Because it was unable to attack Gong Qingzi for a long time at this moment, it made it unusually angry, and the attacks erupted faster and faster, more frequent, and more powerful.

This made Gong Qingzi's expression extremely ugly, because after just such a short while, the destruction crystal core in her hand had actually consumed 90%.


After being attacked by this destroying beast again, Gong Qingzi's perfect body, Susanenhu, was blasted into a big hole again.

Although it was only a moment, the big hole was restored to its original state.

But this time, the destruction crystal nucleus in Gong Qingzi's hand chucked and turned into a pile of powder.

This destruction crystal nucleus has been completely exhausted.

In desperation, Gong Qingzi could only take out a destruction crystal core again.

But Gong Qingzi was also very clear in his heart that following this situation, it was simply not a solution.

However, at the next moment, it seemed that something had been sensed, and Gong Qingzi's eyes flashed with joy and looked into the distance.

I saw in the distance, more than a hundred figures were flying quickly, but it was the first class.

In such a battle, not to mention the 100 rulers who have transformed the pattern of the three hundred laws, even the Gongyi and others who have completely stepped into the law realm cannot get in.

But the only place with something special is that Gongyi waited ten people, but Gong Qingzi's family members.

Even in order to strengthen combat effectiveness, Gong Qingzi deliberately shared the power of writing round eyes with Gong Yi and the others.

The effect caused by this is that Gong Yi and others can increase Gong Qingzi's combat power under certain specific circumstances.

This is like this moment...


There is no need for Gong Qingzi to say anything more, as soon as he arrived here, the ten people waiting for Gongyi instantly understood the situation and how they should do it.

Therefore, the ten of them directly plunged in without hesitation, and the perfect body Suzuoneng summoned by Gong Qingzi burst out of their own power and merged with the huge Suzuoneng.


The purple-gold brilliance flashed, and Suzuo Nenghu at that stage suddenly lifted his breath.

Although Gong Qingzi had not cultivated the ultimate strength, at this moment, with the assistance of Gongyi and the ten people, she had merged with the ultimate strength.

Perhaps the ultimate power that Gong Qingzi possessed right now was barely condensed, and could not be compared with Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the sun.

But even so, it was enough to make a certain change in this huge Suzuo.

The huge purple-golden Suzuo Nenghu, which was originally full-body, completely solidified this time, as if it were a stage of purple-golden giant armor.

The difference is that this set of huge armor, with graceful curves, is a beautiful female armor.

And most importantly, its aura at this moment is almost the same as the white colored glass armor that Qin Shaofeng condensedly summoned.

They are all perfect bodies!

At this moment, the Suzuonoh that Gong Qingzi showed, has been completely elevated to the state of extremely perfect Suzuoneng.

They are all condensed with the ultimate strength, the extremely perfect body must be Zuo Nenghu, that naturally has the same ability.

The increase is the same!

That is to say, Gong Qingzi also temporarily possesses the combat power of the half-travel realm at this moment!

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