Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1845: Enhancing "The Gods and Demons"

A trace of Dao-level origin can create a half-path-level destruction beast.

Although this was also because of the half-walking destruction beast, it had absorbed many destruction beasts of the same kind, and even many super-star destruction beasts.

But this is amazing enough!

Qin Shaofeng already had a spectrum in his heart as to where the origin of this soundtrack came from.

Most of it is the destruction beast space of the sealed land, which state-level destruction beast's handwriting.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt the aura of a powerful destroying beast from the origin of this Silk Dao realm.

No need to say where it came from!

However, after understanding this, Qin Shaofeng was not worried that the Dao Realm Destroyer Beast that destroyed the Beast Space would continue to cast such Dao Realm Origin.

Dao realm origin exists for a Dao realm level, but it is extremely important, even if it is a trace, it takes a lot of time to recover from cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng felt that even a Dao-level destruction beast would not want to waste his Dao-level origin.

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng doesn't think the other party is stupid.

Now the destruction beasts on Qiyuan Star have almost been wiped out, only a small number of destruction beasts occasionally appear in the Sealed Land.

Under such circumstances, a trace of Dao Realm's origin can never create a half-walking Destroyer Beast.

Of course, if the Dao realm's origin is more, it is okay.

However, judging from the status of the Silk Dao Realm in his hands, Qin Shaofeng knew that the transmission of this Silk Dao Realm from the Destroyer Beast space was already the limit of that Dao Realm Destroyer Beast.

A realm-level existence is immortal, even if there is only the last trace of strength left, a realm-level powerhouse can regenerate!

And a Dao-level existence, each of their Dao-level origins contains their soul aura, once the body disappears, they can be reborn with a Dao-level origin.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't feel any soul aura from the silk Dao realm origin in his hand, as if it was a trace of the masterless Dao realm origin.

This is a very pure source of Taoism!

Just relying on this, Qin Shaofeng already had a general guess in his mind.

Obviously, in the process of transmission, breaking through that space barrier is already very reluctant to destroy the realm of beasts.

The origin of the Taoist realm transmitted is directly obliterated by all auras.

If not, this Silk Dao Realm can completely transform into a Dao Realm-level destruction beast clone.

If that happens, even if it's just a clone of the super-star realm, it would be an invincible existence for Qin Shaofeng.

That is the disaster of Qi Yuanxing!

If that were the case, Qin Shaofeng would not appear in a time-accelerated secret realm now, so he would play with the origin of this Silk Dao realm.

However, even if he had such a guess in his mind, Qin Shaofeng was still not completely relieved. After obtaining the origin of this Silk Dao realm, he still studied for a long time.

Then, after a lot of experiments and verifications, it was confirmed that the origin of this Silk Road realm was not present in any living spirit.

It was not until this time that Qin Shaofeng planned how to take the origin of this Silk Dao state as his own.

Qin Shaofeng naturally had an idea about the origin of this Silk Road Realm.

However, what he now considers is whether to leave the origin of the Silk Road Realm to his own body, or his own indestructible incarnation of the sun?

After pondering for a long time, Qin Shaofeng finally flashed a trace of firmness in his eyes, and he had an answer in his heart.

"The origin of the Silk Road Realm is still used in this Indestructible Incarnation of the Sun! In this way, this Indestructible Incarnation can be raised to a stronger realm."

Qin Shaofeng's idea was simple, to strengthen this eternal incarnation of the sun.

There are three reasons!

The first one is that if he returns to Earth now, he will still come back if something happens to Qiyuan Star.

Maybe Gong Qingzi can be promoted to the half-walk state later, and there is no need for him to come forward for a lot of trouble.

But it is precisely because of this situation that if there really is trouble that disturbs him and causes him to return to Qi Yuanxing again, it means that Gong Qingzi is already in the half-travel realm, and that trouble cannot be solved.

Under such circumstances, if his immortal incarnation of the sun was still a first-time cultivation base in the half-walking realm, it would basically be of little use.

Therefore, it is a reasonable price comparison to use this silk Dao realm origin to enhance the realm of this indestructible incarnation of the sun.

Just in case!

As for the second reason, it is even more powerful.

Anyway, in the end, when Qin Shaofeng's body is promoted to the realm, whether it is the indestructible incarnation of the sun, or the indestructible incarnation of the Seventeenth National Congress that has been invested in other realms, they will merge with him and create the strongest him!

In this way, there is no difference between refining this silk Dao realm origin with this indestructible incarnation of the sun, or letting him refine this silk Dao realm origin on his own body.

As for the last reason, that is Qin Shaofeng's real goal.

That's why he wanted to use this to make some transformations on "The Book of Gods and Devils", even though the previous "Book of Gods and Devils" had been instructed by his father Qin Feiyang and other Dao realm-level powerhouses in advance, the transformation had been very perfect.

But Qin Feiyang had never been to the Earth Dao Realm after all, and did not fully understand the current situation in the Earth Dao Realm.

The most important thing is that this "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is a special and powerful technique created by Qin Shaofeng based on his own circumstances.

Other people's instructions are just other people's experiences, not suitable for him.

And in the final analysis, although his father Qin Feiyang is a realm-level powerhouse, he is not a very strong realm-level powerhouse, and Qin Shaofeng is restricted by blindly observing commands.

Qin Feiyang actually knew this too, so when he gave Qin Shaofeng instructions, he didn't go into great detail. It just matched Qin Shaofeng's situation and expressed his thoughts and thoughts for Qin Shaofeng's reference.

Therefore, although Qin Shaofeng's "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" is powerful, it is not really perfect.

At the very least, on Earth, when Qin Shaofeng cultivated "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" with his flesh body, he couldn't bring his flesh body up quickly.

Of course, this is only for Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng is now in the realm of the physical body of the earth, not to mention on the earth, even on the side of the ancient sanctuary, the speed of that realm is relatively astonishing.

The so-called slow increase in speed and slow progress in cultivation are only in Qin Shaofeng's opinion.

Therefore, this time Qin Shaofeng intends to refine the origin of the Silk Road Realm, allowing himself to realize the realm of Dao Realm in advance.

In this way, he would definitely be able to perfect the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" even more.

Qin Shaofeng got the inheritance of that nine-spirit real person back then, and also obtained many cultivation techniques from the ancient cultivation world on earth. Qin Shaofeng also obtained some body cultivation techniques from the evil blood Taoist.

That is the skill of cultivating on the earth!

Now Qin Shaofeng intends to add this earth-based training element to his "The Book of Gods and Demons" to make his "The Book of Gods and Demons" more perfect.

Speaking seriously, this is just Qin Shaofeng's use of that trace of the origin of the Taoist realm to understand, and then strengthen his "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

This is only now Qin Shaofeng can do, because on the earth, he is only a part of the soul of the main consciousness, and he can't afford to strengthen and perfect the "Treasure of Gods and Demons".

But now it is different!

Now Qin Shaofeng is not only in the state of the Indestructible Incarnation of the Sun, with a cultivation base of a half-path realm, but also the hundreds of millions of years of self-cultivation experience before the Indestructible Incarnation of the Sun has also allowed Qin Shaofeng to gain very rich experience.

The most important thing is that he now has a powerful weapon in his hands-a trace of Dao realm origin!

Qin Shaofeng can be sure that when refining the origin of the Silk Road realm, he will definitely fall into a special state of perception.

This is a rare state, something that many people under the realm dream of.

And in this state, if you strengthen the "Treasure of Gods and Demons", it will be even more effective.

Even this strengthening of "The Book of Gods and Demons" can be said not only that there is no wrong direction, but it can also transform "The Book of Gods and Demons" into a perfect state.

This is what Qin Shaofeng really wants!

Combining these three reasons, Qin Shaofeng naturally did not intend to keep the origin of this Silk Road Realm and let his own ontology use it.

After making some preparations, Qin Shaofeng began to refine the origin of this Silk Road Realm.

And this refining process is simpler than Qin Shaofeng imagined.

Because there wasn't a trace of destruction beasts, or even the presence of other auras, Qin Shaofeng didn't encounter the slightest obstacle to refining the origin of the Dao Realm.

Very smoothly, refining began.


As soon as he entered the state of refining, Qin Shaofeng's whole body was violently shaken, and he instantly entered a strange state.

In this state, Qin Shaofeng felt the existence of Qi Yuanxing, and also felt the laws of Qi Yuanxing's Great Dao, and sensed the defects of the rules of Qi Yuanxing's Great Dao.

And Qin Shaofeng also more clearly sensed the destruction beast space in the sealed land.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also suddenly discovered that there was more than one Dao realm-level aura in the destruction beast space.

But before Qin Shaofeng could feel it carefully, a certain existence in the Destroying Beast Space seemed to perceive his exploration, and a low roar instantly dispelled Qin Shaofeng's induction.

Although he did not sense the situation in that space, Qin Shaofeng did not withdraw from this state because of that powerful existence.

In this state, Qin Shaofeng quickly felt the state of Qiyuan Star Realm being merged with Earth Realm in this space.

It is as if two bubbles have been glued together, and they are gradually developing towards one bubble.

And according to this situation, Qin Shaofeng discovered an amazing thing.

That's because the state of fusion of the bubbles, it seems that under the blessing of a certain force, the speed has accelerated a lot.

Qin Shaofeng thought that there would be a hundred years, but now it seems that it may only be fifty or sixty years, or even less time.

Time is running out!

Qin Shaofeng's heart sank, but he didn't panic either, he immediately condensed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and with the help of this state, he began to strengthen his "Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Time is less, then he can only speed up his own speed.

And this time he has temporarily returned to the ancient sanctuary, and Qin Shaofeng has gained a lot.

Not only was Feiyu Knife completely repaired, even the soul ring of the Great Dao had inhaled enough destruction crystal nuclei during this period, and now it was not far from complete recovery.

Now he has begun to strengthen the "God and Demons", so when he returns to the earth again, his cultivation speed will definitely increase a lot.

As a result, things are not considered bad!

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